I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 409 Destruction Sanctions

The moment the picture appeared on the screen, Times Square fell silent.

People's last hope and fantasy were extinguished by the scene before them.

In Times Square, mourning suddenly broke out.

"It's over, it's over, my life has just begun, is it going to end like this?"

"Why do bad things always happen to us?"

"No, I just inherited the property and I don't want to die now."

"What are the superheroes doing? Quickly kill that god."

"Don't we have a God of Thunder? He is also a god. He should be able to stop this god from appearing, right?"

On the big screen, superheroes have taken action.

Doctor Strange's cloak raised up and swept towards the golden head emerging from the water in the distance.

The head was like a hill, with six round, eye-like organs on it that seemed to be emitting light.

Doctor Strange fell on that head, like an ant, looking extremely small.


Above the head, streaks of golden thunder exploded from the clouds, and yellow lightning struck the golden head continuously, but apart from splashing electric fire and jumping electric arcs, it did not have much effect at all.

Later, Spider-Man, War Machine, and other unknown characters rushed over.

But it seems that they have no effect at all on the so-called divine appearance.

"It's over, there's no hope."

A man sat down on the ground, covered his face and cried bitterly: "My career has just started. I have persisted for so long, and now it is getting better. Seeing that hope is right in front of me, why did this happen?"

"God, this is so cruel to me."

At this moment, there was a sound of fluttering wings of birds in the sky above Times Square.

People raised their heads and saw large flocks of birds flying desperately across the sky.

The birds passed by like dark clouds, dropping their feathers.

"what happened?"

"I have a feeling something bad is going to happen."

"Isn't there going to be a tsunami in New York?"

"This is impossible!"

Just as people were speculating, a homeless man picked up his cat and ran towards the nearest building.

Just halfway through the run, the homeless man heard a terrifying sound coming from behind.

Just outside New York City, the seawater rolled back, forming a huge wave of 100 meters, roaring towards the city.

On the wave wall formed by countless hundreds of meters of giants, there were several freighters, which were involuntarily carried by the waves towards the city.

Soon, the Statue of Liberty was hit, and the seawater quickly submerged the statue. When the wave passed by, although the statue emerged from the water, there was still rapid water below the statue's chest.


Sure enough, there was a tsunami in New York.

That huge wave that shook the sky was like an angry giant and the messenger of death.

It roared in, rushing across New York Harbor in an instant and entering the bustling city.

The skyscrapers groaned under the impact of the waves, and the buildings shivered in the huge waves. In a building under construction, several cranes were directly washed away by the sea water and fell into the water.

On the street, the crowd moved like ants.

People screamed and rushed forward. Some people kept falling and jumping, but no one would help them up at this time.

The homeless man rushed straight to a building with the cat in his arms. The security guard behind the revolving door of the building turned green. He forgot that there was a warning sign beside the door that said homeless people and animals were not allowed to enter. He turned around and ran away.

The homeless man pushed open the revolving door and entered the building. He looked back and saw that the waves in the distance were still raging, sweeping everything, swallowing up all life and hope.

Countless passers-by on the street were swallowed up by the waves and disappeared in the waves.

High-rise buildings were crumbling under the impact of the waves, and streets and bridges were instantly submerged by the raging seawater.

Like the scythe of death, the tsunami swept through every corner of New York, harvesting lives mercilessly.

In front of nature, human beings are so fragile. People struggle and try to find the possibility of survival, but no one is spared.

Nature is also fair and does not treat humans differently based on their status or wealth.

At this moment, all living beings are equal as long as they are within the scope of the tsunami's influence.

In the building, the homeless man took one look and then looked away. He hugged his cat and rushed to the fire escape. He ran up quickly, trying to get as high as possible from the ground.

Soon, the waves came to the building. The turbulent water broke through the doors and windows and poured into the building crazily.

