I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 551 War in the Divine Realm


Zeus looked at the man in front of him with emotion.

If I had chosen to stay out of it in the first place, wouldn't I have had to go to this point?

Can the Almighty City still maintain its original prosperity?


It’s not like I have no ambitions a long time ago. I just want to spend every day surrounded by fine wine and flowers.

Why would I want to overthrow John's empire?

Is it because of fear?

Afraid that that empire will eventually dominate the entire universe, afraid that you and the Almighty City will eventually bow to it?


I was indeed scared.

Therefore, after receiving information from the three goddesses of destiny, he took action to cooperate with the king of Asgard to overthrow the John Empire.

Everything was going well.

They have solved the John Empire, and even marched to the city to capture the capital star of the John Empire.

At this time, the conqueror returned.

However, he and Thor had already planned for this situation.

Thor went to the Temple of Eternity and successfully entered the realm of eternity, ultimately stripping the conqueror of his godhood.

He is already a mortal.

But why.

He can still stand in front of himself.

You can also threaten yourself!

Golden electric current began to pulse on Zeus's body, and he spoke in a low voice: "You don't think that if you take away my weapon, there's nothing I can do, do you?"

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Of course I won't be that naive. After all, even Thor is no longer the 'God of Hammers.' You, a god-king, must have no longer relied on weapons after living for so long."

"You are the most powerful weapon."


Under the stimulation of the electric current, Zeus's hair stood up, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he released a powerful aura.

The whole hall, the whole Almighty City trembled.

This is the power of the God King!

"As long as you know."

"I'm very happy that you came to me today."

"This way I can avenge the soldiers who died on Vita."

"Conqueror, you must die today!"

Azu didn't take Zeus' threats to heart at all. He raised the Infinity Gauntlet and let the space stone shine.

In the sky above the Almighty City, people saw a black-blue flame first appearing in the sky, and then the flame spread rapidly in all directions.

The flowing fire is like a waterfall, rolling and flowing.

In a blink of an eye.

It covered the entire sky, and then, black and blue flames flowed downwards, wrapping up the entire Almighty City in a matter of seconds.

Space blockade!

After completing the blockade, Azu put down the Infinity Gauntlet and said with a smile: "Okay, no one can leave the Almighty City now."

"No one can leave this tomb."

Zeus's eyes flashed with golden lightning: "This will be your graveyard!"

As he spoke, his eyes flashed with thunderous fury, and golden lightning danced in his pupils like a raging sun.

Zeus roared angrily, his voice echoing in the air with unquestionable majesty.

As soon as he raised his hand, the golden lightning blasted out from his hand seemed to be the purest power in the world, and it rushed towards Azu with the aura of destroying everything.

However, Azu did not show any fear in the face of Zeus's attack.

He calmly raised his hand, the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand emitted a bright light, and one of the gems inlaid on the glove glowed crimson.

This is the rough stone of reality, which can change reality and distort the rules of the universe.

Under the light of the original stone of reality, Zeus's lightning instantly turned into countless golden flowers, floating in the void, beautiful but weak.

Azu took advantage of this momentary opportunity and rushed towards Zeus at the first cosmic speed.

His iron fist condenses majestic power, which will break all obstacles.

When the iron fist hit Zeus' face, the air froze at this moment.

Zeus was knocked back by the force of the blow, and his body flew backwards, smashing the window and flying out of the hall.

However, he did not give up there, but quickly adjusted his posture and pounced on Azu again like lightning.

The two fists collided again, and the whole hall shook violently.

Domes, stone pillars, and statues were shattered under this force.

Debris scattered and smoke filled the air.

Azu and Zeus soared into the sky from the collapsed palace, and the two figures continued to collide in mid-air.

Each collision was accompanied by a deafening roar and a blinding flash of light.

Lightning and light intertwine to form a magnificent picture.

In an instant, thousands of fireballs exploded around them, as if they were going to burn the entire universe.

