I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 84 I want them all!

The reason why we don't want the entire Watt Company, but only 30% of the shares, is because as Edgar said, Azu can't run the company.

And asking for 10% more is not only the more money, the better, but also because the 30% of the shares will ultimately be borne by Edgar.

It is impossible for Edgar to let other shareholders assume the 30% stake, and the shareholders will not agree.

So in the end, only Edgar himself suffered all this silently.

After obtaining 30% of the shares from the black president, Edgar will have to work for him.

In this way, the Walter Company is invisibly in Azu's hands.

In addition, if 30% of the shares were converted into US dollars, Azu would probably have at least tens of billions.

Well, I achieved a small goal.

In the communicator, the Minister of Defense paused for a moment before saying, "Okay, I will discuss it with Mr. Edgar and convince him to give up 30% of the shares."

"So, when will you take action?"

Azu glanced at Manhattan Island, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Soon."

Communication ends.

Although he said he would take action "soon", of course Azu had the final say as to when it would start.

"Do not worry."

"hold on."

"hold on."

"Money, power, fame."

"I want them all!"

At the helicopter lift platform, Edgar's dark face almost turned green after listening to the call from the Minister of Defense.

"30% of the shares."

"This devil."

"The abacus is really good. In this case, I will be his employee, haha."

Edgar touched his face with his hand: "Plus the head of a newly established department under the Ministry of National Defense, and the rank of colonel in the army."

"This bastard wants power and money from now on."

Taking a long breath, Edgar got on the helicopter.

At this time, the company commander's landing platform also began to shake.

If the helicopter doesn't take off, it won't be able to leave.


The helicopter takes off.

Edgar took out another phone, wrote a message, and sent it.

That message was: 'Solar eclipse' planned ahead.

Then, he heard the ice and snow princess next to him whisper: "Look, he is a native of the motherland."

When the helicopter flew high into the sky, Edgar saw that in the distant sky, just under the moon, the people of the motherland were standing in the sky.

The electric man asked strangely: "Is he going to just watch and not do something?"

Edgar said with gloomy eyes: "No, he will take action."

The Ice and Snow Princess looked over: "Then why is he still there?"

Edgar looked down at Manhattan: "I'm afraid, he's waiting."

The electric man immediately asked: "What are you waiting for?"

What are you waiting for?

Of course, wait until the benefits can be maximized.

This guy not only wants power and money, but it seems he also wants reputation!

When Manhattan Island falls into a dangerous moment, when people fall into endless despair.

If he takes action at this time, he will be the savior for the people on Manhattan Island!

When the time comes, he will be worshiped as God.

And people will forget what he did in the Empire State Building.

Edgar looked at the figure under the silver moon, and a voice shouted in his heart.

Is this still the native I know?

Just at this time.

The figure in the distance looked towards the helicopter. The figure looked dim due to the backlight, but it also made the two golden lights on the face shrouded in shadow even more dazzling!

Edgar's whole body felt numb, and fear wrapped around his heart like a poisonous snake.

Fortunately, the figure turned his head again.

Edgar was suddenly sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

On Manhattan Island, the tremors are getting stronger and stronger.

A huge gap opened in Times Square, a large number of forest birds were frightened in Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was swaying, people were screaming and running on Broadway, and the bronze bull statue on Wall Street fell to the ground.


In Times Square, another building suddenly broke and tilted.

A little boy suddenly loses his balance and slides away screaming on the sudden slope of the ground.

His father saw this and yelled, "No!"

He rushed over.

He slid towards his son and tried his best to reach out his hand, trying to catch the tender palm.

But he couldn't catch the child until he fell out of the shattered French window.

"No! Jack!"

The father's eyes instantly turned red. He gave up on saving himself and wanted to ascend to heaven with his child.

But at this time, the tilt of the building stopped, and the ground was still rising, causing the father to slide to a stop near the floor-to-ceiling window.

The man was stunned for a moment, then wanted to commit suicide, but saw his son rising from the window.

One hand, holding it under the child's body!

Then a voice outside said.

"Do me a favor."

"Can you take the child to a safe place?"

The man quickly picked up the child and looked out the window.

I saw a blond man, wearing a black battle uniform, suspended in mid-air, holding the leaning building with one hand.

Even though he was not wearing his usual blue uniform today, the man could still recognize him at a glance.

"People of the motherland!"

Azu smiled, then lifted up the building covered by the biological force field, flew to the ground, and lowered the building.

Then it flew away.

Moments later, people saw fire exploding on the rooftop of a building.

Then, the earthquake gradually stopped.

Then a huge sound rang out over Manhattan Island.

"It's okay now."

"You're already safe!"

Suddenly, people looked to the sky.

Then he saw a figure standing under the bright starry sky, with his hands on his hips, and the silver moon behind him was bright and clear.

Just standing there gave him an infinite sense of security.

So on Manhattan Island, countless voices gradually sounded, but they shouted the same name.

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!"

"People of the motherland!"

Floating in the air near the Empire State Building, Jeff looked up and found that the earthquake had stopped.

Moreover, calls for ‘people of the motherland’ came from all around.

In the 'Black Lord' armor, Jeff's eyes were filled with anger.

He has activated the 'Earthshaker' and is about to shatter Manhattan Island to teach the Federation a lesson.

But just now, he saw through the armor protecting the Earthshaker in Times Square that the people of the motherland appeared out of nowhere, and then destroyed the Earthshaker with a golden beam.

As a result, his plan failed.

But this is not what makes Jeff most angry. What makes Jeff most angry is the inconsistent attitude of the people of the motherland.

Why did you regret it now when you had just stood aside and watched?

The man in the armor had a distorted expression and said solemnly: "So what if you regret it!"

"I won't lose!"

"The Black King is the strongest armor created for the people of the motherland!"

"It is a top-notch weapon based on the actual combat parameters collected from those battle armors that have fought against the people of the motherland before!"

"Never lose!"

At this moment, Jeff suddenly heard a man behind him saying: "What are you talking about?"

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