I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 429 Gathering the Churches

After a brief trance, Azu saw a familiar room and confirmed that he had returned to the black robe universe.

He threw the equipment into the inventory, took off the vibranium suit, and then went to the bathroom to fill the water and take a bath.

Soaking in the warm water, he closed his eyes and allowed his body and mind to relax.

Although for the Black Robe Universe, Azu entered and exited the multiverse twice in his previous life, only a short moment passed.

But for Azu, both experiences in the multiverse were time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Now that I have become a god, I don't feel tired physically, but I still feel a little tired mentally.

He closed his eyes, allowed himself to relax, and thought about his next move.

The first step must be to study what skills can be derived from the 'destruction' authority, but before that, Azu plans to give himself a holiday.

Especially when he first became a god, his indifferent divinity gave him a feeling of schizophrenia, although he realized this in time and tried his best to make his words and deeds consistent with himself in the subsequent Flash universe.

From it, he recovered some shadows of his past, which diluted the indifference of divinity and prevented himself from becoming indifferent.

He always felt that if he allowed divinity to occupy a high position, he might not be himself at that time.

It seems like this.

Maybe becoming a god is a trap.


Even now that he has regained some of his previous feelings, he still feels the coldness and indifference in his heart.

This makes him lose a lot of the desires he had as a human being, and this affects the choices he makes on certain things.

If you say that becoming a god would make you a cold, rational machine.

Then he would rather be a human being with desires and ambitions.

"What's so good about a cold machine?"

Azu muttered.

Just now.

Whether he wants it or not.

He is already a level 7 life form.

Already a god.

He couldn't reverse it, and certainly didn't want to.

After all, if you want to complete the [ultimate mission], becoming a god is a step you must take.

So what he has to do is to adapt and unify.

The gods in Marvel, like Thor, Zeus, etc., are not cold and robot-like.

At best, they are just like Zeus, who don't care about the life and death of human beings.

Therefore, Azu felt that the indifferent divinity could be overcome.

Or, accept it and unite with your own humanity.

With this in mind, during the next 'holiday' he planned to do some of the same things he used to do.

Through these things, while emphasizing his own humanity, he also tried to accept divinity, and finally found a key balance between the two.

After adjusting yourself and deepening your understanding of ‘authority’, you will naturally continue your journey to the multiverse.

The invasion has now been completed twice, and the last one is yet to come.

After completing three invasion events, you can go to the Marvel Universe and strive to conquer that universe as soon as possible.

In this way, I will complete the most basic requirements for completing the [Ultimate Mission].

Early the next morning, Azu walked into the command hall.

He came early, but unexpectedly, there were already people in the hall.


This girl who wanted to be a real hero is already a well-deserved hero after experiencing the super meteorite incident.

That incident also helped her come out of the shadows and she became more confident and radiant.

If it were before, I saw a girl with fair skin, a touch of pink, and eyes as bright as stars in the sun.

Azu will definitely want to 'eat' her.

Even if you don't go out of your way to do it, you will still have such thoughts.

After all, this stems from the instinct of living things, but now, Azu's first thought when he saw Xingguang was: she has become more beautiful.

Then there is no follow-up.

It seems that I have gradually lost interest and desire in things between men and women.

It dawned on him.

Be alert in your heart.

This is obviously a divine influence.

"Good morning, people of the motherland."

Starlight's voice brought Azu back to his senses.

Only then did I realize that the girl seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"Good morning."

Azu walked over and came to Xingguang's side. A faint scent of perfume entered his nostrils.

He looked at the starlight, and the beauty of the girl was clearly visible in his eyes. Azu deliberately stimulated some thoughts in his heart and amplified some thoughts.

So he behaved a little aggressively, almost sticking to Xingguang's body.

Behind Starlight is the discussion table, and there is no way to retreat.

As a result, her vision was filled with Azu's figure, and she could even feel Azu's body temperature.