In this fierce battle, Azu and Zeus showed strength and speed beyond mortals.

Every attack they make carries a devastating power, as if they are playing with the boundary between life and death.

As time went on, the fighting became more intense.

Every corner in the Almighty City has become a battlefield for them, but the two figures are always entangled in mid-air.

They use their power to tear apart space and use their speed to travel through the void.

Every impact seems to break the space, and every collision is like a symphony between heaven and earth.

When a loud noise shook the atmosphere above his head, Thor stepped back without hesitation.

A crimson beam of light penetrated from where he originally stood. It was the chaotic energy that the Scarlet Witch shot towards him.

This force is so powerful and violent that even Thor, the God of Thunder, would be unable to withstand it if hit head-on.

Thor managed to dodge the attack at the last moment, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes.

He knew that this battle was far more difficult than imagined.

Just a Scarlet Witch Wanda is enough to give him a headache, not to mention a corrupted Doctor Strange, plus a Super Sovereign.

At this moment, warning signs flashed in Thor's mind.

He raised his head and saw Adam rushing toward him at a speed exceeding the speed of sound with a ball of golden light, and kicked out a flying kick.

This violent flying kick hit Thor's chest hard, causing the God of Thunder to roll backwards.

The power of that kick seemed to be able to penetrate everything. Thor felt the sharp pain in his chest. It could make him feel like this, which shows the weight of Adam's kick.

Before Thor could take a breath, several pale arms stretched out from the void, like claws from hell.

They captured Thor in an instant, but in the next moment, these arms turned into white poisonous snakes. They wrapped Thor tightly, making it difficult for him to move.

This is a dark and strange masterpiece, a strange vision with a deadly truth.

The Scarlet Witch took the opportunity to launch an attack. She pushed her hands and crimson light flowed out of her palms.

The stream of light was as hot as lava and struck Thor's body.

Thor was hit hard, his body flew out like a cannonball, and crashed straight into a building made of gold.

The churning dust made Thor cough a few times, and he shook his head.


"It would be much easier if there was just one opponent."

Complaints are complaints, but Thor's eyes still glowed with blue lightning, and his fighting spirit has not weakened by half.

The three Scarlet Witches came near the building.

At this time.

The building was crumbling under the impact, but the interior was filled with lightning.

Then they heard Thor roar from inside the building, and his power and rage exploded at this moment.

The building shattered with a roar, sending debris flying.

Thor flew out of the ruins, his eyes more determined and colder than ever.

He raised his storm ax high and struck hard. Suddenly the space was filled with lightning and lightning was everywhere.

Powerful electric current swirled around the battle ax, as if forming an invisible electric wall.

This force shocked Scarlet Witch and Adam, forcing them to take a few steps back and use various methods to resolve this majestic force.

However, the Scarlet Witch is not someone who gives up easily. She has not forgotten that Thor killed Vision. After resolving the attack, she acted again and rushed towards Thor with Adam.

Their figures criss-crossed in the air, and every collision brought with them amazing energy fluctuations.

In this fierce battle, the three figures shuttled through the air like lightning, and every attack seemed to tear the world apart.

Dark Strange calmly did not join the battle. He waited for the opportunity. He believed that opportunities were reserved for those who were prepared.

"For my freedom."

"Die here today, my dear Lord Thor."

Just before the dark and strange eyes, the battle entered a fierce stage. Whether it was Thor, Scarlet Witch or Adam, they all showed amazing power and skills.

Thor's power is undoubtedly amazing, but Scarlet Witch and Adam are not easy to overcome either.

Relying on their own characteristics and advantages, they continue to cause trouble for Thor.

This battle is no longer a simple clash of forces, but a contest of wisdom and strategy.

As time went on, the fighting became more intense.

The figures of the three people continued to intersect, separate, and intersect again in the air.

Every attack they made carried the power of destroying everything, as if they were going to involve the entire Almighty City in this fierce battle.

