I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 432 Mr. Tree Hole and the Keyboard Player

The ball of light that appeared in David's office suddenly expanded from the size of a table tennis ball to the size of a basketball.

Finally, it nearly doubled in size before it stopped expanding.

A leg suddenly stretched out from the light ball and fell to the ground. The exaggerated crocodile leather shoes inlaid with gold flakes stepped on the ground, as if to determine something, and then a figure emerged from the light ball.

A man appeared in the office out of thin air.

The man was very tall, with a height of over 190 centimeters, making him look like a giant.

He was wearing a well-tailored suit and a pair of sunglasses on his rough face. The sunglasses did not seem to have any effect on his vision. Even in this dark space, the man did not hit any debris.

He walked to a cabinet and opened the drawers one by one, as if looking for something.


"Is my information wrong?"

After rummaging through all the drawers in the cabinet, he didn't find what he was looking for.

But he did not feel depressed because of this. In the darkness, he crossed his arms and thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers and started to be busy again.

A moment later, there was a soft 'click' sound in the darkness, and then there was the sound of mechanical rotation in the cabinet.

The cabinet slowly moved aside, revealing a sophisticated safe.

"It turns out that the informant said that the things were in the cabinet, so it was like this."

The man muttered, then looked at the safe and chuckled.

He made a false grab at the ball of light that was still floating in the darkness, and the ball of light disappeared.

The man patted the safe again, and a black ball of light the size of a table tennis ball appeared on the surface of the safe.

He stretched out his hands to hold the ball of light, and spread his palms to the left and right, and the ball of light immediately expanded.

It stopped when it was expanded enough to accommodate an arm. The man put his hand into the light ball. He seemed to be groping for something. After a while, he took out a mobile hard drive from the light ball.

The hard drive looked like it had been damaged, with burn marks in some places. There was a label on the hard drive that read 'Super Blocker File'.

"found it."

"Sure enough, Watt Company still keeps this thing."

The man put the mobile hard drive into his pocket with satisfaction, then took away the light ball attached to the surface of the safe, and returned to its position in the metal cabinet.

Finally, he threw a ball of light towards the corner of the room. After expanding the ball of light to allow him to pass through, he got in.

After a moment, the light ball quickly shrank and finally disappeared into the air.




Eden base.

A black-purple light spot passed by at an extremely fast speed, leaving a black-purple trail in the air.

It traversed a distance of several hundred meters and hit a piece of alloy armor, which was made of aviation-grade materials. However, when it was hit by the light spot, a hole the size of a bottle cap appeared.

Azu looked at the gap and then looked at his index finger.

The light spot just now was emitted from this finger.

Azu has been staying at the Eden base for a week.

During this week, he spent all his energy on using his authority.

What I just showed is the results of this week.

The result is not the light bullet, but the combination of authority and his own energy, thus forming 'destructive energy'.

This is energy with a hint of authority and power, and it can be used in a wide range of applications.

Azu can cover his whole body with 'destructive energy', so that any material or energy that comes into contact with his body will be destroyed in an instant.

If you want to save consumption, you can cover the parts used for attack with 'destructive energy', such as fists or toes. In this way, every punch and kick of Azu will have the power to destroy the world. .

As for the light spot just now, it is a means of releasing 'destructive energy'.

According to the tactical purpose, Azu developed four different levels of attack methods: "Pistol", "Shotgun", "Bazooka" and "Missile".

The light spot just now was a 'destruction pistol' that used burst fire as its main killing method.

Through this week's research, Azu gradually understood that skills derived from authority cannot be compared with divine skills.

They are more supportive and suppressive.

Their power is between divine skills and natural skills.

When facing opponents of the same level, divine skills still play a decisive role.

Therefore, after developing several power-derived skills, Azu did not continue to invest in this aspect.

"Master, I have your phone number."

Angelina walked into the training ground and handed a mobile phone to Azu.

The call came from Victoria Newman. She told Azu that the last stop of the presidential campaign, a campaign speech in Washington, would be held tomorrow.

After listening to the phone call, Azu asked: "Is there any news about Mallory?"

It has been a week, and the Ministry of Security’s investigation into the threatening text messages, even if there is no result, there should be progress.

Angelina nodded: "Ms. Mallory reported their progress yesterday. The text message threat has already been revealed. They have locked the suspect and will launch an arrest today."

Azu smiled and said, "Help me prepare. I'm going to Washington tomorrow."

He was not interested in Victoria Newman's presidential speech. He went to Washington to protect Newman. He did not want the female president he cultivated to die before she took office.

at the same time.

Dallas, Texas.

As an important city in Texas, Dallas has a large area and a large population.

The city is rich in history and culture and is a popular location for sporting events and business events.

However, due to the chaotic management methods of the government, public security in Dallas has always been in an unstable state.

Even if Walt invested several superheroes in the city, it would be difficult to improve the city's security situation.

Just like now, in broad daylight, a robbery occurred in Lane Lane.

"Raise your hand."

"Quick, take his wallet."

"Run quickly."

Bruce Paul stood in front of the window of his apartment, watching several black men rob a fat white man in the alley below.

After the black man snatched the fat man's wallet, he pushed him to the ground. After the black man left, the fat man started crying and screaming.

"My phone and my wallet were robbed."

"Someone call the police for me."

The fat man raised his head and his eyes met with Paul's.

Paul immediately left the window, and the fat man's voice came from below.

"Mr. on the fourth floor, I saw you. Can you call the police for me?"

"My phone was robbed, and my wallet was robbed. Oh my God, my week's living expenses were all in there."

