I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 44 The people of the motherland are in big trouble

The evening breeze blew gently.

Azu flew slowly over the city, with the brightly lit city below and the starry night sky above.

Look at the bustling city and all the living beings below.

A sentence flashed through Azu's mind that he didn't know which book he had read: Power is only in the hands of the strong.

He smiled and added: "And the strong need to use strength as the fulcrum."

"Absolute power!"

Then he opened his inventory and checked the rewards obtained in the event.

[Proficiency Essence: After use, it can increase the proficiency of any talent by 20. This item can be decomposed into equivalent ‘Gloomy Essence’. 】

[Black Bat Circus Gold Coin: Each time you use it, you can randomly summon two to three people among the clown leader, the Big Eater, the Stone Man, the Beast Tamer, the Clone, and the Rubber Man for you to drive, depending on the level of use. Corresponding cooling period, but the minimum cooling period should be 24 hours. 】

[Multiple treasure chest (random): multiverse, all-encompassing. Open the treasure chest and you will receive a random thing, including but not limited to items, treasures, talents, runes, materials, etc. 】

It is indeed a reward for a big event.

It is more abundant than ordinary events.

Essence without the 'dim' prefix can increase proficiency by 20 at a time.

Gold coins can summon the projections of two to three circus members. Although most of them are useless, some like the clown leader and the Big Eater are still useful. It is the randomness that makes the gold coins useless.

As for the ‘multiple treasure chest’.

This thing is purely based on appearance. Judging from Azu's many years of experience in drawing cards, it is best not to expect too much to get anything good.

When thinking this way, Azu took out a 'Multiple Treasure Box'.

This thing was like a lottery box. Azu reached into it and couldn't feel the space limit in the box at all.

He stretched out his hand to grab it. After a moment, he seemed to have caught something, and he lifted it up.

He pulled out a ball of soft light, and the lottery box disappeared. Then the soft light in his hand dispersed, and Azu had a hood in his hand.

This is a red hood, which exposes the eyes. Other than that, there is nothing special about it.

[Spider-Man Hood: An item from the Spider-Man universe, the first suit component made by the original Spider-Man for himself. After wearing it, it strengthens the sense of responsibility and justice. 】


Absolutely unexpected!

The ‘Multiple Treasure Chest’ actually contains items from the Spider-Man universe!

In other words, this box can also unlock things from other universes, such as the Marvel universe? DC Universe?

This is interesting.

Azu looked at the hood in his hand and tried to put it on his head.

Suddenly, he stopped and said righteously: "With great power comes great responsibility!"

After saying that, he quickly took off his hood: "It's too high-spirited. Whoever wears this thing is a big injustice."

He was not in a hurry to open the remaining treasure box, and accelerated towards Annika's residence.

The top floor of an apartment building.

Crime Analyst Coanika's room was filled with loud music.

"here we go again"




Just after taking a shower, Annika walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel.

She closed her eyes and her body danced to the beat of the music.

He took out a can of beer from the refrigerator and closed the refrigerator door.

In a circle.

Take a sip of beer.

Facing the window, he opened the towel.

at this time.

She heard someone hacking.

Annika quickly opened her eyes and saw the motherland sitting on the window, putting her fist to her lips and smiling.

"good body."

Annika looked down sharply, then screamed and rushed into the bedroom.

After a while, she changed into casual clothes and then cautiously poked half of her head out of the room and looked at Azu on the window.

Azu jumped down, spread his hands and said, "You don't have to hide."

"You have a great figure, really."

He gave Annika a thumbs up.

Annika put on another coat before coming to the living room: "Why are you here, boss."

"Boss?" Azu was very interested in this title.

Annika opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer: "Do you drink it?"

Azu was in a good mood today. He nodded, took the beer thrown by Annika, pulled off the tab and took a sip.

Then listen to Annika.

"Am I not your exclusive investigator?"

"So, you're my boss."

Azu nodded slightly: "Yes."

Then get to the point: "You already have news, right?"

"I meant to ask you to investigate those two things."

Annika immediately said: "Yes, yes."

"Let's talk about the two prisoners first."

"I checked and they're from the same place."

"Located in the Barka Highlands, a rather ancient town in central and western Jordan, Auster."

Azu put down his beer: "Do you have specific coordinates?"

Annika winked: "Of course."

"Very good, send it to me."

Azu took another sip of beer: "What about the other thing."

"Nathan, Locomotive's eldest brother, met frequently with a white man named 'Jeff' after Locomotive's death."

"I investigated this man. He comes from a mysterious weapons research and development institution."

"Olga Arms Development Corporation."

Annika took out her mobile phone, pulled out a photo, and handed it to Azu.

Azu took it and took a look. On the phone was a white male wearing glasses, who looked like an engineer.

There is an earring on the left ear, which is easy to identify.

"Well done, Annika."

Azu put down his phone, pointed at the girl and said, "I already want to reward you."

"Help me check one more person."


"He had a nickname: 'The Butcher.'"

Azu described the bearded man's appearance: "I want to know what he has been doing recently."

Then he said.

"Also, continue to follow up with Olga Weapons Research and Development Company and the man named Jeff."

"It would be best to find out his address."

"No problem, boss." Annika patted her chest, "Put it on me."

Azu is gone.

Annika breathed a sigh of relief.

Then pick up your phone and leave a message on your social platform.

'I was scared to death. The boss suddenly showed up. Fortunately, he was very satisfied with my performance. Hey, you might as well guess who my boss is! ’

She attached a selfie of herself and the can of beer Azu drank.

Putting down her phone, Annika planned to practice yoga, when she saw a talk show host saying on the TV.

"Hey, guess what news I got."

"It's about the people of the country."

"He's in big trouble this time!"




[You have used the ‘specified talent capsule. Self-replication’, and you have obtained new talents. 】

[Note: This talent cannot be applied to the proficiency system. 】

Looking at the information that appeared in front of him, Azu felt a pity.

It seems that in addition to your own talents, talents obtained through other means cannot be upgraded.

He shrugged his shoulders and invested each proficiency essence into the [Steel Body] talent.

[Man of Steel Proficiency +20]

[Man of Steel Proficiency +2]

[Man of Steel Proficiency +2]

[Your ‘Steel Body +2’ proficiency is full. 】

[Now upgraded to ‘biological force field’. 】

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