I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 364 Captain Marvel sleepwalks in ‘Wonderland’

In the space station "Moonwatcher 3" affiliated to the Federal Space Agency, several astronauts were lying on the windows, looking at Azu and Carol who were fighting in the distance.

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"You ask me who I'm asking, and I'm just as confused as you are."

"Can someone tell me how they could do something like this in outer space?"

"Is it an outer space equipment developed by China or Russia?"

At this moment, these astronauts exclaimed.

"Are they coming this way?"

"Do you need to say more? They are just coming here."

"Contact the ground base immediately."

"It's too late, hurry up and use the escape hatch."

"It's too late to use the escape pod! God, please take care of your believers."

"Our Father in heaven, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

In outer space.

Carol glanced back.

She could see several bewildered astronauts behind the station's windows.

If you don't stop.

She and Azu will crash into the space station.

Such a collision was not even an itch for the two of them, but it was a fatal disaster for the people in the space station.

Carol snorted, and flames rose from her body. Just before hitting the space station, she offset Azu's kinetic energy, and the two stopped against the window of the space station.

Then Carol ignored the physical contact with Azu, pressed forward tightly against Azu's body, and pushed Azu away from the space station.

In the space station, behind the windows, several astronauts breathed a sigh of relief.

They floated leisurely back, and one of them even cried.

"Thank God we didn't die."

"Praise be to You, our Father in heaven."

"Quick, contact the ground center."

Just as the astronauts were busy, Azu and Carol stopped.

If someone didn't know the inside story, they would think the two were close lovers.

After all, they are hugging each other tightly now.

There was no gap between the two of them, they were almost touching each other.

But in fact, they were engaged in an invisible wrestling, using their bodies and every part of their bodies to squeeze each other, as if they were trying to squeeze into each other's body.

After a while, Carol realized that she was going to suffer too much if she continued like this.

It's not that he is inferior to Azu in terms of strength, but if he continues like this, he will be taken advantage of too much by the man in front of him.

She shouted loudly, clenched her fist and smashed it at Azu, spraying a stream of neutron light from the edge of her fist, and the huge kinetic energy knocked Azu away.

Carol was relieved.

Then he raised his arms, shrank back, and punched out with both fists.

The two photon streams merged into one, turning into a galaxy and rushing toward Azu.

Azu stopped at this time.


He took out the 'Fang of Destruction' from the 'inventory' and threw it forward with all his strength.

The silver battle ax exploded with red-gold lightning, spinning like a hot wheel, tearing apart Captain Marvel's neutron stream along the way.

It was like the scene where Captain Marvel tore open the 'heat ray' just now.

The 'Fang of Destruction' moved forward, splitting the neutron streamer, and was about to hit Captain Marvel. Carol quickly stepped aside to let it pass.

The silver battle ax whirled past her eyes, and she could even see her own face reflected on the smooth ax surface like a mirror.

Then one hand held the ‘Fang of Destruction’.


He used 'teleportation' to appear next to Carol, caught the 'Fang of Destruction' and swiped it across.

Azu whipped Captain Marvel away like a baseball, then flew over with the 'Destruction Fang' and came to the top of Carol's head.

"Generally, I prefer being up there."

As he spoke, Azu changed his single grip to dual grip, and dark red flames suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. There was a crackling sound all over his body, his body expanded in a circle, and his muscle lines became extremely clear.

A powerful aura of power was released from Azu.

Divine power output 200%!

The ‘Fang of Destruction’ turned into a storm and crashed down!

Captain Marvel just had time to raise his hands to block.

The person was chopped down by Azu's axe, and crashed straight into the atmosphere. A ball of flame was generated due to friction.

Azu chased after him.

Put away the ‘Tooth of Destruction’.

Huge power to the next level.

Dark red flames erupted like a volcano.

Every line on the ‘Hercules Bracers’ lit up.

Divine power output 400%!

Strength increases tenfold!




Carol only heard one huge thunderous roar above his head.

Suddenly that hateful face appeared in front of him.

Azu pressed his hands on Carol's body.

Carol suddenly looked murderous.

But she couldn't resist, huge power was transmitted from Azu, like a planet pressing on her.

In mid-air with nothing to draw on.

There was no way she could resist Azu's power.

Then the two of them turned into a black shadow and fell to the ground.

The earth groaned and shook, and the high-frequency vibrations were like a terrifying earthquake. When the shock waves spread, they passed through several mountain peaks.

These mountain peaks shook violently at first, and then fell apart with a roar like building blocks kicked away by a naughty child.

