I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 85 Are you using yesterday’s data to defeat me today?

Jeff was startled.

Turning around suddenly, he saw a man from the motherland wearing a black uniform behind him, with a hateful smile on his handsome face, looking at him like he was looking at a mouse.

In the 'Black King' armor, Jeff's expression was distorted and he said solemnly: "People of the motherland, why do you want to ruin my good deeds?"

"Didn't you say you wouldn't interfere in this matter?"

Azu chuckled, shook his head slightly, raised a finger and said, "I think you made a mistake."

"I never said I wouldn't get involved in this."

"In addition, even if I have said that I want to go back on my words, it is my freedom to do whatever I want."

He raised his head, smiled brightly, and said in a cold tone: "I don't need you to point fingers, do you understand?"

Jeff burst out laughing after hearing this: "Originally, I didn't want to be an enemy of you, a native of the motherland."

"But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you."

"It's just that the time hasn't come yet."

"But since you came to the door yourself, then I don't mind letting everyone in the federation see that the myth of the motherland falls tonight!"

Azu laughed and said, "A guy said that last time. What do you think happened to him in the end?"

Jeff's answer was his fist.

With his cloak raised, he rushed towards Azu wearing the armor. He instantly accelerated to a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. In the process, there was no acceleration at all and he reached the top speed all of a sudden.


The iron fist of the 'Black King' hit Azu, causing several ripples, causing Azu's head to tilt up involuntarily.


Jeff couldn't help but laugh, but he couldn't stop laughing.

He saw the motherland man slowly lowering his head, with no trace of scar on his face, a contemptuous smile and unruly eyes.

"That's it?"

Azu waved his hand casually, like swatting away annoying mosquitoes.


Jeff was immediately shot away. Wearing his armor, he kept turning somersaults in mid-air uncontrollably and crashed into a shopping mall, shattering countless windows.

After a moment, he flew out from the other side of the mall and landed on a street.

People on the street were startled when they saw Jeff rushing back again.

In the blink of an eye, he flew out from where he had just bumped into, roared, and punched Azu in the face.

Azu reached out sideways, grabbed Jeff's wrist, smiled, swung him upwards, and then swung him down hard.


Jeff hit the ground, and a large, shallow and wide pit suddenly appeared on the concrete road, with cracks appearing all around. These marks were deep and shallow, but quite dense, spreading for several meters.

At this time, Jeff, who was hit on the ground, shook violently, and another pattern was pressed under his body, causing the entire road surface within seven or eight meters to explode into pieces.

Second impact!

Next, Azu carried Jeff around and beat him around.

Every time Jeff was thrown to the ground, a large crater several meters long and wide would be created. By the time Azu stopped, the road had completely collapsed, exposing the underground waterway below.

Suspended in mid-air, Azu picked up Jeff. The latter suddenly raised his hand, and a red laser light shot out from his wrist, hitting Azu's body.

Azu smiled. The laser light was blocked by his biological force field and could not hurt him at all.

He spun around in a circle and violently threw Jeff away, causing the man to move from bottom to top, constantly colliding against the outer wall of a building, rising continuously, and finally higher than the rooftop and bouncing into the air.

Jeff was dizzy from the impact, but he still stabilized his body in mid-air, then rushed down and punched Azu.

Azu floated back slightly, allowing Jeff's attack to fail. At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked, and the black armor flew out, knocking several cars away.

Jeff used his hands and feet to dig a few gullies in the road before stopping.

Then he raised his hands and fired laser light at Azu.

Azu stretched out his hand and swept away, using the biological force field to deflect the laser light, allowing the beam to refract, cutting the lampposts and vehicles on both sides in half.

He suddenly flashed in, so fast that before Jeff could react, he was knocked away by Azu.

The man who had flown into the air had just stabilized his figure when he saw a little golden light shining in each of the eyes of the motherland, and then two dazzling golden beams of light came through the sky.

Jeff panicked and lifted up the cloak behind him, letting it unfold in front of him and turn into a shield.

The heat ray hit the black cloak, and the cloak was quickly heated and melted, burning a hole in a blink of an eye. Then two golden beams passed through the left side of Jeff's visor, making a slit in the visor.

Jeff lifted his cloak, raised the armor on his shoulders, and fired a gravity grenade towards Azu. However, before it could get close to Azu, it was destroyed by a 'heat ray'.

After the flames of the mid-air explosion passed, Jeff lost Azu's figure.


Jeff hurriedly searched for traces of his motherland, but heard a voice above his head: "Where are we looking?"

He looked up sharply.

The underside of a boot quickly expanded into view.


Jeff, who was in mid-air, was kicked to the ground by Azu. He lay on the ground, his sight was compressed into an extremely narrow area.

Anger, shame, fear, all kinds of feelings came to my heart.

Jeff wanted to get up, but Azu's feet were as heavy as the Alps, preventing him from moving.

Jeff shouted wildly: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

"I have already collected your data!"

"And the armor was upgraded based on your data, so we have this 'Black King'!"

"Whether it's speed, strength, defense, or the power of light."

"I should be above you!"

"Why is this happening!"

"Why is this happening!"

Azu looked at the man who was being stepped on, and said in a loud voice: "Data?"

"Is it possible for you to use yesterday's data to defeat me today?"

Jeff stiffened.

Then he loudly said: "Father, whatever benefits the Federation has given you, I will give you twice as much."

"No, three times!"

"Believe me, as long as we get the 'Zero' from Arnold, let alone the Federation, the whole world will tremble under our feet."

Azu put his fist to his mouth and laughed dryly.

"Three times the price?"

"Oh, that's all for the Federation."

"You have another special meaning to me."

"I don't think you can give me the price I want."


Azu's eyes lit up, and two golden beams of light suddenly fell towards Jeff's head.

"Wait a minute, 'Zero' is actually not."

Jeff didn't know what he wanted to say, but before he finished speaking, Azu's heat ray had landed on his helmet.

His helmet was immediately penetrated, and the head of Olga's former employee was penetrated by a golden beam. When Azu's beam was retracted, Jeff's head already had two holes with green smoke floating in it.

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