Xingguang's heartbeat quickened and she was at a loss when she heard Azu say in a smiling voice.

"You look so beautiful today."

"I bet there are many people who want to pursue you."

Starlight raised her head and said quickly: "I don't have a boyfriend."

"At least not yet."

Azu said "Oh" and put his hand on the table, which brought him closer to the starlight.

"Why is this happening?"

"Aren't there any men who know what they're looking for?"

At this distance, Azu could completely feel Starlight's breath.

As long as he moves forward a little further, he can kiss the other person's lips.

And his intuition told him that Xingguang would not refuse.

But at this time, Azu stepped back, turned around and looked at the city under the morning light: "Look at our New York, it is also full of vitality today."

Seeing Azu leave and change the topic.

Xingguang suddenly felt a sense of loss and a little empty inside, which made her have the urge to rush over and hug the figure in front of her.

But the woman's reserve prevented her from doing so.

Although her feet in the boots were being rubbed unconsciously.


Xingguang stood up and said hesitantly: "I wonder if you are free tonight?"

Azu looked back at her: "You want to date me?"


"no no."

"Today is my birthday, and I want to invite you to my birthday party."

Xingguang said quickly, then looked at Azu expectantly: "Is that okay?"

Azu said nonchalantly: "It's hard to say."

"I don't know if I'm free."

"Let's talk about it tonight."

Xingguang suddenly felt disappointed again and could only say: "Okay."

Then he said: "The product department asked me to have a meeting, so I went there first."

"Go ahead."

Watching Xingguang leave, Azu chuckled and said, "The trick of playing hard to get is always useful."

He felt his mood at the moment, a little excited and a little expectant.

The divine indifference seemed to recede a little.

In the afternoon.

Victoria Newman dragged her exhausted body back home.

Recently she is participating in the election and has to go all over the country to try her best to win votes for herself.

Normally, her vote rate would not be too high.

But because of the management I had done when I was a member of Congress, and now with the support of the people of my motherland, everything went much smoother.

A woman who had just finished a speech and returned home after getting off the plane.

As soon as she entered the door, she kicked off her high heels and walked into the hall wearing only black stockings. She saw Azu standing by the window with his back to her.

"Good afternoon, fellow countrymen."

Despite his fatigue, Newman steeled himself.

After all, this man is her 'savior' and an important pillar of support for her.

Not to mention that she hasn't become the president yet, even if she has become the president, she still has to hold on to this thick leg to be able to secure the position of president.

Azu turned around and looked at the congresswoman wearing a one-piece skirt and black stockings, with tired eyes and slightly messy hair, and her breathing sank slightly.

Without saying a word, he walked over and picked up the congresswoman.

Go to the bedroom on the second floor.


Newman hummed and opened his eyes.

She moved her body a little and felt extremely sore. Even if she was a superhuman, it was not easy to withstand Azu's attack.

"woke up?"

Azu's voice sounded in the room.

Newman wanted to get up, but her body refused to agree with her, so she could only stay in bed and just turn over.

She saw Azu sitting by the bed and reading a book.

It's actually the Bible.

She didn't think this man had any faith.

If anything, he would only believe in himself.

"You haven't left yet?"

Newman asked casually.

Azu asked back: "You want to drive me away?"

Newman said quickly: "Of course not."

Azu laughed: "Then I won't leave tonight."

Newman couldn't help but look a little pale. Thinking of the madness in the afternoon, she didn't know if she could still bear it at night, but now she could only grit her teeth and endure it.

"Okay, whatever you want for dinner, I'll let the chef prepare it."

Azu shook his head: "No need, I will prepare it myself later."

"How's it going? Did the election go well?"

Newman nodded: "It's basically going smoothly, but recently, there is a very strong opponent, and I'm a little worried."

This time Azu was surprised.

With the recommendation of the former president and the support of himself and Angelina, normally Newman would not have any opponents in the federation.

"who is it?"

Azu asked.

"Kate Zane." Newman said a name.