A huge explosion crater appeared on the ground, and there was an astonishing gap between the ground and the bottom of the crater.

Carol's whole body sank into the ground. As Azu released his hands, his body rebounded and recovered.

After releasing his hands from holding Carol down, Azu left her with a meaningful smile: "It feels good."

Then it soared into the sky, dragged out an arc, and flew away quickly.

"Asshole, don't run, stop!" Carol shouted and flew out of the explosion crater, locked Azu's direction, and chased after him at full speed.

She has never suffered such a big loss since she escaped from the control of the Kree Empire.

Now she has forgotten about Doctor Strange's mission and just wants to catch Azu and beat him up.

Azu didn't need to look back to know that Carol was approaching at high speed. He knew that in terms of pure speed, he was far inferior to Captain Marvel, who was capable of interstellar travel.

So the 'psychic field' unfolded, anchoring the lights of the soul, and then used them as coordinates to teleport using 'psychic transmission'.

So Captain Marvel suddenly bumped past where Azu was just now.

She stopped, searched around, and then saw Azu flying close to the ground in the distance.

Carol snorted.

Chased him.

that's all.

Azu used 'teleportation' from time to time to widen the distance and change directions, allowing Carol to miss time and time again.

During this chase, a small town appeared in Azu's sight.

Lure Captain Marvel into that town is Azu's ultimate goal.

The previous methods were all about provoking and irritating Carol so that the other party could catch up with him.

Seeing that the town was approaching, a little red light appeared in the depths of Azu's eyes.

He used the ability to 'distort reality' to create an illusory image so that in Carol's eyes, he was heading straight towards the town.

At the same time, Azu transformed himself into the information flow life state, jumped into a nearby network, and quickly left this place.

Carol didn't know about Azu's methods. Just as Azu hoped, when she saw the hateful man flying into the town, she flew over without hesitation.

But the moment she entered the town, a sudden change occurred!




Holy of Holies, Crypt Hall.

"A 5."

"A Q."

In the magic prison, the original Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man were playing cards. The cards were given by Doctor Strange to kill time.

After the game, The Amazing Spider-Man grabbed his fluffy hair and said to Doctor Strange outside: "Mr. Stephen, what time is it now?"

"I feel a little hungry, maybe because I haven't eaten anything since last night."

Stephen Strange, who was meditating, glanced helplessly at the two Spider-Man in the magic prison, then stood up: "Wait for me."

He used the hanging ring, opened the portal and walked in.

There was an exclamation from the other side of the portal: "Wow, it's you, Mr. Magician, you want to come up with something."

"Give me a pizza."

Hearing the voice from the portal, The Amazing Spider-Man shouted: "Mr. Stephen."

Doctor Strange poked his head out of the portal: "What are you doing?"

The Amazing Spider-Man made a please gesture: "I want to eat cheese and bacon pizza. If not, smoked chicken drumstick pizza is not a problem."

Stephen looked helpless: "I know."

After a while, he came back from the portal with two pizzas and drinks.

In the portal, a pizza shop clerk wanted to peek in, but Doctor Strange pushed his head back and closed the portal.

Pizza and drinks were then transported to the magic prison: "One cheese bacon, one smoked chicken drumstick, and two drinks included."

Stephen made a gesture: "Please do as you please."

"That's so much appreciated."

The Amazing Spider-Man couldn't wait to open the box, tear off a corner of the cheese and bacon pizza, put it to his mouth and took a bite, sighing with satisfaction.

"The cheese bacon is really on point, and its taste is similar to what we have here."

"Won't you have some?"

The first-generation Spider-Man was still very reserved, but his stomach growled unsatisfactorily, so he opened another box and picked up a corner of smoked chicken thigh pizza.

"I'll try this."

The Amazing Spider-Man took another sip of his drink, and then asked: "Mr. Stephen, when will you send us back."

"Honestly, this is too boring."

Doctor Strange looked helpless: "I also wanted to send you back as soon as possible, but Ms. Carroll only sent you back."

"As far as I know, there are at least one big lizard, a guy with mechanical tentacles on his back, a man whose whole body is made of sand, a black man whose whole body can generate electricity, and a guy with some abnormal brains among the visitors from other universes. guy."

The first-generation Spider-Man put down the pizza and said: "Maybe you can let us out, and we will help bring them back."

The Amazing Spider-Man also smiled and said: "This is a good idea, you can consider it."

Doctor Strange looked at them and shook his head: "I don't want to take any chances, gentlemen."


