I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 452 Azu’s suggestion (please subscribe)

To be honest, Augustus would have been happy to attend the show if circumstances allowed.

However, he and Azu are competitors.

Now Ismail asked Azu to take care of him two or three times. He realized that he was inflated and became a tool man. He went to the ruins of the royal palace and sat on the throne, and then let hell appear on the earth.

This way.

Augustus could not go to the theater.

However, what he had to face was not Ismail, but Azu who was several versions taller.

The god who holds the power of ‘death’.

This is very different from Ismail, who borrowed the power of the devil and was still essentially human.

Facing Azu, Augustus couldn't relax at all.

"I suggest you surrender directly, so that everyone can save some energy." Azu sincerely persuaded, he really didn't want to waste too much time.

Anyway, this confrontation is not a 'bloody fight in an iron cage'. There is no need to distinguish between life and death. It is best to take it easy if you can.

"You have also seen the current situation."

"I admit that your 'reproduction' authority is very special, but with all due respect, compared to my 'death' authority, your 'reproduction' authority is better at layout than real-time combat."

"In terms of real-time combat, your 'breeding' authority can do more work in terms of survival and protection."

"Although you can use the 'breeding' authority to combine some of your own abilities to carry out human sea tactics, you should also understand that for me, the human sea tactics have limited effect."

"Besides, you have a sea of ​​humans and I have a sea of ​​undead, so your advantages may not necessarily cover your shortcomings. In that case, what's the point of persisting?"

Augustus smiled and said: "You are quite a nice person, and you know how to plan for your opponents."

"But you should also know that even if it is not a mode like 'Iron Cage Blood Fight' that requires life and death, after the confrontation is over, the winner will randomly draw the loser's things."

"This includes talents, items and other things."

"Maybe even authority."

"While I'm not sure, I don't want to take any chances."

"Let's not mention that I might lose my rank if I lose my authority. Even if I don't fall, losing my authority would be a huge loss for me."

"Of course, the chance shouldn't be very high, but even if the chance isn't high, I'm not willing to take the risk."

"If it were you, you would do the same thing, right?"

Azu shrugged his shoulders and said: "It seems that I can't convince you. It's a pity. How about we try another way?"

Augustus glanced at him.

"In what way?"

Azu smiled and said: "Our confrontation is not a 'bloody fight in an iron cage', so you and I should not be able to muster the energy to kill each other, right?"

"After all, this is not an easy thing to do. For me, although your authority can only play a limited role in real-time battles, you can easily get out of some fatal situations by using your 'authority'."

"I just thought about it. If I want to kill you, it will take a lot of effort."

"The same goes for you."

"I'm better at frontal combat than you. If you want to kill me, it will only be more difficult than me."

"So why don't the two of us just call it a day and stop wasting our energy on something thankless."

"We let the people in this universe decide their own destiny, and at the same time determine our victory or defeat. We can assist them, but as chess players themselves, we just give up. What do you think?"

Augustus immediately considered Azu's proposal carefully.

First of all, he can be sure that Azu will not mention anything detrimental to him, because he is the same.

In other words, there may be two reasons to support Azu's suggestion.

First, Azu believes that the current situation is favorable to him, which is also true. Ismail has successfully obtained the power of the devil. According to the plot of the movie, no one is the opponent of this devil except Black Adam. .

However, Augustus, who has experienced many universes, knows very well that the plot in the movie can only be used as a reference, and the life in each multiverse is independent and has infinite possibilities.

He has seen too many characters killed in movies counterattack and even kill them in the multiverse.

So in the movie "Black Adam", Ismail asked Black Adam to kill him instantly, but this may not be the case in reality.

What's more, Azu also proposed that as 'chess players', they can assist but not directly participate, which adds countless variables now.

Secondly, when Azu made this suggestion, it is possible that he had made certain arrangements in advance, which would influence the development of events, and now Augustus himself could not see through these arrangements, thus becoming a secret that was beneficial to Azu. chess.

