I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 469 More terrifying than death

Looking at that face so close, Ota felt fear for the first time.

He was certainly no coward, in fact, he was a war hero.

He served as a soldier and had experience in many wars. During his service, he went to Iraq.

There he witnessed his brother being bombed to half a man, and he also accidentally killed civilians. Therefore, the war in Iraq left him with indelible mental trauma.

Afterwards, he went to the country of A, and during a mission his team was surrounded by enemies.

Faced with a situation where his own forces were far outnumbered, Ota was not afraid. He did not flinch and led his team to break through.

During that mission, he suffered more than a dozen gunshot wounds, several of which nearly killed him.

After years of war and painful experiences, Horta returned to the Confederacy and retired from the service.

He originally thought he would usher in a peaceful life, but he soon discovered that he was used to war.

The quiet life left him at a loss.

When he woke up from a dog barking in the middle of the night, he subconsciously pulled out the dagger placed under his pillow and accidentally slit his girlfriend's throat.

That painful experience made him finally understand that he was no longer a normal person and that he could not do without gunpowder and blood.

So he became a mercenary and went wherever there was a war.

Under the influence of fire and blood, Ota has forgotten what fear feels like.

Until now.

Right before his eyes.

Those men who were as strong as bears and the brothers who had been with him for several years were all killed by the unarmed man in front of him.

Several people even had their bodies torn apart with his bare hands.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

This is a super human!

Damn superhuman!

Azu threw the man onto a chair and sat on the table next to him. He pushed the body lying on the table and looked at Ota with a smile.

"Then, let's continue what we were talking about."

"Where did you hide my boy?"

As if grasping a life-saving straw, Otta shouted loudly: "I can tell you, but you must let me leave here safely!"

After he finished speaking, he found that Azu didn't respond, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

Azu smiled and said, "Sorry, I didn't make it clear."

"Now let me tell you, here are the rules of the game."

"I ask questions, you answer."

"You have no right to bargain, do you understand?"

"Then let's start over."

"Where did you hide the child?"

Otta shouted: "I told you, let me go, and I will give you your child back!"

"wrong answer."

"You broke the rules of the game."

"Then, I'm going to punish you." Azu looked around, picked up a saber, walked over, and then thrust it into Ota's thigh like lightning.

Otta screamed: "Damn it, you bastard, you have the guts to kill me!"

"Not in a hurry."

Azu pushed the saber, letting it cut a wound and avoid the blood vessels: "I am very patient."

"We can play this game slowly."

"In the end, if I have to kill you, I will do it."

"However, you may have misunderstood."

"Are you thinking that I don't dare to kill you because if I kill you, I will cut off the clues?"

Ota was stunned for a moment, thinking, isn't this the case?

"of course not."

Azu seemed to know what he was thinking, and smiled and said: "If you don't believe it, let's wait and see."

He drew his saber.

Otta was so painful that veins popped out on his neck, and he was breathing heavily. He tore off a sleeve, wrapped it around his thigh, and tied it tightly to prevent excessive blood loss.

Azu didn't stop him and asked with a smile: "Come on, let's talk. Do you want to reveal the news?"

Otta's eyes were red, and his breathing was rapid and heavy. After a while, he asked: "What is your child's name?"

"It would have been over if it had been like this."

Azu shook his head: "I thought you were a tough guy, but it turned out to be just like that. It's really disappointing. I want to play for a while longer."

"Lian, that boy's name is Ryan."

He took out his phone, opened Ryan's photo, and showed it to Horta: "If you don't know who it is, this photo should remind you."

Ota took one look and his expression changed.

Azu noticed this look and narrowed his eyes slightly: "It seems that the game can continue."

"You won't, have you sold him already?"

Otta immediately said: "No."

"I didn't kidnap this child. If you don't believe it, I can take you to see it for yourself."

Azu immediately said: "No, I believe it."

"The child must no longer be in your hands, otherwise, you wouldn't agree so readily."

While speaking, Azu stretched out his hand and placed his thumb on Otta's left eye.

Otta seemed to understand something and shouted: "Stop!"

"I did not lie to you."

"I really didn't kidnap Ryan."

Thumb down.

There was a feeling like squeezing a water ball from his fingertips.

After Ota screamed, he cursed repeatedly. He covered his bloody left eye, and half of his vision was dark.

His left eye had been squeezed out by Azu.

"Shit, you bastard, I really didn't lie to you."

"That kid was taken away by others."

When he said this, he suddenly realized something and quickly closed his mouth.

The corners of Azu's lips raised: "Sure enough, when you saw Ryan just now, your expression changed."

"Then he said he had never kidnapped him."

"Let's put it this way, you know Ryan."

"That really makes me curious, how could a mercenary know a boy in fourth grade."

"It makes sense now, you have an accomplice."

"Come, tell me, who did it."

Ota shook his head: "No, I can't say."

"You don't understand, if I tell you, I will die."

Azu picked up the previous saber, wiped the blood on the back of a corpse, and then said.

"Let me give you a piece of advice, death is not scary."

"There are things more terrifying than death in this world."

He walked toward Horta with his clean saber in hand.

"What are you going to do?"

Horta cried: "If I die, you will never find the child."

"Aren't you worried about him?"


Azu laughed: "Why should I worry about him."

"It seems you misunderstood again. I came to him not because I was worried that he would get hurt, but because I was worried that he would make things worse, and then I would have to find a school for him. This would be very troublesome, Mr. Otta."

Ota was completely stunned.

He thought he heard wrongly.

This man isn't worried about Ryan?

He wants to find Ryan, is he worried that Ryan will make things worse and have to transfer to another school?

Is he kidding?

There was a sudden chill on my neck.

It turned out that Azu pressed the saber on his neck. The cold and sharp blade had cut open his skin, and a drop of blood rolled out.

