I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 408 Do you like my script?

In a corner of the beach, Makari was using her divine speed ability to hit Ikaris crazily.

Her uninterrupted attacks kept Ikaris in a state of being hit every second. Gradually, Ikaris's body crashed into the rock.

Makari sprinted at high speed again, but this time, Ikaris grabbed his neck with his hands.

Makari struggled desperately, but couldn't break away from Ikaris's iron grip.

Ikaris raised the 'Infinity Gauntlet' indifferently, letting the mind stone on it light up. Macari's eyes immediately lit up, and her mind was already controlled.

Only then did Ikaris let go of his hand, then flew into the air and looked towards Circe.

On the other side, Jin Guo and Spike cooperated to transform countless figures to influence the judgment of Circe and the others.

The black man Fastos threw disc-shaped tools, and they quickly shuttled between these phantoms, hoping to find the true bodies of Jin Guo and Spike.

But the number of phantoms was so great that for a time, Fastos had no choice.

Tina's method is much simpler and simpler. She uses energy to transform into shields and swords, attacking phantoms one after another.

However, Jin Guo and the two did not sit still and wait for death. With the cover of these phantoms, Jin Guo, who looked like an Indian, continued to shoot energy light bombs.

His light bullets are quite powerful, and both Tina and Fastos must deal with them carefully.

These four people were entangled together, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

On the contrary, there was trouble on Adam's side.

After Adam knocked Doctor Strange out of the air, he wanted to subdue the magician. Spider-Man arrived in time, stuck one of Adam's arms with webbing, and threw him out.

Doctor Strange, who had regained his freedom, came into the air, nodded to Spider-Man, and flew towards Adam.

"What is this? It's so dirty."

Adam was pulling off the spider silk stuck to his hand when suddenly several luminous red magic light ribbons fell from mid-air and wrapped around Adam's body.

Adam was stunned for a moment, raised his head, and saw Doctor Strange's cloak flying in the air.

"Let me go!" the golden-skinned young man shouted anxiously.

Of course Doctor Strange wouldn't just let him go.

Adam is about to fly to the sky and take Doctor Strange on a flying journey.

Spider-Man arrived and stuck him with a few spider threads. At the same time, several spider legs behind him were fixed on the ground, using this force to pull Adam and prevent him from flying up.

Suddenly, Adam was a little helpless.

at this time.

Ikaris rushed over, his eyes lit up, and two golden cosmic rays fell on Doctor Strange.

Suddenly, the huge kinetic energy blasted Doctor Strange away, and Doctor Strange fell hard to the beach. As soon as he got up, Ikaris used the 'Infinity Gauntlet' to shoot out a purple stream of destructive light.

Doctor Strange quickly used magic and used the 'Ancient Body of Hogs' to turn this powerful and destructive stream of light into a flying butterfly.

At this time, Yaguang, who broke free from the restraints, first gave Spider-Man a photon cannon, then screamed and flew over, knocking Doctor Strange away.

The Wakandans, who had not participated in the battle, saw that the Avengers were gradually losing their support. T'Challa put on his helmet and said: "Let's go help."

They are finally joining the battlefield.

But at this moment, Azu's voice sounded in their minds.

"Ikaris and Adam are my people."

T'Challa and Shu Rui were stunned for a moment.

Su Rui tried to ask: "Lord Conqueror, are you back yet?"

"came back."

"I will stop the gods from appearing."

"but not now."

"I want to use God to create the world."

"T'Challa, I need you to do something."

Just as Azu was giving orders to Black Panther, Ikaris also received new instructions. He temporarily ignored the Avengers and searched for Circe.

Soon he discovered that Circe was running towards the erupting volcano in the distance. He was about to chase after her, but suddenly his feet tightened.

It turns out that Black Fastos has entangled him with a laser cord.

"Where to go, boss?"

With a wave of his arm, the black man pulled Ikaris down from the sky, and then activated the traps that had been placed around him early in the morning.

Laser cords ejected from different devices, entangled Ikaris and pinned him to the ground.

