I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 498 The Beginning of Disaster

When the war in New York started, important cities and important bases in the federal territory also kicked off the war.

The Federation, a country that has been founded for hundreds of years, often creates wars and divisions on other countries' soil.

This is the first time that the mainland has been attacked.

at this time.

In the sky, ocean, land, and on every battlefield, there are federal troops and alien empires.

The war is raging.

Los Angeles, Santa Monica Beach.

This beach is one of the most famous beaches in the Los Angeles area and even in the Commonwealth.

With blue sea and blue sky, bright sunshine, fine sandy beaches and gentle sea breeze, it is a seaside resort very suitable for leisure and entertainment.

Santa Monica Beach has miles of golden sand and clear blue water, where visitors can sunbathe, swim, surf, play in the sand, picnic and barbecue.

In addition, there are many shops, restaurants and entertainment facilities to meet the various needs of tourists.

On normal days, you can see many people of different skin colors and ages on the Santa Monica beach. They are either alone or with family and friends, enjoying the happiness and joy brought by this beautiful beach. Comfortable.

In addition, a series of music and art activities are held here every summer, attracting more tourists to visit and play.

This is a tourist destination, but today, this beach is full of troops and lined with tanks, the most eye-catching of which is the M1 Abrams main battle tank.

There are a large number of these tanks and combat vehicles, lined up in a line, forming a steel defense line.

The tanks and troops here represent the foundation of the Federation.

This heritage should have been profound, but in fact it was extremely profound. It had a far more prosperous military power than other countries. It was the foundation and capital for the Federation to dominate the world.

However, this weight and confidence seemed a little thin and insufficient today in front of the alien empire's army.

When the soldiers looked at the distant morning sky, the black spots quickly enlarged, and then when the huge black interstellar landing ship fell from the sky, the soldiers could not help but swallow, and some had already crossed themselves on their chests.

Then, the pitch-black interstellar landing ships fell on the distant sea like meteorites. They drove into the sea like black steel piles, stirring up huge waves.

Like a tsunami, the sea first rose upwards and then surged toward the beach.


The soldiers' ears were filled with the loud sound of water. The waves rushed to the coastline and hit the breakwater. Large white waves splashed on the tanks and poured on the heads of the soldiers.

Suddenly, everyone was drenched, but no one moved.

At this time, the hatch of the black landing ship on the sea opened, and black figures poured out from inside.

Those things fell into the sea water and rushed toward the shore crazily. They were numerous and densely packed.

As a combat helicopter passed by, the pilot of the helicopter looked toward the sea and saw that the sea on Santa Monica Beach was completely dark.

Tens of thousands of vanguard guards rushed to the beach, like a black wave, bringing the impact of death!


Following the coastline commander's order, thousands of cannons fired along the coastline.

The M1 Abrams main battle tank, M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, Stryker wheeled armored vehicle and other combat vehicles were fully equipped with firepower.

Weapons such as M109 self-propelled howitzers, M270 multiple rocket launchers, and Patriot air defense missiles created countless fireballs in the black wave.

For a time, the vanguard guards suffered heavy casualties. However, soldiers continued to pour out of the landing ships. These four-armed violent warriors seemed endless.

At the same time, the desolate roar of the giant beast sounded in the sky.

A Chitauri whale ship swam down from the clouds, and when its huge wing fins flapped, it set off strong winds, causing several combat helicopters in the sky to lose control.

More Chitauri whale ships fell from the sky. They swam towards the coastline and swept towards the earth, ejecting countless Chitauri soldiers.

The Chitauri soldiers armed with laser rifles fell into the coastal defense line, onto the tanks, and into the infantry groups.

They fired volleys while they were in mid-air, and even more brutally when they landed on the ground.

Their laser weapons are so penetrating that even the armor of a tank cannot withstand a few shots and will be shot through.

If the arrival of the Chitauri soldiers made the battlefield chaotic, then the appearance of the Halo battleship was like the god of death blowing the horn.

