Pacific Fleet, USS Ronald Reagan.

The federal president sat limply in his chair. On the big screen, satellites captured the gravitational distortion occurring in the White House and nearby areas in Washington.

A large number of things, ranging from buildings dozens of stories high to cars and gravel, were heavily smashed downwards after the force field disappeared. It was a natural disaster.

Washington's army, including some soldiers from John's Empire, were buried directly. The White House became history, and where it was now there was only a huge abyss with a radius of more than three kilometers.

"Can anyone tell me how this is done?" The president found his voice trembling, but he was unable to control it or even pretend to be calm.

A physicist said softly: "It's gravity. The beam just now changed the gravity near the White House, making the gravity in that area chaotic."

"That's the result of force field weapons."

The federal president almost groaned: "Force field weapon."

"Do we have a way to counter this weapon?"

Looking at the physicist, the man smiled bitterly: "With our current level of technology, there is no way to resist such an attack."

At this time, the foreign minister came over and whispered to the federal president: "Germany, Italy, and France have agreed to send troops to attack Wakanda."

This news is a blessing among misfortunes.

But as soon as he finished speaking, someone exclaimed.

"Look, their force field weapons are reacting again. Are they going to launch a second wave of attacks?"

The federal president's heart suddenly tightened.

He looked at the big screen and saw that on the screen, the starship in space, the gun barrel like an electric needle began to light up again, and it was conducting the second transmission of energy.

Facing attacks from outside the earth, the Federation simply does not know how to defend itself. The technological levels between the two are too far apart.

The distance is so great that it cannot be bridged.

So the people in the Reagan could only watch as the big screen lit up and another beam of brilliant light flowed towards the interior of the earth.

Moments later, a federal ground military base followed in the footsteps of the White House and was completely wiped from the face of the earth.

A deep sense of powerlessness and despair enveloped these people.

Looking at the starships on the big screen, they couldn't find any hope.




While John's Empire began to attack the Federation, far away in Kama Taj, Stephen was fighting against his dark consciousness.

The roar of an unknown creature suddenly woke Stephen Strange up.

He touched his body and smiled bitterly: "How many times have I died."

He looked around and saw that he was in a dirty and dilapidated temple. The stone statue of an unknown god was enshrined. The upper half of his body was gone, and his true appearance was difficult to identify from the broken lower body.

A small half of the temple collapsed, and a large amount of rubble piled up into a hill, making it impossible for Stephen to see the space behind the statue.

Scattered gravel is spread on the broken ground, stubborn weeds grow out of the cracks, black mist floats in the air, and the dim light shining from nowhere cannot make the environment clear. It was bright, but it mixed with the black mist to create a chaotic and decaying atmosphere.

This scene is no stranger to Stephen.

He remembered that after successfully persuading Wanda at Wangeda Mountain, he came to this ruined temple when he exited Wanda's spiritual world.

He did not wake up in the heart of Wangeda Mountain, but opened his eyes in this strange and dark world.

He knew that after leaving the temple, there was a dark world outside. Lightning would appear in the sky from time to time, and the dazzling electric light illuminated everything on the earth for a second or two.

The land outside the temple is full of ruins and weird things.

This is a dark and corrupt world, full of filthy and evil creatures that will appear from anywhere and kill Stephen.

Every time Stephen dies, he wakes up in this temple, like a video game.

However, Stephen knew very well that although he was not dead, every 'death' made him weaker.

His intuition told him.

If the number of deaths accumulates to a certain level, he may really die and disappear completely in this space.

There will no longer be Stephen in this world, but his body is still alive, but it contains another will.

A dark, evil, and rotten will.

Stephen stood up and looked at his hands. His hands were a little pale, no blood could be seen, and even the edges of the fingertips became a little transparent, and the ground could be seen through the fingertips.

He lowered his hand and thought carefully.

"After I came back from the multiverse, I noticed that a dark will had grown up in my heart. This was undoubtedly the consequence, or price, of using the Dark Book."

"I have tried to destroy this will, but to no avail. It is even difficult to seal him."

"In this situation, it is obvious that he appeared and took control of my body, but instead sealed me in his spiritual world."

"But I didn't disappear, which shows that he can't completely control me yet. I still have a chance to leave here and regain my own body."

"The question is, how do I get out of here?"

"I am no stranger to the spiritual world. Wanda has been in and out of the spiritual world twice."

"But to leave the spiritual world, you need the owner's consent. Just like in Wanda's world not long ago, she let me go."

"I don't think that guy would be so kind now."

"However, since he can trap me here, in other words, I can also block him."

Stephen walked around in the temple. He did not leave immediately, because judging from previous experiences, the temple was a relatively safe place in this dark world.

So far, no monsters have attacked his resurrection point.

Otherwise, once a monster squats at the resurrection point, he will basically die immediately after waking up, without any time or space to think.

"I know that everything seen and heard in the spiritual world is a projection of will."

"Like Wanda's world, her world is blank, which projects her empty state of mind."

"In that white world, there was only one cozy house, and she lived in that house with Vision and two children who didn't exist at all."

"The house is a reflection of her inner good wishes, and it is also the most precious and powerful thing in her heart. This thing is often called faith."

"Faith is often not limited to man-made idols, that is, gods."

"There can be many kinds of beliefs. Sometimes it is just a belief, and it can also become a belief."

"Wanting to live an ordinary life with the people she loves is Wanda's faith and belief."

"By analogy, this temple may be equally important to me on the dark side. It is the embodiment of his beliefs?"