Those who reacted slowly were swept away by the water before they could run to the stairs. They were floating and sinking in the water, but the fast current gave them no chance to struggle.

There are a lot of debris in the water. If someone bumps into something, he will be knocked unconscious and drowning is the inevitable outcome.

By the time the tsunami stopped, the entire New York City was completely submerged in water and turned into a city under water.

And disasters like New York's are still happening in other parts of the world.




On the head of the god Tiamu, Doctor Strange gasped and fell down. He had just tried all the magic he knew, but could not make the god fall back into sleep.

Even he, a master of magic, can't do anything, let alone Spider-Man and War Machine.

"Sir, is there nothing we can do?"

Peter Parker opened his helmet and looked at Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange sighed: "If Thor and Dr. Banner were here, maybe we could give it a try, but it's just me. Unfortunately, none of the magic I have can handle this situation."

After saying that, Doctor Strange looked at Fastos and Macari.

"what about you?"

The two Eternals looked at me and I looked at you, then shook their heads at the same time.

"If the Conqueror were here, there might be a way."

T'Challa and Shuri fell from the sky, and Spider-Man quickly put on his helmet as if facing a powerful enemy.

Black Panther said quickly: "We were attacked just now because we were affected by the 'Mind Stone' in Ikaris's hand."

"Now the influence of the 'Mind Stone' on us has been lifted."

Doctor Strange narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is Ikaris already gone?"

Only this reason can explain the return of the Black Panther brothers and sisters to normal.


Their previous action to stop Spider-Man was not influenced by the 'Mind Stone' at all, but was instructed by Azu.

The same is true now.

At this moment, a voice from the sky said: "Maybe he didn't leave, but was killed by me."

Doctor Strange and others quickly raised their heads and saw a figure appearing in the bright sunshine high in the sky.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, red cloak, and black battle suit.


Azu loosened his grip and threw something down.


At the feet of Doctor Strange and others, a figure immediately appeared, Ikaris!

His chest was blown open, his skin was ashen, and he looked dead.

Doctor Strange looked at Azu again, only to find that Azu had put on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' again on his hand!

"I have to say, this little bug is really clever. He stole the 'Infinity Gauntlet' when I was careless."

Azu shook his 'Infinity Gauntlet': "Now, it is finally back to its original owner."

Doctor Strange said solemnly: "How did you do it?"

"Even if you can fight against the 'Infinite Stone', it is impossible to kill Ikaris in such a short time."

Azu chuckled.

"Don't look at me now the same way you used to."

"Today, I am no longer something you bugs can guess."

"Let's go quickly."

"The next stage is not something you can participate in."

Azu waved his hand as if to drive away annoying flies.

Doctor Strange floated into the air and said, "What do you want to do, save the world?"

"Would you do something like that?"

Azu spread his hands: "What good will it do me to watch this planet be destroyed?"

"On the contrary, destroying this thing is the best result for me."


Fastos shook his head and smiled: "You have no idea what you are talking about."

"Being able to put Diamu to sleep is already a blessing among misfortunes. You actually want to destroy him?"

"This is a god!"

Azu looked at the black man: "Shut up, faggot, if I hear you say another word, I will kill you."

Fastos was so angry that his chest heaved, but thinking that Ikaris was dead, he was even less likely to be the conqueror's opponent, so he could only keep his mouth shut.

At this time, the sea shook, and Diamu was waking up. He wanted to leave this planet and become a true god.

The T'Challa brother and sister stopped lingering, called for a fighter plane, and the two jumped into the hatch.

Su Rui looked at Azu and was pulled into the cabin by his brother, and then the fighter plane turned around and left.

Doctor Strange hesitated for a moment, then opened a portal and asked the others to leave.

When they came out of the portal, they appeared on a high mountain. From here, they could still see the scene of the god's appearance, but it was only farther away.

But this doesn't matter, because Diamu's size is so big that he can still see clearly even from a distance.

