I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 413 The elderly version of Batman

In a quiet community, a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The man rolled a few times on the road and got up, wearing a strange tight suit.

The tights are mainly red with bright yellow lightning patterns.

The tight-fitting design adapts to the contours of his body to the greatest extent and greatly reduces air resistance.

On the chest of the suit, there is a shining, lightning pattern.

This is a status symbol.

This is the logo of ‘The Flash’!

Yes, this person suddenly appeared out of thin air.

It’s none other than ‘The Flash’ Barry Allen.

"This is where?"

"I was just attacked in the 'Bowl of Time'. Who is that weird purple guy?"

"How could he appear in the 'Bowl of Time'? Why did he attack me?"

Barry touched his sore cheek and stood up.

Since forming the Justice League with Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and other superheroes, Barry has continued to develop his abilities.

Not only can he use the resonance of the speed force to penetrate walls, but not long ago, he discovered that when his speed force was raised to the extreme, he could travel through time.

He is able to access different points in the time stream by moving quickly and adjusting his vibrational frequency.

This gave him an idea.

He wants to change the past!

Barry Allen had an unfortunate experience.

When he was a child.

one day.

His mother sent his father to the supermarket to buy tomato sauce to make pasta.

Because the father was not at home, the gangsters thought there was no one at home, so they broke into the house.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he bumped into Nora who was cooking.

What's even more unfortunate is that Nora was holding a knife at the time.

A conflict broke out.

When Barry's father Henry returned home, he found Nora lying in a pool of blood.

The police then arrived, thinking Henry had killed Nora, and an arrest was made.

In the years that followed, Barry tried to overturn his father's conviction, but due to the lack of direct evidence, Henry is still in jail.

After getting acquainted with Batman, with his help, Barry obtained a video.

This is a video of his father Henry in the supermarket. Unfortunately, in the video, Henry kept his head down, so his full face was not captured.

This would make it impossible to prove the fact that Henry was in the supermarket when Nora was killed.

There is no way to overturn his verdict.

So after discovering that he could travel through time, Barry decided to go back in time and put the jar of ketchup that broke up his family in his mother's trolley.

This way, she won't have her father, Henry, go out because she forgot to buy something.

There is no such thing as what happened next.


Batman warned him that any attempt to change the past was dangerous.

That could destroy everything.

But Barry still did it, but in order to avoid accidents, he chose not to interact with anyone.

Just changed the position of the jar of ketchup.

And when he did this, when he returned to the 'Bowl of Time', he found that it was all worth it.

Because he succeeded!

His mother reappeared in the flow of time, and he saw his family living a happy life.

It was at this time.

A purple weirdo appeared and entered the 'Bowl of Time' and punched Barry, causing him to break away from the flow of time and enter reality.

"This is where?"

Barry turned around, his whole body trembling.

He saw a familiar scene.

That's his home.

Just in the kitchen, he saw a familiar figure.

He saw his mother Nora!

She is indeed alive!

For a moment.

Barry's eyes were red.

He wanted to enter the house, but remembered that he was still wearing a battle suit.

So Barry brought the electric light and disappeared into the air.

When he reappeared the next second, he was already wearing casual clothes.

Barry opened the door, walked into the house, came to the kitchen, and saw his mother with her back turned to him.

He was in an excited mood, and thoughts were growing crazily in his heart like spring weeds.

At this moment, his heart seemed to beat out of his chest.

He was excited and nervous, like a bird trying to fly for the first time.

He held his hand tightly, his nails digging into his palm, trying to confirm through the pain that all this was real.

Barry's vision was blurred. Only he knew how many years he had been looking forward to this moment.

He stood there in anticipation and fear.

He was afraid that this was a dream and when he woke up, everything would be gone.

He was afraid that Nora would leave him, just like last time.

But he couldn't help but walked over and gently stretched out his hand to touch his mother's shoulder.

Nora was startled, turned around, saw clearly that it was Barry, and couldn't help laughing: "Little monkey, why are you back so early today."


Barry couldn't control himself anymore, hugged his mother hard, closed his eyes and said.

"I miss you so much."

Noila smiled: “It’s only been a week since school started, and you already miss me?”

"Okay, I love you, Barry."

Barry said happily: "I love you more."

Nora said softly: “I loved you earlier.”

Then Barry's father, Henry, walked in.

"Barry, did you cut your hair?"

"Looks old-fashioned."

Nora glared at her husband: "Don't say that about my little boy."

"But what are you wearing?"

"Hurry up and get a new one."

"Then come down and eat your favorite pasta."

Barry nodded repeatedly.

He walked out of the kitchen and heard his parents' voices.


"Is that called maturity?"

"Well, I was wrong, honey."

"I shouldn't have said that about our son."

"There's nothing wrong with being a little more mature, it makes it easier for him to get into the pub."

"That's not okay."

When Barry heard his parents' voices, he felt extremely happy.

Everything he did, all his efforts.

It all pays off in this moment.

By the time he changed his clothes and returned to the restaurant, the pasta had been cooked.

Barry said while eating noodles.

"Let's go to the park together tomorrow."

"I want to play on the swing, you can push me."

"Okay I know that's weird to say, after all I'm not a kid anymore."

He casually glanced out the window.

Suddenly it was like being struck by lightning.

The whole person jumped up.

Because he saw another 'Barry Allen' appearing across the street outside the window.

That 'Barry Allen' had long hair and looked like a hip-hop kid, jumping across the street.

"What's wrong, is the pasta bad?" Nora asked doubtfully.

"No no no!"

"This is the best pasta I've ever eaten." Barry said quickly, "But I need to go to the bathroom now. I seemed to have eaten something wrong yesterday."

"I'll be back soon."

He left the restaurant in a hurry.

