I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 545 God’s Wrath (please subscribe)

Temple of Eternity.

A colorful beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the floor of the temple. Among the beams of light, Thor and the Valkyrie came out.

After the Rainbow Bridge disappeared, the two walked in the silent temple. On both sides of the temple, the statues of the gods silently stared at the two outsiders.

Valkyrie looked around warily and said, "Can you come to this place to deal with the Conqueror?"

The God of Thunder, holding the storm axe, nodded and said: "Zeus asked the three goddesses of destiny. They peeked into the fate of the conqueror and found that he forged his godhood here."

"According to Zeus, the conqueror should have seen eternity, one of the creator gods, here and made a wish to eternity, thus gaining unrivaled power."

"Since 'eternity' can give strength to the conqueror, it can naturally be taken back."

Valkyrie spread his hands: "So the God of Eternity is actually a wishing machine?"

"Who knows, but Zeus said that my Storm Ax is not, to be precise, the Bifrost."

Thor tightened the battle ax in his hand: "The Rainbow Bridge is the key to opening the door to eternity, which explains why the conqueror wanted to take the Storm Battle Ax from my hand."

"He also knew the existence of the 'Key' and asked my old man to open the door to eternity for him."

At this point, they stopped.

They have reached the end of the temple. There is no way to go here, but there are complicated patterns on the walls.

The two looked at each other.

"Let me try."

Thor stood the storm ax on the ground, fixed it with his hands, and patted the ax: "It's up to you, old man."

The blade of the Storm Tomahawk suddenly lit up, and fired out a condensed rainbow bridge beam, which was injected into the pattern and gradually lit up the lines on the pattern.

Valkyrie said "Ah", as if she remembered something, she looked at Thor.

"It's all about making wishes anyway, why not make a wish to 'eternity' and let the conqueror..."


She made the 'explode' gesture.

Thor was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "That's a good idea, I'll try it later."

Soon, the patterns on the wall were filled with light, and the wall shook and collapsed inward, forming a door leading to the realm of eternity.

Thor asked Valkyrie to come over and fix the battle ax, and then said: "Wait for me here."

Valkyrie nodded: "Be careful."

Thor made a 'don't worry' gesture and stepped through the door, and the light suddenly filled his field of vision.

When he adjusted to the light behind the door, he found that he was standing on a piece of water with no end in sight, and strangely, he would not sink into the water.

There is his reflection in the water, but the image is constantly changing, and past experiences are being presented in the water. The image is not very clear, but can just barely be seen clearly.

In the distance, Thor saw a figure. It was very abstract and could not be described in words.

It's not even appropriate to call it a 'figure', but Thor couldn't find a more appropriate word.

That is an existence that transcends reality. It is the embodiment of one of the concepts of the universe, and that is the eternal God!

In that 'figure', Thor even saw the existence of countless stars and even galaxies, which were contained in the body of the Eternal God. Or maybe the Eternal God is a universe!

Thor walked over and knelt down in front of the figure: "Great God of Eternity, I, the King of Asgard, am here to pray to you. I beg you to let an evil existence die."

"That evil existence is called 'The Conqueror'!"

After saying that, Thor waited patiently, he didn't know if this was the right thing to do.

After a while.

Thor had some more information in his mind.

"This wish cannot be granted."

"The Conqueror doesn't exactly belong to this universe?"

Thor slapped his head: "Stephen once said that the conqueror comes from other universes, so even the God of Eternity cannot kill him?"

Thor said with a headache on his face: "Then, I ask you to take back the power you once gave him. This wish should be granted, right?"

On the head of that figure, two groups of light lit up.

In an instant, an imperceptible line of sight swept across the entire universe, and then fell on a planet.

Vita Star!

at this time.

On Vita, Zeus' golden throne has long been turned into powder.

The divine warriors from the Almighty City were looking up at the sky.

High in the sky, their God-King was engaged in a life-and-death battle with the Lord of Vita.


