I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 468 Where are you going? (Additional update)

The afternoon of the next day.


The city once suffered heavy losses in the super meteorite incident. After this period of reconstruction, Chicago has regained its former vitality.

The bright sunshine in the afternoon casts a golden glow on the skyscrapers, and the tall buildings look even more majestic in the morning light.

The streets are bustling with people, and there are even vehicles passing by, forming flowing strips of light.

The grinding of wheels on the road, the roar of engines, and the chatter and laughter of car radios all constitute the sounds of the city.

These sounds blend together to create Chicago's unique melody.

Azu walked on the street, followed a street cafe, turned into an alley, and stopped in front of a restaurant that was not yet open.

This is a restaurant run by Russians. At this moment, in the kitchen of the restaurant, Otta was smoking a cigar and looking at the men as tall as brown bears in front of him.

A tablet computer was passed around in their hands, and on the computer screen were children.

The children were imprisoned and had their superpowers demonstrated on camera.

"How are you, are these brats satisfied?" Ota exhaled a cloud of smoke.

A man smelling of alcohol and with a brown beard nodded: "It's not bad. As we agreed before, we want 500,000 US dollars per child. We want it all."

"No, the price has been raised now." Otta said calmly, "It took a lot of effort to catch these children, and you can't buy so many super children with excellent potential at once elsewhere. ."

"Now I want 1 million, 1 million each!"


The brown-bearded man foamed at the mouth: "This is different from what we agreed!"

Ota spread his hands: "If you don't want them, there are people who want to buy them. It's up to you. Goodbye."

He stood up.

Suddenly, a bald man took out a pistol and pointed it at Ota.

The people behind Otta also took out pistols and even rifles one after another, and faced off against the opponent.


Brownbeard yelled, then looked at Ota and said: "800,000, no more."

Ota made a gesture and asked his men to put down their guns. He turned around and smiled and said: "I am a person who likes to make friends. 800,000 is just 800,000, just treat it like making friends."

Just then, they heard a knock on the door in front of them.

"anyone there?"

Ota frowned: "What's going on?"

Brownbeard waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

"Mitri, go and see what's going on."

The bald man just nodded, put the gun behind his waist, and came to the door of the restaurant. He opened the door and saw a caucasian man with blond hair and blue eyes standing outside.

Looking like he was a tourist, Mitri waved his hand and said: "It's not open yet, so go somewhere else to eat."

The man smiled, said nothing, and suddenly flashed in front of Mitri, raised his knees, and bumped into him hard.

Mitri's nearly 1.9 meter tall body suddenly exploded with a 'bang', and pieces of blood, flesh and bones flew out, covering the ground, sticking to the table, and splashing down the wall.

"sorry for disturbance."

Azu whispered to the pool of flesh and blood, then turned around and closed the door of the restaurant tightly.

Then he raised his foot, crushed an eyeball, and walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Brownbeard called out the door impatiently: "Mitri, are you okay?"

No one answered the door.

Brownbeard looked at the scarred man next to him. The big man calmly took out a saber, held it in his hand, and walked out of the kitchen with his head lowered.

Ota smoked a cigar and glanced at his companion. His companion nodded slightly and was ready to retreat.

Outside the kitchen, Scarface soon saw Azu.

He was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Where is Mitri?"

"You mean that bald guy?" Azu gestured, then smiled, "He's outside, he's everywhere."

Scarface didn't think about the meaning of Azu's last words. He snorted coldly, rushed forward, and slashed Azu's neck with the saber in his hand.

Azu's eyes lit up, glowing with golden light.

Then the light of this passage disappeared in a flash.

Azu hummed a song and passed by Scarface.

Scarface kept raising the knife, and when Azu walked by, his head fell out of position.

In the kitchen, Brownbeard heard the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

He finally lost his composure and suddenly pulled out a submachine gun from under the table and said to the remaining big men.

"Let's go out and take a look."

At this time, someone outside the door said: "No need to look."

Azu walked in from the door, his eyes passed over these men, and finally fell on Ota's face.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Horta."

Otta narrowed his eyes slightly: "I don't know you."

Azu walked into the kitchen and walked towards Ota as if he didn't see the fierce men like Brownbeard.

"It's okay, let me introduce myself. Well, you can call me David Jayne."

"Unfortunately, my child is in your hands."

"You see, it took me a lot of effort to find this place."

"It would be good for all of us if you hand him over, what do you think?"

Snap, snap, snap.

This is the sound of the pistol safety opening.

Brownbeard and his men pointed their guns at Azu and fired without saying a word.

Bang bang bang!

Gunshots rippled through the kitchen.

Horta's cigar fell to the ground.

The warhead clattered to the ground, like a metal rainstorm.

"Damn it, it's a metahuman!"

Otta cried.

Because Azu remained motionless, and even the smile on his face did not change at all.

Under the fierce firepower of Brownbeard and others, he was unharmed!

If you still can't tell that Azu is a superhuman, Ota should go to the hospital to have his eyes checked.

After Brownbeard and the others ran out of bullets, Azu turned around, shook his head and said, "You made the wrong choice."

Then the eyes lit up.

Two golden beams swept across these men.

These men opened their eyes wide and watched as the guns in their hands, their arms and their bodies were all cut open.

Thump thump.

There were several dull sounds in the kitchen, and then blood slowly flowed across the ground and came to Ota's feet.

Ota opened his mouth and was about to shout something when his eyes blurred, and then he caught a few drops of blood flying past the corners of his eyes.

He turned to look.

He saw Azu standing in front of one of his companions, smiling, reaching out and tearing off the other party's chin, and then tore off the entire chin of his companion!

Next, blood splattered in the kitchen and screams broke out.

Horta bent over and crawled on the ground toward the door.

From time to time, drops of blood or minced meat fell next to him, and when he was about to climb out of the door, his shoulder was lightly tapped several times.

He raised his head and saw Azu bent over, smiling, as if greeting an old friend: "Where are you going?" (End of Chapter)

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