I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 480 Dark and Strange

"It seems that we need to settle the score with the old boy from 'Supreme Evolution' first."

Just when Azu was about to leave to settle accounts with the 'Supreme Evolution', he suddenly felt something in his heart and looked behind him.

A string of sparks appeared in the air behind him, and the sparks drew a circle, and a portal was formed.

Azu recognized this as Doctor Strange's teleportation magic, and then saw Stephen stepping through the portal wearing only half of his magic cloak.

"What kind of wind is this blowing?"

"If this is an attempt to assassinate me, is the movement too big?"

Azu clasped his hands behind his back and looked at Doctor Strange who had just crossed the portal.

Stephen raised his head at this time, and the third eye on his forehead clearly appeared in Azu's field of vision.

"What's your look?"

Azu remembers that in "Doctor Strange 2", Stephen ended up looking like this.

This seems to be the sequelae of him using dark magic to project his consciousness onto the body of Doctor Strange in the main universe.

It seems that in this universe, Stephen has already experienced adventures in parallel universes and fought against the Scarlet Witch, so he became what he is now.

Doctor Strange spread his hands: "Stephen fell asleep temporarily. To be honest, it is not easy to get him to fall asleep."

"He'll wake up at any moment, so I'll keep talking."

"I am Stephen, but not, or rather, I am the dark side of Stephen."

"He used dark chaos magic, which became my nourishment and allowed me to thrive."

"In short, you can call me Dark Strange, or Evil Strange, it doesn't matter."

"What's important is that I bring you some news."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "What's the news?"

"You are going to be in trouble, conqueror." Dark Strange raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

"They are plotting against you and have found two ways to do so."

Azu changed his posture and folded his hands: "That's not surprising. If they don't want to fight me, then they are not the Avengers."

Dark Strange laughed and said: "You are right, especially Stephen. He thinks he is a righteous man, but he doesn't understand himself at all, otherwise I would not have been born smoothly."

"Well, don't you want to know what they're trying to do against you?"

Azu smiled: "Since you came to me, you must have something you want to tell me."

"But before that, what I'm more curious about is, why do you want to help me?"

The eye on Dark Strange's forehead flashed with an inexplicable evil intention: "Dark Divine Book."

"I know that you have the 'Book of Darkness' in your hand."

"I saw it then. Not long ago, you used it to use a necromancy magic!"

Azu raised his eyebrows, raised his hand, and with a twist of his wrist, the dark, evil book exuding a strong black aura appeared in Azu's hand.

Dark Strange suddenly screamed: "Give it to me!"

A black whirlwind suddenly broke out in the room, with sparks floating around, as if countless ghosts were howling.

But soon, these visions disappeared.

Dark Strange took a step back and said, "Sorry, I lost my temper."

Azu put away the 'Dark Divine Book' and looked at the man: "You want the 'Dark Divine Book'?"


Dark Strange raised his head: "With it, I can become complete. I can put Stephen into eternal sleep, and then his body will be mine."

Azu nodded: "In this case, I understand your motivation."

"You want to help me in exchange for the 'Dark God Book'?"

Dark Strange raised his head and said, "That's it."

"You are not a magician. The Dark Book of Darkness does not exert even one percent, no, one ten thousandth of its power in your hands."

"It's a waste for you to use it to power some magic, a shameful waste!"

"Only in my hands can it play its original role."

"How about, let me assist you, let me help you rule this planet, and even the galaxy."

"When it's done, you just need to give me the 'Dark Divine Book'."

Azu said with a smile: "Since you know so much about the 'Dark Book of Darkness', you should know how precious it is."

"I tentatively believe in your sincerity."

"But if you want to obtain the 'Dark Book of Darkness', you need to do more than you think."

"I know." Dark Strange nodded, "I didn't expect to get this artifact easily, so I didn't snatch it just now. I restrained my desire. This is my sincerity."

"Very well, I accept your sincerity."

Azu pointed his finger and said, "Then, our cooperation will start with the Avengers' plan."

"Tell me, what do they want to do?"

Dark Strange looked at him and said: "Stephen met a girl not long ago. She has the ability to open up parallel universes."

"Stephen's plan is to find a universe that has no signs of life or is about to be destroyed."

"Then try to throw you into that universe and imprison you."

"Now, under the protection of the Hulk and Spider-Man, that girl has embarked on a journey to countless parallel universes to find suitable planets."

"When she is found, they will take action."

Azu raised his eyebrows: "This is indeed a good idea."

Although he has the "Traveler's Ring", he can travel to the multiverses he has visited, and he can also use this ring to end his "journey".

But if he was thrown into other parallel universes, Azu could not guarantee that the 'Traveler's Ring' would allow him to return to the black-robed universe.

The reason is simple.

If each multiverse is regarded as a server, the current Marvel universe that Azu is logged into is an authorized and registered server.

But if it is thrown into other multiverses, it means entering a server without authorization and registration.

It's hard to say whether this 'Traveler's Ring' will work.

Dark Strange continued: "In addition, in order to fight against your empire, Thor has gone to the Almighty City, which is the gathering place of the gods."

"Thor went there to seek help, hoping that the gods would unite against you."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Wow, I am so proud that I need to let the gods unite to fight me."

"In addition, they also left a message for Carol. However, Carol is currently out of contact, but as long as she receives the message from the Avengers, she will definitely come back."

Dark Strange counted on his fingers: "Let's count and see how much trouble you have."

"First of all, the humans on earth will definitely not like you, especially since you just drove away the federal army, so what you have to face next may be the United Nations army."