Ikaris' face was expressionless, and the raw power stone on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' lit up, and wisps of purple light rose up and quickly merged into one.

The huge force formed a terrifying force field, causing all of Fastos' devices to explode.

All at once, Ikaris breaks free and blasts out cosmic rays, blasting the black man away.

Before Fastos landed on the ground, Macari, who suddenly rebelled, bumped into him and knocked the black man away.

At this moment.

The earth shook violently, magma and flames continued to erupt from the ground, and groups of golden things rose from the sea and emerged from between the earth.

Being thousands of miles above the sky, Azu could see things more clearly.

He clearly saw golden fingers as huge as mountain peaks stretching out from the sea, and palms as huge as the legendary Five Fingers Mountain appearing on the earth bit by bit.

The ground cracked, and the rocks and gravel on the surface separated to both sides, revealing a large golden 'palm' with strange lines.

At the same time, the seawater in the distance began to rise, and instantly turned into a huge sea wall, rolling toward the distance.

The sea floor roared even more, the sea floor exploded and arched, and a mass of things rose from the sea.

The sea level immediately continued to rise, forming a huge 'bubble'.

The 'bubble' suddenly burst, the seawater suddenly spread, and a huge, golden head rose from the sea.

Thiamu started to wake up.

Azu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, everything was going according to his plan.

At this moment.

He suddenly saw Cirsi coming to Tiamu's golden palm.

She lay on the ground and pressed her hands on the golden palm.

Then a large piece of frost spread from between her hands. Circe was using her ability to put the awakening god to sleep.

With her as the center, large swaths of frost quickly spread out, turning the world into a land of ice and snow.

Even the surrounding space has become gloomy, and the cold wind is howling, making people feel like they have arrived at the Pole.

at the same time.

Golden patterns appeared on Fastos, Jinguo, Spike, Macari, Tina and others.

Then the energy concentrated towards Circe.

Only Ikaris, who did not wear a bracelet and had been transformed by Azu, was not affected.

The others all floated into the air, and the huge energy gathered together, giving Circe unimaginable power.

She yelled, raising her hands first, and then slamming them to the ground.

In the golden light, her abilities were greatly enhanced, and the speed of ice and snow spread increased by several orders of magnitude.

The silvery white spread rapidly, freezing Diamu's palms, fingers, head and even body.

On Diamu's head, the light in the six eyes flashed twice and then disappeared.

at this time.

Ikaris finally landed near Circe.

Circe stood up, looked at him and said, "It's over."

"It's all over."

Ikaris said indifferently: "I don't think so."

In the distance, Doctor Strange, who was entangled by Adam, used magic to convey his voice.

"Stop him quickly!"

"He wants to use the 'Time Stone'!"

As the former guardian and user of the 'Time Stone', Doctor Strange naturally knows what this stone can do.

But at this time, all the Eternals were acting as batteries, motionless, just instinctively providing energy to Circe.

They couldn't help Circe or stop Ikaris.

Only Spider-Man can move freely!

"I'll be there right away!"

Peter Parker ejected the spider silk, stuck it on one of Tiamu's nearby fingers, and then used the force to swing to Circe's side.

Suddenly a beam of light shot across the sky, knocking him down from mid-air.

Doctor Strange turned around while using magic to deal with Adam.

Then they saw the Black Panther brothers and sisters running at full speed. The armor on Shu Rui's hands turned into weapons and they were constantly attacking Peter Parker.

"Are you crazy?"

Doctor Strange shouted.

"Do you know what you are doing?"


But the two of them turned a deaf ear.

Black Panther rushed towards Spider-Man, and in a blink of an eye the two were already fighting.

In Tiamu's palm, Circe heard Doctor Strange's reminder and immediately looked at the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

She rushed forward.

Ikaris raised his hand and gave her a stream of destructive light.

Circe quickly used the remaining energy to form a barrier to resist the flow of destructive light.

By the time the purple light flow stopped, her energy was almost used up.

At this time, Ikaris flashed over and kicked her away.