A large number of alien fighters were released from the Halo battleships, swarming in groups, whizzing across the sky like a flock of birds.

Bombarded the federal army with fierce firepower, causing destruction along the coastline defenses.

When the army's firepower was weakened, the vanguard guards from the sea frantically attacked the coastline defenses.

These things are not afraid of death. Even if they are injured, they will charge desperately as long as they can move.

In the blink of an eye, the defense line was flooded with a large number of vanguard guards. As soon as they poured into the defense line, they were like a colony of ants devouring elephants, frantically pounced on each chariot, and then attacked desperately.

Once the hatch of the chariot is opened, blood will flow in the cab.

at this time.

Looking at the entire federal territory, it can be said that war is everywhere.

Not only important cities like New York and Los Angeles are under attack.

Even bases such as Thule Air Force Base in Greenland, Hampton Roads, San Diego, California, and Jacksonville, Florida, have also been violently attacked.

The two sides have been fighting for less than an hour, and the Federation has been retreating steadily.

Pacific Ocean.

Several transport helicopters just landed on the deck of the USS Reagan, the main aircraft carrier of the Federal Navy's Pacific Fleet.

The helicopter door opened, the federal president bent over and walked out, and was then led to the aircraft carrier command hall.

The entire federal territory has been reduced to a battlefield. The president had already evacuated the White House and arrived on the USS Reagan before the war started this morning.

He walked into the command hall.

In the hall, the surrounding large screens were showing the situation of battlefields in various areas of the Federation.

The federal president took one look, and his expression became quite ugly.

In New York City, the army has suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining teams are constantly retreating. Even so, they cannot completely resist the attack of Empire John.

The Los Angeles coastline is blazing with flames. The Chitauri whale ships and a large number of small alien aircraft have controlled the sky. It is only a matter of time before the coastline defenses collapse.

As for other battlefields, Thule Air Force Base in Greenland has turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the situation at bases such as Hampton Roads, San Diego, California, and Jacksonville, Florida is not optimistic either.

At this time, every corner of the Federation's territory was burning.

The president sat down and remained silent.

He looked at the defense minister and five-star general next to him: "What are our chances of winning?"

The Secretary of Defense wiped his forehead with a handkerchief and said: "Mr. President, our nuclear bombs cannot work. They lose power and lose control before they hit the target."

"I'm afraid our most powerful weapon will lose its usefulness."

The five-star general pointed at the screen, which showed an alien main ship suspended above the earth in space.

"Mr. President, if we can destroy the enemy's main ship, then all the problems we encounter on the ground will be solved."

The president shook his head and said: "But we can't send nuclear bombs into space. Even if we could, their technology can make our attacks useless."

The Minister of Defense lamented: "It is a pity that our space technology is limited and we have not yet been able to develop fighters that can fight in deep space."

"Otherwise we could load up a nuclear bomb and launch a suicide attack, otherwise that would work."

The five-star general's eyes flashed and he said: "We don't have this kind of technology, but Wakanda does. It's a pity that they are on the side of the John Empire."

The federal president said sullenly: "Wakanda is a traitor to mankind, and they should be sent to the International Military Tribunal!"

"Also, now that we are being attacked, other countries are standing by and watching. How can it be so cheap!"

"Now, notify me of other countries."

"They don't have to come to help, but they want to capture Wakanda and then send us Wakanda's spaceship."

"If they are unwilling, then don't blame us for being rude and targeting their capital and military bases with nuclear bombs!"

"The John Empire can defend against our nuclear bomb strikes, but other countries do not have this ability."

"If they continue to stand idly by, then I will drag them with me to meet God!"

The general and the defense minister nodded in agreement, and the matter was decided.

Soon, the Minister of Foreign Affairs began to contact other countries, conveying the words of the Federal President word-for-word to other countries on the planet that did not surrender.

After making this decision, the president seemed to have aged ten years. He knew that this decision would push the federation to the forefront and become a thorn in the side of other countries.

