I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 478 The Conqueror’s Strength Puzzle

This is a central laboratory that houses a variety of instruments, from the most sophisticated microscopes in the universe, to the most advanced gene editing tools, to experimental equipment that can capture the most subtle quantum effects.

Each instrument is carefully selected and designed to meet the needs of laboratory personnel.

To be precise, it is to meet the needs of ‘supreme evolution’.

At this time, the 'Supreme Evolution' was sitting in front of his huge desk, looking at a holographic light screen on the desk.

Not far behind him, rows of clean culture tanks were lined up like soldiers.

In these cultivation tanks, artificial humans are being cultivated one by one.

They are created through the most advanced biotechnology and artificial intelligence. They have an appearance and some biological characteristics similar to humans, but their internal structure and functions are different from humans.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the facial features of these artificial humans, whether they are male or female, are very similar to Azu.

Almost like his brothers and sisters.

Laboratory assistants in white coats are closely observing the artificial humans.

Their eyes were focused and serious, and they were constantly recording every detail, from the androids' physiological reactions, to their energy readings, to their reactions to external stimuli.

This information will be used to analyze their biological properties, improve their artificial intelligence systems, and possibly even develop new biotechnologies.

The laboratory was extremely quiet, with only the occasional beeps from instruments and the sound of assistants recording data breaking the silence.

But at this moment, the 'Supreme Evolution' laughed, and the silence of the laboratory disappeared.

The assistants looked at him one after another, and then turned away as if they were electrocuted, for fear that the 'Supreme Evolution' would find them slacking off.

The 'Supreme Evolution' rubbed his hands and looked at the holographic light screen above the desk. Inside, he saw Azu fighting with the Avengers and the federal army retreating.

He smiled.

At this time, a small man with brown hair came behind the 'Supreme Evolution' and said: "The chess piece you placed in human beings has worked."

The 'Supreme Evolution' nodded and said: "Yes, the cannonball fired at the 'Conqueror' was done by my artificial man."

"He is exactly the same as the sample, even the scars left after the surgery are no different."

"Except that there is a nanocomputer installed in his head, which can receive the signals I send and faithfully carry out every task I give."

‘Supreme Evolution’ stood up and walked towards the row of cultivation tanks: “Look at these treasures.”

"They are fighting machines cultivated by collecting cell samples from the Conquerors. They have almost the same power as the Conquerors, and they are loyal and will not betray."

"It's all thanks to you, P13."

"How are you getting used to your new body?"

The brown-haired man shrugged his shoulders: "I have adapted, great master."

The 'Supreme Evolution' nodded slightly: "Very good, it seems that after adjusting your emotional center, you finally don't have those messy thoughts."

"How do you feel now?"

The man known as "P13" nodded: "Very good, it has never been so good."

‘Supreme Evolution’ looked at the training channels in front and said: “With your brain and my ability, P13, we will create an eternal kingdom and a perfect world.”

"However, if we want to go to that world, we have a stumbling block."

P13 narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Conqueror."

"Yes, we have to remove this stumbling block."

‘Supreme Evolution’ said in a deep voice: “I incited Ayesha to turn against Proxima Centauri, and she has already left with Adam.”

"Now I'm turning the Earth and the conquerors against each other again. As long as the information you provide is correct, as long as those Avengers are as powerful as you said."

"Then the conqueror's days are over."

‘Supreme Evolution’ looked at the cultivation tanks in front of him again: “Of course, in the end, we still have to rely on ourselves.”

"Rely on these artificial beings."

"But now, they seem to have some flaws."

P13 looked towards him.

"follow me."

‘Supreme Evolution’ waved and took P13 out of the laboratory.

They walked along the cold but clean passage until they came to a certain room.

The 'Supreme Evolution' reached out and pressed on the screen next to the door. After reading his biological characteristics, the door opened automatically.

Inside is a spacious room, with a long one-way glass separating the inner and outer spaces.

‘Supreme Evolution’ and P13 are located outside the glass, and inside the glass is a house.

There is a living room, kitchen, sunroom and master bedroom.

Now, in the living room, a man is lying on the sofa.

Also sitting on the sofa was a woman who looked to be in her early forties and almost fifty.

The man's head was resting on the middle-aged woman's lap, and the middle-aged woman was gently stroking the man's hair with her hands, as if comforting a little boy.

But that man looked to be at least in his thirties, and no matter how you looked at him, he didn't look like a little boy.

Looking at the middle-aged woman again, although her movements were gentle, her hands were trembling.

And her eyes were full of fear, and she was about to cry.

At this time, the man opened his eyes, sat up, and said with a bit of coquettishness: "I'm hungry."

The middle-aged woman trembled and said, "I'll make you some pasta."

"No, I don't want to eat pasta."

The man looked at the woman with a smile.

The middle-aged woman seemed to know what he was going to eat. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes, but she still tried to maintain a smile and said, "I'm a little tired today. I'll let you eat tomorrow."

"We're having spaghetti today."

The man immediately exploded.

"I told you I don't want any pasta!"

"You don't love me at all!"

"You do not love me!"

His eyes glowed golden, and then two rays of light flashed away, and the scene was very ugly.

‘Supreme Evolution’ covered his forehead and looked at P13: “I don’t know why, but the Conqueror’s artificial man has major emotional flaws.”

"They all show a desire for maternal love and attention, which makes each of them an egomaniac and a giant baby."

"Although their combat power is very powerful, it is comparable to Adam, or even surpasses Adam."

"But they're idiots, and in order to unleash their full power, I can't forcefully control them with nanocomputers."

"Do you think there is any way to solve it?"

P13 pondered: "This may be caused by the emotional defects of the 'Conqueror' himself, but strangely, he did not show it. Could it be that he has been hiding it?"

