I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 99 Another Kryptonian?

"I'm here, don't be afraid."

Hearing these words, Lin Ada suddenly felt relieved for some reason.

She remembered that every time she was 'sleepwalking', she would feel frightened when she came to a strange place.

But now, the smell of the man next to him and his words made him no longer afraid.

It seems that as long as you are by his side, nothing can hurt you.

Yes, although Mr. John is only a plumber, he knows many things.

He must be a well-informed person, so with him here, there should be no need to worry.

I don't know if it was because she relaxed, but Ada Lin felt that the noisy sound gradually faded away. At the same time, she also felt that Mr. John's warm and strong hand was gently supporting her waist and letting her lean against him. On the broad chest, you can hear the heartbeat as powerful as a war drum.

Ada Lin blushed, and after a while, she asked quietly: "Mr. John, can we go?"

"hold on."

About 5 minutes later, Ada Lin felt Mr. John let go of his hand, and then said.

"Okay, put your hand on my shoulder and let's go."

Hearing this, Lin Aida was a little disappointed, and an idea came to her mind.

Wouldn't it be nice to lean against him all night?


Something's wrong!

Lin Aida, something is wrong with you!

How could you have such an idea!

At this time, Ada Lin's face was as red as illusory steam rising from her head.

But Azu didn't notice this. Just after he used his 'heat ray' to cut a colliding truck in half, he found that the two of them were on a street.

This street is very prosperous with shops and high-rise buildings on both sides.

And it looks similar to New York.

When people around him were already taking photos and videos with their mobile phones, Azu hugged Lin Aida tightly in a low-key manner, covered her with a biological force field, and flew into the sky at a speed that would not alarm the girl.

When he reached the sky, he could see more clearly. It was indeed a modern city like New York.

Many scenes are the same as those in New York, but there are also some differences.

For example, in a square, there is a statue of Superman.

This convinced Azu that they had arrived in the DC universe.

The last time Ada Lin came was when the Kryptonian general first visited Earth.

But this time, Azu didn't know what point in time the two of them were at.

He thought for a moment and decided to take Ada Lin out of the city first and then make plans.

Now, they come to a small town in the DC universe.

The town is far less prosperous than the city, but it is quieter and will not be disturbed by others.

At least, not yet.

Azu took Ada Lin into a hotel.

In the hotel lobby, a middle-aged woman was smoking a cigarette. She stood up when she heard the door open and said enthusiastically.


"Do you two want to stay?"

"Would you like a single room or a double room?"

"My suggestion is to get a couple's room. The couple's room in our hotel is very interestingly decorated."

Azu smiled and said: "Two single rooms."

It can be seen that the aunt was a little disappointed, but she still said: "No problem, please show us your ID cards."

"Well, our fee per night is..."

While Auntie kept talking, Azu noticed that the news was playing on the TV in the lobby.

"Where did Superman go?"

"The issue is unknown."

"All we know is that he disappeared after the bombing at the hearing."

"Did he just disappear?"

"Perhaps only God knows this question."

Seeing Azu watching TV, the aunt sighed: "I don't think Superman is a bad guy, what do you think, sir?"

Azu smiled and didn't answer, just took out his credit card.

The aunt took the credit card and after swiping it, she raised her head and said, "Sir, your credit card cannot be used."

Azu's smile froze, this was bad.

He didn't have the habit of carrying cash, so he only had a credit card with him.

Although the DC Universe and the Black Robe Universe are very similar, obviously, the credit card of the Black Robe Universe will not work here.

"I have cash."

Ada Lin took out dollar bills from her pocket and put them on the counter. She whispered to Azu.

"It's okay, Mr. John."

"It was the same when I was sleepwalking for the first time, but later I discovered that cash is the safest and can basically be used universally."

While Azu and Zu were checking in, in the Pentagon of DC Universe, a general covered his mouth and looked at a big screen in front of him.

On the screen, a Caucasian man wearing a peaked cap and plaid shirt who looked like a plumber sprayed golden beams from his eyes and split a truck in two.

Then he picked up the Asian female companion beside him, rose into the sky at a constant speed, and disappeared under the night.

The general picked up the remote control next to him, moved the video backwards, and finally stopped it, letting the scene freeze at the point where the man was spraying the beam.

"Is this Superman?"

The general looked back at the officials behind him.

One of them quickly typed on the computer, then shook his head and said: "I just compared the facial features, but in this clip that is being circulated on the Internet, the man is not Superman."

The general said loudly: "Then can anyone tell me who this is?"

"Another Kryptonian?"

"How many cloaked guys are flying around the world above us?"

A woman pushed up her glasses and said, "But all the Kryptonians should be dead. Even the general only has one corpse left."

"The body is still in the possession of Lex Group now, unless he is resurrected."

"But obviously that's not a Kryptonian general either."

The general covered his face and said, "Can you trace their current location?"

A man in a suit and glasses raised his hand: "They are in a small town in the east."

"Let our troops closest to the town take action. First, conduct traffic control on the roads in and out of the town, and then take action after we complete the deployment." The general said quickly.

The lady from before reminded: "But general, if the other party is also a Kryptonian, we cannot harm him with the methods we currently know."

The general said solemnly: "Even if that's the case, we can't leave this bastard alone."

"You know, he just cut open a truck on the street."

"If we don't do something, these damn aliens will just think we're afraid of him."

"Some battles have to be fought even if you die!"





The cold wind howled.

On the peak of a snow-capped mountain, someone was lighting a fire and boiling water in the lee.

This man's eyes have been fixed on a pile of rocks in the distance.

He exhaled a breath of white breath and said softly: "Dad, the nightmare will never stop."


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