I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 407 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

"Ikaris, did you succeed?"

"Did you get the 'Infinity Gauntlet'?"

Circe was overjoyed. Now that Ikaris has got the 'Infinity Gauntlet', they will have a better chance of stopping the god from appearing.

The Avengers and Wakanda were not so happy.

Especially in Wakanda, since the 'Infinity Gauntlet' is in the hands of Ikaris, it means that the Eternals have come into contact with the 'Conqueror'.

To be able to get the 'Infinity Gauntlet' from the 'Conqueror', you either stole it with Star-Lord or snatched it from the 'Conqueror'.

If it's the latter, the problem is even more serious.

But T'Challa prefers the former.

Ikaris's combat prowess is indeed amazing, but not to the point where he can steal things from the 'Conqueror'.

If he could really do it, he wouldn't be entangled by Thor on the prairie that day.

And there is still Thor without the 'Storm Battle Axe', which shows that Ikaris's combat power is stronger than other Eternals.

On par with Thor without an axe, but should be weaker than Thor with a battle ax in hand.

And Thor, who has a battle ax in his hand, is no match for the 'Conqueror'. In such a simple comparison, T'Challa still knows how to do it.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Shu Rui asked softly, his eyes falling on Ikaris's 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

"That's the Conqueror's thing, we should take it back!"

T'Challa shook his head slightly: "Don't act rashly, let's wait and see first."

On the Avengers side, he opened his helmet. Peter Parker pointed at Ikaris's 'Infinity Gauntlet' and said, "He succeeded. Why didn't the man named Star-Lord come back with him?"

"What's up with that blond guy?"

The little spider asked several questions, but no one could answer them.

Doctor Strange said solemnly: "No matter what happens, we'd better be careful."

"Don't forget what the job of the Eternals is. They choose to help us now because they have a good impression of humans."

"But if they go back on their word, we will be in trouble, especially now that their companions have obtained the 'Infinity Gauntlet'."

"Also, you should pay attention to that shining golden child. I can feel that he has great power."

Thor, who was holding his hands, nodded in agreement: "He gives me the feeling that he is more powerful than Ikaris."

Colonel Rhodes glanced at Thor in surprise. Of course he remembered that Thor and Ikaris had an inseparable fight on the prairie.

Ikaris's ability to fight against Thor already surprised the colonel. Now that Thor claims that the golden-skinned young man is more powerful than Ikaris, Colonel Rhodes is inevitably surprised.

At this moment.

On the side of the Eternals, Circe stretched out his hand and said: "Ikaris, you come too, we are going to focus our power on the Druid, and he will try to put Tiamu into a deep sleep."

"If it fails, it's up to you."


Circe looked at the black man.

The black man threw a bracelet to Ikaris: "Boss, if you put it on, you can unify your strength with us."

"By the way, where's the Tama? Didn't you bring it back?"

Catch the bracelet.

Cold electronic blue light danced in the depths of Ikaris's eyes, and then he tightened his fingers, and the bracelet fell into pieces between his fingers.

Everyone was stunned.

Circe was in disbelief: "Ikaris, what are you doing?"

"I should have stopped you earlier."

Ikaris then spoke: "Cersi, it's not too late to stop now."

"The god Tiamu must wake up. This is Alitham's plan. It is my responsibility to ensure that this plan goes smoothly."

"We are all 'children' of Alithem, and we should not stop the god from appearing."

Druid shook his head and said: "I knew it would be like this. He has always been a person who only knows how to execute orders and does not think of his own."

Ikaris looked at Jin Guo: "What did you say?"

"Would you like to work with Circe to stop the appearance of God, who is my only enemy, or should you side with me?"

Jin Guo hesitated for a moment, then looked at Cirsi and said, "I'm sorry, Cirsi."

"I have always believed that the emergence of gods should not be prevented. After all, this is related to the birth of more life in the universe."

Circe said sadly: "Jinguo, the preciousness of life cannot be measured by quantity."

Jin Guo smiled bitterly: "I don't understand these big principles, but I think Ikaris is right."

Then he walked towards Ikaris.

"Follower." Druid said disdainfully.