Azu shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

Newman regained a little strength, pushed himself up, and leaned on the pillow.

"He is a mayor and is very close to Fuso politicians."

"Recently there was a sewage treatment project in Fuso that wanted our support, but it was shelved by Congress."

"So those people came to Kate and wanted to gain federal support by supporting him to become president."

Azu chuckled: "Those dirty dwarves are the most disgusting creatures I know. They are shameless and have no limits. Maybe after you become president, you should clean up some garbage in this world."

Newman looked confused, wondering why Azu was so hostile.

But as long as Azu thinks about it, whether it's in bed or about a certain island, she will agree and obey unconditionally.

"I see."

Newman continued: "But I asked someone to investigate and found that Kate Zane is not simple."

"The support he has received is only one aspect from Fuso politicians."

“What’s more, it’s the support of the ‘Gathering Church’.”

"Gathering churches?"

Azu naturally knew this church.

In the Black Robe TV series, after Deep Sea was kicked out of the Seven, the Gathering Church found him through a hero named Eagle.

He also did some ideological work on Shenhai, and finally connected Shenhai with Jizhong Church.

On the surface, the Jizhong Church is a positive group that helps frustrated superheroes face themselves, find themselves, rebuild their self-confidence, and get out of life difficulties.

But in fact, like the Walt Company, they control a large number of superheroes to improve their social status and make profits.

In the TV series, the Church of Jizhong supports Shen Hai, and through a series of operations and exchange of interests, Shen Hai rejoins the Seven.

Ji Zhong Church also came into people's sight through this, but in the end, Ji Zhong Church stretched its hand too far and threatened the Watt Group.

In the play, Edgar instigates Newman to assassinate Alastair, the president of the Gathering Church, thus bringing the church to its knees.

In the black-robed universe where Azu lives, Deep Sea was killed by Azu early on. Naturally, the Gathering Church cannot use Deep Sea to enter the public eye like in the original drama.

Even Azu had never heard the name "Ji Zhong Church" until tonight. Unexpectedly, this church actually supported a congressman to run for president.

It seems that the ambitions of the Jizhong Church are not small.

"do not take it personally."

Azu said: "At some time, I will have a good talk with the president of the Ji Zhong Church. He will understand and support you instead."

With Azu's words, Newman felt relieved.

Azu stood up: "I'm going to prepare dinner. I'll meet you at the restaurant in 20 minutes."

He went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and found some steak inside.

Azu whistled, took out the steak, defrosted it, and removed the blood.

Then find some spices and filter them with good water.

Then add brown sugar, salt and oyster sauce to the filtered spices.

Then he used them to soak the steak. While waiting for the flavor to come in, he mixed a small bowl of red wine and olive oil and spread them on the surface of the steak.

Just as he was humming happily and preparing dinner, a burst of messy footsteps came from outside the kitchen.

Then Victoria Newman ran in wearing only a nightgown. Her face was pale and she was holding her mobile phone.

Azu glanced at her curiously: "Dinner is not ready yet."

"I received a threatening message."

Newman came over and handed the phone to Azu.

Azu took the phone and saw a line of text on the screen.

‘We know who you are, and if you don’t want people to know that Victoria Newman is the notorious Brainstorm, then withdraw from the election and everyone will be better off, right? ’

Victoria's superpower is headshots, and she has used this ability to assassinate many people for the Vought Company. It was not until Edgar cleared her name and supported her to become a member of Congress that Brainstorm withdrew from the stage.

Now is a critical moment in the campaign. If the scandal is exposed, it will be difficult for Newman to take the position of president, even with Azu's support.

No wonder she was so nervous.

"What should we do, sir?" Newman looked at Azu.

Azu smiled, put down his phone and said, "It's a small matter, don't worry, it won't have any impact on you."

"By the way, do you have any pasta?"

"Macaroni will do, too."

Newman nodded, and then took out the ingredients Azu asked for from the refrigerator.

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