I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 515 The Mutated DC Universe

Hearing that Azu was going to give her a ring, Lin Aida couldn't help but panic, and took the jewelry box that Azu handed over nervously. She was worried that it was the same gold ring as Paul.

She didn't want to accept too expensive a gift, but Mr. John, the plumber, was much more affectionate than the college lecturer she just met. If she didn't accept a gift, it would appear that she was too careless.

In a nervous mood, Lin Ada opened the jewelry box and fumbled for a ring inside.

The touch of the ring made her sigh in relief.

This ring feels hard to the touch and should be made of iron or copper.

And it had edges and corners and a spiral inside. Suddenly, the image of a copper nut appeared in Lin Ada's mind.

Then she felt that the surface of the ring was engraved, which made her form a pattern of feathers in her mind.

Finally, he touched his name inside the ring.

Obviously, this was a custom-made ring, or Mr. John had processed it himself, but no matter what it was, Ada Lin felt the heart in the ring.

Lin Ada's guess was correct. The prototype of the ring on her hand was a copper nut. Inspired by Annika, Azu processed the nut.

A feather pattern was carved on the surface and Ada Lin's name was engraved on the inside.

"Mr. John, you are so funny, you actually gave me a nut as a birthday gift."

"Mr. John must be a frugal man, otherwise who would give such a gift."

Lin Aida's colleagues were already talking nonsense, and in their words, they dismissed Azu's gift as useless.


Lin Ada suddenly said.

"Mr. John's gift is very good. I like it very much. Thank you, Mr. John. This is the best birthday gift I have ever received."

As she spoke, she put the ring on her finger.

Seeing Ada Lin accept the ring, the colleagues in the piano shop suddenly felt like clowns. In their dismay, they all found excuses to leave without even eating.

In the end, even the university lecturer found it boring and found a lame excuse to leave.

After closing the door, Azu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, it seems that your birthday party couldn't be held because of me."

Lin Ada smiled and said: "Who said that? Aren't you still here?"

"Besides, we have Arthur."

Arthur was a guide dog that Ada Lin had bought before. When Ada Lin called him, the dog raised his head and barked softly.

"Do you drink beer, Mr. John?"


"How have you been lately?"

"I'm fine, work is going well."

"And you?"

"I have been studying recently to improve myself."

"Oh, that's good."

The two of them chatted casually and ate.

Azu was very relaxed in front of Lin Aida. This blind girl didn't know that he was from the motherland, which gave Azu a special experience every time he got along with her.

Ada Lin would treat him as an ordinary person and would not pay special attention to anything. Sometimes she would even make fun of Azu.

This gave Azu the illusion that he was still an ordinary person before traveling back in time.

It was precisely because of this special feeling that he was willing to come here tonight.

Late at night.

The food on the table was also eaten by the two of them.

After drinking and eating, Azu stood up and said, "I'll take care of it."

Lin Ada was not polite and said with a smile: "Then I'll trouble you."

Azu shrugged his shoulders and put away the tableware. At this moment, some colorful lights appeared in front of his eyes. He raised his head and saw that the kitchen door was now emitting colorful lights.

This is the door to diversity!

It is also Lin Aida’s ability.

Azu used her ability to start his journey into the multiverse.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing Ada Lin for many days, I came to attend her birthday party tonight, and ended up bumping into the door of diversity again.

"What's wrong?"

While teasing Arthur, Ada Lin noticed something was different in the atmosphere.

Azu coughed dryly: "The door is open."


"Then what should I do?" Lin Ada was a little nervous, "It hasn't appeared for a while. I thought it was all over."

Azu put down the tableware and said, "This is not the first time we have done this. Let's go in and take a look."

Lin Ada quickly returned to the room, got the blind stick, and then held Azu's hand.

This moment.

do not know why.

She had a feeling.

This may be the last adventure with Mr. John!

Azu didn't have any special feelings. After he carefully protected Ada Lin with the 'Absolute Domain', he took the girl's hand and walked into this colorful door with her.

After a while, Azu came back to his senses. First, he smelled a burning smell. The smell was pungent and made him frown.

Then he realized that he and Ada Lin were walking out of the door of a store.

The shop windows were completely shattered, the models inside were staggering, and the once gorgeous clothes and decorations were now in pieces. The burnt edges and glass shards on the ground all told the fact of the destruction.

Look at the street ahead.

The road was broken, and the ground was covered with deep cracks, as if it had been torn apart by a huge force.

Black mud rolled in the cracks, as if telling Azu about the disasters the city had experienced.

Bodies everywhere make the city even more terrifying.

They died in different ways, some were burned beyond recognition, some were crushed under the rubble, and some were blown apart by explosions.

The streets were littered with the remains of cars, crushed, burned and even blown to pieces.

They were once bright and beautiful, but now they have become scraps in the apocalypse.

Many high-rise buildings have collapsed, and some have even been blown up to the point where only their frames are left.

The buildings that did not collapse were also shaky, with cracks in the windows and walls, as if they would collapse at any time.

Thick black smoke kept coming out of the building. They rose upwards and floated into the sky. Sparks and ashes fell from the sky, just like the end of the world.

This was once a bustling commercial city, but now it has turned into a dead place.

There is no laughter and laughter here, no noise of vehicles, only silence and silence.

The city has become a dead city without any life left.

Azu looked around and muttered: "Which universe is this? Isn't it a biohazard?"

"What's wrong, Mr. John?" Although Ada Lin couldn't see anything, she also smelled the strange smell in the air and felt the excessive silence of the city.

Azu was just about to describe what he saw at the moment when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the city in the distance. It sounded like the sound of a large number of flying insects vibrating their wings.

