Huo Mansion, blacksmith shop.

Huo Tianci held a hammer alone and seriously tempered the new treasure knife.

Since forging an attribute treasure knife, Huo Tianci would take a little time every day to forge the treasure knife and brush the progress of forging.

After all, the effect of the sword is very good, maybe you can forge a sword with better attributes, and then deal with zombies, which can be regarded as a weapon.

Especially he recently learned the knife technique, the knife technique is quite sharp, and there is a treasure knife, which can be used as a weapon.

Maybe the sword is powerful, even if you encounter any zombie in the future, you can hack the zombie to death with a knife, and you don’t need to use internal force.


Huo Tianci kept pounding the red-hot iron knife, and the heat of the flame kept pushing on Huo Tianci’s body, covered in sweat, and a drop of sweat fell to the ground.

Although it was very hot, Huo Tianci never stopped and was fully engrossed.

To create a sword, you must concentrate, once you make a mistake, a sword will be destroyed, the key has no special attributes, and the progress of forging is slow.


Huo Tianci beat for a long time, only then picked up the treasure knife, carefully observed, and a brand new treasure knife was successfully forged.

“Good knife.” Huo Tianci was very happy.

Another green quality knife, the attributes are not bad.

Break +4, Sharp +3.

The two attributes are not comparable to the previous black steel treasure knife, but it can also be regarded as an excellent treasure knife.

The key is the successful advancement of forging.

Before, it was only a 4th-order forging technique, but after two hours of tempering every day, it finally reached the 5th-order forging technique.

His talent has increased again, but the further he goes, the more difficult it is to improve his forging skills, and the key is to learn a lot.

Huo Tianci picked up a piece of iron, looking forward to it, the effect of the 5th order forging technique should be better, he was looking forward to it in his heart.

I don’t know what kind of sword I can create, maybe I can take advantage of the time now to create another sword.

The previous black steel treasure knife was not bad, but if there was a better black steel treasure knife, he was naturally looking forward to it.

You may be able to get a blue quality knife.

It is worth mentioning that the quality of weapons is divided by color.

The worst is the white quality, then the black quality, then the green quality, the blue quality.

Previously, the proficiency panel was not clearly divided, and only later it was divided into green quality.

Huo Tianci wanted to start striking iron seriously.

To build a good sword, but also to cultivate internal strength, life is really tiring.

Fortunately, every night, Yingyi would accompany him and soothe his tired mind.


Huo Tianci used a large amount of materials and pounded for a long time, and finally had the prototype of an iron knife.

In order to be able to strengthen this iron knife, Huo Tianci found some rare metals from the carry-on space to add to it.

He wants to build a new Black Steel Saber.

A moment later, Huo Tianci grabbed the black steel treasure knife that had been formed, carved some patterns, and then put it in cold water.

After learning forging for so long, if there is a level of carving, it is estimated that his carving level can reach level 5.

Huo Tianci is also a good-looking creature, even if it is a black steel treasure knife, it needs to be good-looking.


The blazing black steel treasure knife entered the water, constantly making a snorting sound, and evaporated a large amount of water vapor.

After the Black Steel Treasure Knife cooled down, Huo Tianci pulled out the Treasure Knife and put it on his body.

The blade constantly exudes a cold air, giving people a biting coldness.

This is by no means an ordinary black steel treasure knife.

Huo Tianci quickly opened the proficiency panel, found the new Black Steel Treasure Knife, and probed its attributes.

Black steel knife

Quality: light blue (divided into light blue, blue, dark blue, similar to the lower middle and upper grade).

Attributes: +10 for armor breaking, +12 for solidity, +11 for sharpness

“Good sword.”

Huo Tianci shouted out happily.

Before it was a green quality sword, now you directly get a light blue quality sword, which is the lower grade blue sword.

The key is also three attributes, armor breaking, sturdy, sharp, and the three special attributes are good.

No wonder he could feel a cold aura on the blade, which was estimated to have a sharp attribute.

It’s a pity that this is just a light blue quality knife, he still learned today, the blue quality is also divided into light blue, it is estimated that there is also dark blue.

Huo Tianci picked up the blue quality black steel treasure knife, pointed at the iron next to him, and slashed it down hard.

The basin-sized piece of iron was directly split in two by the black steel treasure knife, and the blade of the black steel treasure knife was unscathed, still exuding cold air.

Sharp +11, terrifying.

Coupled with the armor-breaking attribute and sturdy attribute, this is definitely a good treasure knife.

However, he still has to continue to improve his proficiency in forging, but the blue quality is not worthy of his identity, at least the dark blue quality, or the next color.

Huo Tianci put the treasure knife away, fortunately there was a carry-on space that could be placed in the carry-on space.

It was not early, and there were still more than two hours left before going to bed, and he wanted to continue to cultivate his internal strength and improve the amount of his internal strength.

Only when the internal force reaches a certain realm can it be truly regarded as the realm of internal force.

In the room, Huo Tianci sat down cross-legged and continued to practice the Red Fire Gong.

When his Red Fire Gong’s internal strength reaches a certain realm, then he goes to practice the health preservation exercise, and the health preservation skill should be able to enhance his life.

He is different from immortal cultivators, who have spiritual energy and can greatly increase their lives and live for hundreds of years.

Huo Tianci had already figured it out a long time ago, first consider whether it was better to practice one internal martial arts alone, pile it up to the endless realm, and control the strong internal strength or multiple internal martial arts.

If it is good to practice only a few exercises, then add health preservation exercises to improve lifespan, and if more than one is good, practice a few more internal exercises.

These need to be experimented, but first all the characteristics of the physical realm must be emitted, and the second stage must be reached.

Just when Huo Tianci was cultivating, the white-haired old man took Dong Xiaoyu away, returned to his cave, and opened the altar.

Dong Xiaoyu was locked up in the wine altar and wanted to come out, but could not do anything.

“Dao Chief, please let me go, I have never done anything bad, and I have always been very honest.”

The white-haired old man didn’t say a word, silently opening the altar, but his eyes showed murderous aura from time to time.


The wine altar suddenly shattered, and Dong Xiaoyu floated out of the wine altar, but before he could leave, he was shrouded in a cloud of spells.


Dong Xiaoyu screamed, and a black aura emerged from his body, becoming even more gloomy.

The originally fearful eyes were full of murder and anger, and he looked like a powerful ghost.

“Go, avenge me, and give me all those people.”

The white-haired old man had a murderous aura in his eyes.

(50 months ticket plus change, flowers have 15,000, tonight plus change.) )

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