I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 365 The Three Spiders Gather Again (Give your children a subscription)

Seeing Wanda, Carol was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "It's great, I finally have someone I know."

In addition to knowing Wanda, Carol also discovered that Wanda seemed to have not lost her abilities.

When she flew down just now, her hands were glowing with dark red light, which was magic light.

Stephen said that Wanda uses chaos magic and she is a witch.

Carol couldn't tell the difference between a wizard and a witch, but she couldn't help but feel relieved to see that Wanda could still use magic in this weird town.

In this way, no matter what situation they encounter, they will not be at a loss.

During the decisive battle with Thanos before.

She heard that Wanda almost defeated Thanos alone.

If Thanos hadn't ordered the starships to bomb with all their strength, maybe the following things wouldn't have happened.

So Carol still has confidence in Wanda's strength.

She got out of the car and said to Wanda, "Did you accidentally enter this town too?"

Carol walked forward, stretched out her hand, and sure enough she touched something like an air wall.

Carroll stepped back two steps.

"This town is very weird. I don't know if you've noticed it. The people in this town are like wind-up toys. They only follow the set procedures."

"I just met a man on the way here. He could only repeat a few words."

"And in this town, my powers are gone."

"But fortunately, you still have magic."

"You magicians are truly amazing."

"Can you get me out of here?"

"I have important work to do now."

Wanda shook her head and said, "You shouldn't come here."

"Why are you disturbing me."

"I've tried to stay as far away from you as possible."

Carol was stunned for a moment, she couldn't understand what Wanda meant: "I didn't want to disturb you, no, I don't even know where you are."

"Besides, what do you mean by staying as far away as possible?"

Wanda looked at Carol, a little red light lit up in her eyes.

"I don't have time to explain to you."

"Vision is still waiting for me. We have a community event to attend later."

Carol was startled again.

She knew about Vision.

Although I haven't met him in person.

But I heard Stephen and the others mention that Vision is a super robot that originally carried the stone of the soul.

Wanda and Vision gradually came together and fell in love because of their similar interests.

Carol can't understand why Wanda would like a robot.

Nor can I understand how a robot can give Wanda love.

But these are not the point.

The point is.

Thanos arrives, takes away the stone of the mind, and destroys Vision at the same time.

Therefore, Vision should be dead.

Could it be that Wanda had mental problems because she missed her lover too much?

No, it's possible.

She was influenced by the town.

The town implanted false memories into her, making her think Vision was still alive.

Combining his own experiences, Carroll came up with the guess that was closest to the answer.

"Wanda, you should leave with me."

"There's something wrong with this town. When I arrived, I was implanted with false memories."

"I became a woman named Caroli. The manipulator behind the scenes also gave me a background as a resting actress."

"You must be like that too."

"Although it's cruel to say this to you, Wanda, Vision is no longer here."

"Remember Thanos?"

"He took away the Mind Stone and the Vision was destroyed by him."

Wanda suddenly screamed.

"say no more!"

She stepped back and said, "No, Vision is not dead."

"He's still alive."

"At least here, he's still alive!"

"As long as I'm here, he can live forever!"

"We can live happily here forever."

"As long as you don't disturb us, we can live happily!"

Carol looked at Wanda in disbelief.


"What did you say."

"Vision is still alive?"

"As long as you are here, he can live?"

"Could it be that all the weird things in this town are because of you?"

Wanda raised her head and said, "It seems that you don't like the setting of the actress who has stopped filming."

"You're still working as a galactic vigilante or something, right?"

"It seems that you still prefer the profession of policeman in your heart."

"Then this time, you will appear as the police officer Caroli from Westview Town. What do you think?"

Carol stepped back.

"Stop it, Wanda, you're so sad that you don't know what you're doing."

"The past cannot be changed."

"Those who die can't come back."

"If you do this, it will only lead to a greater tragedy."

Wanda smiled sadly: "So what."

"This is the only dream I have left."

"So, let me continue to immerse myself in this dream."

"Don't disturb me again until I wake up."

"Miss Caroli."

She reached out and touched it in the air.

A dark red light flashed in Carol's eyes.

Carol's consciousness immediately blurred.


She lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it has been in a blank state.

The sound of the doorbell suddenly woke her up.

"Officer Caroli, are you home?"

Carol came to her senses and walked towards the door. She passed a mirror in which she was wearing a police uniform.

