I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 427 The dust has settled

The Flash shook his head: "I don't think so. It's just an escape capsule. It's not a spaceship and cannot be used for interstellar travel."


"She flew towards the Metropolis."

Barry looked confused: "What's she doing in Metropolis with an escape pod?"

The Flash seemed to remember something and slapped his head: "I know."

"She's going to blow up the Kryptonian main ship!"

Barry seemed to have heard some ridiculous joke: "Brother, are you kidding me?"

"Tell me how to blow up the Kryptonian main ship with an escape pod."

"no no."

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious."

The Flash said while recalling something: "In my world, Superman once had a duel with Batman."

"The reason is that Batman believes that Superman has brought disaster and believes that he is not a real savior but a threat."

"And the cause was the war in Metropolis, which turned Metropolis into ruins."

"Because the Kryptonian main ship and the World Engine transformed the environment and caused serious damage, Superman later destroyed these two machines to prevent the Earth from being destroyed."

"But from Batman's point of view at the time, the earth did not have to endure these disasters, and hundreds of people did not have to die."

"It's all because of Superman."

"But that's not the point."

"Later I asked Superman how he destroyed the Kryptonian ship."

"Superman told me that he did not sabotage the Kryptonian ship. He was destroying the 'World Engine' in the Indian Ocean at the time."

"The Kryptonian ship was his girlfriend Lois and the military that brought him to the scene in an escape pod that landed on Earth."

"Activate the escape capsule and perish together with the Kryptonian spacecraft."

Barry was stunned: "So the escape capsule is a bomb?"


The Flash shook his head: "Superman said that the escape capsule uses the 'Phantom System' like the Kryptonian spacecraft. I don't know the specific principle, but as long as the activated escape capsule is activated and hits the Kryptonian spacecraft, a strange phenomenon will occur. point, create a black hole.”

"At that time, Louise and the others used this black hole to kill the Kryptonian spacecraft and the Kryptonians on it!"

Only then did Barry understand: "So, Kara is going to do the same thing now?"

"I think so."

The Flash patted his arm: "Let's go to Metropolis. If General Zod and the others come, we have to try to stop them."

Barry suddenly looked bitter: "Man, those guys are too scary. If possible, I really don't want to face them again."

"Think of our parents, Barry."

"We have to protect them, don't we?" The Flash encouraged his 18-year-old self, and then took a starting position.

The next second, two lightning bolts of different colors quickly left Gotham and headed for Metropolis.

In the metropolis.

The Air Force's fighter fleet is fighting with the Kryptonian fleet. The battle is fierce, but the human side is obviously at a disadvantage.

Kryptonian fighters have strong maneuverability, flexible responses, and fierce firepower.

It's not on the same level as human fighters at all.

The collision of two civilizations immediately exposed human beings, whose technological level was still at a backward level, at a disadvantage.

Even the new fighter planes that the Lian Gang is most proud of are vulnerable to Kryptonian fighters.

Fighter planes were shot down one after another.

Only a few special pilots in the Air Force are still persisting.

They gave full play to their advantages and brought out their best state and strongest technology, but they still could not shorten the technological gap between the two civilizations.

At this moment, the two air force fighters were already being targeted by five or six Kryptonian fighters.

The computer frantically alerted them that they had been locked.

When the two pilots thought they were going to die in the line of duty, suddenly the Kryptonian fighter plane behind them exploded into a fireball.

Seeing this scene on the big screen in the command room of the ground base, General Calvin said excitedly: "It's Kara who's back!"

However, it was seen on the big screen that it was not Kara who attacked the Kryptonian fighter plane, but a blond Caucasian man.

He flew at the same high speed as Kara, constantly ejecting golden rays from his eyes, and shot down several Kryptonian fighters.

There was a burst of cheers from the commanding army.

Calvin said consciously: "It's not Kara. Who is this? How many aliens are there lurking on the earth?"

Of course it was Azu who shot down the Kryptonian fighter planes, but he was not doing it to help the army, it was purely because these fighters blocked his way.

at this time.

Azu caught a roar in his ears.

Then his body shook violently, deviated from its original trajectory, and crashed straight into a commercial building.

Through the glass curtain wall of the commercial building, Azu saw Natas hugging him from behind, and then the two of them crashed into the building together.

After smashing the window, flying into an office, and crashing through several walls, Azu kicked Natas away when he finally flew out from the other side of the building.

Then he made a turn and chased in the direction of the Kryptonian main ship.

"You can't run away!"

Natas chased after him, and the two launched a fierce chase in the metropolis. Lights from both sides exchanged, and pale and black-purple beams of light crisscrossed the city.

Things hit by pale light will quickly spread gray, and then the gray areas will accelerate aging and die quickly.

When hit by black-violet light, everything will disappear instantly. This is a bit like annihilation, but in fact it is not. Instead, the material will be completely destroyed from the molecular structure the moment it is hit, thus forming an annihilation effect.

But whether they are pale rays or black-violet beams, they are so deadly that the warring humans and Kryptonians temporarily stopped fighting to avoid being involved in the battle between Azu and Natas.

Soon, the two of them had arrived near the Kryptonian main ship.

