High in the sky, the silver moon hung high behind Azu. He folded his hands around his chest and looked down at the earth from a high position.

Just now, he saw the entire process of Maeve rescuing Arnold.

"This is the real 3D masterpiece."


"Not yet."

"It will be more exciting to travel to the DC or Marvel universe in the future and watch the battle live."

His eyes moved slightly, and then he laughed: "Here he comes."


On Manhattan Island, Maeve hugged Arnold to the ground, and then put the president of Olga Company down.

"Are you OK?"

Maeve asked, looking at the many armors chasing down the building.

Without waiting for Arnold to answer, he led the man to the car that had been prepared early in the morning.

Seeing the black Land Rover approaching, suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky and hit the car like a meteorite. The car was deformed and dented, glass was scattered, and debris flew everywhere.

Maeve stopped quickly and kicked open a car door that flew towards Arnold. Looking over, she saw a figure jumping to the ground on the scrapped car.

"Your Majesty, where do you want to take my prey?"

An electronic synthesizer sounded.

It sounded in this figure who was dressed in black and looked like ancient armor.

Maeve looked at the opponent and then looked around. The armors had already caught up with them, but they did not move forward. They just spread out to form an encirclement.

It seemed that these armors respected the figure in front of them.

Maeve narrowed her eyes slightly: "Mr. Z?"

Then, without waiting for a response, she rushed forward and pushed forward with both hands, trying to push away the figure with the cloak hanging down like an ancient emperor.

Unexpectedly, some of the energy nodes on the opponent's body lit up, and no flames were sprayed, but his feet were lifted off the ground and suspended in mid-air.

Then his hands came out and clasped his own palms tightly, as if he wanted to wrestle with himself.

Maeve snorted from her nostrils and exploded with all her strength. However, the huge power was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no reaction at all.

She was stunned for a moment.

Then I felt the majestic power transmitted from the other party!


The ground beneath Maeve's feet cracked open, and the road surface cracked and shattered. The next second, Maeve's whole body shook violently, and a pit several meters long and wide sank beneath her feet!

In the 'Black Lord' armor, Jeff laughed, pushed forward, and immediately pushed Maeve backwards.

Maeve stepped on the ground with her legs, but was unable to stop the figure in front of her. In the end, she was pushed out nearly a hundred meters, plowing two deep marks on the road.

After stopping, Maeve shouted, gritted her teeth and slammed into Jeff.


She hit the opponent's chest with her forehead, but she didn't knock the opponent away as expected.

Instead, Jeff hit back with a headbutt, causing Maeve's face to fall back. For about a second, she lost consciousness.

At this time, Jeff let go of his hand and kicked Maeve away with a roundhouse kick.


Azu watched Maeve fly across the road and crash into a white Lincoln. The car exploded on the spot, and the person was embedded inside, unable to climb out for a while.

Jeff fell to the ground and spread his hands: "How about it, the smart armor doesn't feel good."

"You superheroes are nothing in front of it!"

"This is the greatest invention of this century, an epoch-making product. Just like the advent of the electric light, the emergence of smart armor means that the era of superheroes, or superhumans, has come to an end!"

He shouted: "Strength! Speed! Reaction ability! Flying ability!"

"What you superheroes have, it also has!"

"Moreover, it also has the learning ability and rapid growth that you don't have."

"Like just now, how do you think I can defeat you?"

"I'm an athletic idiot, but now, I can easily beat you, Queen Maeve, in fists and kicks."

"This is because the intelligent AI of the armor has analyzed your movements, summarized the rules, and finally formed a set of movements to restrain you."

"I don't have to do anything. I just need to give the armor room to perform, and I can defeat you easily."

"And then, there's this."

Jeff raised his hand, and two red lights lit up on the wrist armor of the 'Black Lord'. Then two red beams shot out and landed on Maeve's towering chest.

Suddenly, Maeve screamed in pain, and the skin on her chest quickly turned red and burned.

This made her quickly raise her hand to block Jeff's two laser-like beams. Then she got out of the car, grabbed the body of the car with her other hand, and threw it towards Jeff with all her strength.

Jeff just raised his hand, and two beams of light cut the car body into two pieces.

From behind the separated body of the car, Maeve rushed over and punched Jeff in the face.

Jeff spread his fingers and easily caught the opponent's fist, and the cloak behind him swept towards Maeve with a roar.

Maeve quickly bent down and lowered her head, letting the cloak pass over her head and cutting off a few hair strands.

But at this time, under the cloak, Jeff bent his knees and bumped into him.

A fierce and cruel knee hit Maeve in the stomach, causing her face to suddenly turn red and her coughing violently.

At this time, Jeff laughed loudly, grabbed Maeve's face, smashed her to the ground, and then made a fist with his other hand to smash her down.

Maeve's long legs suddenly jumped up and wrapped around Jeff's body. At the same time, she held the opponent's arms with both hands, used her waist to exert force, and with a sudden twist, she threw Jeff out.

Jeff crossed the street and crashed into a store, blowing out several nearby windows.

The next second it flew out again, hit Maeve, and knocked her away.

Then the armor on the shoulders opened, and a small launch chamber rose from it. Something similar to a grenade was sprayed out and landed at Maeve's feet.

Maeve didn't dare to be careless. As soon as Jeff fired, she jumped to the side to dodge.

I saw the thing fall to the ground, the surface light flickered, and a car next to it suddenly deformed and twisted, as if attracted by the 'grenade', it was compressed into an iron ball with it as the center.

Maeve's face changed when she saw it. If she hadn't avoided it just now, her body might have been deformed now.

At this time, Jeff rushed over again and fought with Maeve in darkness. It could be seen that he had suppressed Maeve.

All this was seen by Azu in heaven.

"No wonder this former employee dares to go against the Federation. The armor he wears is much stronger than other scrap metal."

Although Azu has a high opinion of the 'Black Lord', he still doesn't take it seriously. The reason is very simple. Maeve is not powerful in his eyes.

After all, a powerful superhuman can even sustain an injury when he withstands the impact of a truck. This shows that no matter how strong he is, there is a limit.

In fact, none of the superhumans in the Black Robe Universe are particularly powerful, so only the knock-off superhumans like the Homelanders in the show can firmly occupy the ceiling of combat power in the show.

At this time, the communicator in Azu's suit rang, and Edgar's voice came from it.

"People of the motherland, are you free?"

"I want to discuss something with you."

PS: Maeve was injured while carrying the truck. It was from the first season. She told Starlight herself. If you are interested, you can check it out~

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