"hurry up."

"They all went to the palace."

In Kandak City, Tornado looked back at his companions.

The Atom Smasher had grown to a huge size and was running behind her like a giant. Every step he made would cause vibrations and make vehicles or other objects on the street jump.

"Strange, why is there no one in the city?"

Atom Smasher ran and looked around.

After the 'Wall of Sighs' fell, they entered the city, but they could not see a single Kandak resident along the way, which was doubly strange.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go to the palace first. Didn't it say in ancient documents that if the demon Shabak appears, he will sit on the throne."

"Once he takes the throne, hell will appear in reality, and it will be the end of the world by then."

Whirlwind said as he flew.

Atom Smasher was startled.

"Is it so scary?"

"I don't want the end of the world."

"I still have a lot of games that I haven't finished yet."

"I haven't been in love yet."

"Anyway, I don't want to die!"

Xuanfeng couldn't help but laugh: "You really have a lot of wish lists."

The Atom Smasher rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly and suddenly exclaimed: "What is that?"

He pointed in the direction of the royal palace ruins in the distance. Whirlwind looked in the direction of the Atom Smasher's finger and saw that the sky there was filled with black crows.

Countless figures were coming and going across the sky. They were old and young, men and women, young and old, wearing all kinds of clothes.

Some looked like office workers, and some looked like patients in the hospital, but now, no matter what their identity, they were all flying in the sky and running on the ground.

They punched and kicked, shooting red rays from their eyes to attack their opponents.


A melee is going on around the ruins of the palace.

"They seem to be residents of Khandak." Atom Smasher shouted.

Tornado also nodded: "I think so, but it's strange, why are the residents of Khandak here, and every one of them seems to have turned into a superman?"

The Atom Smasher smiled bitterly and said: "Ignore these for now, the problem is how we are going to get in. They seem to be divided into two sides, surrounding the palace, one side is defending desperately, and the other is desperately attacking."

"I don't think we can force our way through."

Xuanfeng said distressedly: "What can we do?"

At this moment.

A Kandak resident flew over and said above their heads: "Follow me."

Atom Smasher and Tornado looked at each other, neither of them trusting this resident so easily.

Khandak said: "Your companions are in the palace. They want to prevent the demon Shabak from sitting on the throne, and so do we."

"But some of our companions have rebelled. We can't get in now, but we can still make a passage for you with all our strength."

"So are you going to worry outside, or go to the palace to help your companions?"

Tornado said unexpectedly: "You also want to stop Shabak?"

"Of course, if Shabak sits on the throne, the world will be over. What good will this do to us?" The Kandak man spread his hands.

"Okay, since our interests are aligned." Xuanfeng nodded, "Then please clear the way for us."

The Kandak man said 'hmm', turned around and flew towards the palace.

Atom Smasher whispered, "Do you believe him?"

"I don't believe it, but now we have no better choice." Whirlwind said as he flew towards the palace.

Atom Smasher followed up: "If there is danger later, you can hide behind me. I can take the beating better."

Xuanfeng laughed: "Then I'd like to thank you first."

"You're welcome, we are partners."

"Oh, look, they are fighting. They are fighting so fiercely."

Atom Smasher raised his finger.

Just in front of the ruins of the royal palace, the Kandak people on both sides fought fiercely. The side with the larger number went crazy and focused on attacking in one direction.

They roared and rushed forward, knocking down the enemies one by one. Even if the opponents counterattacked with laser light, they did not let go.

Under this almost brutal attack, the 'storm' surrounding the palace ruins finally opened a gap.


"Let's rush in!"

The whirlwind screamed and formed a strong air current around the body. The girl flew towards the gap, and some Kandak residents with eyes flashing with electronic blue light rushed over.

The whirlwind waved his hands, and a storm rolled over, blowing away the city of Kandak where countless eyes were shining with blue light.

She took the opportunity to pass through the gap and rushed to the heights of the palace. She saw a blond man throwing a silver battle ax into the palace.

