[The multiverse invasion event has ended. 】

[Since Natas is dead, you have harvested the fruits of victory. 】

[Event evaluation and settlement now begins. 】

[The evaluation is over, details are as follows. 】

[1. You have completed this multiverse invasion event and obtained the Certificate of Glory*102]

[2. You defeated Natas, the ‘Fatherlander’ from the universe numbered 17159, in the ‘Iron Cage Blood Fight’ mode. Therefore, you will obtain all Natas’ items, including his authority, talents, items, etc. 】

【details as follows:】

[Authority—Death: The authority of death, the end of all things, with it you are the God of Death walking in the heavens]

[Divine Skill: Death Ray! 】

[Skills derived from authority: Wall of Sighs, Springboard to the Underworld, Shadow of the Underworld, Summoning Spirits, Slaving Living Corpses, and Spiritual Vision. 】

【Talent skills.】

【Item Category】

[3. You completed the fourth multiverse invasion event and obtained the ‘Certificate of Glory’*58]

【Your Glory Store has been updated with new items! 】

On Azu’s retina, lines of information emerged like a fountain.

It is indeed the ‘Iron Cage Blood Fight’ mode. As the invading party, you will be punished, but if you win, the rewards will be huge!

During the last invasion.

When Azu won in the 'Battle between Good and Evil' mode, he only deprived his opponent of one talent.

Today, not only did he obtain all of Natas' talents and items, he even obtained his authority.

no doubt.

Authority, and those derived skills.

They are worth more than Natas' talents and items combined.

After obtaining the power of ‘death’, Azu has two powers!

At the same time, he also knew that his development of the power of ‘destruction’ was still very rudimentary.

No, it should be said that he did not develop it at all.

He launched an invasion directly after returning from the Marvel Universe, and his use of 'destructive' power only remained superficial.

It is not difficult to see from Natas' abilities that in addition to divine skills, authority can also develop other skills.

Although those skills are not divine and have limited authority coverage, they are still much more powerful than the original innate abilities.

"After going back, rest for a while while developing the 'destruction' authority."

Azu roughly drew up a plan for his return. At this moment, his heart moved. He turned around and saw three black spots running quickly outside the metropolis.

It was General Zod and the three of them.

They had fought against Kara outside Metropolis before, but they had escaped unharmed.

Especially Fiora, in the movie, she is swallowed by a black hole.

But now, she is still alive and kicking.

Seeing the three remaining Kryptonians, Azu glanced at Kara: "It seems it's time for me to fulfill my promise."

When he asked Kara to help, he promised to deal with the Kryptonians.

Azu has no habit of breaking his promises, not to mention that with his current strength, there is no pressure at all to deal with these three Kryptonians.

This is a huge gap between levels of life.

Now even a powerful Kryptonian like Zod is not much different from ordinary people in Azu's eyes.


Kara's eyes flashed with anger.

"I'm going to deal with Zod myself."

"He didn't even spare the child. I can't forgive him!"

While speaking, Kara fell to the ground.

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "That's fine. After all, this is your 'family matter'. It's not good for me as an outsider to interfere."

Kara looked up at him: "If you can, could you please leave people alone to disturb us?"

“And the ‘engine of the world’ in the Indian Ocean has not stopped working.”


Azu agreed: "Just feel free to find what you want to do."

"Thank you." Kara nodded slightly, then accelerated towards Zod.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, the three Zods raised their heads and saw Kara rushing towards them at high speed.

Fiora and the Giant Warrior immediately ejected into the sky to intercept Kara.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up.

Azu had already flashed in front of them.

Catch one person with one hand.

Then he threw them to the ground one after another, and threw them away from Zod and Kara.

After watching Kara hit Zod and knock him away, Azu smiled and fell to the ground.

"I'll give you a piece of advice, just stand still."

Azu was smiling and as friendly as a neighbor.

Unfortunately, the Kryptonians didn't buy it.

The giant took long strides, running as fast as the earth shook, and rushed in front of Azu like an ancient mammoth, and smashed it with a fist bigger than Azu's head.


There was a huge sound, and the giant thought he had punched the mountain, but the man didn't move at all.

What frightened him even more was that Azu stopped his fist with just one finger.

What kind of power is this!

"Those who throw punches at gods will be punished."

"As merciful as I am, I will grant you a peaceful death. Remember to thank me."

As he spoke, Azu's eyes lit up, a gray light surged, and then two pale beams of light shot out from his eyes and landed on the chest of the giant warrior.

The armor on the Kryptonian's chest quickly turned gray, and the gray spread. The strong armor was now cracked like paper, and white powder was scattered.

The pale beam passed through the armor and fell on the body of the giant warrior. The Kryptonian body in the armor quickly decayed, like a corpse that had been dead for many days.

Fiora widened her beautiful eyes and looked at the living companion in front of her in disbelief, quickly completing the entire process of death.

In the blink of an eye, only a skeleton was left of the rotting body, and the last bones fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, the giant warrior turned into withered bones.


"This is impossible!"

Fiora screamed, her body and mind dominated by fear, and she could no longer care about General Zod.

She turned around, jumped up vigorously, and turned into a black dot that quickly moved away.

When she landed on the ground, she had already left Metropolis.

Fiora looked back and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that Azu had not followed.

Suddenly the person in front said: "Where are you looking?"

Fiora's expression changed, she turned around and ran away.

But at this time, a twisted and terrifying black shadow had already rushed over and hugged Fiora tightly.

Fiora suddenly felt palpitations, and she saw her body being pulled into the shadow by an invisible force.

She struggled desperately, but could not change this fact, and finally her vision went dark.

She had completely disappeared into the shadows.

After a moment, she saw light.

I saw a gray world.

Gray sky, gray mountains, gray earth.

