I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 433 When will this world be fair?

"One minute is not enough, I have a large quantity!" Paul protested, but it seemed that the detective did not intend to pay attention to him.

"There are still 58 seconds left," the agent reminded him.

Paul cursed and closed the door, then walked deeper into the bathroom.

A moment later, the sound of water came from the bathroom.

At this time, a black light spot appeared in the bathroom. The dust in the air fell into the light spot and never appeared again.

The light spot grew rapidly, from a small one to the size of a table tennis ball, then to the size of a basketball, and finally stopped when it was as big as a trash can lid.

Paul was still humming and didn't notice at all that a gold-encrusted crocodile leather shoe stuck out from the black ball of light behind him.

The leather shoe stepped on the ground, and after some testing, a figure emerged from the ball of light.

This is a tall man, wearing a smart suit and tie, with a black mask on his face.

He glanced toward the bathroom door and then came up behind Paul.

Paul had just released his physiological needs, turned around, and suddenly saw this suspicious man.

He was about to scream, but the other party covered his mouth.

The man wearing a mask turned on the faucet, letting the sound of water resound in the bathroom, then shushed and whispered to Paul.

"It's me, Mr. Keyboard Player."

Paul's pupils shrank slightly and he asked vaguely: "Mr. Shudong?"

'Mr. Tree Hole' let go of his hand and nodded: "It's me."

"I'm here to save you, come with me."

He came to the black ball of light, first stepped over it, and then got into it with his whole body.

Paul was stunned. He walked behind the light ball and returned to the place where Mr. Tree Hole disappeared: "This is incredible."

'Mr. Tree Hole' poked his head out of the light ball again: "Hurry up, do you want to be discovered by the security department?"

"Of course not."

Paul carefully stretched out his hand and reached into the black ball of light, but touched nothing.

Suddenly a hand stretched out from the ball of light, grabbed Paul's collar, and pulled him into the ball of light.

Circles of ripple-like ripples appeared on the surface of the light ball, then quickly shrank, and finally disappeared into the air.

Soon the water in the pool was full and gurgling out.

At this time, the detective outside the door heard the sound of water, frowned, knocked on the door and said: "Mr. Paul, you can come out now."

No one answered the door.

The detective's expression changed and he immediately opened the door, but Paul was nowhere to be seen in the bathroom.

He checked it carefully again. After finding nothing, he hurried to the living room.

Mallory, who was drinking coffee, raised his head: "What's wrong?"

The detective looked ashamed and said, "Ma'am, Paul is missing."

"I swore to stay outside the door, and I also checked. There is no way out of the bathroom."


Mallory rushed into the bathroom without hearing what he said. She checked it herself and confirmed that just as the detective said, there was no way to leave here.

The windows are welded shut, the vents can only fit a cat through, and there's a metal barrier separating them.

Paul would never be able to escape from here unless he turned into a fly.

"Paul is not a super human. He must not be able to leave."

"In other words, there are superhumans helping him?"

"Mr. Tree Hole?"

Mallory walked out of the bathroom and said calmly: "Locate Paul's location immediately."

As the director of the Security Department and with rich experience, Mallory quietly installed a tracker on Paul when he transferred him.

The tracker can be positioned by satellites. As long as Paul does not escape from outer space, he can be found even if he hides in the Antarctic.

The results came out quickly.

One of the agents looked up and said, "Found him, ma'am."

"Where is he?"


"Oh, the signal's gone."

Mallory's eyes flickered: "Washington, the superhuman who took Paul away, has the ability to teleport through space?"

"Why go to Washington?"

"Could it have anything to do with tomorrow's presidential election?"

"Are they going to take advantage of the presidential campaign, when all the federal attention is focused there, so that they can do some kind of deal?"

In the previous chat room of the forum, ‘Mr. Shudong’ did not mention the transaction location and time.

But judging from the current situation, the location of the transaction should be Washington, and the time is tomorrow!

"Let's go to Washington immediately." Mallory made a quick decision.


In a hotel room.


