I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 516 Eating Melon Online


When Lin Aida heard this, she turned pale with fright. This was no wonder for her. After all, she was just an ordinary person. She was born in a peaceful era and lived in a relatively safe country. She had never experienced war.

But looking at her appearance, Azu was curious. Could it be that this girl had traveled to other universes before and never encountered a war?

In fact, if you think about it, as a blind girl, Lin Ada is actually very lucky to be able to survive until now.

Doesn’t she have the power of ‘good luck’?

Azu sat down next to her: "Yes, fight."

"We are with the rebels now. We are currently hiding in a bank vault. It is relatively safe for the time being."

Azu patted her shoulder and said, "You don't have to worry too much, we just need to stay here until the door of diversity opens."

Lin Aida felt a little relieved after hearing what he said.

Azu crossed his hands and said, "It's getting late, you should go to sleep."


"What about you, Mr. John?"

Lin Ada lay down next to Azu.

Azu smiled and said: "I can't sleep, don't worry about me, just go to sleep."

Ada Lin nodded and whispered: "Mr. John, you are so powerful. You are not afraid at all. You are not as timid as me."

As she talked, she fell asleep.

Azu glanced at her, shook his head, took off his jacket and covered her body to prevent her from catching a cold.

"Although I am very curious about what happened to the DC universe, even if this universe is destroyed, it doesn't matter to me."

"Anyway, I don't have any need for the DC Universe right now. I might as well be a survivor here with Xiaolin for a few days, and then go back when the gate of diversity opens."

Azu looked at the survivors around him and smiled slightly: "This is a novel experience for me. It's all thanks to Xiaolin that I have the opportunity to experience it."

This night, except for Azu, everyone else had an uneasy life.

Although the vault was as strong as a fortress, the demonoids had advanced weapons in their hands. The survivors were worried that the demonoids would break in while they were sleeping, so none of them slept much.

Just spent the night like this.

The next morning, Ada Lin woke up with a growling stomach.

Normally at this time, she would already be having breakfast.

Ada Lin searched her pockets and couldn't find even a candy, let alone food.

"I should have brought the cookies with me if I had known."

The girl huddled next to Azu, hugging her legs.

Azu patted her shoulder: "I'll go ask them for something to eat."

As soon as he stood up, he heard a loud roar. Looking over, he saw that it was two men fighting together.

A big black man got into a fight with a white man with a big beard, and both of them soon suffered bloody head injuries, bruises and swollen noses and faces.

Fortunately, a few security guards in the vault separated them, otherwise lives might have been lost.

Among them, a majestic-looking man said: "I am Andre, the security director, what are you doing?"

The bearded white man pointed at the strong black man opposite and said: "This nigger saw that I had something to eat and wanted to steal my things. I was just legally defending my property."

Several eyes looked at the strong black man, and the black man with thick lips and a lip ring shouted.

"I haven't eaten for two days, and you can't eat that much by yourself. Why don't you give me a little!"

"We are all survivors now, shouldn't we be united?"

"Since there is food, it should be shared equally. Only when everyone is full can we have the strength to deal with those devils together!"

When he said this, several survivors who had no food on them agreed.

But others disagree.

The bearded man was the first to shout: "You have a beautiful idea. I worked hard to get this food. Just look at it."

He lifted up his shirt, revealing his back, which had a scar that hadn't completely healed yet.

"In order to collect this food, I almost had the demonoid kill me. Why should I give you the things I worked so hard to get?"

"That's right. Aisha and I went looking for food together, but when we found the food, Aisha died. We had to fight with our lives to have food. There is no reason to share it with you for no reason."

"That's right. If you want to eat, just go find it yourself. There is a shopping mall not far from here. It has not been attacked yet. There should be a lot of food. You can collect it yourself."

Big Beard’s words were recognized by many people.

Seeing that something was wrong, the strong black man quickly incited the few supporters: "We also want to go out to collect food, are you right?"

"But we are so hungry now that it is difficult to even move. How do you want us to collect food?"

"You can't be so selfish."

"You can definitely share some of the extra food with us. After we eat it, we will become stronger and we will naturally go out to collect food. Maybe we can share some with you by then."

The few pro-black guys were already starving and nodded in agreement.

"He is right. We are all in the same boat and should help each other."

"Give us a bite to eat, we are really hungry."

The bearded man quickly looked at Andre, pointed at the strong black man and said, "These people came here yesterday. We originally disagreed. It was you who patted your chest and said they would not cause trouble. What do you say now?"

Andre nodded, looked at the strong black man and said, "Diff is right, you are able to obtain asylum because of me and Riley."

He pointed at the man who led the way yesterday.

"We are friends. I asked him to come here to seek refuge, and he told me that you also wanted to come together."

"I felt that at this time, everyone should help each other, so I agreed."

"But you can't cause me any trouble. Div and the others got their food with blood and sweat."

"They have the right not to share it with you!"

"You have been given a safe shelter, you can't push any further, otherwise I will have to ask you out!"

With that said, Andre gave a few security guards a wink, and those security guards walked up.

Seeing that something was wrong, the strong black man quickly raised his hands and said, "We don't want to cause trouble, we just want some food. Since you don't want to share it with us, that's okay, we can go find it ourselves."

"We need weapons, though."

"Mr. Andre, please at least give us a gun."

Andre shook his head: "We don't have many weapons, so we can't give you guns."

He made a gesture, and a security guard walked away and came back with two telescopic sticks in his hand.

Andre said: "We only have this now."

Suddenly someone complained: "What's the use of a telescopic stick? Is it a massage for demonoids?"

Andre said calmly: "You don't have to, I don't care."

"You want what you want."

