I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 546 Preparation before revenge (please subscribe)

From the perspective of space, Vita Star is approaching the sun at an extremely fast speed. At this point, there is no need for the interference of the Power Stone. The huge gravity of the sun alone is enough to pull Vita Star over and swallow it up. .

Vita has now left its orbit. As it rapidly approaches the sun, a huge energy source, the sun's radiation inevitably becomes more concentrated and intense, causing the temperature on the surface of Vita to rise at a terrifying rate.

Even in space, you can see a series of horrific disasters.

The atmosphere of Vita is burning and evaporating at a breathtaking speed. The atmosphere rapidly evaporates at high temperatures, turning it into a hot gas state.

Seen from outer space, the surface of Vita Star seems to be covered with flames, the fire is blazing, and the entire planet is burning.

Without the protection of the atmosphere, all the liquid water and solid ground on the surface of Vita are burning, and they will be completely evaporated and shattered soon.

In addition to the evaporation of the atmosphere and the burning of the earth, the magnetic field of Vita Star is also distorting.

The planet's magnetic field is generated by the current of the earth's comb, but when it is too close to the sun, it will be affected by the sun's strong magnetic field, causing strong interference.

Even twisted.

This in turn leads to large-scale magnetic storms.

At this time, serious damage was caused to all starships and power systems inside the planet, whether it was the John Empire or the Almighty City.

Due to extreme phenomena such as temperature rise, magnetic field distortion, and water loss, the organisms inside Vita Star can no longer survive in this harsh environment.

In fact, within the wall of sighs raised by Azu, all life except Zeus is now dead.

They burned like torches, their bodies standing and melting in the flames.

Zeus, who was watching all this but could do nothing, could only roar in anger.

He can't forcefully break the Wall of Sighs, because this is magic extended from the power of 'death'. It is also a god-level magic. Even if Zeus is the king of gods, even if he keeps striking golden lightning, he can't break the Wall of Sighs. It broke instantly, causing the soldiers of Almighty City to miss the opportunity to escape from Vita Star.

At this time, looking up from inside the planet, there are no clouds in the sky. Due to the protection of the cloudless atmosphere, the gas inside the planet is constantly pouring out into outer space, and is then evaporated by the flames in the process.

The sun is getting bigger and bigger, and the intense light that is difficult to see directly brings terrifying radiation. Except for gods, no life can exist inside the planet. Even bacteria are quickly disappearing in this extreme environment.

This is not all disaster.

Once Veta hits the sun, it will trigger a huge release of energy, resulting in a coronal mass ejection or solar storm!

This will cause devastating disasters to the space environment inside the planet. Even Zeus dare not say that he can survive in such an environment.

at this time.

A colorful beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the outside of the Wall of Sighs.

Thor, God of Thunder, walked out of the Rainbow Bridge. As soon as he walked out of the Rainbow Bridge, he was immediately bombarded by unspeakable high temperatures and magnetic storms.

He looked at Zeus inside the Wall of Sighs and immediately understood that the Almighty City had been severely damaged.

Thor did not dare to neglect, the thunder god's eyes burst out with intense light, and the blade of the storm ax emitted colorful light.

Rainbow bridge!

The Rainbow Bridge itself is a very powerful black magic. It has terrible destructive power on space and matter. It is definitely not as simple as teleportation.

It's just that Thor couldn't fully master this power before, but now, with his increasing skill, Thor can now use the Rainbow Bridge to attack.

Its power is even greater than that of thunder!

Zila Zila.

When the Rainbow Bridge beam passed through the Wall of Sighs, the towering wall of bones collapsed.

The Wall of Sighs is easier to destroy from the outside world!

In the blink of an eye, a gap was cut into the Wall of Sighs by the Rainbow Bridge beam.

Zeus took the opportunity to slip out of the gap and came to Thor.

The Storm Ax was raised high and the Rainbow Bridge fell, covering the two gods inside the planet and teleporting them away quickly.

After a period of time, Veta finally hit the sun. It was an unimaginable cosmic disaster and an indescribable space wonder.

It was a magnificent destruction, a disaster beyond the reach of human imagination.

