I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 98 I’m here, don’t be afraid


"Stop it, stop it quickly."

"Please, John, stop it."

"I, I can't do it anymore."

In the living room of Ada Lin's home, the girl sat on an easy chair and let out a soft scream, then panting and sweating like rain.

She said in disbelief: "I didn't expect you to know how to do foot massage."

"I'm really curious. Is there anything in this world that you don't understand?"

Azu, who had just acted as a masseur, washed his hands and said, "Of course."

Xiao Lin asked curiously: "For example?"

He put Ada Lin's graceful white long legs into the potion, then stood up and said, "For example, I don't understand your heart."

Her legs were immersed in the hot water, which made Ada Lin hum a few times in comfort. When she heard Azu's words, her face suddenly turned rosy.

Azu stopped and did not delve further into the topic. Instead, he said: "Foot soaking will improve blood circulation. I think it should improve your sleeping condition."

Ada Lin nodded.

At this time, the host of the news channel on the TV said.

"Good evening to everyone in front of the TV."

"This is the AAB News Channel. Tonight, I will still report today's major news to you."

"Just today, a big event happened in our country, and I believe many people know about it."

"Yes, that is our hero, guardian, and patriot. Our motherland was awarded the rank of Army Colonel by the Federation today and served as the Minister of Superhuman Supervision under the Ministry of National Defense!"

"This is the first superhuman official in the history of the Federation."

"The Federation has always adhered to the principle of not using superhuman officials or recruiting superhuman soldiers."

"But today, the people of the motherland have become members of the federal government. What does this mean? Let's connect with Professor Truman from the Department of Transhuman Studies at Harvard University."

"Let's hear what he has to say."

Listening to the TV news report, Lin Aida suddenly said softly: "People in the motherland must be very lonely, right?"

Azu was stunned for a moment and looked at the girl next to him: "Why do you say that?"

"I don't think he is lonely."

"He is the most powerful man in the world, and now he has become a federal official. How can he be lonely?"

Lin Ada took off her sunglasses, revealing dull, gray-white eyes.

"Loneliness has nothing to do with whether he has power or his social status."

“There is a saying in my hometown that ‘it’s always cold at high places’.”

"The motherland stands so high that almost no one is worthy of being his friend, but there are many enemies."

"When he has troubles, no one listens to him."

"When he was down, no one could comfort him."

"When he achieved great success, no one was qualified to share it with him."

"So I thought, he must be lonely."

Looking at the girl soaking her feet, Azu suddenly didn't know how to respond.

After traveling through time, he almost never stopped, so he didn't think about these things.

But now that Lin Aida said this, it seems to be true.

He raised his eyes and looked around, enemies were waiting for him.

But there are few friends.

Angelina is his servant.

Maeve's 'friendship' only came to bed at best.



If you want any friends, I'm fine by myself.

As soon as Azu raised the corner of his mouth, Lin Aida said: "I'm sorry, I always say some irrelevant things sometimes."

"By the way, I just bought some black tea. Let me make you a cup of black tea."

As she spoke, Ada Lin wiped her feet and then walked to the kitchen. At this time, a gust of wind blew in the kitchen and she closed the door.

Ada Lin reached out and pushed open the door, and was about to walk into the kitchen, but she heard Azu yell: "Don't move!"

Ada Lin was startled, but she stopped, turned around and asked, "What's wrong, Mr. John?"

Azu was speechless for the moment.

When Ada Lin opened the kitchen door, there was a brilliant and dreamy colorful light inside.

The light was surging and changing, as if it was a door to another world!

Lin Ada turned her back to the ball of light, and a gorgeous outline was outlined, but she didn't notice it at all.

Azu sighed in his heart.

This is probably the 'door' that Ada Lin uses to travel through different universes!

Fortunately she is blind, otherwise normal people would not dare to step in when they see such a door.

Azu stood up, walked to Lin Aida, and held her hand.

Think about it.

He said in a deep voice: "Xiao Lin, do you remember what you said about 'sleepwalking'?"

"It's happening now, it's not without signs, it's just that you don't know it."

Azu briefly described the current situation.

Ada Lin immediately took two steps back: "Then, shall we stay in the living room?"

Azu asked: "Are you sure it will disappear on its own?"

Ada Lin shook her head: "I'm not sure, but it's better not to take risks."

"But what if it doesn't go away?" Azu tried to encourage her to take action.

Ada Lin thought for a while, tightened Azu's hand and said, "Let's do this, Mr. John, you stay in the living room."

"When I'm gone, if it disappears, you go home."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be back."

Azu glanced at her, smiled and said, "Xiao Lin, are we friends?"

Ada Lin was startled, lowered her head, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. John, do you think we are friends?"

Azu held her hand tightly and said, "I don't know what you think, but I want to make you a friend."

"So, let me go in with you."

"This will be a little secret between the two of us, a secret only true friends know."

Ada Lin's body trembled slightly, then she raised her head: "Can you bring me the sunglasses and the blind cane?"

"Hold on."

After a while, Ada Lin put on her sunglasses, held a blind stick in one hand, and held Azu with the other.

"Leaving?" the girl asked.

Azu smiled: "Let's go!"

So the two of them walked towards the kitchen and walked into the magical and brilliant light.

There is almost no gap.

The next second they walked into the colorful light, Azu felt the wind hitting his face, followed by the sound of cars and people, and even the crazy sound of horns.

Then he saw a dazzling light in front of him, and in the light, a truck was crashing towards them!

Azu immediately covered Lin Aida's body with the biological force field, and then the light in his eyes lit up, and two golden beams shot out, sweeping upward, and immediately split the speeding truck into two.

The separated car body scraped the ground and sprayed out sparks, passing by Azu and Ada Lin.

Although Ada Lin couldn't see it, she could hear it and felt the danger, so she couldn't help but scream.

But then I felt a burst of warmth, and it turned out that I was being held in Azu's arms.

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

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