I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 519 Superman is crazy

After the initial shock, Bruce regained his composure and asked the butler: "Alfred, can you make us two cups of black tea?"

"Wait a moment." Alfred nodded with a smile, turned and left.

Not long after, two cups of Earl Gray tea were delivered to Azu and Batman.

Azu took the black tea, nodded to the housekeeper, and then said: "So, what happened here?"

Batman was a little surprised: "You don't know?"

"It's been a week since the disaster happened."

Azu blew into the cup, took a sip, and then said: "I have been away from the metropolis recently. I only came back yesterday."

"No wonder." Batman rubbed his teacup, found a chair and sat down, looked at Azu and said, "Superman is crazy."

Azu was stunned for a moment. If this was a comic, a question mark would have appeared on his head now.

"a week ago"

A week ago, Bruce was working in his Batcave as usual.

While maintaining his equipment, he turned on the police radio so that he would know immediately if any crime occurred in Gotham City.

Not since Apokolips invaded the Earth, nothing major has happened for a long time, and Bruce's days have returned to the area where he is best at fighting crime.

He enjoys this life, being able to do what he can to make things better for the residents of Gotham City.


Because the Apokolips invasion sounded the alarm for Bruce, after the Apokolips incident, Bruce planned to establish a team specifically to deal with similar incidents.

The members of the team include Aquaman Arthur, The Flash Barry Allen, Wonder Woman Diana Prince, Cyborg Victor Stone, etc.

Therefore, he maintains close ties with these members.

Just like now, he was talking to Barry Allen on the phone.

"Mr. Barry, I have found the video clip you asked me to find and sent it to your email. Please remember to receive it."

Bruce said, tapping away at his keyboard, testing a new security protocol he'd added to the Batfighter.

In the Bluetooth headset, Flash Barry's voice rang: "Thank you so much, Mr. Wayne. I'll get back to you tonight."

"All right, talk to you later."

Bruce ended the communication and the security protocol test passed. He stopped and took a sip of coffee.

At this time, an emergency news was broadcast on the TV nearby.

"Everyone, this is CBB TV station, and I'm reporter Magline."

"As you can see, what appears above Wayne Tower now seems to be Superman who has not appeared for a long time!"

Upon hearing the news, Bruce put down his cup and looked towards the TV.

On the TV screen, there was a black spot in the sky above Wayne Tower. The picture was then enlarged. Although the picture became blurry, it could be seen that it was indeed the long-lost Superman.

Bruce was stunned for a moment. When Apokolips invaded, Superman did not appear. Unexpectedly, he appeared above his building after such a long time.


Bruce suddenly discovered that Superman seemed to be holding something in his hand. It was a cube, which seemed to be some kind of metal.

"Is that a mother box?"

Bruce's whole body was shaken.

"This is impossible!"

"I have already sent the mother box into space, why is it in Clark's hands?"

"Is that the Mother Box in the hands of the Amazons or Atlantis?"

At first.

After the Apokolips incident, in order to prevent the three Mother Boxes from fusing, Bruce used a rocket to launch the Mother Box kept by humans into space so that it could never come back.

The other two Mother Boxes are still protected by the Atlanteans and Amazons.

Normally, the three mother boxes will never have a chance to fuse.

But now.

Superman has a mother box in his hand. Bruce doesn't know which of the three mother boxes it is?

At this time, he got a call, it was Barry Allen.

"Mr. Wayne, have you watched the news?"

"Superman is back, and why do I think the metal cube he is carrying is the Mother Box!"

Bruce looked at the screen and said, "I saw it. I'm going over now. Mr. Barry, if it's convenient, you can come too."


After hanging up the phone, Bruce sent messages to Wonder Woman Diana and Cyborg Victor respectively.

He then put on the Batman suit and flew a fighter plane to Gotham City.

Gotham City, Wayne Tower.