But far away on the other side of the universe, on the earth, Azu didn't know that the disaster had happened.


He doesn't care.

He just hoped that the disaster could casually take Zeus's life.

But this should be difficult.

After all, he was a god-king.

Use the 'space stone' to teleport to the earth, but very few people come out of the teleportation gate.

Apart from Azu, there are only Proxima Centauri, Ayesha and Adam.

They teleported to Wakanda.

This is the capital of Wakanda, but it has been turned into a ruin.

After Thor, the god of thunder, led the army of the Almighty City to the earth, he swept away all the forces belonging to the John Empire on the earth, and Wakanda naturally bore the brunt.

King T'Challa of Wakanda and his sister Shuri were captured and imprisoned in the same underwater prison where Ant-Man escaped.


The superheroes, Spider-Man and Scarlet Witch, who were once imprisoned in the underwater prison, have long been released, but where they have gone, no one knows.

at this time.

In the ruins of the Wakanda Palace, Azu picked up a chair from the rubble, sat down on it, and exhaled a long breath.

Ayesha knelt obediently at Azu's feet, with her face pressed against Azu's thigh. The high priest of Sovereign looked at Azu in pain and said.

"His Majesty."

"What should we do next?"

"It's all over."

"The Empire was destroyed by them."

Azu caressed her face and said: "As long as I am here, the empire will not be destroyed."

"John's Empire exists because of me, not because of me."

Proxima Centauri walked over and nodded: "Your Majesty is right. As long as your Majesty is still here, we have hope."

"But we don't have an army anymore," Adam said, scratching his hair.

Azu smiled and said: "Almighty City also lost its army."

"What's left there now?"

"Even if Zeus survives, he and Thor will be the only ones left there."

"So it's nothing."

"The army is no big deal. You and I are equivalent to an army of one million people."

"What we have to do now is to completely suppress the resistance forces. Zeus and Thor must die, otherwise we will never have peace."

Ayesha said worriedly: "Zeus once revealed to us that he has a way to strip you of your godhood."

Azu laughed and said, "He has already done it."

"But he wouldn't have thought that I don't have only one authority."

"So he and Thor are destined to fail. John's empire will eventually be rebuilt in the ruins and on the earth. Even if the process is more tortuous than I imagined, the result will not change."

Feeling Azu's strong confidence, the three Proxima stars also cheered up.

Ayesha stood up and said, "Order us, Your Majesty."

“I can’t wait to take action.”

Azu nodded, what he wanted was this result.

Failure is not terrible.

There is no shame in setbacks.

The terrible thing is that you cannot bear the blow of failure.

He said so much just to restore the confidence of these three people.

Now that they're back on their feet, it's time to act.

Azu smiled and said: "We want to take revenge on the Almighty City, so we need a team of 'Avengers'."

New New York.

When the army of John's Empire pressed forward and invaded the Federation, every city in the Federation became a battlefield.

Naturally, New York cannot escape the fate of becoming a battlefield.

New New York was rebuilt after the war. After the reconstruction, in accordance with the decision of the summit at that time, statues of the conquerors were built in many places in the city.

However, after Thor arrived with the army of the Almighty City, launched a battlefield, and overthrew the John Empire, many statues of the conquerors in New New York have been torn down and broken, but some statues have remained.

For example, this one in Times Square.

However, the original intention of leaving statues of conquerors was not to commemorate or respect them, but to vent.

Peter Parker raised his head and looked at the statue in the middle of the square. A fat man was graffitiing on the base of the statue and then took a selfie.

The statue left behind a lot of graffiti, as well as many insulting and indecent words.

Peter Parker shook his head.

Of course the Conqueror is hateful, but to use graffiti and words to 'retaliate', in Peter Parker's opinion, is really a childish thing.


He won't stop it and can't stop people from doing it.

After all, many people simply cannot and do not dare to take revenge on the conquerors.

They cannot even come close to the conquerors, to whom they are like ants underfoot.

They were so insignificant that the conquerors would not give them a second glance.

They and the conquerors were in completely different worlds, so the only revenge they could imagine was graffiti on the statues of the conquerors to vent their anger.