But now he can't control so much. If he doesn't force other countries to do so, it will only be a matter of time before the Federation is wiped out.

The President folded his hands and covered his face, wondering whether he would be the last President of the Confederacy.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the hall.

"what is that?"

"Is it a new weapon system?"

Hearing the sound, the president put down his hand and saw on the big screen that the alien main ship in deep space now had something like an electric needle sticking out from the hull.

"Is that a gun barrel?"

Everyone was confused, after all, this thing didn't look like a weapon.

At this time, the front end of the electric needle began to light up.

Then a bright beam of light shot out, instantly entered the atmosphere, and headed straight towards the earth.

Soon, the computer predicted that the landing point of this beam of light was Washington.

The White House to be exact!

Washington, White House.

This city has naturally become a battlefield, but there are far fewer enemies attacking this city than other cities and bases.

This gave the commander in charge of the city's defense great confidence. Alpha Jack believed that he would achieve something that other commanders could not achieve.

That is, fight off the invaders.

At this time, Alpha felt a palpitation in his heart, as if some disaster was about to happen.

Then he saw a little light appear in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, an extremely bright beam of light fell from the sky and landed in the direction of the White House.

After the ray of light entered the White House, it flashed twice and then disappeared.

Alpha subconsciously held his head and ducked down, thinking something would happen, but nothing happened.

But after a while, he suddenly heard vibrations and roars coming from the direction of the White House.

He was not present.

If the commander had been at the scene, he would have seen that the ground of the White House began to collapse, and a large amount of earth and rock continued to flow downward.

Under the White House, there seems to be a bottomless abyss that cannot be filled no matter how much earth, stone, or even the flow of buildings pours into it.

At this time, a beam of blue light rose from below the White House, rushed into the air, and reached the clouds.

After this beam of light rose, a low buzzing sound sounded in the White House, like hundreds of millions of bees flapping their wings together.

Then, the flowing earth, rocks, building fragments, and even flowers, plants, and trees all floated.

Even the birds passing near the White House floated upward involuntarily, and no matter how hard they flapped their wings, they could not escape.

Near the White House, gravity becomes chaotic, and the magnitude of the chaos is rapidly increasing.

In the blink of an eye, all the classical marble buildings in the White House flew upwards and gathered towards the beam of light.

When these things approach the light pillar, the light pillar suddenly spreads, forming a gravity field. It erupts with electric fire and distorted light and shadow, which together depict the outline of the force field.


A hemispherical gravity field expanded rapidly and swallowed up the White House in an instant. Its radius was several kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Within the scope of this gravity field, everything loses its gravity, and buildings and rubble float in all directions. However, the most terrifying and dangerous thing is not in the force field.

Instead, it is the edge of the force field.

This place has turned into a wild and chaotic gravitational storm. No matter whether it is a building or a car, as soon as it enters the edge zone, it will be quickly twisted into a mess by the violent gravity, or the gravitational belt will twist it to pieces.

This terrifying gravity field continued to expand, and after swallowing the White House, it enveloped the surrounding streets and neighborhoods.

Once shrouded in a force field, streets, buildings, and all kinds of things break apart, then float silently.

Tens of millions of tons of mud and rocks floated in the air under this gravitational field.

As the force field expanded, its edge quickly came to the battlefield. Soon, soldiers and tanks were attracted and floated one after another.

The soldier exclaimed, trying to get out of the force field, but he couldn't.

Once they are sucked into the gravitational belt at the edge of the force field, their bodies will suddenly deform and twist, and even explode into red blood mist.

As for the tank, it cannot be guaranteed to be intact in this gravitational disorder zone. The thick armor is squeezed and twisted by gravity, tearing out cracks, deforming, and even exploding.

Eventually, the force field disappeared, but the uprooted buildings, countless vehicles, and tens of millions of tons of gravel all fell down with a crash.

And this is the beginning of the disaster! (End of chapter)

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