When Natas was about to rush towards Azu, the light flow of the starship's main ship happened to rise, so the gravity field changed, and Natas suddenly flew upward uncontrollably.

Azu took the opportunity to spray a black-purple 'Destruction Sanction' from his eyes, and Natas also responded with a 'Death Ray'. Two forces of different nature collided in mid-air.

There is a stalemate.

Natas roared and increased the output of his 'Death Ray', which suddenly overwhelmed Azu's 'Destruction Sanction'. But just as he was about to hit Azu, Azu appeared behind his opponent using 'Psychic Transmission' .

Holding Natas with both hands, Azu threw him into the light stream of the Kryptonian main ship. Natas just hit the light stream, and the light stream descended and bombarded him.

Natas was immediately carried downwards by the flow of light and slammed into the ground. It was as if tens of millions of ancient mammoths had stepped on him, making him unable to lift his head.

Of course, this did not cause any real harm to Natas, but it humiliated him.

He suddenly raised his head and rushed out against the stream of light, rolling on the ground, crashing into a building, and then quickly knocked out from the rooftop of the building.

He suddenly bumped into Azu, and the two of them crashed into the Kryptonian main ship, breaking through walls one after another, and finally came to the hall.

The Kryptonians in the hall were startled, and then several soldiers raised their guns at the two.

Beams of light immediately fell on the two of them, but neither Natas nor Azu paid attention.

Their attention was focused on their opponents. The two figures were intertwined like the wind in the hall. Each collision produced a huge impact, breaking the muscles and bones of the Kryptonian soldiers who were slightly closer.

In the hands of two people from the motherland, no, in the hands of two level 7 life forms, there is not much difference between these Kryptonians and ordinary earthlings.

They didn't target them specifically, just the aftermath of the battle was enough to kill the Kryptonian soldiers.

After another collision, Azu flew out and landed in the hall.

He suffered the loss of being left with only one arm, while his enemy remained intact.

At this time, Natas, floating in mid-air, looked at Azu with hunting eyes.

"it's over."

"I admit, you are difficult to deal with."

"If you were not weakened, it would be difficult to predict the outcome between us."

"But if you choose to show up at the wrong time, the outcome is doomed."

Azu stood up with a smile: "The ending?"

"Where does it end?"

"Why did not I see?"

"Are you talking down your opponent?"

Natas' eyes were deep and he didn't say any more nonsense. He leaned forward slightly, then stepped in front of Azu and punched out.

Azu raised his only remaining arm, without showing any weakness, and used fists for punches.

When the two fists collided together, there was no sound, and they even stuck together.

But the next second.

Cracks suddenly appeared under their feet. The cracks spread wildly and covered the entire hall in an instant.

A Kryptonian lying behind the console turned pale with fright. He knew very well what materials were used in this hall.

It was a special material that could no longer be manufactured and could not be easily damaged.

But now, the fists of the two men collided, causing cracks to fill the hall. How terrifying their power was was evident from the cracks all over the hall.

After the collision.

Natas grabbed Azu's arm, picked him up and threw him to the ground. He bent his legs and pressed Azu with his knees, and then his eyes lit up with a deathly gray light.

Azu's eyes also glowed with black and purple light.

Then ‘Death Ray’ and ‘Destruction Sanction’ came into close combat again.

While the two were fighting desperately in the hall, Kara El had already brought the escape ship to the metropolis, and saw the Kryptonian main ship suspended in mid-air from a distance.

At this time, Azu's voice sounded in her mind.

"Activate the escape capsule and smash it towards the Kryptonian main ship, quickly!"

Kara did not dare to neglect, activated the escape capsule, and then swept towards the Kryptonian main ship at high speed.

When the distance between the two sides was less than one thousand meters, she threw the escape capsule hard towards the Kryptonian main ship.

In the main ship hall, Azu's figure flashed, and the clone was released by him.

Then he took out the artifact ‘Destroyer’ from the inventory.

As soon as the clones and destroyers appear, they immediately attack Natas from behind.

This was beyond Natas's expectation. The torrent of energy ejected by the clone and the destroyer bombarded his back, causing the 'death energy' covering his body to be rapidly consumed.

Natas was briefly distracted, and the 'death ray' that hit Azu suddenly weakened.

Azu took the opportunity to kick Natas away, jumped up, and combined the clone and the Destroyer to launch a beam at the opponent.

‘Destruction Sanction’, ‘Thermonuclear Light’, and the Destroyer’s Energy Light Flow, three types of energy blasted towards Natas together.

Natas sneered, a pale light surged in his eyes, and then a gray-white torrent broke through the air and faced his opponent.

It turns out he had some energy left!

But just when the forces from all directions collided, the escape capsule thrown by Kara hit the Kryptonian spacecraft.

Whether the Kryptonian spacecraft or the escape capsule, they all use the "Phantom System", which is the ability that allows the spacecraft to travel through space.

When two devices with the ability to travel through space collide, a singularity will be generated and a black hole will be formed!


When the escape capsule collided with the Kryptonian spacecraft, the two 'phantom systems' interfered with each other, and a black hole was immediately created!