"Peter, what are you thinking about?"

A familiar voice sounded behind him, and Peter Parker turned around and saw his good friend Ned and his girlfriend MJ walking over.

MJ handed him a cup of coffee: "Yours, my hero."

Peter Parker shook his head: "I am no longer a superhero. No, it should be said that the world no longer needs Spider-Man."

Ned poked Peter Parker's chest with a fat finger and said, "Don't be so downcast, kid. You've been in jail for a while, but everyone knows that you are not a prisoner, but a hero."

“The hero who stood up to his conquerors.”

Peter Parker took a sip of coffee and said with a wry smile: "What about fighting against the conquerors? Wang and I were just fighting small soldiers that day."

"I have no power at all against the conquerors."

MJ came over and hugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, stop talking."

"You are not a superhero now, but you must have remembered that you are already a college student, right?"

"Let's go, we have to go to the library to find some information, otherwise Dr. Mike will definitely not let you get an A for your homework on Monday."

Peter Parker laughed and nodded: "You are right, Dr. Mike looks terrible when he is angry."

Ned whispered: "He should play a villain. He must be a true character."

The three young people talked and laughed and headed towards the library.

After being released from the undersea prison, the Scarlet Witch was picked up by the Federation due to her "dark mind". I heard that she was sent to an institution. I don't know if she can recover.

Peter Parker returned to the city, stayed with his friends, and enrolled in a university in New York.

In the days since he came back, he has become an ordinary person again.

But at this moment, gunshots suddenly rang out on a street in Times Square, people screamed in exclamation on the street, and a car drove out and turned to another street.

The police car roared behind, chasing the car in front, and a firefight broke out.

"What happened?"

"I heard someone robbed a bank."

"What, someone robbed the bank again. It's happened several times this week."

"Yes, but what can be done? When something like this happened in the past, superheroes such as Spider-Man and Iron Man would come out to stop it."

"But now, we no longer have superheroes."

Passers-by exclaimed, and the voice reached Peter Parker's ears. His eyes flickered, but then dimmed.

"Go ahead."

MJ said quietly.

Peter Parker was stunned for a moment and looked at her: "Where to go?"

Ned also patted him on the shoulder: "Look, the world still needs Spider-Man."

"Go, Peter, we'll wait for you in the library."

MJ also encouraged: "We will wait for you, so just do what you should do."

"Peter, you are a born hero and we have your back."

Peter Parker was moved for a moment: "You are really."

He took a deep breath and finally decided to listen to his inner thoughts: "Then, I'll come as soon as I go."

After saying that, Peter Parker quickly ran into a small alley.

A moment later, a passerby pointed in the air and shouted: "It's Spider-Man! It's Spider-Man!"

"He is back!"

"Spider-Man, we love you!"

MJ looked up and saw Peter Parker put on the red and blue Spider-Man suit, leaping over Times Square, and quickly chasing the criminals who robbed the bank.

It didn't take long for Peter Parker to solve the crime. He stuck the criminals to the chandelier with spider silk and left them to the police.


Peter Parker landed on the rooftop of a building, retrieved his hidden schoolbag, and took off his mask.

He looked at New New York and smiled: "MJ and the others are right, I also have things that only I can do."

"Maybe Spider-Man can't fight the Conqueror, but at least the city needs their good neighbors."

Snap, snap, snap.

Applause suddenly sounded from behind.

Peter Parker quickly turned around and saw someone standing on the rooftop, clapping.

Azu smiled and said: "Peter Parker, your talent is by no means limited to this. Your stage is not just a New York."

"There is a bigger stage waiting for you."

"For example, the Almighty City."

As he spoke, the 'Mind Stone' on the Infinity Gauntlet lit up.

In the library.

Ned looked at the time: "What's wrong with Peter? He's not back yet?"

At this time, MJ came back and said, "I called his phone, but he didn't answer."

Ned became worried: "Is he going to be okay?"

"I'll give him another call."

On the rooftop of a certain building, a schoolbag fell to the ground, and the cell phone on the ground rang, displaying Ned's name.


No one answered the phone. (End of chapter)

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