Paul lay on the toilet and vomited all his breakfast. Then he stood up weakly and washed his face at the sink.

‘Mr. Tree Hole’ handed over a towel, then threw a torn button into the toilet and flushed it away with water.

Paul glanced at the toilet: "Tracker?"

"Of course, my friend."

'Mr. Tree Hole' said in an exaggerated tone: "This is a method used by the Security Department."

Paul's expression changed: "Then don't they know where we are?"

"By the way, where is this?"

'Mr. Tree Hole' did not answer, but opened the curtain next to him.

So Paul saw a white, neoclassical sandstone building in the distance.

"White House?"

"We are in Washington, how did you do this?" Paul didn't believe his eyes.

‘Mr. Tree Hole’ closed the curtains again: “Space teleportation, my ‘wormhole’ allows us to travel through different spaces and locations.”

"The premise is that I have been to a place, or can see it."

"I can also control the 'black hole'. That's a bad-tempered little thing. You probably don't want to see it."

Paul seemed to be listening to a fairy tale, his eyes blank: "You can control the 'wormhole' and use the 'black hole'."

"No wonder you call yourself 'Mr. Tree Hole'."

He then said nervously: "I have a tracker installed on me. Doesn't that mean that the Ministry of Security already knows that we are in Washington."

'Mr. Tree Hole' walked into the living room, poured a glass of wine slowly and handed it to Paul: "People who are undergoing space teleportation for the first time will not be used to it and may vomit or other phenomena. This is normal."

"Come, let's have a glass of wine to calm down."

Paul is not in the mood to drink now: "We have to get out of here. It's not safe here. The security department will come to our door at any time."

"Don't worry, my friend."

'Mr. Tree Hole' said calmly: "They can't find it here. Do you know how big Washington is?"

"Do you know what the population of this city is?"

"Believe me, if they want to find this place, it won't take them a few days."

"By the time they found us, we would have been gone."

Paul was puzzled: "Since we have to leave sooner or later, why don't we leave now?"

'Mr. Tree Hole' did not answer.

Paul had an idea: "Deal."

"The transaction is in Washington?"

"You guessed it, friend."

'Mr. Shudong' sat down on a sofa: "The time for trading is tomorrow. When those congressmen start making speeches in the White House and in the city, that's when we will trade."

"By then, the entire city, and even the entire federal government, will be focused on the presidential campaign, and no one will notice us."

Paul picked up the glass of whiskey and took a sip: "Who is the buyer?"


‘Mr. Tree Hole’ smiled and said, “They are very interested in my things.”

Paul looked at the man: "You rescued me because you need my help for tomorrow's transaction?"

"I just love how smart you are, my friend."

'Mr. Tree Hole' spread his hands and said, "You are right, I need you."

"I need you to use my identity to meet with the seller tomorrow and complete the transaction."

"After the transaction is completed, I will give you 10% of the transaction amount as your commission. What do you think?"

Paul asked casually: "What's the transaction amount?"

He took another sip of whiskey.

"One billion dollars."

A rainbow immediately burst out of Paul's mouth.

"A billion dollars?"

"Then my commission is 100 million?"

Paul was ecstatic. If he had 100 million, his daughter would be able to see a doctor.

'Mr. Tree Hole' nodded: "You are very good at mathematics. Yes, your commission is 100 million."

"How about it, are you willing to help me with this?"

Paul said without thinking: "Of course, definitely!"

But after calming down, he asked again: "What about you?"

"Which part are you responsible for?"

‘Mr. Tree Hole’ chuckled in his mask: “I am in charge of the performance.”

"I will create some havoc in the presidential campaign and attract the Ministry of Security and our worthy savior."

"This ensures that the transaction can proceed smoothly."

"Since I take more and greater risks, is it not too much for me to ask for 900 million?"

Paul quickly said: "Not too much, not at all."

"So, what should I do to convince the seller that I am Mr. Tree Hole?"

‘Mr. Tree Hole’ picked up a black mask from the sofa: “How about we start with it?”

