I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 518 Shocked Batman

After a little analysis, Azu came to the conclusion that the demonoid was coming to the vault. Azu was not surprised.

The technology of Apokolips is so advanced, how can a vault hide the past? Azu was surprised that Andre and others were able to hide here for a few days.

Now that the demonoids have discovered that there are human survivors here, this is normal.

Clapping his hands, Azu prepared to take Ada Lin away.

He doesn't want the trolley anymore. Anyway, when he needs food, he can just find a supermarket. There's no need to carry food all over the world.

Arriving next to Lin Aida, Azu squatted down and said with a smile: "Want to go out for some air?"

Lin Ada was startled: "Didn't you say there was a war outside?"

"That's it. When I came back just now, it was very quiet outside. Why don't you leave at this time? You don't want to stay in a place like this forever, right?" Azu gave a random reason.

Naturally, Ada Lin didn't want to stay here forever. There was no bed or bathroom here, and she had to go to the corner to solve some physical problems, which made her feel ashamed.


She nodded and stood up.

Azu held her hand, while Ada Lin used a blind stick to explore the way, and the two of them walked towards the door.

Andre and Riley caught up.

"Where are you going?"

Azu naturally had no obligation to explain to them, so he turned a deaf ear and opened the door to the vault.

Rayleigh's intuition told him that there must be a reason for Azu to leave now. He was anxious and shouted: "Andre just told me that they have a deposit car in the bank that can be used, and we can drive it."

Andre looked at his friend in confusion, wondering why he left with this unknown man.

Azu thought for a moment, it would be a good idea to have a car for transportation, so he turned around and smiled: "You have one minute to clean up."

"wait for me!"

Riley looked at Andre suddenly, lowered his voice and whispered: "Believe me, we should follow him!"

"You go drive and I'll bring Essie here."

He ran into the vault to find his daughter.

Andre turned around and looked at the security guards: "Which one of you wants to go with me?"

Several security guards shook their heads, and one of them even said: "Mr. Andre, you should stay, it's too dangerous outside."

Andre smiled and said: "Riley is my friend, I trust him."

"Well, good luck to you."

With that he hurriedly left the vault and went to drive.

Soon, a deposit car came to Azu. In the cab, Andre made a gesture: "Get in the car."

Azu was sitting in the passenger seat, and in the car behind were Riley, Essie and Ada Lin.

Andre glanced at everyone and said, "Sit tight."

He started the car and the escort vehicle drove out of the bank garage and onto the highway.

After getting on the road, Andre asked: "Where should we go?"

A window was opened in the carriage, and Riley looked at Azu from behind the window.

Azu felt the life fire of the demonoid for a moment, and then pointed in a direction where there were almost no demonoids: "Drive that way."

Andre nodded. That was the direction out of the city. Leaving the city now was indeed a good choice, so he stepped on the accelerator and accelerated away.

At this moment, Riley suddenly shouted softly: "Andre, look behind you!"

Andre looked in the rearview mirror and saw a black cloud suddenly pouring out from behind many buildings at the bank where they had been hiding.

He whispered: "Are they those monsters?"

Of course, it was not a black cloud, but a large number of demon-like creatures. These biological weapons came in swarms, just like locusts passing through the border, heading straight for the bank with a clear goal.

Seeing this, Andre couldn't help but look at Azu: "Sir, did you know that the monster would come to the bank?"

Azu smiled and said nothing.

Andre glanced at Riley, who said excitedly: "Well, I just said we should leave."

He then turned gloomy: "It's a pity that we didn't know about this earlier, otherwise we could have advised everyone to leave."

But Andre shook his head: "Even if you tell them that the monster is coming, if they don't believe it, they won't follow you."

Riley nodded, thinking that this was also the case. If he hadn't noticed in the supermarket that this man was not simple, he wouldn't have taken the risk to bet on him.

He couldn't help but glance at the innocent daughter next to him, smiled, and was glad that he had made the right bet.

at this time.