Next, another person walked towards Ikaris.

Circe's heart tightened, and she shook her head and said, "Spike, why do you even think so?"

Spike glanced at her and didn't answer. In fact, she didn't have a disagreement with her companions because of the issue of divine appearance. She just simply loved Ikaris.

"Any more?"

Ikaris said.

Circe looked at the others.

The remaining people, Druid, Makari, Fastos, Tina and others were determined and unwavering.

Ikaris nodded: "Okay, now I'll give you another chance."

"Don't interfere with the appearance of God, I won't do anything."

Druid looked at the Avengers and Wakanda at this time: "Hey, are you ready to watch the show?"

Thor smiled, pointed at Ikaris and said, "I will also give you a chance. As long as you don't move, I won't attack you."

Ikaris looked at the God of Thunder: "People from the God's Domain, you are not qualified to say such things now."

Doctor Strange said softly: "Don't try to confront him head-on. We will find a way to take down the 'Infinity Gauntlet'."

Hearing this, T'Challa stood up and said, "Do you mind letting us participate too?"

Doctor Strange smiled: "Of course not."

As he finished speaking, there was a whistling sound in his ears. Doctor Strange shook his head helplessly, and it turned out that Thor had already acted first.

The God of Thunder brought up streams of electricity across the air and fell towards Ikaris.

Ikaris moved his body smoothly backwards and flew up into the air, allowing Thor to punch the ground.

Although Thor's punch failed, he was not discouraged. He looked back at the Eternals and said, "You can start."

Circe and others nodded, and then, with the druid as the center, they passed on their power to this companion.

Doctor Strange cast a spell to open the portal: "Let's go together!"

"Banner, go help Thor!"

Hulk Banner took off his glasses, roared, rushed into the portal, appeared on top of Ikaris, and threw the Eternal from the sky.

"Let's go too!"

War Machine and Falcon flew into the air and swept towards Ikaris, preparing for air support.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out in their field of vision. It turned out that the golden-skinned young man rose into the sky with light all over his body and crashed between them.

Colonel Rhodes and Falcon were knocked into each other and rolled around in mid-air. Adam turned around, punched each other, and blasted out two torrents of energy, knocking down the war machine and Falcon from mid-air.

the other side.

Being thrown from mid-air by Hulk Banner, Ikaris was pressed to the ground unable to move.

Banner shouted: "Hurry up, I've suppressed him, try to get him away!"

"I'm coming." Peter Parker shouted, and Spider-Man came nearby and moved around Banner, constantly shooting spider silk, trying to wrap the Hulk and Ikaris into a cocoon.

At this time, a purple light appeared under Banner.

The Hulk secretly said something bad.

The next second, the earth quickly shrunk in his eyes.

It turned out that he was blasted into the sky by the purple light stream emitted by Ikaris using the 'Infinity Gauntlet'. The destructive light stream released by the 'Power Stone' was so powerful that Banner could not get rid of this light stream at all.

After being blasted tens of thousands of meters into the air, the Hulk bounced away and fell into the boundless sea.

After blasting Banner away, Ikaris immediately flew into the air, and the God of Thunder rushed towards him with countless entangled electric currents.

Ikaris raised the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and a black-blue flame immediately appeared in front of Thor's eyes.

The God of Thunder exclaimed, and involuntarily passed through the flames, landing on the cold and dim plateau.

He turned around, and the flame had disappeared.

He was transported to an unknown place by the 'space stone'.

At this time, a familiar voice echoed in the air.

"Look, who is this? Isn't this the little prince of Asgard?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot, Asgard has disappeared."

This is the voice of the Frost Giant King Laufei.

This is Jotunheim!

"Damn it." Thor cursed under his breath.


I saw Ikaris blowing away the Hulk with one punch and teleporting Thor away.

Peter Parker's mind went blank. He didn't know how to deal with such a powerful enemy.

At this time, Doctor Strange's voice came from above: "Cover me."

Spider-Man raised his head and saw Doctor Strange flying towards Ikaris. Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief: "By the way, we also have the Sorcerer Supreme."

"Well, it seems he is no longer the Supreme Mage, but it doesn't matter."