He frowned.

Then he held the spell with both hands and spread out magic circles in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

The Amazing Spider-Man asked casually as he ate a piece of bacon pizza.

"Something's wrong."

Stephen looked at the magic circle in surprise: "Ms. Carroll is missing."

In the magic prison, the two Spider-Man were stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean missing?"

"She won't be killed, right?"

The original and The Amazing Spider-Man were both voiced.

Stephen raised his head and said, "Gone means missing."

"I've enchanted her with a magic that brings visitors like you back."

"Because I cast the magic, I can sense her."

"But just now."

"I can't sense anything."

"It's like she left Earth, or entered another dimension, like my mirror space."

The Amazing Spider-Man ate the pizza in two bites and said: "If that's the case, you should let us go out to help."

"Mr. Stephen, we really want to help." The first-generation Spider-Man said sincerely, "Of course, I don't deny that I also want to help Peter Parker in this universe."

"But I can promise that I will try my best to bring Otto and the others back."

The Amazing Spider-Man jumped up and said with a smile: "Professor Connor and Max are my responsibility."

Look at them.

Stephen sighed.

"All right."

"I hope you will not betray my trust."

He walked to the switch and opened the barrier of the magic prison.

The original and the Amazing Spider-Man came out, and the latter cheered, then put his hands on his hips and said, "So, where should we go to find Connor and the others."

"As far as I know, Connor should be hiding in the sewers."

"Or we should split up."

Stephen turned around and said, "Maybe not."

"This morning, Peter Parker used the Daily Bugle to issue a challenge to other diverse visitors."

"He will be at the Statue of Liberty today after the sun sets over the horizon."

"By then, those diverse visitors should all appear, unless they want to be sent back to their original universe by Peter Parker."

The first generation was surprised and said, "Can Peter do this?"

Stephen nodded: "He can."

"He claimed that he had a 'Horcrux' in his hand, which blocked a failed spell, but he could use the 'Horcrux' to reverse the spell and use it to bring you visitors back."

The first-generation Spider-Man spread his hands: "But we are still here."

"Why didn't Peter do this?"

The Amazing Spider-Man's face darkened and he said, "He wants revenge."

"He was basically trying to draw Osborne out."

Stephen said: "Maybe there is another possibility."

"He doesn't have a 'Horcrux' in his hand at all."

The first-generation Spider-Man frowned: "If that's the case, then he is playing with fire."

"So, we should take action, right?" The Amazing Spider-Man stepped forward, "Let's go, let's go to the Statue of Liberty to wait for him."

The original Spider-Man nodded.

Doctor Strange opened the portal and said, "I'll send you there."

The Amazing Spider-Man glanced at him: "Why don't you come along, Mr. Magician?"

Stephen said: "I have to make some preparations, you can go over first."

So the two Spider-Man crossed the portal, but when Stephen was about to send it to the portal, a spider thread shot out from there, stuck to the lunch box containing cheese and bacon pizza, and pulled it through.

Stephen rolled his eyes and was about to close the portal.

Another spider thread shot out from the other side of the portal, this time bringing smoked chicken thigh pizza, and at the same time, the voice of The Amazing Spider-Man came from outside the door: "Sorry~"




"Miss Caroli, don't forget Gross's tea party this afternoon."


After Carol answered, she was suddenly startled.

Why should I answer.

Who is Caroli?

Wait, Carole is me.

Why am I Caroli.

I'm Carol, and I chase that nasty guy into a small town.

But I am also Caroli. I live at No. 36 Wutong Street, Westview Town.

I was a movie star who took a break from acting because I was tired of wearing a false mask and came to this town under the name Caroli.


"This isn't right."

Carol patted her head: "Is this memory false? Just like what the Kree did to me, was I brainwashed?"

She looked around and suddenly noticed something.

As far as she could see, everything was black, white, and gray.

She seemed to have stepped into a TV series in the 1980s. At that time, TV series did not have color, only three monotonous colors: black, white, and gray.

"This is where?"

"Another dimension?"

"Is this Earth?"

"how so?"

Although Carol was not panicked like this, she was still cautious and alert.

And she found out.

When she came in, she was wearing a red and blue suit with a six-pointed star, but now, she was wearing clothes from the 1980s.

"What the hell."

Carol pinched her eyebrows and started thinking.

"How is this going?"

"I have actually been in this world for a long time, but I didn't regain myself until just now?"

"So what happened before that?"

"Someone implanted false memories in me and helped me change my clothes?"

"How long have I been here?"