In the palace, Ismail caught the 'Destruction Fang' thrown by the clone. When he took it, Azu's voice rang in his mind.

"This is the 'Fang of Destruction', a divine weapon. I will lend it to you temporarily. Don't break it."

"It has three characteristics, the first one is the 'divine edge'."

"The Fang of Destruction itself is extremely sharp and can cut through iron as well as mud. Moreover, when it collides with other weapons, all weapons or equipment below the artifact will be destroyed by it. When it collides with the artifact, it will leave traces on the opponent's artifact. Damage that is difficult to repair, when accumulated to a certain extent, may cause the artifact to permanently lose a certain characteristic."

"The second type is the 'Red Gold Thunder'. The Fang of Destruction can release more powerful red-gold lightning, and adds 'Red Gold Thunder' damage to each attack."

"The third characteristic is to release the thunder of destruction. It will condense a large mass of red gold thunder slurry, causing earth-shattering damage. After use, there is a 10-hour cooling period."

"Make good use of it and ascend to the throne smoothly."

Ismail was overjoyed. Not only had he become the 'Devil Shabak', he had the power of fire and demons.

Now that he has obtained a divine weapon, he can hardly find any reason why he will fail.


After briefly judging the situation, Kos Adam rushed towards the 'copy' in mid-air. He had fought with this blond man and knew how powerful he was.

If you don't deal with this blond man first, you can't even think about dealing with 'Shabak', and among everyone, he thinks he has the best chance of winning.

As soon as he moved, the spore man who copied all his genes also followed suit, and two black figures rushed towards the 'replica' like lightning.

Azu controlled the 'copy' and opened the [Dark Divine Book]. ,

The pages of the book turned quickly under Azu's hands, and when it stopped, a pattern appeared on the yellowed parchment.

This pattern looks like an ancient evil eye, made of thick black mist and embedded in boundless darkness.

If you look carefully, you can see that every detail in the pattern is full of evil and mysterious atmosphere.

The circle in the center is like a huge black hole, swallowing up all light and hope, while the surrounding spiral shape is like a spreading dark fog, making people feel an irresistible sense of oppression.

Every line on the pattern is like corroded patina, or like a hungry wolf in the dark, staring greedily at its prey.

And the unique purple tone adds a bit of weirdness and uneasiness.

The seemingly chaotic lines and shapes form a perfect harmony, as if whispering an irresistible magic.

When this pattern appears in a magic book, the surrounding words seem to be swallowed up by darkness, leaving only the unique black mist pattern existing independently on the page.

This is the pattern of the fallen magic "Fallen Black Mist". This magic serves the "seed of desire" and can make it easier for the "seed of desire" to bloom and bear fruit.

When Azu came into contact with Kos Adam before, he had planted the 'seed of desire' in his body.

Now Azu will use the 'Fallen Black Mist' to accelerate the growth of the 'Seed of Desire' in Kos Adam's body, and use it at an appropriate opportunity.

So the 'copy' raised his hand and pressed on the page, and from the gaps in the parchment pages of the [Dark Divine Book], dark mist spread out.

The mist seemed to have weight, all flowing downward, forming a black mist on the body of the 'replica'.

Kos Adam and the spore men rushed in fearlessly, possessing the power of 'Shazam'. Kos Adam was not afraid of toxins, so he did not take the black mist released by the 'replica' seriously.

Just when the two Black Adam rushed into the "Fallen Black Mist", a conflict broke out between Ismail and the "Justice Association" in the palace.

Ismail floated into the air, raised his hand, and released a stream of fire from hell from his hand.

This was no ordinary flame, it was the fire of hell. As soon as it appeared, the palace was filled with the disgusting smell of sulfur.

Facing the menacing flames of hell, Doctor Destiny and his clone used crystal magic at the same time, and they each condensed a huge crystal.

While this crystal is blocking the flames of hell, it is also absorbing them.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a strong wind suddenly blew under Ismail's feet. The air flow stirred up the flames of hell, and the tongue of fire licked Ismail's body.