"He is the most powerful mage on Earth."

"that's enough."

Just when Spider-Man regained his confidence, he suddenly saw a flash of golden light in the sky, and Doctor Strange was knocked down from the air by the golden young man.

Peter Parker was startled, and for a moment he didn't know which one to deal with.

at the same time.

Ikaris ignored Spider-Man and flew towards the Eternals.

On the Eternal side, the Druid gained the power of Cirsi, Fastos, Macari, and Tina, and their energy increased dramatically.

At this moment, he was floating in the sky like a god, and his eyes turned golden.

Under the influence of his spiritual power, Jin Guo and Spike, who wanted to attack him, fell into a deep sleep.

Even the volcano that was about to erupt in the distance now felt like it was dying.

Ikaris shot two cosmic rays directly from his eyes, landed on the Druid, and blew him away.

The unified state of the Eternals was immediately broken.

Before Druid could get up, Ikaris fell to him, picked him up, and flew into the sky in an instant.

When Circe and others came to their senses, Ikaris had already thrown the druid to the ground, and at the same time shot out a stream of destructive light from his fist.

The energy torrent released by the 'Power Stone' is several levels more powerful than Ikaris's cosmic rays.

The druid screamed and was blasted to the ground, and was blasted into the ground by the light flow. It continued to penetrate deeper into the ground, and finally his body was penetrated by the destructive light flow.

The druid's skin immediately lost its luster and turned gray.


Makari screamed angrily when she saw the druid's tragic death, but she was born deaf and mute, so even though she tried her best, her voice was still very small.

Once the Druid died, his mind control was released, and Jin Guo and Spike woke up.

At this time, Ikaris fell in front of them, looked at Circe and the others and said.

"The druid is dead."

"Your plan is ruined."

"Let's stop the matter of preventing the gods from appearing. I don't want my hands to be stained with the blood of my companions anymore."

Macari's eyes almost burst out with flames, and suddenly his figure flashed and knocked Ikaris away.

Before Ikaris could adjust his posture, Makari rushed over again, catching Ikaris and running with lightning speed.

Ikaris was pressed against the rock by her, pushing away further and further.

After losing the control of the druid, the volcano that had been extinguished finally erupted at this moment.

There was a boom.

A large number of flaming rocks fell from the sky like cannonballs.

Jin Guo quickly stood in front of Spike and fired energy light bombs with both hands, shattering the boulders falling towards them.

Tina condensed a sword of light in her hand and easily split the rock in half.

The halos on the hands of Black Fastos turned into hand cannons, and he fired repeatedly, shattering the rocks.

Compared with them, Circe's method of resolving the crisis was much gentler. She instantly changed the shape of the rocks she hit, turning the boulders into flying leaves and fluttering away.

At this moment when the volcano erupts and God appears.

Located 10,000 meters above the ground, a figure stands side by side with the sun.

The red cloak was blown by the high-altitude air currents, and the bright sunshine outlined golden outlines on his black armor.

Azu looked at the roaring volcano below with indifferent eyes.

Naturally, Ikaris did not steal or rob the ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ from him.

But Azu lent it to him.

After spending some time to stabilize his condition, Azu rushed back to Earth.

He wants to stop God from appearing, but according to his plan, he will not take action until God appears and poses a world-destroying threat to the earth, and until the superheroes on Earth are powerless.

Because he can maximize his profits by taking action at this time.

By that time, every human being on Marvel Earth will sing the praises of the 'Conqueror', which will help spread his name and bring the earth under his control.

Therefore, he cannot let the Eternals and the Avengers prevent the gods from appearing.

Therefore, he lent the 'Infinity Gauntlet' to Ikaris and assigned Adam to assist, so that the two of them could join forces to deal with the Eternals and the Avengers.

Now, the plan is moving in the direction he hoped.

The god Tiamu has begun to awaken, while the Avengers and Eternals have been suppressed.

It seemed that it was difficult for them to stop the gods from appearing.

"bring it on."

"Wake up quickly, Thiamu."

"Just for me to test the power of 'destroying authority'."

Azu looked at the volcano erupting in flames below and whispered to himself.

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