Paul ignored it.

He came to the computer. On the computer screen was a conversation interface, which belonged to a forum chat room.

With the emergence of new types of communication such as Twitter, almost no one uses chat rooms now. Even the various forums that were active on the Internet in the past have become tears of the times.

But now, Paul is still using this obsolete method of communication.

Just because he set up this forum, only people who know the password can access the forum and enter the chat room.

At this time.

There was only Paul in the chat room, but soon, another name appeared online.

This name is ‘Mr. Shudong’, which is of course his online name.

Paul also has an alias on the forum, calling himself 'Keyboard Player'.

Keyboard player: Good morning, Mr. Shudong.

Mr. Shudong: Good morning, keyboard player.

Keyboard player: Has the seller been found?

Mr. Shudong: Found it. They are very interested in the goods and have confirmed the transaction tomorrow.

Keyboard player: Great, we have to act early, I'm worried that the Seven will come at any time.

Mr. Shudong: Haha, don’t worry, keyboardist. We threatened Victoria Newman and assassinated Kate Zane. These things are enough to distract the attention of the Seven-person Tower and the people of the motherland. Now they must be worried about tomorrow's election and will not pay attention to us.

Keyboardist: That would be great.

Mr. Tree Hole: Trust me, man. After finishing this job, we can take a few years off. By the way, I need your help for tomorrow's transaction.

Keyboardist: No problem, tell me the time and place.

at this time.

There was a knock on the door.

The fat white man who was robbed just now is now shouting outside the door: "Sir, I know you are at home."

"Please help me call the police."

"For God's sake"

Paul frowned. He didn't expect that the fat man would be so persistent.

He replied "Wait a moment" to Mr. Shudong, then covered the laptop screen and walked to the door.

Paul looked at the peephole on the door. A fat face outside the door almost stuck to the peephole. Paul shook his head, opened the door and said, "I'm not free now."

As soon as the door opened, the fat man rushed in and knocked Paul down.

Just as Paul was about to resist, he heard the fat man shout: "I am Brett, Alvin, a senior agent of the Security Department. Now please cooperate with the inspection."

Footsteps sounded.

Figures rushed into the door one after another. One of them was an elderly lady, but her charm was still there.

Paul's expression changed and he shouted: "What are you doing?"

"What security department!"

"Do you have a search warrant?"

"I want to file a complaint against you."

The lady knelt down and said softly: "Mr. Paul, we have conclusive evidence that can prove that you are related to threatening the Victoria Congressman."

"You are very smart."

"You used purchased mobile phones and third-party calling cards to send messages."

"And picked a place with no surveillance to do it."

"But I think you should be a person with a strong desire to express yourself."

"Otherwise you wouldn't be out on the street sending threatening messages, you want to be on stage and be in the spotlight, am I right?"

Paul shook his head: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. I will communicate with you until you understand what I am talking about."

"If you want to complain, you can complain to Congress about me. My name is Mallory, Director of Security Mallory."

Mallory stood up and walked over to Paul's computer.

After she took over the investigation of Victoria's information threat incident, she spent a week through various channels and finally locked in on Bruce Paul.

The Ministry of Security tracked Paul to the city and confirmed his location.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the security department staged a robbery scene in the alley, and then arranged for the senior agent who played the victim to come upstairs to ask Paul for help.

This made Paul lower his guard and finally opened the door himself.


Mallory opened the notebook, and a dialog box appeared on the screen, requiring a password.

"Mr. Paul, what is your password?"

Paul yelled: "This is my privacy. Federal law protects the privacy of every citizen. You have no right to know!"


Mallory was not in a hurry and sat down on the sofa.

"I understand that you have a daughter who is sick and needs a lot of money for treatment."

"Maybe it's this reason that makes you take risks."

"So if you cooperate with my work, I can intercede with the judge and help you through some federal laws."

"For example, apply for the Children's Serious Illness Relief Fund."

"But if you make the same mistake again and again, Mr. Paul, you may lose your lovely daughter."

"Are you really going to go that far?"

Paul was silent for a moment.

He looked at Mallory and after a moment spoke a set of numbers.

Enter the password, and the chat room interface will appear on the screen.

Mr. Shudong has been offline.

But the content above was still there. After browsing it, Mallory took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the conversation and sent it to Azu.

Then he said: "You contact the other party, I want to know where he will be trading tomorrow."

Paul shook his head and said: "I can't take the initiative to contact him. Every time he contacts me after he comes online. All I can do is open the chat room interface 24 hours a day and wait for him to come online."

Mallory nodded: "Then you come with us."

"Bring his computer with you."

Tomorrow Hotel.

Paul sat down on the soft sofa and watched Mallory take off his coat and hang it on the coat rack.

He coughed dryly and said, "Ma'am, should we sign an agreement?"

"Agreement?" Mallory sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Yes, agreement."

Paul leaned forward slightly: "I want to see the detailed conditions and the signatures of the relevant departments. This is the basis for cooperation."

"Instead of verbally agreeing and then throwing me in jail when it's over."

"Believe me, Mr. Shudong is doing something extraordinary. I guess it is related to the safety of the entire federation."

Mallory nodded: "No problem, I'll have someone draft the agreement now."

Paul breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up and walked to the bathroom: "I want to go to the bathroom."

Mallory asked an agent to follow him.

Entering the bathroom, Paul looked at the detective and said, "How can I go to the bathroom when you are here?"

The detective checked around expressionlessly, making sure that the window could not be opened and Paul could not escape, and then walked out.

"You have one minute," the detective said.

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