When he was distracted for a moment, a pillar flew over and hit Ismail, causing him to fly out. The flames of hell were naturally interrupted.

When Ismail flew into the air, Eagle Man fell from the sky, caught him and smashed him to the ground.

But such an attack was harmless to Ismail. When he stood up, another Eagle Man rushed from behind.

The mace was raised and struck hard on the back of Ismail's head.

Ismail turned around like a whirlwind, caught the Eagle Man with one hand, and threw him out, causing him to collide with another Eagle Man.

The two Hawkmen collided and rolled on the ground.

Ismael raised his head and saw Atom Smasher and Cyclone approaching nearby.

The Justice Society and two spores, a total of six people, completed the siege of Ismail.

"Don't let him sit on the throne." Hawkman Kent climbed up and combined his mace and shield to transform into a battle axe.

Atom Smasher nodded and said: "Copy that."

He suddenly changed his atoms, returned to their original size, and cried, "Give me a little wind."

Xuanfeng smiled cutely: "My wind is more than just a little bit."

With a wave of her hands, the Atom Smasher was lifted up by a strong wind and flew into the air.

In mid-air, the Atom Smasher fell towards Ismail, his body suddenly grew in size, and he used a wrestling move to hit the target with his elbow.

Ismail sneered and moved to let the big man pass by.

The Atom Smasher's elbow cracked the ground, but Ismael wasn't hurt at all.

At this time, the whirlwind used crazy airflow to pick up nearby gravel, causing them to blast towards the opponent like cannonballs.

"It's no use, clowns."

"No matter how hard you struggle, no matter how hard you try."

"Eventually, I will sit on the throne."

Ismael raised his hand and sprayed the rubble that was coming towards him with a stream of hellfire, burning them to ashes.

At this time, two Eagle Men rushed over from the left and the right, one using a battle ax and the other using a combination of mace and shield, and jointly attacked Ismail.

Ismail yelled, raised the 'Fang of Destruction' borrowed by Azu, and swept across with great force.

The ferocious silver-white battle ax brought out streaks of red-gold lightning, and the 'red-gold thunder' exploded and jumped, blowing the two Eagle Man away.

Ismail immediately turned to look at the throne and he flew up towards the throne.

At this time, crystal chains flew toward him and wrapped around his hands, his feet, and his neck.

Behind Ismail, dozens of Doctors of Destiny cast magic at the same time. After controlling the opponent, some other clones continued to use magic attacks.

The crystal magic light ball whizzed down like a meteor and hit Ismail. When it looked like it could suppress him, Ismail roared.

Rolling flames spurted out from his whole body. These hell flames burned the crystal chains red, and then broke one by one.

Ismail turned around, clenched the 'Fang of Destruction' with both hands, and swiped it hard.

A piece of red-gold lightning was swept out.

These electric lights hit the Doctors of Destiny like a stormy sea. The electric lights crackled non-stop, causing those clones swept by the 'Red Gold Thunder' to explode into balls of powder.

After clearing away some of Doctor Fate's clones, Ismail rushed towards the throne again, but at this time the Hawkman holding a battle ax rushed over, hugged Ismail from behind, and stuck him with the long handle of the battle ax neck.

Eagle Man flapped his wings and pulled Ismael back hard.

Another Eagle Man took the opportunity to pounce, and the mace turned wildly, condensing energy, and struck Ismael on the head.

Ismail raised his arm and grabbed the arm of Hawkman that was holding the war hammer tightly. He smiled coldly and lifted the 'Fang of Destruction' upwards.

The sharp ax blade struck into Hawkman's body, causing a horrific wound and removing his shield-equipped hand.

With blood splattering everywhere, Eagle Man was thrown aside by Ismail.

Then Ismail reached back, clasped the helmet of the other Hawkman behind him with his five fingers, swung it forward, lifted up the other Hawkman behind him, and slammed it to the ground.

Ismail stepped on the Eagle Man's chest with his big foot, and then raised his hand to press it. Raging flames spurted out from his palm and washed away the Eagle Man's body! (End of chapter)

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