I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 481 Wanda’s spiritual world

Isn't it normal to take slaves from planets with lower civilizations?

Facing this soul torture from Proxima Centauri, Azu was speechless.

From the perspective of Proxima Centauri, it is indeed a normal thing to capture humans from the earth and use them as experimental subjects or slaves.

Just like humans don't think about making cattle and sheep work, whether cattle and sheep will agree with a truth.

This is the plundering of lower-level beings by higher-level beings. This is instinct, and it makes no sense at all.

Azu nodded and said, "Okay."

"You have a point."

"Originally, my idea was to use a milder method to make the earth accept our empire, but I ignored your ideas."

Proxima Centauri quickly said: "Your Majesty, then I will notify everyone immediately to change my attitude towards humans on Earth."


Azu shook his head: "It's too late to change now, and we don't need to be too involved with them. Since the path of gentle contact is no longer feasible, then the only way to conquer them is with war."

Hearing this, Proxima Centauri's eyes lit up.

Those of them who follow Thanos to conquer the galaxy are not good men and women to begin with. For them, war is an instinct engraved in their genes.

Now that Azu is going to start a war, Proxima Centauri suddenly becomes excited. This is what she is good at.

"Then I will have all the troops assemble immediately."

"It's just that we have a lot of troops in the galaxy, and it may take a while to assemble them."

Azu leaned back: "It doesn't matter, I also need some time to deal with some problems."

"The first is the 'Supreme Evolution'. Although I did not explicitly prohibit such things from happening, he acted arbitrarily and obviously did not take me seriously."

"Where is he now? I want to see him."

Proxima Centauri immediately said: "Vita, now, that is the capital of our empire."

"Your Majesty, you should go take a look."

“Look at the enthusiasm of the people.”

"And support for you."

Azu agreed happily: "Then let's set off."

A moment later, the Temple was started. The engines of this huge starship were started one by one, and then it entered time and space and used the wormhole to reach its destination.

at the same time.

Earth, Wandager Mountain.

This is a frozen and silent world.

There was a vast expanse of white everywhere, and there were flying snowflakes in the sky.

The cold wind howled across the top of the snow-capped mountains, taking away all the sounds and leaving only the lonely echo.


The sound of wind in his ears made Stephen wake up suddenly.

He was stunned for a moment, a little lost.

"Did I fall asleep?"

He looked back and saw a series of long footprints behind him.

Doctor Strange looked up again, and saw that the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the thick clouds seemed to swallow up the entire world.

Snowflakes flew all over the sky as if driven by the wind. They collided with each other, and then fell to the ground, covering the cold earth bit by bit.

Looking around, the surrounding scene makes people feel a deep loneliness.

The vast white snowfield stretches as far as the eye can see, without a trace of life.

The sun reflects dazzlingly on the snow, but it cannot warm this cold world.

In this world, there is only the sound of wind and falling snow, which are intertwined to form an ethereal echo.

In the distance, the collapsed mountain seemed to have experienced a fierce battle and lost its former majesty and magnificence.

It lay there quietly, like a giant corpse eroded by the wind and snow, tired and silent after many vicissitudes of life.

The fractured surface of the mountain peak is particularly eye-catching, like a giant's wound, which makes people feel tragic and desolate.

At the top of this high snow-capped mountain, the temperature is unbearably cold.

The icy cold wind swept in from all directions, as sharp as a knife, piercing into people's skin, making Stephen feel a biting coldness.

Although he was not afraid of the cold, he could still feel the coldness gradually seeping into his bones when he stepped on the snow.

On the top of this lonely snow-capped mountain, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of loneliness.

This is a feeling that cannot be described in words, as if I am the only one left in the whole world, standing in the cold wind, staring at the collapsed mountain.

And that mountain peak is like a silent watcher, using its broken body to watch this cold land and the end of the world.

The wind continues to blow, the snow continues to fall, and the mountain peaks continue to be silent.

This is a world without sound, only the sound of wind and falling snow.

This is a world without color, only white and gray.

It's a lifeless world, just icy land and tired giants.

This is a lonely world, only yourself and the collapsed mountain.

Stephen couldn't help but tighten his clothes. His destination was the collapsed mountain. He hoped to find the Scarlet Witch in the collapsed mountain.

As for just now.

He couldn't remember what happened before he lost consciousness.

It seemed like there was a huge gap between the time he stepped through the portal and this moment.

The scary void.

Stephen subconsciously touched his forehead. There was nothing on his forehead, no third eye.

This relieved him.

Then he forced himself to focus on what was in front of him.

The matter in front of you is the most urgent.

Stephen used magic to quickly reach the collapsed mountain and near Wandag Mountain.

The mountain collapsed and rocks piled up, but this was not a problem for a great magician like him.

Stephen summoned magic servants and asked them to carry the rocks. These lifeless, non-tired, humanoid organisms formed purely from elemental energy quickly and efficiently helped Stephen clear a passage to the inside of the mountain.

When the magic servants are clearing away the rocks, they will also look for suitable rocks that are huge enough and use them as supports to support the passage and prevent it from collapsing.

In this way, Stephen gradually went deeper into the Wandag Mountain. Since there was no light in the mountain, he soon entered darkness.

Stephen caused a magic ball of light to float above his head. It emitted a soft glow and illuminated the scene inside the mountain.

There used to be an ancient temple in Wandag Mountain, but as the mountain collapsed, the temple had long since been shattered.

Nowadays, a passage has been cleared and built in the mountain by magic servants for him to walk, but there is no scenery to speak of.

There is only silence, loneliness and darkness.

This place is like a huge tomb where everything is buried.

There's a good chance Wanda isn't dead, but it's not her physical state that Stephen is worried about, but her mental state.

She may be devastated now.

