After Wang finished explaining the long and terrifying history of the 'Dark Book of Darkness', the entire hall fell into deep silence.

It was a suffocating silence, as if all life was holding its breath at that moment.

Hulk Banner is fearless no matter what powerful enemy he faces, but he looks so shocked at this moment.

"Is this book really that scary?" Banner asked stammering.

His voice seemed a little trembling, which was in sharp contrast to his huge body.

After all, Wang just said that Wanda used the 'Book of Darkness' to practice and killed many superheroes in a parallel universe.

Such power is as helpless as facing Thanos that day.

No, it's more desperate than facing Thanos.

Spider-Man Peter Parker is always full of energy, but at this time the young man has also become extremely serious.

There was no smile on his face, only deep worry and fear. He stared at Wang closely, as if trying to find some comfort in Wang's expression.

"Yes, Mr. Banner and Mr. Parker, the power of this book is beyond your imagination." Wang replied heavily, "It once plunged the entire universe into darkness and caused countless lives to struggle in fear. It once disappeared Yes, but every time it happens, it causes huge disasters.”

, Ant-Man Scott Lang, who has a humorous and optimistic personality, also fell silent at this moment.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly stopped. His eyes were full of panic, and the panic was so intense that even he, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't hide it.

Because he thought that since Doctor Strange and Wang mentioned the 'Book of Darkness' at this time, was it because it was in the hands of the 'Conqueror'?

If so, with the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and the 'Dark Book of Darkness', who is still the opponent of the 'Conqueror'?

He thought, maybe, the end of the world was coming.

At this moment, everyone in the hall was shocked by the power of the 'Dark God Book' and was stunned by its horror.

They didn't expect that besides the 'Infinity Gauntlet', there were such terrifying artifacts in the universe.

Stephen looked at the people in the hall and sighed in his heart. He knew very well what changes would be brought about by telling everyone the information about the 'Dark Book of Darkness'.

But he had to bring it up in order to prepare these people.

"I believe you have guessed it."

"Yes, unfortunately."

"In addition to the 'Infinity Gauntlet', the 'Conqueror' should also have this artifact in his hand. He has the 'Dark Book of Darkness'."

"At that time, I witnessed him using this artifact to awaken the corpses on the battlefield and become his army."

"But there is one thing that puzzles both the king and me."

"Because I personally saw Wanda destroy Wandage Mountain and the Book of Darkness, so it is impossible for it to appear in the hands of the 'Conqueror'."

"But we have to prepare for the worst, that is, the conqueror has both the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and the 'Dark Book' in his hands."

Peter Parker was greatly shocked and took two steps back: "Oh my god, Thanos just has the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and he has already caused us a lot of trouble."

"The Conqueror's power is already quite powerful. Now he not only has the 'Infinity Gauntlet', but also the 'Dark Book of Darkness'. How can we fight against such an enemy?"

Banner smiled bitterly and sat on the ground and sighed: "I really doubt the days when Hulk was invincible. The enemy that gave me the most headache at that time was a guy who could also turn into a giant."

"Even now I have found a balance between Hulk and Dr. Banner, possessing both wisdom and strength, but such an enemy can no longer be defeated by wisdom and strength."

Scott whispered, "Maybe I should go home, at least to be with my family when the world ends."

America Chavez looked at these people and said, "You don't have to be so depressed. If there is really no other way, I can use my ability to take you to other parallel universes."

"The conqueror can't come after him, can he?"

Stephen looked at her and said, "Escape is not the answer."

He continued: "I share this information with you not to defeat you, but to enable you to face our enemies."

"The enemy this time is stronger than ever."

"The Conqueror himself is as powerful as Thanos, no, he is more powerful than Thanos."

"Coupled with the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and items suspected to be the 'Dark Book of Darkness', he alone requires us to gather the power of all superheroes."

"In addition, he has Wakanda, he has John's empire, and he has a huge army."

"This is an unprecedentedly powerful enemy."

"We need the power of Thor and Miss Carol."

"But now, Thor has gone to the Almighty City, and I don't know when he will come back."

"Miss Carroll is also temporarily unavailable. Although Colonel Rhodes has left a message for her, it is unknown when she will be able to come to Earth."

"Under such circumstances, I can think of only two ways to fight against the conquerors."

Scott raised his head and said: "I can't think of a single solution, but you can actually think of two, so what are you waiting for? Tell us quickly, Mr. Magician."

Stephen nodded and said: "The first one is America Chavez."

He pointed to the girl next to him.

America Chavez pointed at herself: "Me?"

"I understand, you want to say, let me open the passage to other parallel universes and let everyone move to a safe universe, right?"

Doctor Strange laughed, "No, it's not that, kid."

"My idea is that it's up to you to find a parallel universe where there is no life on earth or is about to be destroyed."

"Then we managed to throw the Conqueror into that universe, and just by locking him in that universe and letting him fend for himself in that universe, we won the war."

The hall fell silent.

Then Banner climbed up and shouted, "This is a great idea!"

"Dr. Stephen, you are such a genius!"

"You are right, we cannot defeat the Conqueror, but as long as we throw him into other parallel universes so that he cannot come back, we can also win this war."

Banner's words were echoed by others. Things that had originally been thought to be hopeless were now seeing hope, and everyone in the hall had smiles on their faces again.

Doctor Strange coughed dryly: "I'm sorry, but what I say next may shock you."

"But I still have to tell you."

"Although this is a way, it is not the best way."