In the hall of the Kryptonian spaceship, the expression of the Kryptonian hiding behind the main console changed, he screamed, and was sucked into the black hole.

Other things are also deforming and twisting crazily in the direction of the black hole, and then being pulled into it.

Natas is no exception.

Behind him is the black hole.

But as a native of the motherland and a level 7 life form, he immediately stabilized his figure.

But don't forget that on the other side of him there is Azu, a clone, and a destroyer!

Azu and the other two 'helpers' broke out at the same time to send Natas into the black hole.

This was the killing plan he had set out to kill since he knew General Zod had appeared.

Azu wants to use the black hole to kill Natas and his opponent!

That's why he appeared on Earth before the punishment time was over.

The purpose is to create this opportunity now.

Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, he naturally goes all out.

But how could Natas be so easy to deal with? While he was fighting against the three Azus, he was also fighting against the gravity of the black hole.

At this time, he no longer cared about killing Azu, but was preparing to escape.

The light in the hall suddenly became dim, and a disgusting fishy smell wafted in the air.

Azu immediately knew that Natas was going to summon that huge rotten face and teleport through it.

He has witnessed it many times, and Azu already knows Natas' ability very well.

"Hey, look at this."

Azu suddenly spoke.

Natas looked over and saw Azu's broken arm. After a moment of distortion, the light and shadow returned to normal!

He was stunned for a moment: "Your arm is not broken?"


"That's just a little trick to lure you in." A smile appeared on Azu's lips. Yes, he did not cut off his arm at that time, he just distorted reality to make Natas think that his arm was broken.

This was a 'show of weakness', which made Natas think he had a chance to win, so he desperately pursued him, ultimately exposing himself to the threat of the black hole.

Natas figured this out instantly, and his expression suddenly became distorted. He was so angry that the gray torrent he shot out immediately wavered.

The three of Azu seized the opportunity and used their strength to make Natas move closer to the black hole.

But at this time, the illusory giant face with dead fish eyes and many signs of decay had appeared behind Natas.

But when the giant face opened its mouth, the black-purple light stream that was originally fighting against the 'death ray' suddenly moved upward and fell on the big face.

This illusory giant face was attacked by the 'Destruction Sanction', and the energy that made it up was quickly destroyed, causing it to disappear into the air in the blink of an eye.

Azu destroyed Natas's teleportation, but without his 'Destruction Sanction', Natas's 'Death Ray' would go straight in.

In one fell swoop, he broke through the energy torrent of the clone and the destroyer, and headed straight for Azu.

At this time, the Destroyer no longer attacked, but stood in front of Azu and blocked Natas' 'death ray' for him.

The Destroyer is made of Uru metal from Asgard, and it is almost impossible to destroy, but Natas's 'Death Ray' is a divine skill, and even Uru metal is not immune to the erosion of death.

The body of the destroyer quickly spread a gray light, and some of the armor had rapidly aged and corroded.

However, the Destroyer blocked the 'Death Ray', and Azu took the opportunity to attack with the clone. The 'Destruction Sanction' and 'Thermonuclear Ray' fell on Natas.

Pushing this motherland into a black hole once again.

At this time, the distance between Natas and the black hole was already quite close, and the death energy covering his body was even sucked away by the black hole.

Natas gritted his teeth to support and summoned the rotten giant face again.

The giant face appeared again, and this time Azu did not stop it, which allowed the giant face to open its mouth.

Natas laughed and said, "Brother, we'll see you later."

Then he turned around and rushed into the mouth of the giant face, but after he rushed into the mouth of the giant face, he found that he did not enter the underworld as he imagined.

You must know that his teleportation ability is to use the underworld as a transfer station to achieve instantaneous teleportation between different locations.

When entering the mouth of the giant face, you should enter the underworld dimension.

But after Natas rushed into the giant face's mouth, what appeared in front of him was not the underworld, but the black hole on the Kryptonian main ship!

"How is this going?"

He didn't have time to think about it and wanted to get out of the black hole, but at this moment the Destroyer, who had been eroded by the power of death, crashed into him.

Hug him tightly and crash into the black hole with him.


As soon as Natas had time to shout these words, he disappeared into the black hole with the Destroyer.

The black hole suddenly expanded its scope and swallowed everything quickly.

Azu disappeared in the hall instantly and appeared next to Kara. When Kara came to Metropolis, he had already anchored Supergirl's inner fire.

A direct 'teleportation' will get rid of the black hole.

As for why the teleportation ability used by Natas for the second time did not take effect, the reason is simple, because Azu distorted reality and changed the position where the face appeared.

The picture Natas saw was an illusion created by Azu.

When he noticed that Natas was using the teleportation ability, Azu released the illusion of his arm in advance, just so that the 'distorted reality' could come in handy at the critical moment.

After all, he couldn't maintain two distorted 'realities' at the same time.

at this time.

After the black hole over Metropolis swallowed the Kryptonian main ship, because the 'Phantom System' disappeared, it could not continue and disappeared into the air all of a sudden.

As soon as the black hole disappeared, the objects that had been pulled up into the sky also fell down one after another.

A cloud of dust and smoke rose up on the ground that was swallowed up by the black hole.

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