Azu fell into the air and looked at Odin below.

Odin shook off the dust from his body and stared at Azu above his head.

The two looked at each other.

Zeus is not the first god-king that Azu has faced. He also fought against Odin before.

However, Odin was already in his twilight years at the time, and even if he unleashed all his strength, he ended up fighting evenly with Azu.

Zeus is not young either, but he is not as old as Odin. This god-king is still full of vitality.


Compared to when he faced Odin, Azu is now a god and has artifacts like the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

If Zeus had no other means, Azu could not think of a reason why he would fail.

"You know."

"I accept the surrender."

"So if you are willing to be loyal to me, then the attack on the Almighty City will end here."

Azu crossed his hands and looked at the god king below with a playful attitude.

Zeus laughed twice, hammered his shoulder with his hand and said, "I am indeed old."

"I also know that I should not be your opponent."

"But I'm not used to surrendering."

"I admit that I have become less and less accustomed to fighting over the years. I have long put those difficult years behind me."

"I also forgot how I ascended to my current throne step by step."

"My skills have become rusty and my strength has diminished. Even my previously strong body is now bloated and out of shape."

"Rather than fighting, now I prefer wine and music, and I like to hold banquets. Now my blood is full of the taste of alcohol."

"I've become a bad old man."

Zeus paused, and golden currents began to pulse on his body. The aura of the God King began to appear, and the atmosphere began to vibrate.

"But even so, I will not surrender."

"Even though I am no longer the brave warrior I once was, my dignity as a god is still engraved in my bones."

"You can kill me, but you can never let me surrender!"

Azu looked at the old man below and sighed: "Actually, I think there is a high probability that you will not surrender."

"It's just that I don't want to waste so much energy if I can."

"But now it seems that I can't be lazy even if I want to."

"Then let's end it as soon as possible."

The 'original power stone' lit up with a bright purple light, reflecting purple all around. The huge aura of power vibrated the atmosphere, and there was a loud rumbling sound in the air.

Zeus's hair on the ground stood on end, golden lightning surged from his eyes, and his blood vessels lit up, as if what was surging inside was no longer blood, but lightning!

The next second, they both disappeared at the same time.

They collided together in an instant. At the moment of the collision, the space was filled with cracks like a broken mirror. Then the space was distorted, and countless fireballs and lightning exploded.

The Spider-Man people in the distance covered their heads and hid in the building. The three of them looked out of the window and saw Azu and Zeus each bursting with light, entangled like the wind.

The two collided frequently, and every time the force collided, there would be a loud noise that spread thousands of miles. The sky above the Almighty City changed color, and there was lightning and thunder!

"It's terrible, terrible, really terrible."

Scott shrank his neck behind the window and squatted down. A yellow light flashed in Ant-Man's eyes, and he muttered.

"Actually, the Conqueror can completely raze Almighty City alone, so there is no need to bring us with him, right?"

"With the power he is showing now, even if he takes a little bit of it, he can crush anyone except Zeus and Thor."

"He can crush the Almighty City with one finger."

Hope turned around and leaned against the wall and said: "You are right, the Conqueror can destroy the Almighty City alone. The reason why he brought us is to get rid of those little ants for him."

Spider-Man Peter Parker turned around and said, "Why do you say that?"

Hope crossed her hands and said, "Because of identity issues."

"He doesn't bother to take action against anyone except Zeus."

"So let us deal with the divine warriors, and let the three clouds of witches deal with Thor."

"Plus, he's an emperor."

"How can the emperor go on a military expedition without an entourage?"

Scott suddenly realized: "So that's it."

Spider-Man whispered, "So we're minions?"

Hope glanced at him and said, "Don't give in."

"There is nothing we can do if we don't give in."

"Both the Conqueror and Zeus."

"Or maybe it's Thor's war, and we can't get involved."


Another violent vibration.

But this time.

The shock has nothing to do with the Conqueror's side, but with Thor's side.