"I can't think of a solution for a while. I need some time."

The 'Supreme Evolution' nodded and said: "I'll give you time, but you need to hurry up. The 'Conqueror' has returned and we don't have much time."

He looked inside the glass and saw that the artificial man was already doing something unsightly. The 'Supreme Evolution' shook his head and tapped his temples with his fingers.

An order was given.

The artificial man's eyes immediately became blank and he stopped all movements.





Kama Taj.

Dr. Banner groaned and Yoyo woke up.

After regaining consciousness, he saw the dim roof and a spider weaving its web silently in the corner.

The golden sunlight outside the window shines into the house, casting a golden spot on the tiled floor.

The dust swirled gently in the golden light and fell slowly.

There was a hint of medicinal smell in my nose, as if someone was frying medicine next to me.

Dr. Banner knows that in the magical East, people's use of medicinal materials is still at a very primitive stage.

But even this primitive application can produce very strange effects.

He propped himself up and saw Peter Parker lying not far from him. The young man was sleeping soundly, breathing evenly and long.

The atmosphere in the room was quiet and peaceful until a figure walked in.

"you're awake."

"Hey, Dr. Banner's awake."

It’s ‘Ant-Man’ Scott.

His loud voice woke up Peter Parker, and the young Spider-Man jumped onto the roof, disturbing the spider that was spinning its web.

Peter Parker hung upside down on the house like a spider. Only then did he open his eyes and look around: "Where are we?"

Of course Dr. Banner doesn't know.

Scott walked into the room and said, "We are at Karma Taj, this is where the magicians practice."

"You can't imagine how beautiful this place is."

"This is heaven."

"When I came here, I wanted to practice here, but it's a pity that I can't. I still have my family."

Dr. Banner interrupted his eloquent speech: "How did we get to Kama Taj? I remember we were in Wakanda. By the way, we were fighting the Conqueror."

Peter Parker also remembered: "Where are Sam and Colonel Rhodes?"

Scott's face darkened: "They were sacrificed. Have you forgotten? They were killed by the conquerors."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became sad.

Banner lowered his head and sighed: "I didn't expect them to die there."

Peter Parker jumped off the roof and said with some frustration: "The Conqueror is more troublesome than Thanos. With the Infinity Gauntlet and his own power, how can we fight against such a powerful enemy?"

At this time, the round-waisted Wang appeared at the door: "Are you awake?"

"Then follow me."

"We need to discuss how to deal with the conquerors."

After a while, they came to a solemn hall.

Doctor Strange Stephen and a girl were talking about something unknown, and Scott whispered to Dr. Banner.

"That's America Chavez, a little girl with magical powers. She can break dimensions with one punch and open passages to other multiverses."

Peter Parker raised his eyebrows: "This is incredible."

At this time Stephen looked over: "You are here."

"Then let's get started."

Stephen coughed dryly: "First of all, please allow me to introduce, this is America Chavez, she has the ability to open the multiverse."

America Chavez waved enthusiastically: "Hello."

She excitedly ran to Dr. Banner's feet, raised her head and said, "So you are like this in this world."

Banner squatted down and smiled: "In other universes, what does the Hulk look like?"

"They have many different looks and different temperaments, and there are even female Hulks." America Chavez said with a smile, putting her hands behind her back.

Banner glanced at the others: "We also have She-Hulk, but I can't contact her recently."

"it's a pity."

America Chavez jumped up to Peter Parker again: "Spider-Man, Peter Parker, you are a well-known superhero."

"You've been a good person in every multiverse I've been to."

Peter Parker said nervously: "Really?"

America Chavez nodded: "But in some universes, you are not Spider-Man."

"In another universe, unfortunately, Peter Parker died, but Gwen became Spider-Man."

Peter Parker was stunned for a moment: "Who?"


"We don't have Gwen here, let alone Spider-Man."

Doctor Strange said at this time: "Okay, let's get down to business."

"I have already explained the situation to America Chavez, and I believe you know the Conqueror quite well."

"But here, I still want to explain to you how powerful the 'Conqueror' really is."

Stephen used magic to make Azu's image appear in the air.

"First of all, the Conqueror possesses the Infinity Gauntlet. We all know how terrifying the power of the Infinity Gauntlet is."

"I even suspect that if the conqueror wished, he could snap his fingers and the rest of us would be reduced to ashes."

"Yes, the Infinity Gauntlet is that scary."

"But that's not all the power of the Conqueror."

Stephen waved his hand, and in the image, the 'Infinity Gauntlet' on Azu was removed and floated in the air.

"In addition to the 'Infinity Gauntlet', I just discovered that the Conqueror also possesses the 'Book of Darkness'."

"You may not know what the Book of Darkness is. Let the king explain this."

The king walked up with a solemn expression: "The Book of Darkness, also known as the 'Book of Death' or the 'Book of Sin'."

"Billions of years ago, Sithorne, one of the ancient gods who had fallen into a demon, was forced to flee to other dimensions in order to avoid being devoured by the God Eater. Before escaping, Sithorne wrote on indestructible parchment. All his evil deeds and spells were known as Sithorne Scrolls. These parchments were later revised into volumes and called the Darkscripts. Before Sithorne went into exile, he left the Darkscripts on Earth as his Channels that influence the earth and release energy.”

"Not long ago, we just discovered that Wanda practiced the magic in the Dark Book and used it to use dream walking to appear in other parallel universes."

"There, Wanda single-handedly wiped out the Illuminati in that universe."

"Members of the Illuminati include Professor X, Mr. Fantastic, Black Bolt, Captain Marvel, etc."

"This is the power of the 'Book of Darkness'!" (End of this chapter)

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