In the bank vault.

"Listen, these things belong to us!"

After Andre left, several security guards took possession of the cart of food left by Azu.

These people are far less far-sighted than Andre. After all, they are just ordinary bank security guards. Now they use their guns to occupy the trolley full of food.

With guns and food, they are emperors in this small vault!

Soon, using guns and food, they gained power.

"You guys, please clean up the corpses quickly and throw them outside. Otherwise, once the corpses rot, a plague will occur."

One of the security guards used the meager knowledge he read online to direct several men to move the body out of the vault.

A pretty woman came over and asked cautiously: "I haven't eaten for two days, can you give me a piece of bread?"

Several bank security guards looked at the woman up and down, and then said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem."

"But it can't be given for free."

"Okay, just sleep with us and we'll give you a bottle of milk."

The woman's expression changed, she turned around and said, "I don't want it anymore."

A white security guard picked her up from behind and laughed and said, "You can't help me now!"


"Put me down!"


The woman struggled desperately, but she had not eaten for two days and could not escape the security guard's grasp.

After Andre left, the original order here was also broken. Others dared to be angry but dare not speak out. After all, the gun in the security guard's hand is the law! That’s the truth!

But at this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "There seems to be a sound outside."

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of light penetrated the thick door of the vault and penetrated a man's forehead.

After the light disappeared, there was a hole the size of a teacup on the man's forehead.

Looking through the hole, one can see the scene behind the man.

The man's eyes widened and he fell straight down.

The vault was silent at first, and then screamed. The men who were moving the corpses threw the corpses away and ran back.

Almost without any consideration, everyone ran towards the security guards. Now they were the only ones with guns. People hoped that the bank security guards could protect themselves.

Unexpectedly, the security guards pointed their guns at the survivors and captured them as human shields to protect them.

But these were all in vain. Soon, the door of the vault opened and a demonoid walked in.

As soon as it saw the survivors in the vault, it immediately roared, flapped its wings on its back, and rushed towards the people.

Then more demonoids got in, and soon there were gunshots, screams, and screams in the vault.

It didn't take long for the demonoid to come out and almost everyone in the vault died.

Only the woman survived. She was carried on the shoulders of the demonoid, and the demonoid flew into the air, not knowing where it was taking her.

In mid-air, demonoids kept flying out from every corner of the city and from the windows of buildings.

Each of these demonoids carries a woman on their shoulders, ranging from sixteen or seventeen years old to thirty-seven or eighty-eight years old.

Just like that, the demonoid carrying the woman flew deep into the city.

At this time, the escort vehicle Azu was in came to a viaduct, and he could leave the city after getting off the bridge. But at this time, Azu suddenly shook his head.

"What's the matter, sir?"

Andre was now paying more attention to Azu. When he saw him suddenly shaking his head, his heart immediately rose to his throat.

Azu looked in the mirror: "It's nothing, just a little troublesome."

In the mirror, Andrei saw bridges and buildings in the distance, and just then, several black spots began to appear in the sky.

Then there were more and more black spots, and not long after, a group of dark clouds was seen rushing towards their direction.


Andre suddenly shouted nervously: "I want to speed up, hold on tight."

Then he stepped on the accelerator.

The escort vehicle was at full power and drove a long way away, but it didn't last long. A large number of cars crowded together on the bridge in front, blocking the bridge!

"Damn it!"

Andre cursed loudly. The blood vessels in the man's temples bulged and bulged. It was obvious that he was extremely nervous.

Riley yelled, "Let's run over!"

Andre shook his head: "No, if we hit it like this, we will overturn."

"We have to walk."

Riley glanced behind him and saw that the monster in mid-air was getting closer and closer. He shouted: "You die faster on foot."

Andre stopped the car and said: "There is no other way."

After saying that, he looked at Azu: "Unless."

Azu laughed: "Unless I have a way."

"You guys stay in the car and don't come out."

He opened the car door and jumped out, ready to stretch his muscles.