That night.

The twinkling lights of Washington give this city on the east coast of the Union a unique and charming atmosphere.

At night, the city of Washington shines like a bright gem. The city lights are like stars, illuminating the dark night like day. The Capitol Building looks more solemn in the night, with its white marble reflecting dazzling light under the light.

The Washington Monument towers into the sky, its white stone monument even more eye-catching under the night lights. This monument has witnessed the development and growth of the Confederacy and is one of the landmark buildings in Washington. In the surrounding streets, the trees sway gently in the breeze, adding a touch of tranquility and serenity to the city.

At night, the Potomac River shines under the light, and the water flows quietly, like a diamond necklace, attracting attention.

Azu stood in the clouds, looking down at the city, and then flew towards the Potomac River.

This long river is one of the largest rivers in the federal territory. It originates from New York State, flows through urban Washington, and finally empties into the Atlantic Ocean.

At this time, there was a party on a yacht on the river.

The party was lively, with a band performing and sexy girls dancing to the music, pushing the atmosphere to a high point.

Boom boom boom.

There were even fireworks exploding over the yacht, making it dazzling.

This was a party hosted by James Byrard, an important figure in the Democratic Party. There were many members of the Democratic Party on the yacht, as well as businessmen who supported the party.

Victoria Newman is undoubtedly the most dazzling figure at the party. Tonight she wore a dignified but sexy evening dress. Under the introduction of James Byrard, she met with important people and won their support to prepare for tomorrow. The final sprint of the campaign speech.

"I heard that Ms. Newman was personally recommended to Congress by the former president, Mr. Archibald."

"It seems that Ms. Newman is really talented, otherwise how could she be so recommended by the former president."

During the conversation, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

Victoria Newman turned around and saw that the person who made this sharp remark was a man who looked to be less than thirty years old.

On the surface, his words seemed to be praising Newman, but in fact, they alluded to the fact that Newman was able to get to where he is today, not by his own strength, but by the favor and support of the previous president.

James Byrard whispered in Newman's ear: "His name is Maude Kelly. He is an upstart in the party and has a lot of resources in his hands."

"He also participated in the presidential election this year and was nominated by Congress. However, due to your participation, as the least qualified person, he was naturally kicked off the list by Congress."

Newman nodded, knowing where this gentleman's hostility towards him came from.

"Good evening, Mr. Maude."

Newman said calmly and generously: "I don't have any strength, but what I am able to do today is not relying on Mr. Archibald's support."

Maud laughed: "You don't want to say that you rely on yourself, do you?"

The men next to him chuckled politely, but this laughter was a bit harsh in Newman's ears.

Newman remained calm and said with a smile: "Before I ran for president, I was just a small congressman, although I was lucky enough to serve as secretary to the Secretary of Defense."

"But compared with Mr. Maude and other gentlemen who are running for office, my experience is nothing."

"The reason why I have been able to reach this point is that there is indeed a big man supporting me behind my back, but it is not the former president."

"But people from the motherland."

"So you just made a mistake, Mr. Maude."

"Mr. Archibald doesn't have that much ability to support me to this point."

"The one who supports me is the 'savior' who saved the world."

"So, are you satisfied with this answer?"

Not many people know the true identity of Newman’s supporters, who are all at the top of the federal pyramid.

It is a pity that although Mod is excellent, there is still a long way to go before reaching the top of the pyramid.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of despair when he heard that Newman's supporters were actually from his motherland.

In this case, it is almost a fact that Newman becomes president.

She participated in the election, but it was just a formality.

At this moment, Maude could understand why a big shot like James Byrard would specially hold a party for Newman, a little-known congressman, and introduce big shots to her.

It turned out that he was paving the way for her and at the same time expressing his feelings to the people of the motherland.

"That's not fair."

Maude shook her head and said: "This is really unfair to other people."

James Byrard's expression changed, and when he was about to accuse the young man, he heard a voice above his head.


"Are you still a child?"

“When has this world ever been fair?”

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