Azu punched Zeus's crossed arms, and Zeus flew backwards, breaking the sound barrier, tearing the air, and falling into the distance.

At the same time, streaks of golden lightning fell from the sky, as if to punish a sinner, and kept hitting Azu.

Azu's body was protected by the "Absolute Domain". He simply did not believe that Zeus' lightning could harm him, so the "Absolute Domain" rejected these lightning bolts and allowed them to eject.

Either it fell in the army of the Almighty City, or it fell in the city.

Azu was about to rush towards Zeus, but suddenly he felt like he was being watched. He looked up suddenly, and there was nothing in the sky.

But Azu felt that at an infinite height, in a dimension that broke through the reality level, there were a pair of eyes staring at him.

He is familiar with this kind of gaze. He also felt this kind of gaze when he made a wish to 'eternity' in the realm of eternity.

"The Eternal God?"

When Azu asked this question, he felt a sudden pain all over his body, as if his fingernails had been pried off.

Veins immediately appeared on his forehead and he groaned.

Then the severe pain escalated, and now it felt like his own skin was being torn off. The skin all over his body immediately turned red, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Azu began to scream and felt something being torn open and taken away from his body.

And the one who caused all of this is the ‘Eternal God’!

What happened?

As soon as this thought came to mind, he was drowned by endless pain.

Azu fell into a building and smashed through several floors before coming to a stop. At this time, some symbols with purple light emerged from his body, and then continued to shatter in the air.

After a while.

The severe pain finally disappeared.

Azu's whole body was trembling.

Sweat fell drop by drop.

He clearly felt that part of the power in his body had disappeared permanently.

"It doesn't feel good."

"It seems the King of Asgard succeeded."

There was a thunderclap, and a bolt of lightning fell to the ground. In the lightning, Zeus walked out.

"King of Asgard, Thor?"

"What did he do?"

Azu raised his head, panting heavily, and looked at the old god king.

Zeus looked down at him and said: "Find eternity, make a wish to her, and let her take back the power she once gave you."

"Now it seems."

"You've certainly grown weak."

"Take back the power given to me?" Azu's heart sank and he quickly opened his status bar.

[Name: John (from the motherland)]

[Life level: Level 7 (god)]

[Status: normal]

[Authority: Death]

Seeing that his life level was still level 7, Azu breathed a sigh of relief.


In terms of authority, the authority to ‘destruct’ has indeed disappeared.

In other words, let 'eternity' be taken back!

"Damn it!"

Azu stood up.

The power of 'death' was obtained by him from another native. It was the victory of the successful 'invasion' and was not given by 'eternity'.

Therefore it was retained.

It is precisely because of this authority that Azu has kept his life level.

Otherwise, if he is demoted, he will have to plan to get another authority.

What is certain is that it will not work to make a wish to eternity.

In that case, Azu's [ultimate mission] will probably never be completed.

He still retains the authority of ‘death’, which is a great blessing among misfortunes.

But when he thought that he had permanently lost the power of 'destruction', Azu hated Zeus and Thor with itch.

"I thought you wouldn't interfere with my affairs, so I didn't want to trouble the Almighty City, but it seems I was wrong. I should have destroyed the Almighty City as well."

Azu looked at Zeus, his eyes flashing with anger.

Zeus raised the corner of his mouth: "I really didn't want to interfere at first. After all, you are too powerful. I don't want to create a strong enemy for myself out of thin air."

"But as your John Empire expands, I suddenly realize that if I do nothing, then one day, the Almighty City may have to kneel at your feet."

"It was at this time that I discovered the little secret of your destiny. Originally, you were able to become a god because you made a wish to 'eternity'."

"It turns out that you did not obtain your godhead by yourself, but with the help of external forces."

"In this case, you are not invincible."

"You have weaknesses that can be exploited, and by chance, I know that the 'Rainbow Bridge' is the 'key' that opens the door to eternity. It just so happens that the king of Asgard hates you to the core."