At this time, Azu was the only one left above Diamu's head.

"The clowns are finally gone."

"Now it's time for the main character to perform."

Azu smiled and rose to the sky.

Under Tiamu's feet, Ikaris's body disappeared.

That's just an illusion created by the 'Reality Stone'.

Of course Azu would not be so wasteful, killing an elite warrior comparable to the Destroyer in order to win the trust of Doctor Strange and others.


The wind howled.

Adam came behind.

"Your Majesty, do you want my help?"

The golden young man looked at Diamu below and said with some arrogance.

Seeing that Adam was only born a few days ago, Azu didn't share his experience and just waved his hand: "No, just stay away from me."

Adam nodded, brought up a gust of wind, and flew away in an instant.

Azu stared at Diamu below, his eyes brightened, but now, what was brewing in Azu's eyes was no longer the golden light.

Instead, it was a deep purple glow.

Then, two beams of light broke out from his pupils and went straight to Diamu below.

The edges of these two beams of light are an ink color that is extremely purple and almost black, while the core is a gorgeous bright purple, with a natural transition between the two colors in the middle.

‘Destroy sanctions’!

This is the first time Azu has used this ability after becoming a god.

When the two beams of light fell on top of Diamu's head, there was no earth-shattering explosion, nor was there any high temperature that burned the sky and boiled the sea.

It's just that the golden head, where it was touched by the 'Destruction Sanction', was silently annihilated, disappeared, and returned to nothingness.

This is destruction.

This is destruction!

Tiamu, who seemed indifferent to all the attacks by Doctor Strange and others just now, at this moment, the light in the six pupils on his head lit up at the same time.

Golden rays of light shot out from the pupils of his eyes, as if they were real.

The sea surface shook violently, and Diamu's hand that stretched out of the water began to rise, catching Azu in mid-air.

This scene made Doctor Strange and others watching the battle from a distance widen their eyes.

"This is impossible!"

The black man Fastos was the first to call out: "The conqueror's attack actually caused Tiamu to react?"

"That's a god!"

"Not the ordinary gods in the universe!"

"Tiamu is a god!"

"A god who can create and destroy a planet, or even a galaxy!"

"How could he react to the Conqueror's attack?"

Peter Parker looked at Doctor Strange and said, "Sir, Tiamusheng reacted, does that mean that he believes that the conqueror's attack poses a substantial threat to him?"

To be honest, Doctor Strange didn't want to nod his head and admit it.

But the facts are before our eyes.

He could only say: "I'm afraid that's true."

"Tiamu must have had some kind of reaction to the conqueror's attack."

Fastos shook his head and said, "No, no, no, it's true that Tiamu reacted."

"But the threat is exaggerated. If you were bitten by a mosquito, you would slap it to death."

"But you can't say mosquitoes are a threat to you, can you?"

Colonel Rhodes opened the helmet of the armor and said: "You mean, although the conqueror caused Tiamu's reaction, it was far from being able to destroy the god?"

Fastos said in a tone that left no room for doubt: "That's natural!"

As an Eternal, he believes in this more than anyone else.

At this time.

They saw the two beams of light falling on Diamu disappear.

Fastos immediately said: "Look, the conqueror is obviously unable to succeed."

Doctor Strange frowned and said: "Although we have never been friends with the Conqueror, if he is not a match for Tiamu even with the 'Infinity Gauntlet', then today will be the end of the world."

When he said this, the black man's mood suddenly became complicated.


They saw the Conqueror shoot two more black and purple beams. This time, the two beams swept towards Tiamu's outstretched palm.

So they saw a scene they would never forget.

The huge palm that covered the sky and the sun broke apart after being swept by the black and purple beam of light as thin as a gossamer.

The first was one of Tiamu's little fingers. It fell from his palm and crashed into the sea like a mountain falling, causing a large wave of water to explode!

Fastos's eyes almost fell out of his eyes: "This is impossible!"

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