I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 45 Insignificant Mortal

[Biological force field: Retain all the effects of 'Steel Body +2'. Now you can use the biological force field to protect yourself and surrounding objects from harm. You can isolate the influence of the environment and extend the biological force field to contact on an object and protect the structure of that object. 】

Seeing this line of information, Azu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

He finally upgraded to the 'biological force field'.

This is an ability that the people of the motherland do not have in "Black Robe Picket". As for Azu, after he has this ability, he no longer has to use his body to withstand the opponent's attacks.

All attacks will be intercepted by the 'biological force field'. Unless they can penetrate the 'biological force field', no matter how powerful the attack is, they will not be able to touch Azu's body.

In addition, Azu can also use this force field to isolate the impact of the environment on him.

The high altitude no longer made him feel cold, and he would not be harmed even if he entered the lava.

Finally, he can extend this force field to the people or objects he comes into contact with. In this way, whether he lifts people or objects, the things he touches will not be destroyed by the huge pressure, but will accelerate with him. or stop.

[Biological Force Field] strengthens defense, [Heat Ray] increases attack, and [Self-Replication] enriches tactics.

Coupled with other talents and items, Azu can truly feel that he is becoming more and more powerful.

At this time, the door to the command hall opened.

Holding an electronic board, Ashley walked in quickly.

"We are in trouble, people of our country."

Azu, who was in a good mood, looked towards her.

Ashley turned on the TV and saw a video playing on the screen.

In the video, Azu fell from the sky and landed in the military camp. Not long after, he threw an officer into the sky.

The camera switched, and a pool of blood appeared on the screen, with a mosaic on the mangled corpse of the officer.

Subsequently, multiple sets of shots appeared on the screen.

There are scenes of Azu tearing open the body of an ambulance, and there is also a video of him blowing up a Walmart parking lot into the sky.

Looking at these pictures, Ashley had a headache. She looked back at Azu from time to time, only to see Azu with a smile on his face, as if he didn't care.

At this time, a host appeared on the screen.

"It's really too much."

"I remember that the people of the motherland themselves said not long ago that even superheroes must abide by the law."

"Is this what he calls 'obeying the law'?"

"Everyone can see that the people of the motherland arbitrarily disrupt public order and damage public facilities. In a recent incident, he actually killed an army officer!"

"In my opinion, he is a villain! A devil!"

"Now, let's see what Colonel Yuri has to say."

The camera moved, and Colonel Yuri, who was previously in charge of the Silver Tree Town incident, appeared on the screen.

The colonel nodded slightly at the camera and listened to the host.

"Colonel Yuri, it was said that a small town was under temporary military control two days ago?"

Colonel Yuri nodded: "Yes, host."

The host added: "It seems that the situation is very serious. You have also set up a temporary camp there. Is it the one in the video at the beginning?"

Colonel Yuri said 'hmm': "Yes, that's the one."

The host looked at the colonel and said, "Can you please tell us what happened that day? I mean the people of the motherland."

"I received news that people from the motherland and the group of seven were not allowed to participate in what happened that day. Is this true?"

Colonel Yuri nodded for the third time: "There is such a thing."

"At that time, we received a notice to impose military control on a small town. This matter falls under the jurisdiction of the military. In principle, no one else is allowed to intervene."

The host asked: "But the people of the motherland intervened, right?"

"Sadly, yes."

Colonel Yuri shook his head: "I don't know where the people of the motherland got the news. He just appeared in the military camp with a 'whoosh' sound."

The host winked at the camera: "There is no doubt that his landing posture is very handsome. I bet he has been practicing secretly for a long time."

"Then, can you please tell me how that unfortunate officer was thrown out by the people of the motherland?"

"By doing this, are the people of the motherland suspected of murdering an army official?"

Colonel Yuri obviously hesitated, and then said: "This was an accident."

"Sergeant Mike was very emotional at the time. He wanted to prevent the motherland from intervening. His words were quite fierce and even disrespectful."

"So I think the people of the motherland didn't do it on purpose, but they just didn't control their intensity."

The host sighed: "Poor Sergeant Mike, just because of his fierce words and some inappropriate words, he was thrown into the sky by the motherland and became a trapeze artist, and he was the kind without a parachute."

"No matter how."

"Homelander has violated multiple federal laws, and the Department of Homeland Security has filed a complaint with the Supreme Court of the United States on this and other matters."

The host pointed at the camera: "Yes, from the motherland."

"Federal law is no child's play and you have crossed a line."

"Now, it's time for you to pay the price for your reckless behavior!"

"I have received news here that the Federal Supreme Court has issued a subpoena to Vought Corporation, ordering the people of the motherland to attend a hearing in three days."

"At that time, he can explain and defend his actions."

"I can't help but want to listen."

"Let us see that the people of our motherland are the angels who protect us and the Federation."

"Or maybe it's an uncontrolled demon who acts wantonly!"

"Next go to a commercial, and then come back to the live broadcast room. We will discuss more details with Colonel Yuri."

Ashley picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, and turned to look at Azu.

"People of the motherland, many of the accusations filed by the Security Bureau are against you. I have made an appointment with a team of lawyers. You must meet with them in the afternoon."

Azu laughed, spread his hands and said, "Look at the politicians in our country, they don't even mention what I did or what I prevented."

"Those guys with fat stomachs can sit in their offices drinking coffee, doing some primitive exercises with their mistresses in the evening, and enjoy the good life."

"It's because someone dispelled the darkness for them, like me."

"Now, they only care about me destroying public facilities and letting a guy who doesn't even understand the most basic respect become a trapeze artist."

"It seems that these adults are living too comfortably."

Azu narrowed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth.

Perhaps, we need to let them re-understand their own insignificance!

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