"An hour, a day, a year?"

She raised her head, and then wanted to fly into the sky, but even though she had raised her hands to make a flying gesture, nothing happened, she just jumped in place.

Across the street, a little girl in a skirt looked at Carol blankly, then asked, "What are you doing?"

“Are these residents real?”

"Like me, did they also enter this town by mistake?"

"Or do they live in this town?"

Out of caution, Carol decided not to reveal that she had regained her memory.

"I'm just exercising."

"Jumping can make us healthier."

She smiled slightly awkwardly, jumped on the spot a few times, and then left.

She walked towards her 'home'.

"We'll talk about it when we go home first."

Carol thought so, because she found that she had lost all her abilities.

She became an ordinary woman, instead of Captain Marvel, who traveled across the galaxy and was busy saving ordinary people.

It didn't take long.

Carol returned to her home, the house at 36 Sycamore Street.

"Good morning, Miss Caroli. Are you back from your morning run?"

An old lady holding a small dog passed by and said hello in a friendly manner.

"Good morning, Mrs. Madeleine." Carol said casually, and then realized that she actually knew the other person's name.

I also know that this lady is the best at making mashed potatoes.

"What the hell."

"Who arranged all this."

"What's the purpose?"

"A big reality show?"

Carol took out the key, opened the door and entered the house, then quickly opened the curtains to cover the windows.

She took two steps back and thought.

"Could it be that that guy did it on purpose?"

Carol thought of Azu.

"Yes, that must be the case."

"Otherwise, he has gotten rid of me and will not show up again."

"His purpose was to lure me to this weird town, to Westview."

"He arranged this?"

"If this is the case, his purpose should be to prevent me from capturing him and other visitors from the multiverse back to the Holy of Holies."

"But how did he take away my power?"

"Or, he doesn't have this ability."

"Is it actually this town that took away my power?"

Carol snapped her fingers: "This will make it easier."

"If the problem is the town itself, then as long as I leave this town, I can go back to normal!"

She is an activist and has been like this since she was a child.

Now that she had made her decision, Carol immediately took action.

She went to the garage and drove an 1980s-style car onto the street.

Then he drove out of the town according to the memory implanted in his mind.

As Carol drove, she observed the town's residents.

Just as she was driving to the exit of the town, she was on another adjacent street.

A woman walked to her flower bed. She showed a surprised expression and picked up a remote-controlled helicopter from the flower bed.

The helicopter is red.

It actually has color!

What an incredible thing in this black and white world.

However, the woman did not panic, but wanted to hide. Suddenly someone spoke behind her.

"Good morning, big star."

The beautiful woman with big waves quickly turned around and saw a middle-aged woman wearing a short coat and a plaid robe greeting her.

"Good morning, what did you just say?"

"I know you are going to perform a magic show."

The lady in the plaid skirt lifted up a cage with a white rabbit in it.

"So I sent my pet rabbit over."

"Today, you two are certainly big stars in our community."

"I'm looking forward to your magic show."

The lady with wavy hair smiled and accepted the rabbit. Suddenly she looked towards the exit of the town, and then smiled and said: "I'm really sorry. I should have bought you a cup of coffee. After all, you gave us such a cute little assistant. .”

"But I have something to do and need to go out temporarily."

The lady in the plaid skirt smiled and said: "What does it matter, dear, you can drink coffee anytime, then I will go home first."

at the same time.

Carol had driven to the edge of the town, and she saw a car parked at an intersection ahead.

When she came to the car, she saw a man inside looked over and said, "Hello, how can I get to Westview Town?"

Carol pointed back: "Just go forward along this road."


"have a nice day."

The man in the car said politely.

But he didn't move.

After a while.

he said again.

"Hello, how can I get to Westview Town?"

Two seconds passed.

The man said again.


"have a nice day."

Carol suddenly felt horrified.

She ignored the man and drove away.

"It's so weird."

"This place is so weird!" Carol shook her head and said, "I have to get out of here, right now!"

After a while.

She saw the exit of the town, where there was a sign saying 'Westview Town welcomes you'.

Carol stepped on the accelerator and rushed toward the exit, only to pull away as the car hit an invisible wall.

There was a bang.

The car stopped.

When Carol was dizzy, a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

The man stood on the front hood of the car, then bent down and looked into the cab.

After Carol's vision regained focus, she looked at the other party.

Standing outside the windshield was someone she knew.

Scarlet Witch, Wanda!

Then she and Wanda spoke up at the same time.

"Why are you here?" (End of Chapter)

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