I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 398 Loyalty starts from childhood

The spacecraft arrived over a residential area. Ikaris looked down and saw people coming and going on the street.

"It's just incredible."

"Are there humans here too?"

"This place is like the Nineties for Earth, both in the style of clothes and the style of cars and architecture."

Quill looked down. Below him, a woman pushing a stroller turned and looked up.

Suddenly, Quill saw a pig's head.

"Oh My God!"

He was startled: "What is this? I said this pig, no, this person, no, this person with a pig's head."

Raccoon Rocket was calm on the contrary. He said in a voice that he could only hear: "New World, is this the New World he is talking about?"

Nebula looked at the readings from the nearby instrument and said, "The environment here is similar to that of the Earth. The atmosphere readings, gravity, etc. are not much different."

Quill was still exclaiming: "Look, it's a baby pig, and he actually has a toy in his hand."

"Oh no, the panda is actually mowing the grass."

"The goat is still carrying the briefcase."

"And that fish-woman lady, she's actually wearing a police uniform."

"I'm going crazy, what the hell is this place."

Xingyun said angrily: "Calm down."

"Now, tell me your plan."

Quill took a few deep breaths and said, "Okay, here's the plan."

"We don't know if the 'Conqueror' has come to Counter-Earth, but as long as we find the 'Supreme Evolution', most of the problems will be solved."

"Because the 'Conqueror' will definitely come to find the 'Supreme Evolution'. No matter what the reason is, he will definitely come, otherwise he will not attack the Aoge Group."

"Then, as long as we keep an eye on the 'Supreme Evolution', we can wait for the 'Conqueror'."

Ikaris crossed his arms and nodded: "That makes sense."

Quill continued: "Then, when the 'Conqueror' and the 'Supreme Evolution' clash, our opportunity will come."

"First of all, we have to make sure, everyone, we are not here to eliminate the 'Supreme Evolution', nor to fight against the 'Conqueror'."

"What are we here for?"

Drax yelled, "For glory!"

Quill rolled his eyes: "Leave him alone."

"Listen, our goal is the 'Infinity Gauntlet'."

"No matter who you are, as long as you get the 'Infinity Gauntlet', you only need to do two things."

"The first is to transport the 'Conqueror' and the 'Supreme Evolution' to other planets."

"The second is to teleport us back to the spacecraft."

"As long as we do these two things well, we can sing, dance, and go back to the 'Land of Nothingness' to celebrate."

Quill then said to Ikaris: "Of course, before that, we will return to Earth to help fight against the emergence of some god. This is what we agreed before."

Ikaris nodded.

The mantis girl said at this time: "You have ignored the most important link."

"How do we get the 'Infinity Gauntlet' from the 'Conqueror'."

Quill turned around, smiled and said, "I didn't ignore it."

"It's just the most important part, I plan to talk about it now."

"And, in this link, you are the key, my dear."

The mantis girl was stunned for a moment: "Me?"


"As I just said, our goal is to steal the Infinity Gauntlet, not to fight the Conqueror."

Quill looked around and said, "So when the time is right, we'll take action."

"We are a team and we have to work with each other."

"The purpose of cooperation is to attract the attention of the 'conqueror'."

"After you draw his attention away, it's time for you to appear."

Quill pointed at the mantis girl: "We will create an opportunity for you to get close to the 'Conqueror'. You only need to do one thing after getting close to him."

"Let him have sweet dreams."

Everyone was startled.

Then Ikaris said: "She can also make people dream?"

"Can she control others through the air through her thoughts?"

Quill shook his head: "No, she must touch the target with her hands before she can make the other person sleep and dream."

"This ability mainly comes from her ability to feel other people's inner emotions and thoughts."

Mantis Girl approached Ikaris: "Do you want to try it?"

Ikaris said quickly: "No, thank you."

Quill clapped his hands to get everyone's attention: "Okay, we can start taking action."

"Now park the spacecraft below. Let's go down and ask these animals, no, these humans, no, these animal people, about the whereabouts of the 'Supreme Evolution' in a friendly way."

"They should know, right?"

The spacecraft landed on a lawn, and the elevator deck was lowered. Led by Quill, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy walked down one after another.

Their arrival caused the nearby animal people to gather around them curiously.

These animals wearing human clothes pointed at Quill and others and discussed them curiously.

"Hello, we don't mean any harm."

Quill didn't know if these animal people could understand him, so he spoke with the idea of ​​trying.

He said to the mantis girl next to him: "Communication is a skill. First of all, we will show our friendliness, which can be conveyed through tone of voice and facial expressions."

"Just like me."

He smiled.

At this time, a little animal man threw the ball in his hand.

Quill immediately said: "The opportunity has come. As long as we show kindness and love to the children, we can impress the adults."

Just as he was about to walk over, he saw Drax picking up the ball. Quill's expression changed and he said nervously.

"Put it down, drop the damn ball, Drax."

"Okay." Drax looked back at Quill and threw the ball away with a bored expression.

"Oh no."

Quill exclaimed and watched as the ball knocked down the little Animal Man.

"I asked you to put it down, but I didn't ask you to throw it out!"

Drax spread his hands: "What's the difference between putting it down and throwing it out?"

"Of course, you beat up a kid!" Quill pointed at the little animal man.

At this time, the child's father was also a rabbit. The rabbit father picked up his child, pointed at Quill angrily and roared.

Quill quickly forced a smile and tried to explain: "Listen to me, this is a misunderstanding."

"This guy means no harm, he's just not very flexible."

Drax said unhappily: "Who said that? I am very flexible. I was just careless."

At this time, an old elk man picked up a stone on the ground and threw it on Quill's head.

Quill screamed in pain.

