I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 397 The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Approaching Quietly’

"Which side of the ship is this? It doesn't look like it's from the Conqueror side."

Quill looked at the triangular spacecraft.

Nebula searched the information she had stored: "It's not from the Aoge Group, or from Sovereign. No matching information could be found."

The rocket has turned on the weapon system of the spacecraft: "You don't care which side it is on, isn't the most important thing to do is to prepare for battle?"

"Should I remind you, we have caused a lot of trouble. God knows which guy we dumped sent people to hunt us down."

"Don't forget we can be chased and beaten by Sovereigns."

Quill looked at the raccoon and said, "That's not because you stole the Sovereign's battery."

Drax laughed loudly: "I still remember this."

Rocket glared at him hatefully: "Shut up!"

At this time, the triangular spacecraft stopped and did not penetrate into the atmosphere of the 'Counter Earth'.

"Hey, I think I saw someone coming out of the spaceship."

Rocket squinted his eyes, then took out a telescope and looked.

Through the telescope, he saw a man in a blue uniform flying out of the triangular spacecraft and then flying towards them.

Quill's mouth opened wide: "Oh my god, he can fly. I mean he can fly in outer space without any protection."

Putting down the telescope, Rocket glanced at him: "What a surprise, the Eluota frogs of Morozhe can also live freely in outer space without any protection."

Quill spread his hands towards him: "I admit that you are knowledgeable, Master."


Rocket said bluntly.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Nebula said a little impatiently: "He's coming."

Rocket immediately controlled the weapons of the spacecraft and said hehe, "If he dares to mess around, I will fire."

Quill quickly picked up a walkie-talkie and broadcast: "That, strange traveler, please stop."

Nebula and Rocket both looked towards him, as if they were meeting him for the first time.


"You haven't seen that people can move around in outer space without protection. They must be strong."

"Aren't politeness and humility the most basic attitudes when facing a strong person?"

Quill put down the intercom and said to his two companions.

Rocket shrugged his shoulders, and then whispered to Nebula: "Did you hear it? He deliberately used a bass tone to make his voice sound more magnetic."

Nebula nodded slightly.

At this time, outside the spacecraft, the man in blue uniform stopped and said, "I mean no harm."

"Who among you is Quill?"

"I came from the earth."

"I heard you need help?"

Nebula and others looked at Quill again.

Quill coughed dryly: "We didn't meet some Avengers on Earth last time, and the guy with the ax didn't stay on Earth in the end."

"I want to find him here. Maybe it will be helpful to us."

"But I don't know this person now."

He picked up the walkie-talkie again: "I am Quill, who are you?"

The man in blue uniform introduced: "I am Ikaris."

"Brother Ikarius, no sir."

Quill adjusted his voice: "Why only you and everyone else?"

Ikaris said calmly: "They are not free."

"There is a catastrophe happening on Earth right now."

"The Avengers are trying to stop it."


Ikaris turned slightly sideways so that Quill and others could see the 'Tama' behind him: "They don't have a spacecraft capable of interstellar travel."

Nebula looked at Quill again: "That's the problem. Earth's technology has not yet developed enough to allow interstellar travel, let alone to such a distant place."

"What made you think they could help?"

Quill said awkwardly: "I wasn't anxious at the time. It was a 'conqueror' and a 'supreme evolution'. I thought we might not be able to handle it, so I didn't think too much about it."

"But don't forget, the guy with the ax can travel across the stars."

Nebula said seriously: "The Rainbow Bridge allows them to communicate between the stars, but you only gave them one coordinate. Do you think the Rainbow Bridge can still input coordinates?"

Quill was immediately speechless.

Rocket whispered on the chair: "I told you before, he is a fool."

Button, button, button.

Ikaris tapped on the cab window: "Can I go in?"





A little girl with silver hair is running on a gravity treadmill. Her physical strength seems to be endless, and she is very happy, with a sweet smile on her face.

Azu stood aside and looked at the little girl.

The little girl has been running for a long time, but has no intention of stopping.

"Super endurance."

Azu looked at the 'Supreme Evolution' behind him.

The man had succumbed to Azu's power.

Agree to accept the invitation and become the chief scientist of John's empire.

‘Supreme Evolution’ nodded: “Yes, Your Majesty.”

"She has so much energy that she needs little rest and only needs one hour of sleep a week."

"And she almost never feels sad and can always remain optimistic and happy."

"This is a new species I have created, and I haven't named them yet."

"But I'm sure it's a perfect life."

"If they are nurtured and given targeted training, they will be powerful, all-around fighters."

Azu chuckled, and his eyes returned to the little silver-haired girl: "Energy, no need to rest, always optimistic and happy, indeed infinitely close to perfection."

"You just said that this is a new species."

"In other words, there are quite a few of them?"

‘Supreme Evolution’ made a gesture, and holographic images appeared one after another in front of Azu.

In these scenes, Azu saw countless silver-haired children who were locked up.

There were even numbers of men and women. These children had clean eyes and did not feel sad or desperate at all because of being locked up.

They seem to have endless curiosity, always looking here and there.

"When the time comes, there will only be so much."

"If Your Majesty needs it, I can continue to make it."

‘Supreme Evolution’ clasped his hands under his lower abdomen and said in a deep voice.

"Train them first to see if they have potential as fighters, and then consider mass production."

Azu shook his head and said, "First, let them live in a normal environment."

"I want warriors, not caged animals."

"Anyway, if you don't have a counter-Earth, it shouldn't be difficult to carve out a place for them to live."

The 'Supreme Evolution' immediately called his assistant and asked him to do this.