Not long after, I saw a man rushing out from the crossroads of the street ahead with a seven or eight-year-old girl in his arms. Their hair was messy and their clothes were badly damaged.

Looks like a refugee from a war-torn country.

Immediately afterwards, more figures in tattered clothes and panicked expressions ran out. Some of these people were men and women, some holding bats in their hands, and some carrying rifles on their backs.

As if they were avoiding something, they ran towards Azu and Lin Aida.

At this time, there were two people in front who looked like a father and daughter, and the man waved vigorously towards Azu.



"They're coming!"

Just when Azu was about to ask what 'they' were, he saw a dozen refugee-like guys who had just ran out in the distance. A bearded man at the back suddenly screamed and flashed back. , as if being pulled away by something.

Then two black shadows flew out from the fourth floor of a building at the corner of the street. Under the two black shadows was the bearded man who had been pulled away just now.

As for the two black figures holding the big beards, Azu could see clearly at this moment that they were actually people with wings and pale skin.

To be precise, it was the demonoid from Apokolips!


Azu knew where he was.

DC Universe!

But when did this universe become like this? Azu remembered that the last time he came, it was when the Steppenwolf from Apokolips invaded the earth.

At that time, he assembled three Mother Boxes and successfully defeated the invasion incident. At the same time, he also failed the dark lord Darkseid's desire to invade the earth.

Could it be that Apokolips invaded the earth again during this period?

But isn’t there Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman and other superheroes on Earth?

How did it become like this?

A series of questions flashed through Azu's mind.

At the same time, the refugees fleeing from the demonoids also whizzed past the two of them.

Azu thought for a moment, picked up Lin Aida, and joined the 'escape' procession.

He wants to follow these people and figure out what's going on in this universe.


Demonoids flew out overwhelmingly. They were like locusts, pouring out from every corner and street of the city. From a distance, they looked like a dark cloud.

"Let's go! It will be safe if we go to the Bavarian Bank. There are survivors in the bank's vault. We can take a breather there."

At this time.

Azu heard the man leading the way encouraging everyone.

Even so, there are still people left behind.

A woman who was already quite old was knocked down by a corpse on the roadside. She screamed and fell to the ground. She tried to get up, but her knees weakened and she fell back to the ground.

She looked down and found an iron piece stuck in her knee.

The woman panicked and shouted: "Help me, someone come and give me a hand."

But at this time, everyone wanted to escape, but who had time to stop and help her.

The scream of the demonoid was already approaching, and the woman turned around. It was okay not to look at it, but when she looked at it, she was so frightened that she lost control.

Behind her, demonoids swarmed into the streets, their figures weaving through the streets like a group of ghostly beings.

These biological weapons modified by Apokolips technology exude a frightening aura, as if they are about to swallow up the entire city.

The emergence of the demonoid forced more people hiding nearby to leave their hiding spots, lest the demonoid block their way.

But in this way, the killing becomes even more crazy.

People on the ground ran away in panic. They could only rely on their familiarity with the city to shuttle through the streets and alleys to avoid being chased by the demonoids.

Some tried to use the surrounding buildings as cover, but the demonoids seemed to be able to sense their presence and eliminated them one by one without mercy.

People kept screaming and wailing, and the sounds echoed in Lin Ada's ears, which made her hug Azu tightly involuntarily.

At this time, the girl was extremely nervous, but she knew that the situation was very dangerous and did not dare to distract Azu, so she did not ask what happened.

It was a good thing that she couldn't see, otherwise, if she saw what the street looked like at this time, she would probably faint from fear.

Rivers of blood flowed on the streets, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere on the ground, which was shocking.

"Here we are, right in front!"


The man leading the way pointed to a bank in front, then rushed in with the girl in his arms.

Eventually, Azu followed these people and fled into a bank vault.

The vault is a relatively safe place as it has a very heavy door and a strong iron fence. People crowded into the vault, trying to find a safe place to hide.

Several bank security guards closed the door in the vault, and people breathed a sigh of relief, and then many people burst into tears.

Azu put Ada Lin down and walked to the man leading the way.

The man was now panting, sweating profusely, and trembling all over.

Azu waited patiently for him to regain some strength before asking.

"What's going on here?"

The man raised his head and looked at Azu suspiciously: "What are you talking about, you don't know what happened?"

His expression was like looking at an alien.

Azu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and directly used the ability of the 'spiritual realm' to invade the man and search his memory.

Soon, a large number of images and sounds flashed through Azu's mind.

"Oh my god, what is that?"

"Are they aliens? There are too many of them."

"No, I heard the army has failed."

"Why didn't Superman come to our rescue?"

"Where did Wonder Woman go?"

"Where's Batman? Why didn't he show up!"

"We're fucked!"

Azu shook his head, and then let the man fall asleep. The man was exhausted physically and mentally, and his memory was searched again, so he had to take a nap to recover.

As for what happened in the DC Universe, Azu basically knows the outline of the incident.

Not long ago, Apokolips invaded the earth, and a large number of demonoids appeared above the city. They attacked the city crazily, and the city soon fell.

Through radio, people know that the whole world has been invaded by Apokolips, and the armies of various countries have basically been defeated. There is no way around it. Biological weapons like demons may not be powerful enough, but they are numerous.

Darkseid used them to conquer world after world.

Because the man was an ordinary person, the information he had was quite limited. Even through his memory, Azu understood some situations.

But the overall situation of this universe is still like a fog.

Unless a key figure like Superman or Batman is found, there is no hope of figuring it out.

Azu returned to Lin Aida, squatted down and said with a smile: "We have come to an incredible place, and there is a war going on here." (End of Chapter)

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