I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 410 Peace Messenger Azu

No wonder black people are excited.

As the 'Eternal Tribe', as soon as they were born, the imprint of 'Invincible Gods' was imprinted on their spirits and consciousness.

It's remarkable that Circe can defy these marks and try to prevent the gods from appearing.

But if she were still alive, she, like Fastos, would not be able to accept the facts before her.

They couldn't accept the fact that the supreme god in the eyes of these 'Eternals' would actually be injured.


The finger as big as a mountain peak fell into the sea, causing the water level to rise rapidly, forming a circle of huge waves that spread in all directions.

Then, something even more shocking happened.

Doctor Miracle and others saw purple rays passing through the air in the distance once again.

This time, the purple ray swept across the sea and finally passed through the middle of the arm of the god Tiamu.

In the orbit swept by the purple ray, the seawater disappeared, and a subtle but bottomless 'gap' appeared on the sea surface.

Then this 'gap' was filled with sea water and disappeared.

The arm of God Tiamu was not so lucky. After the golden, huge mountain-like arm was scratched by the purple ray, the movement first stopped, and then there was a rumble in it, like thunder.

On the high slope, the black man Fastos sat down on the ground and watched desperately as the golden arm vibrated and slowly opened a gap.

Golden light appeared from the gap, going straight down, filling the trajectory swept out by the purple ray.

Then, using that gap as the center line, the golden arms of God Tiamu blossomed left and right, and golden, hot blood like lava spurted out from inside!


The split arm slapped the sea surface, exploding into billions of waves, and the golden blood immediately dyed the sea surface, making the ocean look golden and brilliant.

"That's not true."

"That's not true."

Fastos covered his face and cried bitterly. His faith and spirit collapsed at this moment.

He didn't know until this moment that he was so loyal to the Celestial Clan.

He was so loyal that even if he decided to fight against God, seeing Diamu injured would still be unbearable pain.

Makali is much better than him, at least this deaf and mute Celestial Clan will not be so rude.

Spike and Jin Guo on another beach were also stunned.

They did not take any further action after Ikaris left. They were just waiting for Ikaris to return, but they saw the scene of Tiamu having his arm destroyed by the conqueror.

"Tell me it's not true, Jingo."

Spike, who always looks like a 12-year-old girl, said in a sleepy voice.

Jin Guo pinched his face and screamed in pain: "This is real, this is not a dream, it hurts."

"Where is the boss? Why didn't you stop that devil?"

They did not act together with the Avengers, so naturally they did not see the scene where Ikaris was 'killed' by the conquerors.

Spike shook her head. Of course she didn't know this question.

"Maybe we should stay away from here."

Spike said.

At this time, they saw the conqueror shoot the seemingly harmless, but actually terrifying purple ray towards the head of the god Tiamu again.

You must know that the body of the gods is the strongest material in the universe, otherwise they would not be able to travel across the stars and swim in the sky with their physical bodies.

But the purple ray that the conqueror seemed to have no power could actually destroy the body of the god. It was scary to think about it.

Even the bodies of gods can be destroyed. Although the universe is huge, is there anything that a conqueror cannot destroy?

Diamu lost an arm and was not fully awake. Not to mention the God's various abilities, even instinctive resistance was a problem.

Otherwise, Sersi would not be allowed to freeze her whole body in the movie without putting up the slightest resistance.

Just reaching out to reach out to Azu was the limit of what he could do at this moment.

Now being bombarded by Azu's 'Destructive Sanction', Diamu's six round eyes could only express his mood at the moment with flashes of light.

Azu had no intention of guessing the deity's mood at the moment. The purple light in his eyes continued to become brighter and brighter, so the two beams of 'Destruction Sanction' more than doubled in size.

In just an instant, it penetrated Tiamu's head and went straight to the bottom of the sea.

As Azu flicked his head, two purple rays immediately cut open the head of the god Tiamu from the middle.

Looking through the cross-section, Azu saw a golden skeleton and organs inside that were different from human beings.