After leaving the laboratory, Azu saw Ayesha, the high priest of Sovereign, kneeling on one knee, seemingly waiting for him.

Before Ayesha could speak, the 'Supreme Evolution' said, "What are you doing here?"

Ayesha lowered her head and said, "I have something to say to Your Majesty."

Of course the 'Supreme Evolution' knows that the 'Your Majesty' now is not him, but the 'Conqueror' next to him.

He said solemnly: "Your Majesty is not free now."

"Who said that."

Azu waved to the golden woman: "Come here."

Then he said to the 'Supreme Evolution': "It's none of your business now. I'll call you when needed."

Then he took Ayesha away.

As Azu walked, he observed Ayesha next to him. To be honest, the way she looked with her hair loose now was a hundred times more beautiful than her high priest look.

Azu was very curious as to what kind of mentality the Supreme Evolution had in making the Sovereigns have golden skin.

By the way, is every part of their body really golden?

Azu was already very confused about this question before he traveled through time.

Now there is finally a chance to unravel the mystery.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Azu asked.

Ayesha immediately knelt down on one knee: "I want to personally thank Your Majesty for saving me."

Azu looked at her: "Raise your head."

Ayesha raised her head. She was gorgeous, mature and charming, and her golden skin gave Azu a very novel experience visually.

Azu smiled and said, "Your thanks won't be as cheap as just a few words, right?"

Ayesha was stunned for a moment, then reached out to unzip the zipper behind her back.


Azu quickly stopped her: "That's not what I meant."

"If you want to repay me, serve me to the best of your ability."

Ayesha stopped, lowered her head and said: "I, Ayesha of Solin, swear in the name of the gods that I will be loyal to the conqueror and the John Empire in this life."

She originally wanted to use the name of 'Supreme Evolution', but changed her mind in time.

Azu nodded, stretched out his hand and pulled her up.

Ayesha stood up, almost touching Azu.

She is tall, standing next to Azu, and is almost not much shorter than Azu.

Feeling Azu's breath at close range, her breathing gradually became faster. She wanted to fall on Azu's chest, but the identity gap between the two made her dare not do so.

At this time, Azu let go of his hand, turned around and walked forward: "I have felt your loyalty, now you can retreat."

Ayesha suddenly felt a sense of loss for no reason.

Then he remembered his unfinished business and hurriedly chased after him and said, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing."

Azu said without turning his head: "Tell me and listen."

Ayesha said nervously: "It's about Adam. I hope he can stay by your side."

"Although he is only a child, I am sure that Adam will be an outstanding warrior in the future."

"And he will be as loyal to you as I am."

Azu stopped.

He nodded in agreement: "He does have good strength. At least when I was a child, I didn't have such strength."

"All right."

"I'll let Proxima and the others train Adam."

"You ask him to come over."

Ayesha said happily: "He is already here."

She turned around and looked towards a passage behind: "Adam, come out quickly."

Azu had long known that Adam was nearby, so he asked Ayesha to call him over.

At this time, Adam poked his head out from the corner of the passage and looked at Azu with some fear, and then looked at his mother hesitantly.

Ayesha nodded slightly to encourage him.

Adam then walked out and came to his mother and Azu.

Azu turned around and smiled: "Have you heard what Ayesha just said?"

"How about it, do you want to stay with me?"

Ayesha wanted to nod for Adam.

Adam looked at her, and after receiving encouragement from Ayesha, he said, "I don't think so. I have to train and fight every day. I can't be happy just thinking about it."

"But you saved mom."

"Since my mother wants me to do this, then I"


Azu said suddenly.

Ayesha was startled and quickly knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty, please calm down. Adam is still a child. He didn't mean to say that."

"I am not angry."

Azu clasped his hands behind his back and raised the corners of his mouth: "In addition, just because he is still a child, I think he should be with his mother."

"Perhaps you are more suitable to be Adam's teacher than me."

"Just let him stay with you. One day you can train him well and then bring him to see me."

"Of course, he can do it if he wants to. I look forward to him joining, but I don't want to force him."

"Only when he acts of his own will will he be the best and strongest warrior."

Azu said, pulled Ayesha up, patted Adam's shoulder again, then turned and left.

To be honest, Azu wished he could tie Adam with him right now. With a little training, this guy would become a powerful warrior.

It's much stronger than the ones from Deathblade Black Dwarf.

However, Adam was just born and his cognition was not very sound yet, and he was dependent on Ayesha.

Forcing him to stay with you will make him hate himself. Children's hatred is very pure, and they don't care about gains and losses or weigh interests.

In that case, Adam was like a ticking time bomb.

God knows when it will explode.

So Azu allowed them to stay together as mother and son for the time being, and then let Adam join in after his cognition became sound.

What's more, given Adam's dependence on Ayesha, as long as he kept Ayesha by his side, Adam wouldn't run away.

It would be much easier to keep Ayesha.

That woman has fallen out with the 'Supreme Evolution', and now besides accepting her own protection, who can protect her from the vicious hands of the 'Supreme Evolution'.

She herself knew this, so she took the initiative to show her kindness, and even just took off her clothes.

Such people are easier to control than 'children' like Adam.

The room is in sight.

Azu suddenly stopped.

In his spiritual field, he found several spiritual fires approaching this place.

He knew several of them.

It's a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"What are they here for?"

Azu was a little surprised that those comedians actually came to Counter-Earth.

In the atmosphere of the counter-Earth, a spacecraft was entering the atmosphere, and the spacecraft was slightly bumpy due to the air flow.

After a while, the spacecraft finally stabilized. Looking out the window, Quill saw a city that was very similar to Earth.

"This is a replica of Earth," he said.

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