I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 414 Death is coming

In Barry Allen's bedroom.

The two Baris looked at each other.

After a while.

Long-haired Barry's eyelids trembled and he said with a smile.

"This is so magical, are we in the future?"

"You traveled back in time from the future? Wow, that's so cool."

Short-haired Barry pressed his hands down and said, "No, no, this is not magical at all, brother."

"It's just a sudden disaster."

"This is not the future either."

"I was supposed to go back to my own time and space."

"But I'm still in the past, there shouldn't be two me."


"You and I shouldn't be in the same time and space."

"We shouldn't be interacting like this."

The long-haired Barry was confused when he heard it, and seemed to understand.

Then he shook his head and smiled: "I can't believe it, I am a superhero who can travel through time and space."

He seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit.

Short-haired Barry said quickly: "No, no, no, you are nothing."

"This is a good thing, you know?"

"You don't want to be a superhero, that's horrible."

"And when I ran, I felt like there were insects moving between my teeth. It was so uncomfortable."

Long-haired Barry said with a smile: "Can you perform a little bit?"

Short-haired Barry said: "There is no time now."

The long-haired Barry thought for a while and then said in a long voice toward the outside of the house: "Mom~Mom~"

"What do you want to do?"

"Are you still planning to file a complaint?"

"Oh my god, why am I so annoying."

The short-haired Barry looked helpless and could only perform a show, turning into lightning for a few times and stuffing his long-haired self into a 'tent' set up with quilts and pillows.

"This is so cool," long-haired Barry exclaimed.

At this time.

Nora's voice sounded downstairs: "Barry, are you okay upstairs?"

The two people quickly replied: "We are fine."

Then he quickly changed his words: "I'm fine."

Fortunately, Nora didn’t find anything.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

Short-haired Barry said: "We are too confused. From now on, I am the 'Flash' and you are Barry."

"Well, you are originally Barry, the Barry of this era."

"And I'm just a passerby."

Long-haired Barry said excitedly: "It turns out I'm The Flash. That's a good name."

"No, I am."

"You're just Barry, Barry Allen." The Flash emphasized.

Barry looked aggrieved: "Okay."

But he soon returned to his old ways: "Your 'Justice Alliance' has an underwater plane, but where was the ship that flew on it that day?"

The Flash covered his forehead with a headache: "Why do you talk so much?"

"That's not flattering, no one likes that."

"Oh my God."

"I just realized how annoying I am."

He continued: "Just do me a favor."

"Promise me that our meeting will not disrupt the order of time and space."


"I promise." Barry smiled, looking as insincere as possible.

The Flash shook his head and said, "This is bad."

"what do I do."

"Drug you."

"Stun you so you won't remember anything when you wake up."


Barry immediately protested: "No."

"I mean, you can't do that."

"Please, don't drug me."

"I mean, I thought about it, I didn't want to be drugged."

"Let's think of another way."

"There must be something else we can do."

"Let's open our minds and think about it carefully. There must be some way to make me lose my memory."

The Flash had given up thinking.

Barry kept talking.

"I've practiced Brazilian caballero, and I'm very good at it."

"If you really attack me, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

The Flash looked at his fist, intending to use the simplest way to solve this problem.

"Besides, I have a date tonight." Barry said casually.

at this time.

The Flash turned around and punched Barry.

"Great, how much force do you need to knock him out?"

"If I hurt my past self, will my future self be hurt?"


He remembered what Barry had just said.

Stopped immediately.

"Wait, you have a date tonight?"

Barry looked at the Flash's fist: "Yeah, what did you plan to do just now?"

The Flash quickly put his hands behind his back: "Nothing, who are you dating?"

"A beautiful woman in my economics class." Barry answered truthfully.

The Flash blurted out: "You mean Iris?"

Barry's mouth dropped open: "Oh my God."

"Will we marry her?"

The Flash said: "Are you really going on a date with her tonight?"

Barry shrugged his shoulders: "Otherwise, so I came back and asked my mother to help wash the clothes."

"No way, you don't even wash your own clothes?" The Flash really couldn't face his past self.

"All right."

He shook his head and said: "I really have to go, you can live a good life."

"Don't change anything."

"Let's go, we will never see each other again."

But Barry didn't want him to leave: "But I still have questions that I haven't figured out yet."

"There's still a lot we don't know yet."

At this moment.

There was a roar outside the window.

It's raining.


"you are leaving."

"The rain ruined my date too." Barry turned around and complained.


The Flash seemed to remember something and walked to the window: "What day is today?"

"Sunday," Barry answered.

"No, what I want is the date." Flash turned around and said seriously.

Barry took out his phone and looked at it: "September 29th."

"Damn it."

Flash shook his head: "This is the day."

"This storm gave me super powers."

"No, it's you now."

"Yes, today!"

Barry looked in disbelief: "Super powers?"

The Flash sighed and said, "Look, I can't tell you why I went back in time."

"I can't tell you what I changed."

"Anyway, in my time and space, it was on this day that I gained superpowers."

“My freshman year, I interned at the crime lab in Central City.”

"That's where it happened."

"What's going to happen."

"Tonight, September 29th!"

He looked at Barry: "You must come with me immediately."

"I have to make sure that you can get superpowers. If you don't get superpowers, then maybe my abilities will disappear."

"In that case, I won't be able to leave or go back to my own time and space?"

Barry was startled: "Now?"

Flash nodded: "Now!"


There was lightning outside the window.

The Flash looked back. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to have seen a figure in the lightning just now.

But he didn't care.

Because he knows that there are many people with magical abilities in this world.

Maybe it was Superman passing by just now, or maybe it was Wonder Woman, who knows.

The most important thing now is to ensure that the giant baby in front of him can become the Flash.