So he made the suggestion generously.

Augustus further considered that as the one who chose Black Adam's side, even if he didn't end up personally, he actually had many advantages.

For example, the residents of Kandak who were parasitized by him, even if they are now disturbed by the undead and cannot move freely, they can at least offset Azu's sea of ​​undead.

Secondly, there are replicas of the Justice Society and Black Adam's spores.

If necessary, Augustus can also copy one or two people, but it will only consume him too much.

Finally, his biggest weapon is Black Adam.

Under the premise that the opponent from the motherland does not end up, Black Adam is the strongest one below them. Even if the gap between Shabak and him is not as outrageous as in the movie, but a Black Adam cannot kill Shabak in an instant, then What about two?

Or even three?

Azu is not a fool.

Neither is he.

After careful consideration, Augustus finally nodded.

"Okay, let's do it."

"However, I have to add a condition."

"You and I must swear not to personally intervene in the 'chess game'. We can only assist or adjust from the side."

As he spoke, Augustus took out something, which was a stone.

"This is the 'Stone of Oath'. You and I both need to swear an oath with this stone. Once the oath is violated, it will be deemed as surrender."

"how do you feel?"

Azu was a little surprised: "There is such a prop."

Augustus smiled and said: "There are so many items in the multiverse, there is nothing surprising about it."

Azu nodded: "I agree."


The two of them swore an oath with this 'Stone of Oath'. After the oath was established, the 'Stone of Oath' disappeared, but Azu felt that there seemed to be a high-level power flowing around him.

This is the power of the oath, and even they, as gods, cannot disobey it.

Azu suspected that this 'Stone of Oath' should have activated certain permissions of the administrator, so it had such a forced execution effect.

"Good, now we are all 'chess players'."

"Then next, I'm going to play chess."

After Augustus said that, the spore men who were entangled with Black Adam and the others in the distance stopped. Among them, Augustus's voice rang out from the mouth of Black Adam's clone.


"I am Augustus, listen carefully."

"Now, Ismail has obtained the 'Crown of Shabak' and successfully obtained the power of the devil."

"At this time, he has already gone to the ruins of the palace. Once he sits on the throne, he will be able to connect to hell and let hell gradually overlap with reality."

"Once hell fully enters reality, the world will come to an end!"

"None of you want to see such a scene, right?"

Kos and Adam looked at each other in confusion. At this time, Eagle Man received the communication from Atom Smasher.

"Mr. Carter, Mr. Carter, can you hear me?"

Eagle Man immediately responded: "I heard it, what's the matter?"

The Atom Smasher hurriedly said: "Great, Mr. Carter, I have finally contacted you."

"I have to tell you something. Something happened. The demon Sabak appeared. Our plane was destroyed by him. Tornado and I tried to stop him, but we failed."

Eagle Man's face darkened upon hearing this, and then he said to Cos and Adam: "The demon Sabak has appeared, and Tornado and the others can't stop him."

Augustus continued to use the body of the spore man and said: "Now that he has gone to the palace, my people will act with you."

"Due to some reasons, I am unable to act personally, so I can only assist you in this way."

"But you must believe me. My interests are consistent with yours, at least on this matter. I can't let Ismail cause the end of the world, otherwise I will lose the important 'game'."

"If you have no problem, let's take action now."

After saying that, he let the three spore men fly towards the ruins of the palace.

"What do you say?"

Hawkman asked cautiously.

Kos Adam didn't answer. The man's whole body flashed with electric light, and he swept towards the ruins of the palace at an extremely fast speed.

Doctor Fate smiled in his helmet: "The answer is obvious, isn't it?"

Eagle Man nodded: "Then let us stop the end of the world."

On the other side, Augustus, who had completed the arrangement, came back to his senses and saw an almost indistinguishable figure next to Azu.

Augustus' eyelids twitched heavily. He could feel that the aura of power on that figure was very thick, almost no different from Azu.