The strong black man immediately took the 'weapon' over, turned around and said, "I want to go out to find food, who will follow me?"

"I'll go with you."

Azu had been watching the excitement, and now he saw that the black man was going out to find food, so he signed up.

The strong black man glanced at him and nodded: "Who else?"

No one answered.

This is normal. There are demonoids everywhere outside. You will bump into them if you are not careful. Who wants to go out and take risks?


The strong black man said: "Listen, if you are not willing to take risks, then don't expect me to share the food with you."

After he finished speaking, a man came out: "I'll go with you."

It turned out to be the man who led the way yesterday, Riley.

Andre immediately said: "Riley, you don't have to go. I still have some food here that I can share with you and Aisie."

Riley smiled bitterly and whispered: "Elsie has a fever. You probably don't have any anti-fever medicine on hand. I have to look for it."

"So that's it."

Andre thought for a while, called Riley aside, and thrust an automatic pistol into his hand: "Take it to defend yourself."

They didn't notice that the strong black man looked over at this time, and his eyes were on the pistol.


Including Azu, four men walked out of the vault door.

Andre said inside the door: "Be careful, I will wait for you to come back."

The four of them nodded and left the bank. Before walking out of the bank, Azu used some covers to block other people's sight and quietly released the clone, letting him stay here to protect the vault.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun is strong.

A demonoid flew across the sky with a whoosh, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Only then did several figures emerge from behind an overturned car.

It was Azu and the others. Azu watched with great interest as Ruili and the others nervously observed the supermarket opposite. It was like he was watching a holographic movie, he was in it but not in it.

He just observes these people from the perspective of a spectator, a passerby.

This was a quite novel experience for him.

"Very good, it looks like there are no monsters in the supermarket." Riley gestured, "Follow me."

Azu followed them through the streets and entered the supermarket. As the survivors said before, the supermarket was not attacked and remained basically intact.

Riley continued: "Listen, it will be more efficient if we act separately."

"I'll go to the medicine area to get some painkillers and antibiotics. You go to the food area to collect food. It's best not to take too much, otherwise it will be very troublesome when you go back."

The strong black man said: "Brother, let's act together. After all, among the few of us, you are the only one with a gun."

Riley frowned: "That's such a waste of time. Listen, the supermarket is very quiet. There won't be monsters here. You don't need a pistol."

The strong black man disagreed: "That's just what you think it will be. In fact, who knows, anyway, I don't worry if I don't have a gun in my hand."

Riley shook his head and said helplessly: "Then I'll give you the gun. Is that okay?"

The strong black man raised his eyebrows: "Of course, if that's the case, I'll have no problem."

So Riley handed the automatic pistol given by his friend to the black man. When Azu saw this scene, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. He could almost guess the next development of the story.

"Let's go to the food area." After getting the gunman, the strong black man put the gun behind his waist, then pointed at a white man next to him and said, "You walk in front. If you find anything, please notify me in time."

The white man was a little dissatisfied: "Why do I have to go in front to explore the way? You have a gun, shouldn't you go in front to protect us?"

The strong black man smiled, took out the pistol from his waist, and pointed it at the white man's head: "Idiot, just because I have a gun, I am the most important person among us."

"If I die, who will protect you?"

"So you should walk in front. If there is any danger, I can deal with it. Do you understand now?"

With a gun pointed at him, the white man couldn't even think about it, so he could only nod in agreement.

"Very good. I remember your name is Hank, right? My name is Vincent. You have to listen to me from now on. Is that okay?" The strong black man continued to point his pistol at the white man and took the opportunity to increase his power.

"No problem, it's up to you, sir." Hank didn't dare to disobey.

Vincent took back his gun with some pride, and then glanced at Azu: "What about you? If you have any opinions, raise them now."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't care."

Vincent nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, we will be brothers from now on, and I will protect you."

Next, Hank walked in front and carefully explored the path. The result was smooth. There were no monsters in the food area, which made Azu a little disappointed.

"Take this, bring some of those breads, and wine. Take those wines, these are treasures." Vincent found a cart and loaded the food into the cart.

Hank was a little worried: "Mr. Riley didn't say don't take too many things, otherwise we won't be able to take them back."

"You don't care what that fool is doing, I'm just asking you if you want to eat. If so, bring me more!"

At this time, Vincent discovered that Azu was standing by and watching, even yawning, looking bored.

He was stunned for a moment, then pointed the gun at Azu: "What are you doing?"

"Come over quickly and help!"

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't like being pointed at a gun. At this moment, Riley's voice came from the other side of the supermarket.

"Run! Run! There is a monster in the supermarket!"

Vincent was startled and couldn't care less about Azu. He kicked Hank: "Quick, push the car away, I will protect you!"

Hank was frightened, his mind was blank, and he subconsciously acted on Vincent's words. He pushed the trolley full of food and ran towards the door.

At this time, Azu saw a demonoid flying out and attacking Rayleigh with a beam rifle in mid-air.

Rayleigh was hiding with a backpack. He was lucky and was not hit.

At this time, the demonoid heard the sound of the wheelbarrow rolling, and found that there were three people on Azu's side. It flew over without saying a word, picked up the beam rifle and opened fire.

A beam of light fell from the sky and hit Hank, causing him to fly up and hit the shelf hard.

A fist-sized hole appeared in Hank's chest, his eyes widened, and he died just like that.


Gunshots rang in my ears.

Azu looked toward the black man, and Vincent fired, but not at the demonoid, but at Azu.

The black man shot Azu in the left leg with a gun, which of course had no effect. The bullet was blocked by the 'Absolute Domain'.

Azu glanced at the deformed warhead that fell on the ground and suddenly realized: "You want to use me as bait." (End of this chapter)

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