Thor fell to the ground and wanted to rush forward, but suddenly his feet tightened.

He looked down and saw that a black swamp appeared on the ground at some point, and hands with distinct joints stretched out from the dark mud.

These hands were covered with eyeballs and held Thor tightly, making it difficult for him to move.

At the same time, Adam rushed over, punching and kicking Thor. Each attack broke the sound barrier and exploded with power like breaking mountains and seas.

"Step aside."

Wanda's voice sounded behind him. Adam was a little afraid of this woman and quickly stepped aside.

Then a crimson stream of magical light fell from the sky and landed on Thor. Chaos energy wrapped around Thor's body and squeezed toward the middle, trying to crush Thor.

Thor roared, thunder flashed in his eyes, and the storm ax erupted with bright lightning, blasting the arm under the black mire to pieces.

Then the axe jetted out the rainbow bridge beam, and the colorful stream of light passed through the crimson light shield, shattering it, and then surged away, heading straight for Scarlet Witch Wanda.

But at this time, a black cloud appeared in front of Wanda. It seemed to be a black hole, and the Rainbow Bridge beam blasted into it, illuminating the world in the black fog.

It was an extremely abstract world, with countless twisted and weird figures dancing in the air, all of them dragging a long umbilical cord, floating in the air like kites.

They looked towards Thor, and Thor's body immediately stiffened and he fell straight back.

The black mist disappeared immediately, but at this time, a black bone claw emerged from the void. The bone claw was covered with fine cracks, and there were blood-red eyes rolling in the cracks.

But the bone claw finally retracted and disappeared into the air.

At this time, Thor regained some consciousness, but then Adam rushed over and kicked Thor, and Thor flew out like a ball.

Adam roared, swung his fists, and blasted out two golden streams of light from the fists, hitting Thor hard and sending Thor into a building.

"Although I don't want to say this, in fact, it is difficult for us to kill him."

Dark Strange landed next to Scarlet Witch, glanced at Wanda, and said softly.

Wanda nodded with difficulty. It was indeed difficult for her to admit this, but as the dark strangeness around her said, Thor is quite powerful now.

It is almost impossible to kill him simply by force. Even if the three of them have strong strength and ability, it will be difficult to do this.

"Maybe there's no need to kill him."

Wanda looked at Dark Strange: "If we can throw him into the space you just opened and exile him, we can also achieve the goal."

Although Wanda wanted to avenge Vision and kill Thor herself, she still remembered that two of her children were captured in the Almighty City.

Now that the war in the Almighty City is in full swing, she is very worried about the safety of Tommy and Billy, so she wants to deal with Thor as soon as possible.

Dark Strange laughed: "That is the dark dimension, an abstract world higher than reality. It is a world that even I dare not enter easily."

"If Thor enters that world, it's almost impossible to come back, but it's not easy to throw him in."

"There are two issues involved, turning it on and turning it off."

"When opening the portal to the dark dimension, I need to stop the things on the other side from crossing the portal, so I can't support you."

"When Thor enters the dark dimension, I need to close the portal with all my strength. At this time, I am almost undefended. If I am attacked, the portal may go out of control. When the dark creatures enter reality, we will all die."

Wanda said without hesitation: "The golden-skinned guy and I managed to pull Thor into the dark dimension and protect you with all our strength when the door is closed. Just be prepared."

Dark Strange nodded, rose upwards, and gestured with his hands to form magic circles.

Wanda used her ability to tell Adam this plan through the spiritual level.

Adam was scared and curious when he heard Wanda's voice ringing in his head, but he nodded to show that he understood.

Thor didn't know what the three men were planning, so he took a moment to look in Zeus' direction.

"The old man's situation seems to be bad."

"It's really troublesome that the conqueror is still so powerful without his godhead."

At this time, Wanda's voice came: "I think you don't have time to worry about others now."

Thor looked at the witch and smiled bitterly: "How many times do I have to tell you before you understand that I didn't hurt Vision at all, and Vision is already dead."