If only The Flash had paid more attention.

He will find out.

The person in the lightning just now was not Superman or Wonder Woman at all.

But a fashionably dressed man.

He should appear at a banquet surrounded by beautiful women, instead of standing in the clouds, looking down at the earth below like a god from above.

The corners of his mouth raised.

Then, a gray light appeared in his eyes.


Lightning struck.

Along with the lightning falling to the ground, there were also two streams of gray-white fire shooting out from the man's eyes!

The two pale gray fire streams instantly fell into an apartment building below.

There are many residents living in the apartment building.

It was evening, and there was an Asian man cooking vegetables while listening to music.

Next to him, a British short blue cat was eating cat food.

Next door to the Asian man, a black man was lying on the floor, listening to music and meditating.

But he heard the sound of a man and a woman quarreling from downstairs.

The apartment building is buzzing with life.

But when those two pale gray fire streams passed through the ceilings one floor after another and disappeared on the ground floor of the apartment building.

The Asian man who was listening to the song and cooking suddenly had a blank look in his eyes, and then he plunged into the hot iron pot. The high heat caused blisters on his face, but he didn't feel anything at all.

Because his heart has stopped beating.

Almost at the same time, the British short blue cat that was eating cat food also fell head first, lay on the ground, and stopped breathing.

next door.

The music is still playing, but the meditating black man will no longer wake up.

The quarrel downstairs also stopped, because the couple also lay on the ground, motionless.

Just a blink of an eye.

The residents of the entire apartment died silently.

Even the rats in the underground sewers of the apartments died in droves.

on the sky.

The fashionably dressed man looked down at the ground. In his eyes, he saw a gray halo, centered on the apartment building, spreading continuously.

Wherever it goes, no matter what kind of creature it is, no matter where it is.

Humans, animals, insects.

All living things died one after another, in patches.

Soon, the death halo invisible to ordinary people had spread to Barry Allen's home.

But when I came here, there was a gap in that halo.

Thus, Nora and Henry inside Barry's home were 'leaked'.


The rain from the sky fell more quickly.

Wayne Manor.

Azu casually put down a photo.

He was sure that he had arrived in a strange DC universe.

God knows which movie this is.

The only thing Azu can be sure of is that before he traveled through time, this world, or rather this movie, had not yet been staged.

Otherwise he wouldn't have missed it.

The ears twitched.

The sound of footsteps came.

Azu saw the slovenly older version of Batman walking over and dropping a document on the table in front of him.

"found it."

Bruce Wayne poured himself a glass of whiskey: "Based on the information you provided, I found some clues."

He turned around, pointed at the document and said, "There is an armed organization that hid an alien in Siberia. That should be the person you are looking for."

Azu picked up the document, flipped through it, and wrote down the coordinates.

at this time.

He suddenly felt that a large amount of spiritual fire in Gotham City was disappearing.

Moreover, the phenomenon of extinguished spiritual fire is rapidly spreading outside the city.

In just the blink of an eye, the inner fire of every creature outside Wayne Manor disappeared.

In Azu's spiritual field, it was pitch black outside Wayne Manor, like a dead zone.

The weird thing is.

This phenomenon stopped when it came to Wayne Manor.

It was as if the estate was somehow protected.

Or maybe this phenomenon doesn't want to harm Bruce Wayne?

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly, picked up the document and said, "It's time for me to go."

Bruce pointed in the direction of the door: "I won't send it away."

The words trailed off.

Bruce suddenly felt the air getting colder.

The fire in the fireplace suddenly went out.

All lights disappeared.

A sinister atmosphere enveloped the room.

Then two huge but illusory eyes appeared in the air, like dead fish eyes, lifeless but weird.

One eyeball rolls up and the other looks down.

Then a face that filled almost the entire room appeared in the air.

This face was extremely pale, and some parts were rotten, and the gums inside could be seen.

But like those two eyes, it is illusory and has no entity, like a holographic image.

But as soon as it appeared, there was a fishy smell in the house, like a dead fish smell permeating the air.

Then the face's mouth opened and a blue-grey tongue stuck out.

A figure walked out of the mouth, walking on a long blue-gray tongue like a carpet, until it walked up to Azu and Bruce.

This man was dressed fashionably and looked like a playboy. He even put his hand on his chest and bowed slightly to Azu and Bruce.

And smiled.

"Good evening, you two."

Bruce came back to his senses, drank the wine in the glass slowly, nodded and said, "Okay, you can take me away."

The man was stunned for a moment: "Why should I take you away?"

"Aren't you the God of Death?"

"I'm definitely going to die."

"That's why I can see Death."

Bruce gestured towards the terrifying face that slowly disappeared into the void.

The fashionable man burst out laughing.

"No, dear Mr. Wayne."

"I'm not who you think I am."

"Although in my world, people worship me as a god."

"But I'm not here to take you away."

He looked at Azu: "I am here to see my 'brother'."

Bruce looked at Azu and then at the man: "Are you related?"

"Then let's talk."

"I have to get ready for dinner."

He turned and walked towards the kitchen.

at this time.

The wind howled.

Bruce's eyes were dazzled when he saw the fashionable man standing in front of him, blocking two golden blazing beams with his hands.

There was a loud bang in my ears.

Then there was debris flying overhead.

The old Batman raised his head and saw a big hole in the roof. He could see lightning flashing in the clouds in the sky and raindrops falling.

"Now I don't have to sleep at night."

He looked at the hole above his head and muttered, and then realized that Azu and the fashionable man were gone.

"Today's young people really have no manners at all."

Batman grumbled, then walked to the kitchen, ignoring the gap in the roof for now.

Looking out from the gap, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and two figures passed by at high speed.

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