Superman Clark landed on the rooftop of the building, and the sound of helicopter propellers sounded in front. Just in mid-air in front of Wayne Tower, a television helicopter hovered there.

On the helicopter, the TV camera was filming Clark. Clark's eyes lit up and suddenly shot out two red rays.


Two laser beams streaked across the tail of the helicopter, cutting off the tail of the helicopter. The helicopter suddenly lost control and roared into the building on the other side.

In that building, all the faces behind the windows were stunned. Seeing that disaster was about to happen, a rope emitting golden light entangled the landing gear of the helicopter.

Wonder Woman!

Wearing cool clothes, Diana, like a female fighter, is holding the 'Truth Lasso' with both hands.

She pulled hard and pulled the helicopter away from the building.

But the helicopter crashed into Wayne Tower instead. Fortunately, a silver figure fell down, caught the helicopter that had lost power in mid-air, and sent it to the ground.

Cyborg, Victor Stone!

Seeing Victor sending the helicopter to the ground, Diana breathed a sigh of relief, then stretched her long legs and jumped to the rooftop of Wayne Tower.

Diana saw Superman embed the Mother Box into a sign in Wayne Tower. The piece of metal immediately deformed, was transformed by the Mother Box, and began to transform into a tool for communication with Apokolips.

Wonder Woman was startled and hurriedly said: "Son of Krypton, what are you doing?"

Clark looked back and saw Cyborg flying up to the rooftop and landing next to Diana.

"It's none of your business."

"Get out of here, this is my last advice to you."

At this time, a golden electric light appeared on the street. The electric light wandered into Wayne Tower, then quickly flashed through the windows on each floor, and then came to the rooftop and stopped next to Diana.


The Flash, wearing a red uniform, stopped, said hello to Wonder Woman and Cyborg, and then discovered the mother box. Barry Allen shouted softly: "Oh my god, what are you doing? Take down the mother box quickly." .”

Superman ignored it.

At this time, the Bat-fighter arrived on the rooftop of the building. Bruce transformed into Batman and jumped out of the fighter-plane. His black cape spread out, letting him fall gently to the rooftop like a leaf.

"What are you doing on my doorstep?"

Bruce stood up and walked towards Clark: "Where did you get the mother box?"

Clark didn't answer, but gave Bruce a look that was meaningful, and Bruce immediately understood.

"Oh my god, you intercepted my rocket and you took the mother box?"

"Clark, why are you doing this?"

Clark looked at Batman: "Why?"

"Probably because I think the human race needs to be corrected."

Wonder Woman spread her hands and said, "What are you talking about?"

Clark's feet left the rooftop and floated slightly into the air, looking at the bustling city in front of him: "Haven't you noticed it yet?"

"The emergence of the human race was a mistake."

"Take a good look, Diana, how this race has already destroyed this planet in just a few years."

"War, pollution, industry, in order to make their own lives better, they ignore the living environment of other life forms."

"In just one century, do you know how many species of life have become extinct forever?"

"That's a shocking number."

"Although my parents have been educating me and letting me be a beacon for mankind, letting me guide them in the right direction."

"But I discovered that the evil nature of human beings is engraved in our bones and buried in our genes."

"I admit that there are kind people among humans, just like my parents, just like you."

"But there are too few such people, and among humans, those who can influence this race and the world are often selfish, violent, and evil people."

"And people like this make up the majority of the human race."

"I've been thinking about it."

"Think about how we can save humanity."

"But in the end I only came to the conclusion that mankind needs destruction more than salvation."

"Total, ultimate destruction."

"Then, let the earth evolve new life again."

"When new intelligent beings are born, I will guide them, educate them, and let them take a completely different path from humans."

"In order to do this, I need the Mother Boxes, the power of Apokolips."

Superman stretched out his hand and said to Diana: "I believe you can understand this, otherwise you wouldn't hide yourself."

"You've been disappointed with humans before, haven't you?"

"Come, Diana, join me and give me the Mother Boxes that you Amazons protect."

