I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 81 Maeve and Starlight

Manhattan Island, Times Square.

Near the 'Earthshaker' launcher, Jeff, wearing the 'Black Lord' armor, suddenly shouted.

"What are you doing!"

He was connected to the Titan armor in the Empire State Building, so the starlight created a bright light in the hall, affecting him as far away as Times Square.

His eyes were completely white.

Jeff immediately cut off the connection with the Titan armor. Even so, it took more than ten seconds for his eyes to return to normal.

"So that's it!"

"So that's it!"

His armor did not emit flames, but some energy nodes on the armor glowed dimly.

The scene around Jeff suddenly became slightly distorted. Wearing a black armor, he flew into the sky and flew towards the Empire State Building.

"Those policemen running around and the Minister of Defense negotiating with me turned out to be just a cover-up!"

"Use these pretexts to distract me, and then let the superheroes take action to take away Arnold."

"Don't even think about it!"

In the Empire State Building.

The moment a bright light came on in the hall, Maeve broke through the wall and came to the booth. Her feet plowed dozens of meters on the ground before she stopped.

At this time, the light gradually dimmed, and under Jeff's remote control, the specially-made armored 'Savage Fighter' rushed towards Maeve.

The 'Savage Fighter' has a burly appearance, the main color of the armor is bright red, and there are bison-like horns on each side of the shoulders.

At this moment, the armor arched its shoulders and slammed into Maeve with the corner of one side.

Once it hits, the armor will take advantage of the situation and push Maeve away.

In addition, another khaki armor came to Arnold's side. This was the specially-made armor 'Unfallen Fortress'.

Its armor is hard and thick, and it holds a two-meter-high battle shield. One unit in front of it is a cover.

Then, with the assistance of the mechanical frame, the armor raised an aviation cannon.

This is a lethal weapon mounted on an armed helicopter, but now it is easily carried by the armor.

Other armors also took action.

Jeff regained control of the 'Titan' suit, causing Colonel Yuri to jump off the stand and strode towards Starlight.

On the booth, the ‘Savage Fighter’ came menacingly.

Maeve's eyes were sharp, but she did not confront the opponent head-on.

The female hero grabbed the corner of the armor's shoulder with one hand, stretched her legs to stumble, then twisted her waist and threw her arms.

A soft drink.

Then he threw the 'Savage Fighter' out and hit the big screen at the back.

Then she rushed towards Arnold, who was protected by the 'Unbreakable Fortress'. On the way, the 'Wild Chariot' armor fired at her. Maeve hid whenever she could, and carried it if she couldn't.

But when the 'Never Falling Fortress' raised its aircraft cannon and fired, Maeve didn't dare to bear it.

She didn't think the aircraft cannon could kill her, but the power of the cannon bullets was far greater than anything else. If she was hit, repulse would be inevitable.

So Maeve made various evasive movements, moved around, and came to the front of the armor.

Instead of hitting the armor's shield, she jumped up, stepped on the shield, used the force to somersault, and landed behind the armor.

Face to face with Arnold.

The Fortress of Unfallen immediately turned around, holding a shield, and wanted to swat Maeve away.

Unexpectedly, the shield was slapped away, but Maeve raised her hand to press it down.

Maeve shrugged her shoulders, grabbed the shield and swung her body towards the armor behind the shield like a swing. She bent her knees, gathered some strength, and kicked hard.


Both feet stepped on the armor to create a circle of ripples. The Fortress released its shield and slid away out of control.

He slid out of the booth in one breath and knocked over two armored tanks.

Maeve put the shield she grabbed on the ground, stepped on it with one foot, picked up Arnold without any explanation, and threw it onto the shield.

Then the other foot stepped hard on the ground, and immediately the two of them stepped on the shields as if they were sitting on a small boat, sliding across the exhibition stand and rushing towards the door.

Before she could rush to the gate, Maeve suddenly flew out, dropped her shield, and fell to the ground.

At this time, gunshots were heard from far away in the hall. It turned out to be a camouflage-painted 'Revenant Hunter' holding a special sniper rifle and had just fired at Maeve.

Although the sniper rifle did not kill Maeve, it caused her to grit her teeth in pain.

Her strength and defense are second only to those of the Motherland among the seven, but the gap between her and Azu is like a firefly to the sun.

There is no comparison at all.

Painfully, but not enough to lose consciousness due to a sniper shot, Maeve quickly jumped up and saw three 'Wild Chariot' armors heading towards Arnold at high speed.

Maeve lowered her center of gravity, made a sprinting motion, and then flew away.

Although she didn't have the speed of a locomotive, she ran at full speed, but the sniper attacks from the 'Revenant Hunter' behind her repeatedly failed.

Before the 'Chariot' armor stopped Arnold, Maeve slammed into one of them.

Originally, she was worried about hurting the soldiers in the armor, so she took action in a measured manner.

But now he couldn't care so much. With a full impact, the armor of the 'chariot' not only flew out, but also deformed and shattered, scattering parts all over the floor.

When he fell to the ground, the armor was already spraying electric fire and he couldn't get up.

Maeve somersaulted, but jumped onto the shield, the gate already in sight.

But at this moment, the wall on one side of the gate suddenly burst open, and a line of fire came from behind, hitting the wall and moving in the direction of the gate.

Maeve quickly grabbed Arnold and rolled him to the ground. She saw the line of fire sweeping over her head. By the time the cannons of the Fortress at the rear stopped firing, the wall on the other side of the gate had shattered and collapsed, blocking the way. Way to go.

Looking at the pile of rubble, Maeve asked herself whether she could break open the gap before many armors caught up and take Arnold away.

She made a prompt decision, put the president of Olga Company on her shoulders, and then quickly ran to the floor-to-ceiling window in the distance.

She believed that Mr. Z would not let the armor kill him for the sake of the so-called 'Number Zero'.

So at this time, Arnold became his own shield.

Her judgment was correct. When she ran with Arnold on her shoulders, the other armors only chased after her instead of firing rashly.

Just like that, Maeve carried Arnold and hit the floor-to-ceiling window. As the latter screamed, she jumped into the void outside the Empire State Building!

One after another, the armors rushed out risking their lives, like a flock of sheep jumping down the valley under the leadership of the leader.

But Maeve did not intend to commit suicide. After she fell a certain distance with Arnold in her arms, she reached out and inserted her hand into the outer wall of the building. She immediately tore a crack in the outer wall, but Maeve and the two fell quickly. Slow down.

At the same time, in the hall.

Looking at the 'Titan' armor walking towards him, Starlight's eyes were dazzling, and he suddenly pushed forward with his hands, launching a wave of light.

This wave of light surged away, hitting the 'Titan' armor, and immediately lifted the armor away.

Starlight looked around and saw other armors chasing Maeve, and immediately said: "Everyone, hurry up and go over there!"

She pointed to the gap Maeve had broken through in the wall before, which was connected to the fire escape!

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