Then Ikaris raised the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and green magic circles appeared on his arms.

As Ikaris turned his wrist, those magic circles began to rotate in the opposite direction of time.

As these magic circles rotate against time, time begins to flow backwards.

Circe flew back from afar, the six empty eye sockets of Diamu flickered with light again, and the frost began to recede from every corner of the god's body.

It retreated to Circe's feet and finally disappeared.


The earth roared, and Diamu's awakening began again.

Circe came to her senses, shook her head and said, "No, no."

"Ikaris, what have you done!"

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

Ikaris shot two golden rays, which blasted into Circe's eyes and broke out from the back of her head.

Circe's skin suddenly turned deathly gray.


Fastos and the others exclaimed.

They never dreamed that Ikaris would kill him.


Circe's eyeless body fell to the ground.

Without even looking at her, Ikaris lifted his feet off the ground, flew into the sky, and was gone in an instant.

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, Azu looked at Ikaris who came to him with satisfaction, and took the 'Infinity Gauntlet' from the hand of this mechanical servant.

Ikaris has done his job, playing a villain who prevents the god from appearing.

The awakening of the god Tiamu can no longer be prevented, and the script of annihilation is proceeding according to Azu's wishes.


In a fishing village, fishermen are working at sea.

While they were working, they chatted about something and laughed heartily from time to time.

At this time, a young man suddenly saw countless fish swimming under the boat in the water.

He exclaimed with joy: "School of fish!"

"So many fish."

Several experienced fishermen looked puzzled. Now is not the season for fish to return to the shore to spawn. How could there be fish schools in this inland area?

They stood up straight and looked around. Sure enough, they saw thousands of sea fish vying to swim by on the sea near the fishing boat.

They are heading straight for the land. If they run aground, there is no telling how many people will die.

But they have no hesitation, just like fleeing.

At this moment, a thunder sounded in the sky.

People looked at the sky, and then their pupils expanded a little. In the distance, the sea level rose at some point.

A terrifying sea wall of more than 100 meters was formed!

The sea wall moves towards the land and gets higher and higher, like the legendary world-destroying flood!

Finally, an old fisherman shouted: "Tsunami! Run!"

But it's too late.

The sea wall was still a thousand meters away, but the back-rolling seawater pulled the fishing boats back, and they were soon swept into the seawater.

this day.

Tsunamis have occurred in countless cities near the sea around the world. Countless lives have been lost in these disasters, and the economic losses caused by the disasters have caused headaches for various countries.

At the same time, the World Meteorological Organization was extremely busy. The tsunamis sweeping across the world came without warning.

Now, while they are busy investigating the cause of the tsunami, many cities are still suffering from disaster.

Misfortunes never come singly.

Just as tsunamis hit cities one after another, many volcanoes suddenly erupted around the world.

This leaves countless people homeless

Suddenly, it seemed as if the earth was coming to an end.

It was night.

New York.

In Times Square, known as the 'Crossroads of the World', people gathered together and watched reports about the disaster on the building's big screen.

Suddenly, the news host received some notification, and then spoke to the camera in a solemn tone.

"Everyone, we have just received news from Wakanda. They seem to have some knowledge of this disaster that is sweeping the world."

"Now, let's hear what they have to say."

The scene changes.

A Wakandan diplomat appears on the screen.

"Hello to viewers around the world, I am Nakia, a Wakandan diplomat."

"Now we are going to break bad news to the world."

"The Earth is about to be destroyed!"

There was a burst of exclamation in Times Square.

"What is she talking about? Does she know what she's talking about?"

"It's all nonsense and deceiving the public!"

"I don't believe it, it's impossible."

Just as people were talking about it, the screen switched to a scene of a beach somewhere.

In this picture, it is not difficult for people to see that superheroes such as Doctor Strange and Spider-Man are fighting, and in the distance, there are golden things that look like fingers rising from the sea.

Then, the diplomat's voice sounded on the screen.

"This is a scene captured by our King T'Challa at the scene. This is the scene where God appears!" (End of Chapter)

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