“So it all just fell into place.”

Zeus's eyes were filled with golden electricity: "You let Hercules and my son steal my lightning, thinking that then I would no longer be a threat."

"I can only say that you are too naive. My ability to become the God King does not rely on a weapon!"


Outside the building, there was lightning and thunder.

It was as if thunder was going to destroy the planet.

"I see."

A smile appeared on Azu's face: "I did underestimate you a little. I didn't expect that in addition to being good at ballet, you are also quite scheming."

"In this case, I have no choice but to destroy everything."

"I hope that when the time comes, you won't cry and regret in the ruins, because I will not sympathize with you."

After saying that, Azu raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and the Power Stone sparkled on it.

Zeus's face changed, and he suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared in the sky, and then shouted: "Warriors of the Almighty City, listen, you should leave here and leave this planet immediately!"

But just as he spoke, walls of bones quickly rose up, trapping the warriors of the Almighty City and the people of John's Empire in this city, regardless of each other.

This is the magic extended from the power of ‘death’, the Wall of Sighs.

It can isolate the inside and outside and prevent teleportation!

As the king of gods, Zeus has a keen sense, and he suddenly realized what the function of these walls of bones was.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook violently, and then flocks of birds flew in the distance. They flew across the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun, giving Zeus a bad feeling.

at this time.

In the building.

Azu held the Infinity Gauntlet high, as if he was catching something, and then pulled hard.

As he pulled, the ground began to shake again.

Soon the vibrations not only occurred on the ground, but also appeared in the air, and the entire planet's atmosphere was shaking.

If you use sophisticated instruments to observe the planet at this time, you will find that the orbit of Vita is moving slightly.

This is because Azu is using the Power Stone to pull the sun!


Obviously, the mass of the sun is much greater than that of Vita Star. Therefore, under Azu's pull, the sun did not move. However, Vita Star gradually broke away from its orbit and was heading towards the sun.

Azu turned around at this time, roared, and pulled hard.

The ground beneath his feet shattered into pieces, and the entire building collapsed. After the fragments fell, Azu stood frozen in mid-air.

Zeus discovered that the conqueror had his back turned to him and made a gesture of pulling something hard.

The God King's pupils expanded little by little: "Could it be..."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky. Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that the sun was a little bigger than before.

The shaking continues.

And the magnitude is getting bigger and bigger.

The surface of Vita Star shook violently, and the earth was like a fragile biscuit, with ferocious cracks being shaken out.

The sea level continued to rise, causing violent waves and forming a tsunami that swept towards the mainland.

Because Vita is approaching the sun, the surface temperature has increased sharply. Forests in many places have begun to catch fire, and countless Haikou volcanoes have begun to erupt.

When the earth was shaking, Azu finally stopped because he knew that there was nothing more he needed to do.

Relying on the Power Stone, he has brought Vita Star closer to the sun.

There is no need for him to do anything next. Vita will quickly approach the sun, and before the planet can be thrown into the sun, the sun's radiation will kill everything on the ground.

Including those warriors of Almighty City.

Although this may not kill God King Zeus, at least he can ask for some interest from this old man.

"Enjoy it."

With that said, Azu used the space gem and appeared next to Proxima Centauri.

At this time, flames appeared in the sky. It was the ozone layer of Vita Star that was beginning to burn. Zeus looked up and saw that the entire sky was on fire.

The flames illuminated the earth in a fiery red. Before the flames could burn on the ground, everything on the earth began to melt and ignite themselves under the sharply rising temperature.

Not only were the people of John's Empire dying, but so were the warriors of Almighty City. These warriors from God's Domain hurriedly wanted to leave, but the existence of the 'Wall of Sighs' prevented them from leaving.

So they could only scream and watch their bodies melt and everything in front of them be destroyed!

Billions of living beings are suffering the wrath of gods! (End of chapter)

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