She opened the door and there was a young policeman outside.

"Officer, it's time for us to go."

"The community events are about to begin."

Carol smiled: "I know, let's go."

They drove the police car to the community park, where a stage and a large number of seats had been set up on the lawn.

In addition, ice cream trucks and pizza trucks have been parked nearby.

Carol took out a pair of black sunglasses and put them on her face, came to the park, and walked around casually.

Then I saw a beautiful lady with big wavy hair wearing a magician's assistant costume, moving some props to the back of the stage with a man.

After they put down the props, the woman looked over, smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Officer Caroli."

"This is what we should do, Ms. Wanda."

Carol smiled and said, "You look so beautiful today."

The lady showed a charming smile, smiling like a girl immersed in her own dream: "Thank you."




It's getting late.

The sun hangs lazily in the western sky like an egg yolk, looking like it will fall below the horizon at any moment.

On the Statue of Liberty, the original and the Amazing Spider-Man are sitting on the edge of the Statue of Liberty's torch.

"Did you say he would come?"

"I'm really worried about him. After all, he's just a big kid." The Amazing Spider-Man glanced at the pizza box next to him. "By the way, I really like their cheese and bacon pizza."

The original Spider-Man nodded in agreement and said, "The smoked chicken thigh pizza is also very good."

He paused and then said: "I think he should come. It's not like he's being mysterious, but he wants to use this opportunity to get rid of all the trouble he's caused."

"I said he meant it."

The Amazing Spider-Man shook his head and said: "So, it is true that he wants to take revenge on Osborn."

"Is that Osborne your opponent?"

"What kind of person is he?"

The first-generation Spider-Man sighed and said: "Before I knew he was the Green Goblin, I respected him very much."

"He's the father of a friend of mine."

"A best friend."

"Unfortunately, I had to kill him."

The Amazing Spider-Man patted his shoulder: "In my universe, there is also an Osborn."

"But he didn't turn into some Green Goblin, he died because of a genetic disease."

"But he has a son, Harry, who is my best friend."

The first-generation Spider-Man was stunned for a moment: "Harry?"

"Your friend's name is Harry too?"

The Amazing Spider-Man raised his hands: "No way."

He then laughed: "However, since our universe has Osborn, it doesn't seem too difficult to understand that we all have a friend named Harry."

"The multiverse is amazing."

"By the way, do you have a suit?"

"Or, in your universe, Spider-Man is a superhero wearing a trench coat?"

The first-generation Spider-Man lifted up his T-shirt to reveal the spider suit underneath: "I always wear it, it's more convenient."

The Amazing Spider-Man smiled and nodded: "Me too."

Suddenly both of them seemed to sense something.

They jumped up at the same time.

The Amazing Spider-Man said, "It's time for you to put on your suit."

The original Spider-Man took off his coat and pants, revealing the Spider-Man suit he was wearing underneath.

Then I saw a figure swaying constantly between the buildings in the sunset in the distance.

A moment later, a figure landed on the waist of the Statue of Liberty.

It is the Spider-Man of this universe, Peter Parker.

He was wearing a black uniform, which seemed to represent his state of mind, or some kind of determination.

Looking at the deep black, the original Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man exchanged glances with each other.

"That doesn't look good," said The Amazing Spider-Man.

The first generation took his hood and said, "Let's go down and talk."

at the same time.

Peter Parker, who appeared on the Statue of Liberty, suddenly felt something. He looked up suddenly and saw the first generation and the extraordinary Spider-Man climbing down.

"What are you doing?"

That night on the rooftop of Midtown Science and Technology High School, it was Azu who met the two Spider-Man.

Peter Parker did not see them.

So I felt strange and surprised.

He didn't expect that the magic would not only attract Spider-Man's enemies from other universes, but even summon Spider-Man from other universes.

"Are you okay, Peter?"

The Amazing Spider-Man asked with a kind smile.

"I'm glad you're okay," the original Spider-Man also said.

Peter Parker took off his hood and frowned slightly. He found it strange that the two Spider-Man's voices seemed to know him.

But this was the first time he saw them.

Peter Parker said warily: "What do you want to do?"

"You also want to get the 'Horcrux', but don't you want to go back to the original universe?"

The Amazing Spider-Man quickly said: "No, no, no, we are here to help you."

"Do you remember what happened last night?"

"After Ms. Carol appeared, you left first, and then she used her magic beam to send us into the Holy of Holies."