These things, no matter what they are, make the ‘Destruction Sanction’ split into two!


On the high slope, Fastos screamed, and the black man rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot.

Doctor Strange's hands were also shaking slightly.

It was not because he had any faith in the god Tiamu, but because he saw that the god was beheaded by Azu, and the conqueror did not even use the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

Using only his own ability and strength, he slaughtered a god in the process of awakening.

Such power frightened him, frightened him, and made him despair.

Even gods can be killed.

Who else on this planet can fight against the ‘Conqueror’?

At this time.

A black-purple light beam shot out from Diamu's brutally severed head.

It soared into the sky, and then shot out streaks of light high in the sky, radiating in different directions, forming a pattern of a six-pointed star.

The black-purple six-pointed star seems to be a symbol, and it also seems to be a judgment against the god Tiamu!

Azu is right next to this huge six-pointed star.

He definitely felt that he had destroyed the body of the god Tiamu.

The authority to ‘destroy’ is truly terrifying.

Just like it's described.

Although it is only the first stage, it can already destroy matter and energy.

However, the god Tiamu was not completely dead.

Azu could feel that Tiamu's inner fire still existed, but it had suffered a huge impact and now seemed dim.

It seems that he will fall into a deep sleep again, and then it will take hundreds of thousands of years or more until his body takes shape again, and then he will wake up again.

It can be seen that the ‘sanction of destruction’ has indeed had a certain impact on the spirit of the gods, but it cannot be completely destroyed.

It may be necessary to upgrade the 'destruction' authority to the second stage before it can destroy the spirit or even other things.

However, Azu could accept this result.

Anyway, he doesn't have to explain to the outside world that the gods are not completely dead. He only needs to let the humans on earth know that he prevented the gods from appearing, and then his goal will be achieved.

At the same time, through today's battle, he gained a deeper understanding of the power of 'destruction' and benefited a lot.

Glancing in the direction of the Wakanda fighter jet, Azu looked towards the sky, then soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

On the Wakanda fighter plane, T'Challa asked nervously: "Did the battle just take place on film?"

Su Rui nodded and said: "It has been taken. I also gave the Conqueror several close-ups."

A smile appeared on T'Challa's lips: "Well done, in this way, you can implement what the Conqueror ordered."

"Okay, now, let's go meet our 'friends'."




New York.

The flood has receded temporarily.

A messy road surface was revealed.

People use various methods to return to their homes, reunite with loved ones, or pack up personal belongings.

Next, they had to rush to designated evacuation sites to avoid the arrival of a second tsunami.


Despair was written on everyone's face.

Even if they were reunited with their loved ones, there wouldn't be many smiles on their faces.

Because what will greet them next is probably not the second tsunami, but the end of the world.

I wonder who can be happy in this atmosphere.

Many people broke down and cried while recycling items, and some were even ready to end this terrible life in their own way.

Hastings is one of them.

He was originally a securities investment manager at the stock exchange with a promising future. He had planned to marry his girlfriend who had been in love for many years this year.

Unexpectedly, in the best time of his life, he encountered the worst thing.

The end of the world!

After experiencing the tsunami and being unable to contact his girlfriend, he was completely discouraged.

Now he is standing on the rooftop of the stock exchange. Just 5 minutes ago, one of his colleagues flew down.

Hastings was now standing where his colleague jumped. The strong wind from high above made his tie fly back. He seemed to hear a voice constantly encouraging him.

"Jump down, Hastings."

"Life can't get any worse."

"Do you want to experience despair and pain again?"

Hastings' feet couldn't help but move forward.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

He picked up his phone out of habit and glanced at it, and a news bulletin appeared on the screen.

The words "God has been stopped and the end of the world is a thing of the past" are clearly written on it.

Seeing this title, Hastings quickly opened the report.

A video pops up directly on the screen.

On the screen, Wakandan diplomat Nakia said to the camera with a joyful expression.

"Just now, I received a message from King T'Challa."

"The God Appearance has been stopped."

"The end of the world is a thing of the past."

