"Hurry up, you idiots. I usually spend so much money to support you. Don't let me down at the critical moment!"

In a black car driving to the airport, Senator Hope, who had a bloated waist, was frothing at the mouth and yelling while wiping sweat with a handkerchief.

"Damn it, which bastard secretly filmed that video."

"The Security Bureau is such a bunch of losers, especially Hansen. What a waste! Trash!"

"I was actually secretly photographed in my office. How did this loser Hansen do it? Why did I cooperate with this loser? I really made a mistake!"

Hope took out her mobile phone again and dialed a number. It was the number of Edgar, the president of Walter Company.

But the call never got through, and before that, the senator had made no less than ten calls.


"Edgar, you damn guy, why don't you listen to my call!"

"Is Watt Company a bunch of rubbish from top to bottom? Can't you guys take good care of your products?"

"Damn it, otherwise, you have to send a few superheroes to protect me!"

Then he received a call.

It was my wife calling.

"Hey, um, yes."

"I'm going on a business trip. Don't believe that video."

"That's all my opponents trying to smear me."

"Yes, you and Rita stay at home and don't go out."

"Okay, I'm hanging up."

Putting down the phone, the senator looked out the car window and saw that they had arrived at the airport.

When he got into the private plane, Hope finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, there was no accident."

He then picked up the phone inside the aircraft and contacted the cockpit: "Hello, Captain."

"Is the plane ready? Take off quickly!"

"Yes, go to England, right away!"

Putting down the phone, the senator looked out the porthole, his expression suddenly twisted, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Fellows of the motherland!"

"Damn metahuman!"

"How much do I have to give up because of him!"

"I'll be back!"

"I will never let that damn super bastard go!"

At this time, the plane took off, and Hope fastened her seat belt with the help of a beautiful flight attendant.

After the plane reached the stratosphere, Hope felt tired, perhaps because of the fright. After covering him with a blanket, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long it had passed before he suddenly heard some sounds.

Boom, boom, boom.

It was like someone tapping their fingers on the window.


Hope shuddered and woke up.

He is on a plane now, ten thousand meters above the ground. Who can knock on the window at this time!

His teeth were chattering, his body was trembling with fat, his head slowly turned toward the window, and his neck made a "click" sound like a rusty machine.

Finally, the senator looked at the porthole next to him.

It was dark outside the window.

From time to time there are clouds and fog passing by.

Just outside the plane window, Hope saw a face with stern lines.

That's a handsome man.

His blond hair was blown back by the wind, and there was a faint smile on his lips.

Then, a golden light gradually lit up in the blue eyes, making the window shine brightly, as if a sun was rising!




In an apartment in New York.

A woman with short hair took out a syringe containing blue liquid from a red satchel.

"The locomotive is dead."

"I'm done with it, and they won't use me anymore."

"I can no longer make movies or receive commercials."

"I am done."

She shook her head, looked at the syringe, and closed her eyes.

After a while, the short-haired woman picked it up and gave herself an injection.

Suddenly, her whole body trembled, and her mood became excited, as if she had climbed to a peak.

She yelled and pulled out a bone claw from her arm.

At this time, she felt that she could do anything!


The door to the apartment was suddenly kicked open violently, and then a figure wearing black armor came in.

The short-haired woman was stunned for a moment, then yelled and rushed over, riding on the armored man, and stabbed him crazily with two bone claws.

The armored man reached out and grabbed her neck, lifted her up, punched her in the stomach, and threw her to the ground.

The short-haired woman held her stomach and coughed repeatedly.

She coughed until tears came out, and then she heard a voice say: "What did you inject yourself with just now, my dear."

"It's that little blue thing."

"Looks like 'weed' just for you super-powered assholes?"

The short-haired woman reluctantly raised her head and saw the visor on the armored man's face opened, revealing a rough face with a big beard.

And a smile that deserves a beating.




Azu was doing intense exercise. After he finished, he exhaled and walked into the bathroom.

When the warm water hit his shoulders, he felt strong fingers pressing on his shoulders.

Then Angelina's slightly tired voice sounded: "Master, I have been able to wrap the liquid with shadow and guarantee that not a drop will leak out."


"In that case, your revenge drama will soon begin."

Azu took the girl's hand and gently pressed Angelina's shoulder, who immediately understood.

Azu continued: "Believe me, you will get back what belongs to you soon."

Angelina responded vaguely.

While eating breakfast, Azu opened his status bar and browsed the proficiency of each talent.

Then I opened the store and took a look at the newly updated items.

【Shadow Robe】

[Description: This is an improved item based on the black robe used by the black robe guardians of the 'Immortal Empire'. After wearing it, you can gain the two abilities of 'atomization' and 'shadow lurking'. 】

[Price: Gloomy Proficiency Essence*30]

"Looks pretty good."

"Atomization can temporarily evade attacks and enable rapid movement."

"Shadow Lurk can blend into the shadows, become one with the shadows, and move silently within the shadows."

Azu nodded and planned to exchange this piece of equipment for Angelina to use when she launched her revenge.

At this time, the door of the command hall was pushed open. Azu looked back and saw that it was Edgar.

The president of Walter Company quickly walked into the hall with a gloomy face, followed by Ashley from outside. Edgar looked back at her, and Ashley quickly backed out and closed the door.

Edgar didn't say anything and turned on the TV directly.

As soon as the screen lit up, a news item was playing inside.

"We have just received news that a private plane crashed on the high seas. It has been confirmed that the plane belongs to former Senator Hope Adlon."

"The specific cause of the plane crash is still under investigation."

Ed put down the remote control, looked at Azu, spread his hands and said, "Maybe you owe me an explanation?"

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