Peter Parker shook his head: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I just want to know your purpose."

The first-generation Spider-Man said patiently: "As we just said, we are here to help."

"Ms. Carroll seemed to be missing, so we reached an agreement with Mr. Stephen."

"We'll help you deal with Osborne's men, and he'll let us out."

Peter Parker didn't quite believe it: "You want to help me deal with Osborn?"

The Amazing Spider-Man smiled and said: "You can't deal with so many people on your own, don't you think so?"

The original Spider-Man nodded: "You need us, Peter."

"We will help you catch Osborne and the others, and we promise that we will get out of here."

"Osborne, Otto, Marco."

The Amazing Spider-Man continued: "And Max and Connor."

"And me and him."

"We will all return to our original universe."

"But there's a condition."

The two Spider-Men looked at each other.

Then the original Spider-Man said solemnly: "I hope you can let Osborn go."

"Of course I'm not pleading for him."

"The things he did are irreversible."

"But, Peter."

"Killing him doesn't bring your loved one back."

"We've all tried this, experienced it, and know the answer."

"So we don't want you to be like us."

"We don't want you to be swallowed up by the darkness."

Peter Parker shook his head firmly: "I have been swallowed by darkness."

"Thank you very much for your kindness."

"I can agree to all other conditions."

"Only this."


At this moment, the three Spider-Man seemed to feel something.

Then the first-generation Spider-Man said: "If anything happens, let's talk about it after the fight."

"Even if it's three versus five, I don't think there's any chance of winning."

at this time.

The sun was already setting behind the horizon.

The buildings in the distance began to light up, but as soon as they came on, the lights began to flicker.

Then the lights there went out in pieces.

"Max is here."

The Amazing Spider-Man puts on his hood: "He's my responsibility."

"You may not believe it, but Max used to be a warm man."

"Until he fell into an electric eel battery."

The first-generation Spider-Man also put on a hood: "It sounds a little bad."

Peter Parker thought for a moment, opened his backpack, took out something from it and said.

"I spent a day building these things, hoping to restrain those guys."

Seeing him take out several devices and potions from his backpack, both the original Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man were moved.

"Did you make this yourself?"

"It only took a day."

"You are truly a genius."

Peter Parker shook his head. He might have been happy to be praised before, but now he really wasn't happy at all.

He just wanted to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.


Revenge for Mei, MJ and the others!

Just above the Statue of Liberty, in the clouds above, a plane passed by.

Inside the plane, a child was lying on the window boredly, and then he saw someone standing on the clouds.

The red cloak behind the man danced in the sunset light, like a boiling and burning flame.

The child turned back to the woman sitting next to him and said, "Mom, look, there is someone there."

The mother laughed and touched the child's head: "Dear, we are in the sky. There will be nothing here except birds."

The child turned around, only to see the man who had gone away turn his head and wink at him.

Azu retracted his gaze from the plane, looked down, and saw a piece of yellow lightning dancing in the atmosphere.

The sound of thunder suddenly sounded in the air.

Max is here.

After equipping himself with the Ark Reactor, Max's energy expanded at a geometric level, and his strength has far exceeded that of him in the Amazing Spider-Man universe.

His current life form is just like Azu's information life, which is a relatively difficult state to deal with.

Of course, if you find a way to restrain him like Peter Parker, there is still a way.

In short, Max relied on external objects to reach this point.

Without the support of external objects, he is just a slightly stronger superhuman.

This is decisively different from Azu.

Azu's information life form is enhanced by the Mother Box. Unless someone blocks the Internet, there is no good way to keep Azu.

At this moment.

At the Statue of Liberty, yellow lightning flashed, and Max appeared in a flash of light.

He spread out his hands with full aura, like a king ascending the throne to defend his throne: "Do you like the new me?"

"Slut." Azu commented in a nonchalant manner.

At the Statue of Liberty, Max is now like a discharged Pikachu, with strong currents constantly emitting from his body.

He confidently pointed at Peter Parker and said, "Give me that magic weapon. I will destroy it, but I will let you go."

"Don't make me kill anyone, Peter."

Peter Parker didn't have a 'Horcrux' on him at all, so without saying a word, he jumped out into the void outside the Statue of Liberty.

Max shook his head and suddenly turned into a wandering electric light, quickly chasing after Peter Parker.

He turned into lightning and hit the little spider hard.