"You still have a chance."

"Tell me, Mr. Horta, who took Lane."

Otta swallowed and said, "Please calm down, Mr. David."

"wrong answer."

Azu smiled and waved, then dragged the blade on Ota's neck, and immediately opened a gash.

Ota's eyes bulged, and he didn't expect that Azu wasn't joking.

This man really dares to kill himself!

It became increasingly difficult for him to breathe, his vision continued to shrink, and everything was pitch black.

It was as if darkness had fallen and was about to surround him.

In the darkness, he seemed to see someone walking towards him.

There are his girlfriend, his parents, his friends and brothers who died on the battlefield.

They came to pick me up.

As this thought came to Horta's mind, he saw a light, holy and bright.

In the light, there was a figure.

So sacred.

Is the door of heaven opened?

Did an angel come to greet me?

Or is that the merciful Heavenly Father?

Otta was excited. He didn't expect that someone like him could actually enter heaven.

The light became brighter and brighter, and the figure became clearer and clearer.

Gradually, Otta saw that the golden hair and blue eyes looked like the legendary archangel Michael.

But as more details appeared in the light, Ota couldn't help but wonder, this archangel was actually wearing a shirt.

Wait, why is the archangel holding a saber in his hand?


Ota wakes up.

That's not the archangel at all, but the bastard who just tortured me!

"We meet again."

"How's it going? Did you sleep well?"

"It shouldn't be too bad, because you only slept for about 1 minute?"

Azu looked at his watch and said uncertainly.

Ota looked around in confusion: "What's going on?"

He suddenly noticed that his voice was strange, like a leaking bellows.

Ota subconsciously touched his neck and felt that there was a wound on his neck.

This means that what just happened was not a dream!

He was indeed killed.

But why was he resurrected again?

"Not resurrection."

Azu explained: "The way you are now, you can at best be regarded as a living corpse, an evil thing that comes back from the dead."

"I just said, death is not terrible."

"I'm not afraid of killing you. The reason is simple. I can turn you into a living corpse."

"And you who become a living corpse will be unconditionally controlled by me."

"for example."

"Kneel down."

Ota was horrified to find that his body was not in control. He bent his left leg and knelt on one knee.

Azu said at this time: "Now, tell me what you know."





‘Woods’ project laboratory.

"Come with me, Ms. Antilla." Dr. Cardoza led the way excitedly. They came to a room where coughing could be heard.

Antila wore a pair of plain glasses and said, "Doctor, I hope you are not wasting my time."

"of course not."

"After getting Ryan's blood, I immediately analyzed his blood, extracted his cells, studied his genetic sequence, and got inspiration from it."

Cardoza opened the door as he spoke. In the room in the door, a woman was sitting on the bed. She wore a collar around her neck. An iron chain extending from the wall connected the collar, allowing her to move within a certain range. limited.

Seeing Cardoza come in, the woman's face showed deep hatred. She rushed towards Cardoza, but was restrained by the chains and sat back on the bed.

Then he kept coughing.

Antila glanced at Cardoza, who said to the woman: "How do you feel today, Bella, do you like the baby I injected into you?"

"You bastard!" The woman named Bella raised her hand, and the electricity in her hand flashed, but it disappeared after flashing twice.

A violent coughing fit followed.

Antila couldn't help but take a step back and said, "Is she sick?"

"You won't infect it to me, right?"

Cardoza said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, Ms. Antilla."

"This virus is not contagious to ordinary people, it only targets superhumans."

"After super humans are infected by it, the No. 5 chemical in their cells becomes disordered, preventing them from exerting their abilities."

"This is what Walt wants, and now we can hand it over."

Antila looked at the woman named Bella carefully, and she walked over boldly. At this time, Bella yelled and rushed over, and Antila slapped her in the face.


A crisp slap sounded.

Bella fell back on the bed like an ordinary woman.

A smile gradually appeared on Antila's face.

"You did a great job, Dr. Cardoza."

"Excellent, you are such a genius."

Cardoza smiled and said: "So, when will we notify Walter."

The smile on Antila's face disappeared: "It's not the time yet."

Cardoza thought he heard wrongly: "What did you say, it's not the right time?"


Antilla stepped back and said, "Give her a higher dose. I want to see how far your virus can go."

"Listen, Dr. Cardoza."

"Volt not only needs something that represents the superblocker, but he also needs a weapon."

"This weapon must have sufficient deterrence. They should be 'nuclear bombs' aimed at superhuman beings."

"The kind that can destroy all superhuman beings once detonated."

"So, that's not enough, do you understand?"

Cardoza was dubious: "Does it need to be to this extent?"

"But, okay."

"I do not mind."

"I can test it now."

Antila took a step back: "Sorry to trouble you."

at this time.

The building suddenly shook, and dust fell from the ceiling.

"What's going on? An earthquake?" Dr. Cardoza raised his head and glanced at the ceiling.

Antila shook his head: "Impossible, we are not in an earthquake zone, and we haven't received any notification."

She walked to the door of the room, picked up the phone and said, "Lance, take a team of people to see what's going on."

A man on the phone said: "Ma'am, my name is Lange, Lance has resigned."

Then agreed to Antila's request.

After hanging up the phone, a majestic-looking burly man said: "Stop playing, let's go, Ms. Antilla asked us to go see what happened up there."

Several security guards who were playing cards put down their cards, picked up their equipment, and then followed Lange out of the room.

at the same time.

In the dormitory building of Gouda, Cindy sat up. Her hair was messy and her eyes were groggy. She had just woken up from her sleep.

The girl looked out the window and saw dust and smoke rising from the lawn outside. In the light smoke, a figure stood up.

When she saw who it was, Cindy was startled: "Why is he here?"

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