"There are two reasons. One is that America may not be able to find a universe that meets the requirements immediately. After all, we cannot just throw the conqueror into an unfamiliar universe."

"Even if we can escape, it's unfair to throw a world-destroying demon into other universes and let the beings in other universes help us bear a fate that shouldn't belong to them."

"That's why I said that we need to find a universe that is no longer alive or is going to perish, and let it become a 'cage' for the conquerors."

"But in addition to not being able to immediately find a universe that meets the requirements, there is a second problem."

"Before, conquerors had a history of suddenly disappearing for a period of time and then suddenly reappearing."

"And my teacher, the great Supreme Mage Ancient One, once said that she believed that the conquerors might come from other universes."

"In other words, he may have the same means of entering and exiting the multiverse as America Chavez."

"So I don't think that's the best approach."

Because of Stephen's words, the hall fell into a solemn atmosphere again.

America Chavez was shocked and said: "I thought I was the most special, but I didn't expect that besides me, there are people who can enter and exit the multiverse."

Stephen patted her shoulder and said, "You don't have to be depressed. What we are facing is an enemy beyond imagination."

Wang said seriously: "The first time the Conqueror appeared was when New York was invaded."

"Mage Ancient One once fought against the Conqueror at that time. She reminded us afterwards that this was a very powerful enemy."

"And she said that the conquerors might come from other parallel universes."

"In this way, it is indeed possible that the conqueror has the means to travel across the universe."

Peter Parker spread his hands and said: "This is too much. Having the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and the 'Dark Book' and being able to travel through the multiverse is cheating!"

Stephen looked at the crowd and said, "So I think the second method will be more reliable."

Everyone looked at him.

Scott said: "What is the second method, Mr. Magician?"

Doctor Strange glanced at Wang and then said seriously: "Wanda."

"Sure enough." Wang seemed to have guessed what Doctor Strange's method was, but he was not sure until he heard it from Stephen himself.

"Wanda?" Banner asked, "Do you know where she is?"

"Other than Thor and Miss Carol, Wanda is really the one most likely to stand up to the Conqueror."

"I have personally seen her fight against Thanos who possesses the 'Infinity Gauntlet'. Her magical power is quite powerful, and may even be greater than yours."

Stephen nodded: "I don't deny this."

"At the same time, I also know where Wanda is."

"She's in Wandager Mountain."

Wang frowned and said, "But you said that Wanda destroyed Wandage Mountain and the Book of Darkness, and buried herself with them."

"She might have"

"No." Stephen shook his head, "There is no evidence that Wanda is dead now, and you and I both know that even destroying Wandage Mountain may not be able to kill her."

"Even you and I have the means to escape or save our lives in that situation, let alone Wanda."

"So it's very possible that she is still in the ruins of Wandager Mountain. She just doesn't want to appear and has closed herself off."

"If Wanda joins our camp, not to mention defeating the Conqueror, but at least it can delay time. It can delay it until Thor comes back from the Almighty City, and it can delay it until Carol sees our message."

Dr. Banner came over and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"Split up."

Stephen glanced at America Chavez, and then said: "Child, I need you to find a multiverse that meets the requirements. Although the conqueror may have the means to travel through parallel universes, even if there is only a slight chance, we must Be fully prepared.”

"At least, we gotta try."

America Chavez nodded: "Put it on me."

Stephen looked at Dr. Banner and Spider-Man again: "America Chavez has learned a lot of knowledge, and we have trained her, but she still lacks the means to protect herself."

The Hulk glanced at Spider-Man: "Understood, we will go with this child to find a universe that meets the requirements."

Peter Parker walked up to America Chavez, held out his hand and said, "I will protect you with all my strength."

Stephen looked at Wang Dao again: "I'm going to Wandage Mountain. Even if there is only one chance in ten thousand, I will go and see it myself. I hope I can find Wanda, and I hope she will come back with me."

"Now that we're all gone, it's up to you here, King."

The king nodded: "Don't worry, I will protect Kama Taj."

Stephen took a step back: "Without further ado, let's set off."

America Chavez looked at Hulk and Spider-Man: "You guys go away."

After the two of them walked away a little, the girl looked at her fist, and then punched the void in front of her with all her strength.


A star-shaped gap appears in the air. Through this gap, you can see another world on the other side.

America Chavez said to the Hulks at this time: "Let's go."

Dr. Banner took the lead: "I'll go over first to check the situation. You guys wait for my signal."

He first got into the gap and made sure there was no danger, then waved America Chavez and Peter Parker over.

After the two got in, the gap in the star pattern was closed, and the three people had gone to another parallel universe.

At this time, Stephen also used the hanging ring to open a portal. He glanced at Wang and Scott, then stepped into the portal and came to a snowy mountain.

He closed the portal, and in front of him was the collapsed Wandag Mountain.

"Wanda, where are you?"

Stephen was about to move forward when suddenly he screamed. Doctor Strange covered his forehead, and a gap appeared on his forehead.

The gap suddenly opened on both sides, and an eye appeared.





Azu stood in the palace of Wakanda, overlooking the most technologically advanced city on earth.

From T'Challa's report just now, he already knew what happened on Earth.

Not long after he left, the 'Supreme Evolution' appeared on the earth and went around arresting people under the banner of 'John's Empire'.

In just a few months, many people on Earth have been captured by him.

This incident quickly aroused people's dissatisfaction with John's empire, and eventually the fire of public opinion became more and more intense.

This resulted in today's situation. (End of chapter)

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