Spidey fell out, but didn't twitch from the electric shock as Max expected.

Peter Parker landed on the Statue of Liberty, and fired a spider thread towards the bottom of the torch to pull himself up and swing out.

Max appeared in the air and said with some surprise: "Is your suit made of insulating material?"

"Max, I miss you so much!"

Suddenly, a voice rang.

Max looked back and saw the Amazing Spider-Man flying over with his webbing. With a kick of his feet, Max was kicked out.

Max did some somersaults in mid-air, and there was a flash of lightning on his body. He stopped, and then looked at the Amazing Spider-Man attached to the Statue of Liberty.

He shook his head: "No, why are you here?"

The Amazing Spider-Man chuckled and said, "Max, let's talk about it?"

Max shouted: "You and I have nothing to talk about!"

He roared, pushed forward with both hands, and released one after another powerful yellow lightning from his palms.

A strong electric current blasts towards The Amazing Spider-Man.

The Amazing Spider-Man swung his webbing and swung out, leaving Electro to chase after him.

Max's eyes flashed with lightning, he roared, turned into lightning, bounced around in the atmosphere, and quickly chased after him.

at the same time.

Under the Statue of Liberty, a ball of sand suddenly whizzed and swirled upward, forming a sandstorm.

In the sandstorm, Marco's face was looming.

He said to Peter Parker standing on the torch: "I can't go back yet!"

"There should be a medicine to save my daughter in this world. I want to find it and go back."

"So, either you give me a little more time, or I'm going to bury you in the sand."

Peter Parker hasn't answered yet.

The voice of the original Spider-Man rang: "Hello, Marco."

In the sandstorm, Marco looked down suddenly and saw the original Spider-Man appearing on the head of the Statue of Liberty.

"Peter Parker?"

The little spider was stunned for a moment.

Thinking that Marco was calling him.

But I heard the first-generation Spider-Man say: "It's me."


"Let's talk."

"I know you're not a bad person."

"You don't have to do this."

Marco was silent for a while and then said: "I don't hate you, Peter Parker."

"But like I just said, I can't go back yet."

"So if you want to send me away too."

"We really need to have a talk!"

The sandstorm suddenly shrank, then transformed and combined into Marco's body on the Statue of Liberty.

Marco raised his hands, his arms still in the shape of sand and swelling in a circle.

Then he hit the original Spider-Man with a huge fist of gravel.

The first generation flew out, but he shot out spider silk and stuck it on the arm of the Statue of Liberty, thereby immobilizing himself and allowing him to swing back and kick Marco in the chest.

The Sandman's chest immediately exploded.

The first generation passed through the Sandman's body and landed on the head of the Statue of Liberty again.

Marco's body recovered quickly, then turned around and said, "It would be better if you didn't come here."

The first-generation Spider-Man sighed: "I think so too."

Then the two of them rushed towards each other at the same time.

Standing on the torch, Peter Parker looked at the two Spider-Man below who were fighting with their respective old enemies.

But he has not yet waited for the person he was waiting for.

Green Goblin Osborn.

"bring it on."

"come quickly."

"I knew you were coming."


Peter Parker turned around sharply.

Behind him, Lizard Professor Connor arrived at some unknown moment, jumped up suddenly, and pounced on the little spider.

At this moment, two mechanical tentacles stretched out. They knocked Connor away and fixed Professor Lizard to the edge of the torch.

Peter Parker looked along the mechanical tentacles and saw Doctor Octopus wearing eyes.

"I don't want to go back and die."

"But I owe you a favor, kid."

Otto smiled: "And now that I have regained my composure, maybe there will no longer be an unbreakable knot with Spider-Man."

Peter Parker's heart moved slightly.

Doctor Octopus Otto is the only one among the people he rescued who is willing to help him.

Maybe my efforts were not in vain?

Maybe, there is really someone who deserves to be saved?

When this idea came to the little spider's mind, the flower of desire deep in his heart suddenly swayed, and the leaves rolled back slightly.

Immediately, Azu felt this.

And noticed that Peter Parker's desire for revenge seemed to be wavering.

He frowned: "Human nature is really difficult to control."

at this time.

He suddenly looked into the distance.

Looking towards a road leading to the Statue of Liberty.

On that highway, a car was driving toward the Statue of Liberty.

In that car.

Azu saw MJ!

Not a robot, but a real person!

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