At this time, he saw Azu take off his red cloak and put it on his 'copy'.

Then he took off the 'Hercules Bracers', took out the 'Destruction Fang' battle ax, took out the 'Dark Book of Darkness', and armed the clone.

Augustus' eyelids jumped wildly when he saw the 'copy' equipped with three artifacts.

When he saw Azu taking out some more props for the 'replica' to bring, he almost stopped him.

After being armed by Azu, the equipment on the current 'replica' can be called 'luxury'. It is estimated that even if the Justice Association and Kos Adam join forces, they will not be his opponent.

After being armed, the gorgeous 'copy' whizzed away like a meteor.

If the 'Destroyer' hadn't been used in the last confrontation, Natas would have to be buried with him in order to pull him into the black hole.

Otherwise, Azu can invest in one more artifact now.

At this moment, the sun rising from the east shone into the city of Khandak.

Azu's [Repelling the Undead] magic would lose its effect during the day, and immediately, the undead ghosts that were entangled with the parasitic residents of Augustus dissipated in the morning light.

When Augustus saw it, he was overjoyed and immediately ordered the parasitic residents to rush to the palace ruins.

Even if these parasites have limited combat power, it would be good to have a better chance of winning at this time.

But he found that even though a large number of parasites passed by them and flew to the palace like locusts, Azu did not panic and even kept a smile on his face.

Augustus couldn't help but frown. He was a little unsure of what kind of card Azu would play next.

But soon, he knew.

A large number of parasites were seen flying towards the palace ruins like locusts. At this time, the 'copy' that had arrived earlier did not enter the ruins immediately, but turned around to face Augustus' parasite.

Then two dark blue beams of light shot out from the eyes.

It's not the previous 'thermonuclear ray', nor is it a divine skill.

It’s about ‘transforming sight’!

The light, obtained from Starro, the ‘Fatherlander’, could transform anything into mechanical life, sweeping through the densely packed parasites.

Immediately, each parasite's whole body shook, and blue electronic light flashed deep in its eyes. They were quickly transformed into mechanical life by the 'transformed sight'.

The combat effectiveness of the mechanical life transformed by the 'transformation vision' is linked to the ability before transformation, so it carries part of Augustus's genes, and can be regarded as a weakened version of the 'parasite' of the motherland, and immediately becomes Azu's help. .

They pounced on the same kind next to them, fighting with fists and feet, and flashing laser lights.

Immediately, Augustus's parasites broke into internal strife and were unable to create the advantages they should have had.

Augustus' eyes almost dropped from his eyes. Only then did he realize the meaning of Azu's smile.

Originally, my 'brother' was not afraid of the human wave tactics from the beginning.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of parasites were transformed into 'mechanical life', and civil war broke out with other parasites.

After doing all this, the 'copy' flew towards the palace.

Azu used 'Psychic Invasion' to control the body of the 'replica' and saw that in the ruins of the palace, Ismail pulled out the broken horn inserted in his chest and pressed it back into place.

The fire burst out there and joined in an instant.

Then he walked towards the throne, but at this time Kos Adam and others, as well as Augustus's spore people who copied the genes of Black Adam and others, also arrived.

Azu immediately controlled the 'replica', and this time a golden light glowed from his eyes, and then two 'thermonuclear rays' swept towards Cos. Adam and others.

Dr. Destiny was well prepared. Upon seeing this, he immediately raised a crystal barrier. The spore man who copied his genes also did the same. Suddenly, two crystal barriers separated the 'thermonuclear ray'.

Although the two barriers were quickly distorted and melted under the impact of the 'thermonuclear ray', they were finally able to block it for a while.

However, Azu never thought that he could deal with these 'natives' so easily. He just took this opportunity to throw the 'Fang of Destruction' at Ismail.

At the same time, the voice of ‘Mr. John’ rang in Ismail’s mind: “Take the tomahawk, I will lend it to you for the time being.”

After the National Day, daily income and new additions both dived, and my mentality was about to collapse.


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