"The disaster is over!"

The screen immediately burst into cheers, and a reporter raised his hand and said, "Ms. Nadja, can you please contact King T'Challa and ask him to tell us what's going on at the scene?"

The diplomat nodded, picked up her phone and was about to contact her king when suddenly she said.

"It seems like it won't be that troublesome."

"King T'Challa just sent a video of the scene, and now I will project it on the big screen."


The screen switches to the scene where God appears.

Hastings saw a golden head as big as a mountain emerging from the endless sea.

Just on that head, there was a small black spot.

A giant palm is reaching towards the black spot.

At this time, the camera moved forward and the screen zoomed in, allowing Hastings to clearly see that the little black dot was originally a man floating in the void.

The man had blond hair and blue eyes, with a red cloak flying like flames behind his back, and the black uniform on his body reflected the golden sunlight.

He turned his head to look at the palm of the god approaching, and then sprayed two black-purple rays from his eyes.

The screen zoomed out, and Hastings immediately saw that the two black-purple rays crossed one of the little fingers of the god's palm, and cut off the finger that was as big as a mountain!

Hastings' mind went blank.

I saw that finger hitting the sea surface, causing a huge wave.

Then the blond man used black and purple rays to split the god's arm in two.

Seeing this, Hastings covered his mouth in excitement.


The figure in the red cloak used the same method to split the huge, golden head into two.

Let a pillar of light rise from that head, eventually forming the pattern of a six-pointed star.

In the shining light, the god was cut into two heads and sank into the sea.

At the end of the picture, the savior glanced at the camera, then rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

The video ends here.

Then switch back to the conference site.

the Wakandan diplomat said excitedly.

"As you can see, the gods have been destroyed, the gods have been prevented, and our planet has been spared the fate of destruction."

“And all the credit for this goes to the Savior.”

"He is the savior of the earth!"

Hastings cried with joy.

Couldn't help but cheer.

At this time, the securities building, the street, and even the entire New York were beneath his feet.

Thunderous cheers!

At this time, Hastings' cell phone rang, and a name flashed on the caller ID.

That's his girlfriend's name.

He quickly left the rooftop.

His life welcomed the sunshine again.

And the real sunshine also appeared in the sky, breaking through the haze, falling in this devastated city, lighting up everyone's heart.

A week later.

Holy of Holies.

"Put it over there, that's right."

"Be careful not to break anything, or the king will be talking about it in my ears for a week."

Doctor Strange is directing Peter Parker to help organize the Holy of Holies.

They have returned to New York.

Life seems to be back on track.

Except Thor is still missing.

in addition.

There are more things related to the ‘conqueror’ in the city.

Prints on T-shirts, action figures in toy stores, ‘Conqueror’ cartoon head balloons, etc.

People use various ways to express their gratitude and respect for this 'savior'.

At the same time, this allows merchants to see business opportunities and take the opportunity to launch more related products.

Thus, on the other hand, the image of the ‘conqueror’ was promoted.

Like now.

Nine out of ten pedestrians passing by the Holy of Holies had something related to the ‘Conqueror’ on their bodies.

They range from various items to small patterns and symbols.

In the blink of an eye.

It seems that the image of ‘conqueror’ has evolved into a trend.

"Sir, you have to take a look at this." Peter Parker came over and faced Doctor Strange with his phone screen.

in the screen.

It turned out to be an interview with T’Challa, King of Wakanda.

"Yes, we have been associated with the Conqueror for many years."

"In fact, our technology has exploded in Wakanda in recent years, and we have even made breakthroughs in interstellar tourism technology."

“And these all come from the super-era knowledge provided to us by the ‘Conquerors’.”

On the screen, T'Challa smiled and said: "I can tell you with certainty that the arrival of the conqueror will bring permanent peace to our planet."


Doctor Strange didn't believe this argument at all: "There is no such word as 'peace' in that man's eyes."

"I even suspect that preventing God from appearing is a 'drama' directed by him."

Peter Parker whispered: "Really, sir?"

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