Doctor Strange frowned: "No, no, this has nothing to do with him."

"Because I'm here."

"It's impossible for my dark side to show up in such an important place because that would give me the opportunity to attack or take advantage of it."

"I am resurrected here, which means that this temple is actually the embodiment of my faith."

"It represents a certain firm belief deep in my heart. It is because of the existence of this belief that I can continue to be resurrected?"


Doctor Strange raised his head and saw a corner above the temple, where cracks appeared, and then earth and rocks fell.

Another corner of the temple collapsed.

"But my faith is crumbling and weakening."

"Now that I think about it, when I first woke up, although this place was dilapidated, the roof was still intact."

"But every time I die, a corner of the temple will collapse. Once it completely collapses, it means that my faith has collapsed. If I die again at that time"

Stephen paused, knowing full well what the consequences would be.

Doctor Strange looked at the temple door again: "The dark and strange world outside is a projection of darkness and strangeness, including those monsters."

"When I am killed once, my will will collapse. In the same way, if those monsters are killed, it should also be able to weaken the dark and strange will."

"Weaken his will to a certain extent, and I should be able to leave here!"

After Stephen collected his thoughts, he took a deep breath, and a golden shield-like ring and a golden long sword full of sacred aura immediately appeared in his hands.

These are the Ring of Raggador and the Sword of Emperor Weishan respectively!

"Just wait, I will definitely be able to leave here."

Stephen kicked open the door of the temple and walked into the dark world with fearless spirit.

Just then, a bolt of lightning exploded in the sky, and the light instantly illuminated the world, allowing Stephen to see that there were two intersections after coming out of the temple.

The path on the left is winding and winding. There are strange trees and trees on the roadside. Occasionally there are one or two mounds. It looks very desolate and I don’t know where it leads.

The road on the right seems straight and spacious. There is even a road sign, but it is too far away to see what is written on it. And at the end of this road is a small town. Through the lightning, you can vaguely see the bell tower. and other building silhouettes.

Stephen frowned slightly. He remembered that there was only one road out of the temple before, and there were mountains on both sides.

When did it become a two-way street?

He looked back, but it was the same as before. When he left the temple, the temple disappeared, followed by a diffuse black mist, and nothing could be seen in it.

Only when he dies and opens his eyes again will he return to the temple.

"I chose to move forward every time before, and this time I was given two choices. But this time, I will not choose either path."

Stephen turned around and walked into the thick and malicious fog.

After taking just a few steps, Stephen suddenly stepped on the air and fell violently downwards. He screamed, and then violent shocks and severe pain impacted his body and mind.

He lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time in the darkness, Stephen suddenly opened his eyes and saw a familiar scene.

He returned to the ruined temple, and another corner of the temple's dome collapsed.




real world.

New York.

The human army is retreating steadily.

There are Chitauri whaleships and small fighter planes in the sky, and Chitauri soldiers and vanguard guards on the ground.

The entire New York battlefield can now be said to be a chaotic mess.

Faced with this situation, Commander Brunson was relatively calm. He kept reining in his troops, concentrated his firepower, and kept a tight defense.

And requested air force support, hoping to break the situation.

In fact, if there were no Chitauri whale ships and small fighter groups, the situation of the federal army would not be so serious. With the terrain and environment of New York City, coupled with the many tanks and superior firepower, Brunson still hopes to suppress Stop the enemy's attack.

But those small fighter groups, which could easily destroy a skyscraper and were numerous and fast, allowed the federal army to disperse at least half of its firepower.

The Air Force did not shirk, and organized combat formations many times to relieve the pressure on the ground battlefield, but the SR-71 "Blackbird" fighter, the fastest in the Federation, could not keep up with the movement of the alien fighters.

Moreover, the alien fighters are more flexible, and they are invincible in the air battlefield, causing the Federal Air Force to suffer greatly.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the air force has launched several waves of attacks, but they have all been intercepted and unable to provide assistance to the ground forces.

Under such circumstances, the federal ground forces naturally faced an extremely disadvantageous situation.

"Damn it, if this continues, I'm afraid we will be wiped out before noon."

Brusen looked at the battlefield filled with thick smoke, his eyebrows almost twisted together. At this time, a sharp siren sounded. It turned out that two Chitauri whale ships were rushing towards the ground command post.

Without a telescope, Brunson could see that the two Chitauri whale ships were swimming like big fish. They bypassed several buildings and headed towards the ground command post.

The chariots on the ground naturally concentrated their firepower and fired at the Chitauri whale ship. The dense artillery fire streaked across the sky, pulling out streaks of fiery red light and falling towards the behemoth in the sky.

One of the whale ships took the opportunity to swim behind the building, using the building as a cover to avoid ground fire.

Another whale ship launched a suicide attack and rushed over under fire. The screams of the giant whale rang in the air. It was riddled with holes as it swam in the air, and was finally knocked down heavily. to the ground.

The tanks and soldiers on the ground were knocked away and crushed by the whale ship.

When the whale ship stopped, a long trail of blood appeared on the ground, which looked so shocking.

However, the army's crisis had not passed. While the whale ship attracted firepower, another whale ship cut in from the left. While the tank was busy turning its guns, the whale ship had already appeared above the command post.

It seemed that this whale ship was going to directly crash into the command post.

Brunson's heart rose in his throat.

He began to make the sign of the cross on his chest and pray for himself.

At this moment, a brilliant beam of light fell from the sky and hit the whale ship hard, knocking the whale ship down from mid-air! (End of chapter)

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