As soon as he was out of his parents' sight, he turned into a bolt of lightning and came outside the house.

Outside the house, 'Barry No. 2' was about to greet his parents in the restaurant when he was suddenly knocked down and pushed against the wall.

The long-haired Barry raised his fist, thinking he was being robbed, but when he saw the short-haired Barry, he was stunned.

"Why do you have my face!"





A yellow taxi stopped.

It is extremely empty here, and weeds grow on both sides of the road.

Coupled with the darkness now, it seemed like a storm was brewing.

Therefore, the scene here seemed even more depressing, and the driver glanced at the rearview mirror with some worry.

I looked at the passenger behind me, fearing that he would suddenly pull out a gun and rob me.

"Sir, Wayne Manor has arrived."

Azu heard the sound, looked away from the car and smiled slightly.

He took out a few bills and threw them on the chair.

Keep the change, please.

Then push the cart out.

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, reversed the car quickly, and then left this desolate place.

If Azu is willing, he can use teleportation to come to Wayne Manor.

But now, because of the 'Iron Cage Blood Fight', his overall strength has been weakened.

He plans to spend 48 hours first and then face the challenge in good condition.

Therefore, he did not want to attract any attention from the opposing side.

In order to do this.

Apart from using 'Reality Distortion' to change his appearance and clothing, Azu acted like an ordinary person.

The reason why I came to Wayne Manor was for another purpose.

Since your opponent is as strong as yourself, you should try to increase your chips.

In this case, it is extremely important to have strong helpers.

Looking at the entire DC universe, which character is stronger than Superman?

At least in the movies released by DC, Superman is currently the most powerful.

But the Superman in this world was imprisoned, and Azu suspected that Superman was discovered by humans when he arrived on Earth.

Otherwise, how can any institution or country on Earth imprison Superman, who has been exposed to the sun for decades?

If there is no opponent who is also a god, Azu can completely use his "information field" ability to mine the world's information and find Superman's location.

But since the other party is also at the god level, Azu has to be careful.

Carefully, assume that the adversary also has leverage in the information domain.

Therefore, he did not use his abilities rashly, but planned to come to Batman for help.

Even when he saw this desolate manor at this moment, if it weren't for the sign hanging on the big iron gate with the words 'Wayne Manor' written on it, Azu would have thought that he was in the wrong place.


"This world is very different from what I know."

Azu pushed open the rusty black iron door covered with vines and walked into the manor.

Looking around, the Wayne Manor in front of us felt indescribably gloomy and desolate.

The entire manor is filled with a strong atmosphere of history and an indescribable melancholy.

Every plant and tree in this manor seems to have witnessed the passage of countless years.

The appearance of the manor is ancient and solemn, with tall towers and thick stone walls that make people awe-inspiring.

Behind the manor is a gloomy forest, with dark branches swaying in the wind, as if whispering something.

After a while, Azu came to the main door of the main building.

He first scanned the situation in the main building, and after confirming the situation inside, he opened the door with a smile.

Entering the main building, you can see that the interior decoration is simple and old, with high ceilings and dim lights creating a mysterious atmosphere.

The ancient furnishings, worn tapestries and dusty bookshelves all make people feel the precipitation of time and the weight of history.

In this empty house, traces of time can be seen everywhere.

The worn steps of the stone staircase, the intricate patterns carved on the pillars, and the wear marks on the floor all make people feel like they can hear the passage of time.

A cold wind came from nowhere and roared through the corridor, causing the wooden windows to tremble slightly and make a creaking sound.

In such an environment, one can't help but feel a chill that goes deep into one's bones.

It seems that every inch of stone is full of melancholy and sadness, and every sound of wind is filled with sadness and memories.

But Azu was not affected by these atmospheres.

He quickly found a kitchen.

in the kitchen.

Noodles are cooking in an iron pot.

The fire in the stove had just gone out, and the noodles in the pot were sizzling.

"Come out."

"Mr. Wayne."

As soon as Azu finished speaking, he felt wind coming from the back of his head.

He didn't look back and let a figure hit him on the head with a pan.

The pan turned out to be deformed and nothing happened to him.

Only then did he turn around and saw a fist expanding in his field of vision.

So Azu stretched out a finger and gently stopped the fist with his fingertip.

Then he pushed with carefully controlled force.

The man flew out, fell over a dining table, and sat on the ground.

Only then did Azu look.

Suddenly the smile froze on his face.

He originally thought he would see Bruce Wayne, but instead he saw a bad old man.

"Am I in the wrong place?"

Azu looked around suspiciously.

"Isn't this Wayne Manor?"

The old man got up.

"This is Wayne Manor."

Azuki said: "Then who are you, Bruce Wayne?"

The old man looked at Azu: "I am Bruce Wayne."

Azu was really stunned for a moment: "This is impossible."

"Why are you so old?"

"No, you don't look like him either."

"Did I really guess it right?"

"DC is changing actors and restarting the universe?"

The old man cursed and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about, but I still have to ask you to leave because I don't welcome strangers here."

Of course Azu would not leave like this.

"Let me ask, are you Batman?"

The elderly version of Bruce froze, and then said solemnly: "Batman has been dead a long time ago."

Azu nodded: "In other words, you are indeed Batman, but you are no longer a Gotham vigilante."

"It doesn't matter."

"I want to ask you a favor."

Old Wayne blew his beard: "Why should I help a stranger who just broke into his house?"

Azu spread his hands and smiled: "Maybe this stranger can give you something in return, for example, avenge you or something else."

"I do not need."

Old Wayne looked at Azu: "I can feel it, you are very strong, not ordinary strong."

"I've never seen anyone as strong as you."

"I am no match for you, and you don't look like you are planning to leave."

"Well, now that I've done you this favor, don't let me see you again?"

Azu snapped his fingers: "Deal."

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