In fact, Stephen doesn't know how to reawaken Wanda's heart, but now, he can only take one step at a time.

It didn’t take long to move forward.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

The extremely dazzling white light engulfed Stephen.

Doctor Strange quickly made a defensive stance. He used the 'Ring of Raggador', which was a defensive magic he commonly used, and its power has been proven in many battles.

However, Stephen did not feel threatened, so he opened his eyes again.

In front of him was a white and lonely world.

In this world, only a lonely house in the distance has color, and other than that, there is only endless paleness.

No earth, no sky, nothing.

There was just an empty, pale white.

Stephen walked towards the house, and after a while, he came to the door of the house.

He tried to push the door, but it wouldn't budge.

Stephen stepped back and walked along the house. He skirted the lawn and came behind a window.

He looked in through the window and saw that in the living room inside, a TV set from the 1970s was playing a black and white TV series.

Beside, a warm flame was dancing in the fireplace in the living room.

There was a sofa facing the window, and a woman was sitting on the sofa. She was watching TV, wearing a sweater, and laughing from time to time.

Although he didn’t see the face, Stephen was sure that it was Wanda.

He suspected that this was Wanda's spiritual world.

Because he had had a similar experience before.

But that time, it was Wanda from another parallel universe who was locked up in the spiritual world.

Stephen knocked on the door and shouted Wanda's name loudly.

But Wanda seemed unable to hear. She was still wearing a sweater while watching the TV, and from time to time she picked up the remote control to change the channel.

At this moment, Stephen saw someone walking into the living room, and it turned out to be Vision!

Vision came and sat down next to Wanda, and the two hugged each other. The scene was so warm.

Stephen took two steps back and tried to use magic to enter the house, because he found that this house isolated Wanda from the outside world.

No matter how much he shouted outside, he couldn't wake Wanda up.

Doctor Strange waved his hand, and a magic lightsaber appeared in his hand.

The sword of Emperor Weishan!

Stephen swung his sword and slashed at the window. Instead of breaking the window, a circle of ripples appeared on the surface of the window, and then a huge counterattack force knocked Stephen out.

Doctor Strange fell to the ground, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly as he got up.

Stephen's instincts were spot on.

He is in Wanda's spiritual world.

In reality, he was still in the underground passage, but in front of this passage, there was a woman sitting cross-legged.

Her whole body was covered with a thin layer of frost, which made her iconic red hair look dull, and even her beautiful face lost all its luster.

This is the Scarlet Witch!

There is only a few meters between Stephen and Wanda.




Temple number.

Azu was sitting on Thanos's huge throne, looking out the window when the light suddenly lit up, and then a fiery red planet appeared in his field of vision.

"Vita has arrived, Your Majesty."

Proxima Centauri came to the porthole and said excitedly: "This is the capital of our John Empire. There are tens of billions of people living here. The planet is five times the size of the earth and is rich in resources."

"I believe it won't be long before Vita Star will become the center of the Milky Way, no, the center of the entire universe!"

Azu stood up and said with a smile: "Come on, let me see how spectacular this capital star is."

After a while.

A donut-like spaceship flew out from the Temple and entered the atmosphere of Star Vita. Not long after, Azu saw a bustling city below.

This is a city of technology, a real city of the future, with trains suspended in the air, running along specific routes, flowing like a river.

Various flying cars shuttle over the city, just like birds flying freely in the sky.

In this city, towering skyscrapers abound, each showing its own unique charm with its unique shape and design.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a huge crystal statue in the center of the city.

It is about a hundred meters high and stands high in the clouds.

This statue is the statue of Azu. The statue uses smooth lines and gorgeous materials to create an eye-catching form. It shines with dazzling light.

Whenever the sun shines on the statue, it will refract brilliant rays of light, as if it has covered the city with a mysterious veil.

In this technological city, various high-tech equipment and applications can be seen everywhere.

Driverless cars are driving on the roads, and automated robot assistants are providing various services to people.

Of course, the people living in this city are not humans on earth, but alien races.


Not just one race.

Those colorful skin colors are enough to explain a lot of problems.

Standing in front of the porthole, looking at this prosperous and advanced city, Azu nodded gently: "I can see that you have put a lot of thought into it."

Seeing Azu's approval, Proxima Centauri suppressed his joy and excitement, bowed and said: "This is what we should do, Your Majesty."

The spacecraft passed through the city and finally landed on the ground.

It didn't take long.

Azu came to the door of the laboratory where the 'Supreme Evolution' was located.

"I can go in alone."

The door opened and Azu walked in. From a distance, he saw the 'Supreme Evolution' who was working at his desk.

He is still the same, wearing a conspicuous purple robe and a human skin mask.

Azu is actually very dissatisfied. With the ability of 'supreme evolution' and the technology he has mastered, he can completely change his face. He doesn't know why he has to wear a human skin mask all the time.

Is that a hobby?

Hearing the footsteps, the 'Supreme Evolution' raised his head and saw that it was Azu. He quickly stood up and bowed: "Nice to see you, Your Majesty."

Azu nodded, walked to his side, casually looked at the various equipment in the laboratory and said.

"I just got back from Earth, and some not-so-good things happened there."

"The people on Earth ordered you to take away many humans in the name of our empire and use them as experimental subjects?"

The 'Supreme Evolution' did not shirk the blame and nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"It is their honor and their honor to be able to contribute to the Empire."

Azu looked at him: "But I don't want to see this situation. You have to know that I just won the favor of the people on earth as the savior, but in the blink of an eye, I was completely destroyed by you."

"This makes me wonder, did you do it on purpose?"

The 'Supreme Evolution' maintained a bowing posture: "There is absolutely no such thing, Your Majesty."

Azu laughed and said: "Do you think I will believe it?" (End of Chapter)

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