“Together we are putting this planet on the right track.”

Wonder Woman shook her head: "No, Son of Krypton, this is not right, this is not right!"

"Even if human beings have various shortcomings, they also have beautiful things. You can't deny this race just because of a few flaws."


"Is this what you think?"

"Well, in this case, we can only become enemies." Clark's eyes gradually brightened.


Bruce quickly shouted: "Clark, do you know what you are doing?"

"Didn't you think that Martha would be sad if you did this?"

Clark's eyes flashed with a daze, and he seemed not to have thought about this problem. At this time, the mother box embedded in the metal buzzed, light lit up in the cracks, and the mother box also vibrated.

The confusion and trance in Superman's eyes suddenly disappeared, and then he said in an almost ruthless tone: "Martha will understand."

"There's something wrong with him." Cyborg, who had been silent all this time, said in a deep voice, "He seems to be influenced by the Mother Box!"

Bruce said: "Separate the mother box from him!"

The Flash immediately transformed into a golden lightning and quickly ran towards the mother box embedded in the metal. Barry Allen wanted to take out the mother box.

Clark's figure flashed and stood in front of the Flash. Suddenly, the golden lightning flew out. The Flash was knocked out by Clark and fell to the ground.

"Alfred, cover us!"

Bruce shouted. His bat fighter had been remotely controlled by the butler. At this time, the bat fighter violently fired towards the rooftop, sweeping out a dense barrage.

Amid the splash of gravel, Clark just raised his hand and blocked the bullet with his arm, but did not move a single step.

The bullet hit him, and the bullet deformed and twisted under the impact, turning into pieces of discus and falling to the ground.

At this time, the 'Truth Lasso' emerged from the barrage and wrapped around Clark's hand.

Diana shouted loudly, exploded with all her strength, and pulled the 'Truth Lasso' hard, immediately pulling Clark over and pulling out the barrage.

Clark snorted, flew down, and bumped into Diana's face.


A circle of air waves exploded, and Wonder Woman was knocked into the rooftop ground.

Just as Diana pulled Superman away, Batman, The Flash, and Cyborg rushed towards the Mother Box.

Superman turned around, his eyes lit up, and instantly two crimson rays of light swept towards the three Batmans.

Barry Allen's expression changed, and he quickly used his 'speed force' to bring Batman and Cyborg to a safe location before the laser beam swept across them. However, in this way, he had to fight with the Mother Box. Keep distance.

And this is exactly what Superman wants.

Clark then waved his arm and threw Wonder Woman, who was holding the Lasso of Truth, into the air. Diana flew towards the Batfighter like a cannonball.

The two collided in mid-air, and the Bat Fighter immediately spun out of control and crashed into a building in the distance.

Superman took the opportunity to untie the noose from his hands, and then moved in a flash, knocking the Flash off the rooftop again as he ran toward the Mother Box.

At this time, Cyborg flew over and caught Clark. All the thrusters on his body were turned on, trying to push Superman away from the Mother Box.

But Superman remained unmoved, and then Clark's eyes lit up and he was about to attack Victor with a laser light.

Wonder Woman arrived in time, and Diana landed on Clark's shoulders, took Superman's chin with both hands, pulled his head upward, and let two red rays of light shoot out of Clark's eyes into the air.

Bruce took this opportunity to come to the mother box. He reached out to grab the mother box, pulled it out with force, and gradually pulled the mother box out of the deformed metal.

When Clark saw it, he yelled.

First, he reached back and caught Wonder Woman, then threw her out and bumped into The Flash, who had just returned to the rooftop. The two of them rolled on the ground.

Then his eyes gathered red light and shot Victor with laser light. Cyborg could only transform one arm into a shield to resist the laser light.

It was blocked, but it was pushed back by the powerful kinetic energy of the laser light.

Finally, Clark turned around, faced Bruce, and shouted in a deep voice: "Let go!" (End of Chapter)

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