I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 58 Those are your rules of the game, not mine

"Daily Planet."

The muscles at the corner of Azu's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the newspaper in his hand: "Can't you come up with something useful, like Marvel's Universe Stone or something?"

"Too stingy."

Although he was complaining, he still opened the newspaper and took a look.

As soon as I opened the newspaper, I saw a huge headline on the first page: Shock! Alien life visits Earth!

"Just last night, radio waves around the world were interfered with. I believe everyone knows that our electronic signals were intercepted and modified."

"Therefore, life forms from outer space can transmit images to thousands of households, so that we can watch this scene on our own TVs."

"It is reported that some people familiar with the matter pointed out that extraterrestrial life has actually been on the earth for a long time. Lois Lane may have already known about this matter."

Looking at this report, Azu raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is the plot of "Superman: Man of Steel". Now in the DC universe, the Kryptonian General Zod has come to Earth?"


Azu then put the newspaper into the ‘inventory’.

In the afternoon, Ashley came quickly.

"My motherland, the crime analysis department reported something this morning."

Azu glanced at her.

"They said the police headquarters requested assistance yesterday."

"There was a superhero who went missing. His family went to the police station to report the incident, and the police station contacted the Crime Analysis Division."

Ashley looked at the tablet in her hand and continued: "Now the Crime Analysis Department has located the location of the missing person based on his chip."

Azu raised his eyebrows.

This plot is a bit familiar.

He then asked: "Who is missing?"

Ashley said quickly: "Blue Eagle, a third-rate hero, has no announcements, no advertising endorsements, and is responsible for the security of a black community."

Blue Eagle.

Azu thought for a moment and felt a little impressed.

It took me a few seconds to remember that in the original show, it was the superhero who beat Locomotive's brother Nathan into a cripple, and was later killed by Locomotive.

However, after I came to this world, many plots unfolded differently from before.

It's like losing touch with a superhero.

The missing person in the original play was supposed to be the invisible man, but now he has become the Blue Eagle.

A Zu nodded: "Ask the Analysis Department to send the location to Xuan Se and let him look for it."

Ashley said happily: "Okay."

"There's one more thing."

She took out her mobile phone and put it in front of Azu: "Since noon, this video has been spreading wildly on the Internet. The number of forwards has exceeded 5 million, and it is still rising."

Azu took it over and looked at it. It turned out to be the video he gave to Annika.

Sure enough, this girl did it for him and put the fact that the senator secretly encouraged the Security Bureau to accuse him online.

It is not difficult to see from the comments behind the video that public opinion is now almost entirely condemning Senator Hope.

Ashley asked carefully: "People of the motherland, should we track down the publisher?"

"No, no need to pursue it."

"On the contrary, protect him."

Azu pointed at the phone screen: "Because this matter was authorized by me."

A look of 'Sure enough' flashed in Ashley's eyes, and she nodded: "I know what to do."

At this time, the door of the command hall opened, and Edgar, the president of Walter Company, walked in. Ashley was very smart and immediately resigned and left.

After the door closed, the black president spread his hands: "So, you should be the one who broke the scandal about the senator, right?"

Azu put his hands behind his back and looked at the city outside the window with a smile: "Yes, I did it."

Edgar clenched his fists and coughed dryly: "Congressman Hope will no longer have a foothold in this country. I think this should be a heavy enough punishment for him."

"What do you think?"

Azu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not enough."

"For someone like him, losing his identity as a member of the parliament will only hurt him for a while at most."

"So in terms of punishment, I don't think it can be considered 'heavy'."

Edgar's brows were filled with gloom: "My motherland, you may be right."

"But the rules of the game are like this. Now that the senator's scandal has been exposed and he has lost his face and position, it has already cost him half his life."

"We shouldn't push him into a dead end, let him go, and we will have many friends in the future."

Azu stretched out his hand, hooked Edgar's shoulder like an old friend, and whispered in his ear: "Those are your rules of the game, not mine."

"I don't have the energy and I don't want to waste my time calling on these clowns."

"This fat pig must be severely punished, so that anyone who wants to have the same idea as him in the future will seriously consider whether he can afford the price."

Patting Edgar on the shoulder, Azu smiled and stepped back: "Do you understand now, Mr. Edgar?"

The black president nodded without further exhortation and left the command hall.

Back on the 88th floor, Edgar took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, he said: "Just a reminder to Senator Hope, he has to leave, immediately."

There was silence for a while, and then he said: "Sir, do you want to send someone to protect the senator?"

Edgar narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "No need."




Olga Arms Development Company.

"You can't just drive me away!"

"I want to see Mr. Arnold!"

"Damn it, let me go! Do you know who I am? I'm the person in charge of the entire project!"

In the lobby on the first floor of the company, company employees watched in surprise as several security guards escorted a white man wearing glasses out.

"Isn't that Mr. Jeff? What happened to him?"

"I heard that he secretly sold his research results to criminals. As a result, the company found out and President Arnold personally ordered him to be fired."

"If there is such a thing, is Mr. Jeff crazy? He has such a huge annual salary, why would he do such a thing?"

"Who would think that money is too little? If you ask me, he deserves it!"

The company employees were talking a lot, but only a few knew the truth.


A cardboard box was thrown onto the street. Jeff looked at the closed door and the fierce security guards inside. His chest heaved, but in the end he did not rush in.

He picked up the carton and walked to his car.

Just this morning, he was called to the president's office and met Arnold.

I originally thought that the president was going to reward himself. After all, in recent times, he has collected a lot of data through various means and made many improvements to the company's latest research project, individual intelligent combat armor.

Unexpectedly, instead of receiving awards or stock dividends, he received a letter of resignation and a confidentiality agreement.

Although Arnold wrote a check of a staggering amount as compensation for letting him quit the project and leave the company.

Although this money is enough for him to live without worries for the rest of his life, the project he is responsible for is about to enter the military and become a weapons procurement project for the Ministry of National Defense in the new year.

This is definitely a historic moment and will add a significant dimension to Jeff's life.

But now, it's all over.

"No, it's not over!"

Jeff pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and glanced at the company building: "It's not over yet!"

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