Drax burst out laughing, and as soon as he laughed, he was hit on the head by a rock.

He stopped laughing immediately.

One by one, the animal men threw stones at them angrily. When Quill and others were at a loss, Ikaris suddenly flew out of the spaceship, floated in the air and shouted: "Stop!"

His eyes lit up immediately, and two cosmic rays shot out from his eyes and landed in front of the animal men.

As Ikaris' ray moved, a deep black mark was drawn on the ground, which also stopped the animal men.

They were frightened and backed away.

Only then did Quill squeeze out a smile and continue: "We are here to find someone. We are looking for the 'Supreme Evolution'. Do you know where he is?"

He suddenly saw a statue of the 'Supreme Evolution' in the distance, and immediately pointed to the statue: "That's him, we are looking for him."

The animal men all looked back, and their eyes fell on the statue of 'Supreme Evolution'.




The donut spaceship is suspended over a grassland.

A beam of light fell from above the spacecraft, and Proxima Centauri, General Deathblade and Black Dwarf walked out of it.

Then came out the golden mother and son Ayesha and Adam.

Proxima Centauri looked at Ayesha, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

She instinctively felt that Ayesha had threatened her position.

Except for the fact that his skin is golden, this Sovereign is infinitely close to humans in other aspects.

Proxima Centauri is worried that Azu likes this little golden man more.

At this time, Azu flew out of the beam of light.

Proxima Centauri quickly put away his thoughts and knelt down on one knee as the first figure in the sky.

Others followed suit.

Ayesha didn't forget to pull her son down when she knelt down on one knee. Adam was looking around curiously when his mother pulled him down and he knelt down reluctantly.

Azu didn't care about Adam's performance. He wasn't serious about being serious with a child. After all, Adam was younger than Ryan.

He looked around and saw that just in front of the grassland, the staff of 'Supreme Evolution' were building a city. This was a city for those new species to live in.

The 'Supreme Evolution' followed Azu's 'suggestion' and no longer kept those new species in cages, but let them live on this grassland and in this city.

The personnel of the 'Supreme Evolution' use some instruments to build houses. Machines similar to 3D printers can quickly build a house from scratch.

Each two-story building takes no more than an hour to make, and even if the house is just an empty shell, it still needs to be filled with furniture.

But this speed is already amazing.

According to the current progress, it will not be long before the city can be put into use.

At this time, small spaceships came nearby and landed on the grass.

The door of the spaceship opened, and children with silver hair, only seven or eight years old, walked out in an orderly manner.

They looked at the blue sky and grassland that they had never seen before, and saw the city being busy being built. Everyone had joy and smiles on their faces.

Then they heard the 'Supreme Evolution' say: "Everyone come here."

At this time, the 'Supreme Evolution' stood on a high platform, with his hands behind his back, watching his most proud 'works' gathered in front of the stage.

He coughed dryly and said: "You have to thank His Majesty the Great Conqueror. Without him, you would not have the opportunity to come into contact with what you are seeing now."

"Without His Majesty, you would not be able to live in this city that is about to be built and belongs entirely to you."

"Now, let us welcome His Majesty."

The 'Supreme Evolution' clapped, and the silver-haired children followed suit, waving their hands with smiles on their faces.

Amidst the warm applause, Azu descended from the sky and looked at the children in front of him with a smile.

"You are a new species in the universe."

"Before you, there was never life like you in the universe."

"All this time, the 'Supreme Evolution' has not given you a name."

"But as a brand new species, how can it not have a name?"

"So from now on, you can call yourselves 'new humans'."

"You represent endless possibilities."

Azu looked at the 'Supreme Evolution': "Are you ready for what I asked you to prepare?"


The ‘Supreme Evolution’ waved, and then a series of hover vehicles entered the venue and parked at the venue.

The car door opened, and the soldiers took down the boxes and opened them. It turned out that the boxes were filled with beautifully made and delicious-looking cakes.

Azu came to the boxes filled with cakes with a smile and nodded to the 'Supreme Evolution', who then said: "A237, come out."

The little silver-haired girl whose number was called came out. She was the child Azu had seen in the laboratory before.

‘Supreme Evolution’ pointed towards Azu: “The side of the past ‘conqueror’.”

The little girl jumped up to Azu.

Azu picked up a small chocolate cake, squatted down, and said with a smile: "Do you like it?"

A237 sniffed it and showed a sweet smile: "I like it."

"for you."

"Also, from now on, you are not A237, your name is Luna."

"This is your name."

"What's your name?" the little girl who took the cake asked innocently.

Azu stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her hair: "A name is a mark. With a name, you are a unique person."

"Remember, the universe is big, but there is only one Luna."

"You should be proud of yourself."

The little girl's big eyes lit up, she nodded vigorously, took the cake and went down.

Then one child came forward and received a cake from Azu, and at the same time received a name.

In the distance, Proxima Centauri looked at Azu who was distributing cakes to the children and giving them names at the same time, she said softly.

"I can't understand why Your Majesty would do such a thing."

Ayesha smiled and said, "These children will become His Majesty's soldiers in the future."

"Now His Majesty is personally distributing food and naming them to bury his image deeply in the hearts of these children."

"You might as well think about it, what kind of person would name us and give us food?"

Without waiting for Proxima Centauri to answer.

Ayesha said: "It's father."

"After today, for these children, His Majesty is their father."

"When they grow up, they will fight for their fathers."

"And is there any faith stronger than family ties and a father's faith?"

"With an army of such faith, I can't imagine anyone being able to defeat them."

Ayesha's words were heard by Azu, and he smiled slightly. This little golden man is quite smart.

Ayesha is right, what he is doing now is to establish his image in the minds of these 'new humans'.

Loyalty starts from childhood.

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