"Then there is the Avengers. Although the strength of this alliance is no longer what it used to be, the foundation is still there, especially since they have all kinds of friends with strange abilities, like the one now named America Chavez. She's looking for a suitable planet for you to use as a prison cell."

"Then there are the gods of the universe. Of course, it is unknown whether these gods will join forces to deal with you, and I personally am not optimistic about Thor's eloquence, but it is undeniable that they are still a potential threat."

"Lastly, there is Carol. She has super strength, and she has many friends in the interstellar. If she brings all these friends here, I believe you will have a headache, right?"

After saying so much, Dark Strange took a step forward: "How about it, now do you think that with me as an ally, the situation will be much better."

"At least, I will inform you as soon as possible about what they are going to do and what they are doing."

Azu nodded and said: "You are right, the information you provided is also very important, but I don't think that just providing this information is enough for you to get the 'Book of Darkness' in my hands."

Dark Strange raised his hand and began to draw circles: "Of course, providing information is just the most insignificant thing among all the things I do for you."

"In the future, I will provide you with other help."

"In order to make our alliance stronger, the next time I come, I will bring a contract to ensure the interests of both of us."

"And now, I have to go, Stephen is almost waking up."

The portal took shape, and Dark Strange stepped through it in one step and disappeared into the palace of Wakanda.

After watching the portal disappear, Azu shouted: "What an ally? You at least retained some information."

"But it doesn't matter, so do I."

"This 'Dark Divine Book' is different from what you imagined."

He looked out the window again: "However, the plan of the cosmic cage must be guarded against."

"If the 'Traveler's Ring' loses its effect, then I will be in trouble."

"But I have no way to test the effect of the 'Traveler's Ring', so I have to take some precautions."

"For example, prepare a stand-in."

Azu used the ability of 'Gene Copying Spore' and began to copy his own genes in order to cultivate a clone that could be used as a substitute.


"It seems that as long as time permits, I can even sell and produce a batch of 'motherland' troops on my own."

"But that takes too much time, and you can't carry it with you."

"But as a substitute, it's not bad."

At this time, a 'primitive spore' had attached itself to Azu and began to collect his genetic information.

Letting the 'original spores' do their work, Azu wasted no time and used the 'raw space stone' to open the portal and let the black and blue flames surround him.

When Azu walked out of the flames, he had already arrived on the Temple.

After a while, he came to the main hall and heard the sound of quarreling inside.

"His Majesty has disappeared for quite some time. There are rumors that he has died."

"Nonsense. His Majesty's strength is comparable to that of a god. Who can make him fall?"

"There is news that the man from the Divine Realm on Earth went to the Almighty City and persuaded the gods to join forces to make His Majesty disappear at the border of the Milky Way."

"This is impossible!"

"Then tell me where your Majesty has been and why he hasn't appeared yet."

"Okay, stop arguing. The most important thing now is that the emperor of our empire has been missing for too long, and many eyes are watching. In my opinion, we should quickly elect a new emperor."

"If this is the case, I recommend Proxima Centauri. We all know her relationship with His Majesty. It is very suitable for her to serve as emperor."

"No, I don't agree, and I will not serve as emperor. I don't think His Majesty died at the border of the Galaxy as rumored."

"If Proxima Centauri does not want to be the emperor, then I recommend General Deathblade, he is equally suitable."

While there was a lot of discussion in the main hall, Azu came in silently and looked down at these so-called imperial ministers.

At this time, Proxima Centauri saw Azu, and she said happily: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty is back!"

Everyone below was shocked and raised their heads, especially the Deathblade General.

His expression was complicated.

There was even a hint of joy on the general's face.

But now that he saw Azu, he quickly put away his smile, half-knelt down like the others, and shouted loudly: "I have met your Majesty."

Azu remained silent and came to Thanos' huge throne.

He sat down and looked at the people below before speaking: "Who said I was dead just now?"

Suddenly, the eyes fell on a figure with stone skin and horns.

The man suddenly felt something was wrong. He raised his head and was about to defend himself when two golden lights appeared in his field of vision.

They expanded rapidly, and finally occupied his entire field of vision. After a flash of bright and dazzling light, his field of vision suddenly became dark.

In the main hall, everyone saw that this unlucky guy's eyes had turned into blackened holes, and green smoke was coming out of them, and he was already dead.

Azu looked at General Deathblade again: "Do you really want to be the emperor of the empire?"

General Dead Blade quickly defended himself: "Your Majesty, I don't have such an idea. It was Feinan who made his own decisions and put forward such ridiculous suggestions without my consent."

"Even if Your Majesty doesn't kill him, I will execute him!"

Azu looked at him expressionlessly, and when he saw that Death Blade's body was already trembling slightly, he said, "I will believe you just once."

"Okay, I'm not dead, so you don't have to worry."

"Everyone, get out."

Everyone, including Death Blade, breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left the hall.

Only Proxima Centauri and Azu were left in the hall.

Azu looked around: "Where are Ayesha and Adam?"

Thinking of the golden woman snatching Azu from her hand, Proxima Centauri gritted her teeth, but she didn't dare not reply to Azu's words, so she said.

"Your Majesty, she left and took Adam back to her own planet."

Azu glanced at her and knew that Ayesha's departure must have something to do with Proxima Centauri, and he didn't care. What he really needed was Adam, not Ayesha.

"Do you know what the 'Supreme Evolution' has done?" Azu asked again.

Proxima Centauri nodded: "He took away a batch of experimental products from the earth."

Azu frowned: "You know, then why didn't you stop him?"

Proxima Centauri wondered: "Do I need to stop him?"

"Isn't it normal to take slaves from planets with lower civilizations?" (End of Chapter)

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