Just then, he laughed.

"It seems there's no need for me to take action."

Just outside the bridge behind Azu, a bat fighter plane rose into the air, then roared towards the demonoid.

The armor of the fighter plane opened and missiles were fired. Fireballs immediately burst into flames in mid-air.

"It's Batman!"

Riley hugged her daughter Elsie excitedly: "We are saved, baby."

Elsie also laughed happily.

Andre also breathed a sigh of relief. He believed in Batman more than Azu.

In mid-air, the Bat Fighter was dealing with the demonoids. At this time, a flash of lightning flashed among the many vehicles on the bridge, and each car was pushed away. Suddenly, a relatively spacious passage was cleared on the congested bridge.


A figure appeared next to the escort vehicle. The person was wearing a red uniform, and the lightning logo on his chest was emitting bright light.


"Hey, let's go."

"Get out of here."

"Come with me quickly."

After saying that, the Flash ran under the bridge again and suddenly turned into lightning and disappeared.

Azu shrugged his shoulders, returned to the car, and said to Andre: "Let's drive."

Of course Andre would not refuse. He changed the engine, stepped on the accelerator, and the escort vehicle left the bridge along the channel cleared by the Flash.

Wayne Manor.

The bombing caused serious damage to this historic family manor, and its former glory has been lost.

The manor is in a mess, and only ruins of the once gorgeous buildings remain. The walls are covered with bullet holes and cracks, as if telling the story of the tragic battles in the past.

The surrounding buildings also suffered varying degrees of damage. Some roofs were torn off, and some walls collapsed. The entire manor seemed to be in ruins.

The scene in the courtyard was equally horrific.

The once beautiful fountain has stopped spraying water, and the surrounding flower beds and lawns have been blown beyond recognition.

The trees were blown off, branches and leaves were scattered all over the ground, and the entire courtyard became deserted and dilapidated.

Walking into the interior of the manor is even more sad. The once ornate decoration and fine furniture had been blown away, leaving only broken fragments scattered on the ground.

The paintings and tapestries on the walls were blown to pieces and were a mess.

The entire manor seemed to have become an empty ruin, and its former glory and history had been reduced to ashes.

However, the Batcave was intact.

The escort car stopped under the command of the butler Alfred, and then Azu and others got out of the car. Alfred walked up and said with a smile.

"You will be safe for now if you come here. Please follow me."

He took Azu and others into the depths of the Batcave. Batman's secret base has now become a shelter.

Tents were set up in the open space of the base. Like Azu and the others, the citizens who were rescued from the city by Batman had a temporary place to stay here.

"We have enough food here and water is guaranteed."

"You can rest assured."

Alfred glanced at Azu: "Sir, have we met somewhere?"

Azu smiled and said, "When Wayne comes back, let him come and see me."

Alfred was stunned for a moment, a little confused about Azu's identity, but he could tell the identity of his young master in one sentence, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

So Alfred nodded, and then someone looked for him and he walked away.

Riley walked up and said with disbelief: "Oh my god, Batman turns out to be Mr. Wayne. It's unbelievable."

Azu smiled and said: "There are still many unbelievable things."

They came to two tents. This was the tent Alfred prepared for them, one for Azu and Lin Aida, and one for Andre and the others.

There was food, water, and instructions for using the base in the tent. Alfred was very attentive.

After settling down Aida Lin, Azu's heart moved and he said to Lin Aida: "You rest here while I leave for a while."

When he came outside the tent, he saw Batman following Alfred.

"Alfred said you wanted to see me?"

Batman narrowed his eyes slightly: "Also, have we met somewhere?"

Azu chuckled and said, "Follow me."

Arriving at a deserted corner of the base, Azu activated the nano bracelet. Immediately, nanoparticles surged through Azu's body like water, equipping him with a black suit.

Azu took off his glasses again, then raised his head and looked at Batman, who had already exclaimed.


"You are the conqueror!" (End of Chapter)

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