The intensity of this battle was not inferior to the duel between Azu and Zeus.

In the Almighty City, there is a third battlefield.

On that battlefield, Spider-Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp appeared frequently.

At this time, Spider-Man is swinging flexibly between buildings.

He calmly observes the opportunity, and once the opportunity arises, he will use spider silk to capture the divine warriors one by one.

Whenever a divine warrior approaches, Peter Parker will quickly shoot out spider silk to stick them tightly, making them unable to move.

This unique tactic left the divine warriors helpless, and they soon lost the ability to fight again.

"Dammit, knock that spider down!"

"Don't let him get away."

The gods' warriors shouted, and they kept attacking Spider-Man, but Peter Parker was too flexible, and these warriors couldn't catch Spider-Man's movements at all.

"This way, no, I'm over here."

"Is this all you can do?"

"I almost yawned."

Peter Parker moved while provoking the enemy with words.

This made the divine warriors furious and helpless.

Meanwhile, Ant-Man Scott maintains his giant state.

He ran rampant through the city like a giant, and every kick and punch he threw carried astonishing destructive power.

"Haha, you ants, run, run quickly."

Scott made fun of the divine warriors on the ground, but the good times did not last long, and he became the target of public criticism after becoming huge.

The warriors of the God's Domain aimed at him one after another, using all their firepower.

What's more, some brave warriors climbed up Scott's body like ants and slashed with their swords.

Although these weapons as thin as toothpicks did not pose a fatal threat to Scott, they still caused him to scream in unbearable pain.

"Get off."

"Get out of here."

Scott screamed in pain, and finally, he couldn't stand the attack anymore.

Scott quickly changed his atomic structure, shrunk in size, and transformed back into Ant-Man.

This change caused the God's Domain warriors to immediately lose the target of attack. They looked around, trying to re-lock Scott's position.

At this time, Hope the Wasp seized this golden opportunity.

She struck quickly, using her agility and powerful strength to knock down each of the divine warriors to the ground.

Her movements are swift and precise, and every attack hits the target accurately.

The divine warriors were unable to fight back under Hope's attack and were quickly defeated.

Soon, these warriors in the Almighty City fell to the ground.

The three Spider-Men meet up.

They looked at the two battlefields in the distance.

"do you know?"

"I will not participate in the battle over there." Scott pointed at the battlefield in the distance where brilliant lights flashed and fireballs bloomed alternately, and he shook his head.

Peter Parker pulled up his helmet and said: "His Majesty the Conqueror also said that we don't need to interfere in the battlefield over there. We just need to ensure that their battle will not be disturbed."

He looked around at the divine warriors who fell to the ground or were stuck to the wall with spider silk: "Obviously, we did it, and we did a good job."

Hope, the Wasp Girl, looked around and said, "I never thought that one day I would be able to set foot in God's Realm. Is this where God lives?"

"Zeus is different from the one in Greek legends. Have these gods been to the earth before?"

Scott glanced at his girlfriend: "Why didn't I know you were a mythologist?"

Hope shrugged his shoulders: "After I was nine years old, I didn't read any mythological books. I was just interested in these legends."

Peter Parker squatted down and said, "I just want it to be over soon. I have to go back. Damn it, my college homework is not finished yet, and I don't know if I can hand it in in time on Monday."

Scott laughed: "Are you in college?"

"Your time in college is very precious, you have to make the most of it."

Hope spread her hands and said, "Is it really okay for you to just chat here? We may have to do something."

"What about?" Scott asked.

Hope thought for a moment and said, "Well, we can't get involved in the war between gods at all."

Peter Parker nodded: "We can only be spectators. Do they have popcorn here?"


There was thunder in the distance, and a violent air flow blew over, causing the three Spider-Man men to stagger.

Then the three of them saw a golden light falling from the sky and falling to the earth.

That's Zeus! (End of chapter)

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