She appeared in this gray world, falling from the sky, and below her, on the earth, there were sinkholes like abyss.

Looking into the sinkholes, Fiora saw many twisted pale buildings built around the edges of the sinkholes.

When Fiora landed some more heights, she saw figures moving in those buildings, as if there were people living in such a place.

At this time, a door opened and someone walked out of the building and looked up at Fiora.

Fiora immediately saw clearly that it was not a human being at all, but a skeleton!

And skeletons like this kept coming out of the building, as if to greet her.


"What is this place!"

She screamed, and then she saw dead gray eyes suddenly emerging from the darkness in the sinkholes and abyss on the ground!

On the outskirts of the metropolis, Azu took away the ‘Shadow of the Underworld’. He knew that Fiora had fallen into the underworld dimension.

"It's a pity."

"There are not many women who can fight and are pretty."

"Although DC's scripts are not great, their casting never disappoints."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Forget it, let's get rid of the 'World Engine' in the Indian Ocean, and I will return."

"As for the ending of this universe, it has nothing to do with me."

He soared into the sky, reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, and then turned towards the Indian Ocean.

In Metropolis, General Zod kicked Kara away with his feet.

He bounced up, roared and took off his helmet, suddenly feeling dizzy.

But as a Kryptonian general, he'd spent his entire life training his senses and knowing how to concentrate.

Therefore, within a few moments, Zod had already controlled his senses and concentrated on his eyes.

He shouted and tore off his armor, then strode forward and launched an attack.

Kara didn't show any signs of weakness, the girl rushed forward at high speed, created a sound barrier and passed through it, kicking Zod in the chest!

Zod flew backwards, smashed into a building, flew out again, and hit several buildings before he stopped.

He shook his head to clear his head, and then stood up.

Through the 'channels' formed by the gaps in front, he saw Kara flying towards him.

Zod roared, the gravel at his feet gathered towards him, his feet lifted off the ground, and under Kara's surprised eyes, he flew over.

Two figures met on a street! collision!

Wherever the two figures passed, things on the street were severely damaged as if they had experienced the ravages of a hurricane.

During the battle, Zod grabbed Kara's cloak, spun her around twice and threw her out.

Kara quickly rolled a few times and then stopped, then yelled, her eyes filled with red light, and then two laser beams blasted towards Zod.

Zod hugged his head at this time, seeming to be in great pain, groaning repeatedly.

But before the laser beam was about to hit, he roared and spurted a golden torrent from his eyes.

The two energies collided together, canceling each other out, and annihilating each other. When they were in a stalemate, jets were continuously shot out where the two energies collided.

The penetrating and cutting power of these energy jets are extremely terrifying, and the ground and buildings can easily be penetrated and torn apart by them.

This forced the Flash and Barry who arrived nearby to stop. They did not hesitate. If they were hit or scratched by these energy jets, they would definitely be seriously injured or even killed.

"Brother, it's too dangerous for us to get any closer." Barry said, pointing to the collapsed buildings ahead.

The Flash gritted his teeth and said, "You stay here, I'll go over and take a look."

Compared to Barry, who had just become a superhero, The Flash obviously had more combat experience. After letting Barry stay where he was, he turned into lightning and quickly passed through the block, passing by the falling rocks and even the bottom of the building.

Arrive at the scene without incident.

on site.

Kara and Zod have stopped firing energy rays at each other and they are tangled together.

In such a fierce battle, Kara gradually fell below.

Rode, who was a soldier, used his feet, hands, shoulders, back, and even his head as vicious weapons.

A moment later, Kara was knocked unconscious by Zod's headbutt, and then knocked to the ground by his punch.

I couldn't get up for a while.

Although Zod had the upper hand, his physical strength was severely exhausted, and he gasped.

"it's over."

"Kara El."

"I will find the 'Code of Life' in your body."

"Let the glory of Krypton shine again on this primitive and backward planet."

His eyes lit up, and he roared and sprayed out a torrent of energy, but before hitting Kara, Zod only saw the flash of lightning in front of his eyes, and Kara disappeared.

His torrent of energy only hit the ground, blasting a bottomless pit into the road.

Kara was also in shock.

Just now she thought she was dead, but when she came to her senses, she was already on the other side of the road.

Then she felt uncomfortable, her stomach turned sour, and she almost vomited.

Then she heard a voice say: "I'm sorry, if I hadn't done that just now, you would have been in danger."

"But your physical fitness is so strong, you should be fine, right?"

Kara raised her head and saw the Flash. She shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

The Flash was relieved: "That's good."

"Let me help you."

Seeing General Zod's feet leave the ground on the other side of the road, Kara shook her head and said: "No, you go quickly."

"This is not a fight you can intervene in."

The Flash nodded and said, "I know, I know how powerful that man is."

"I also know that my attacks are of no use to him."

"But I can assist you. Trust me, I'm very good at this kind of work."

"Sometimes, when faced with a desperate situation, it is difficult for a person to bear it."

“But it’s a lot easier if there are two people.”

"So, please trust me once."

Kara was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, be careful yourself."

The Flash took a starting stance, then turned into lightning and flew away. He ran around Zod at high speed, and soon formed a tornado.

Zod's vision was immediately disturbed. As he looked left and right, Kara rushed in and punched him in the face, breaking his nose.

Zod roared and reached out to catch Kara, but missed.

In this way, with the interference of The Flash, Kara took the opportunity to launch an attack.

This picture came into the eyes of Azu, who had just returned from the Indian Ocean.

"The Flash and Supergirl are such a strange pairing."

"I really want to keep watching, but now, I have to go."

The 'traveler's ring' he wore on his hand lit up with black and blue light, and a ball of flame enveloped Azu. When the flame disappeared, Azu had disappeared without a trace.

He left this multiverse and returned to the world of black robes.

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