"I know what I saw." Wanda shouted and pushed out two streams of chaotic light from between her palms.

Thor raised his storm axe, shooting out a rainbow bridge beam of seven colors from the edge of the axe.

The two forces collided, partially canceling each other out and annihilating each other, but mostly affecting the surrounding space, making the space distorted and fragmented.

At this time, Adam pushed with both hands and blasted out two more golden streams of light.

Thor's rainbow bridge beam could only deal with one side, so he raised his free hand and caught Yaguang's stream of light.

But one against two, although Thor was not able to break through their defense, he was pushed backwards by two forces.

At this moment, in the space behind Thor, a thick black fog appeared out of thin air, and then the fog expanded rapidly, and the interior collapsed, opening a passage to the dark dimension.

Dark Strange opened the portal and shouted: "Hurry, push him in."

Thor looked back and saw the thick fog behind him, as well as the space behind the portal deep in the fog.

It feels bad.

he thinks.

While he was distracted, Wanda yelled and exploded all the chaotic energy.

The crimson light stream suddenly dispersed the rainbow bridge beam, fell on Thor, wrapped him up and controlled him, and accelerated towards the dark dimension portal.

At this time, the black bone claw full of cracks in the portal stretched out again. This claw was too huge, like a mountain peak.

As soon as it stretched out, the portal was immediately squeezed open a lot. Veins appeared on Dark Strange's forehead and he screamed.

"Hurry up, the portal is about to burst."

At the same time, he separated his hands and used dark magic, letting the streamers exuding black aura wrap around the bone hand and pull it into the portal.

The huge bone hand was pulled in little by little, and the blood-red eyes in the cracks showed unwillingness, but it could not change the fact that the bone hand was pulled back.

Wanda and Adam did not dare to hesitate, and exploded with all their strength, using their own energy flow to push Thor, causing him to hit the portal uncontrollably like a cannonball.

In the blink of an eye, he fell into the portal after Bone Hand. Upon seeing this, Darkness Strange immediately closed the portal.

But at this moment, a tentacle, several vines, and four or five arms with mouths and eyes emerged from the portal.

Some of them opened the portal, and some moved toward the darkness to catch strange things, but they were creatures from the dark dimension trying to come out.

And in the portal, a huge pale eye appeared, rolling and looking towards the outside world.

At this moment, two golden streams of light blasted into the portal and hit the pale eye.

There was a loud roar in the portal, and then the tentacle suddenly retracted into the door.

Adam quickly attacked other things that wanted to open the portal and blasted them back into the portal.

The Scarlet Witch used chaotic energy to form a barrier in front of Dark Strange, preventing those weird vines from reaching the target.

Dark Strange gritted his teeth, shouted, and closed the portal.

As soon as the portal was closed, the vines broke immediately, and suddenly mouths appeared on the vines, and they let out shrill screams.

But amid the cry, these vines quickly rotted and melted. Before they fell to the ground, they turned into wisps of black smoke and disappeared.

"Successful?" Adam asked cautiously.

Dark Strange nodded: "Successful. The king of Asgard has been thrown into the dark dimension by us. Unless someone opens the dark dimension, he cannot come back."

"Furthermore, even if someone opens the dark dimension, Thor may not be found in the infinitely deep and wide dark dimension."

Hearing this, Wanda stopped lingering and turned to look at the palace where Zeus entertained the gods. She used chaos magic to fly over.

She was in a hurry to find her two children.

Dark Strange glanced at the witch silently and shook his head. Of course he knew that there was no such thing as her child in the Almighty City. Naturally, Dark Strange would not tell the witch the truth.

He fell to the ground, found a clean place to sit down, and took a breath.

Adam looked at Dark Strange, then looked at Zeus and the Conqueror in the distance, hesitating whether to help.

"Just stop interfering. That's not a battle you can interfere in."

Dark Strange held his hands and said: "Next, there is a war between gods and gods, and we are not able to intervene." (End of this chapter)

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