Renjia Town in the middle of the night, in the dead of night, there is no noise.

Unlike modern times, the lights are red and green, and neon lights illuminate the whole city.

Huo Tianci practiced the Red Fire Gong for two hours, and the internal power of the flame in the dantian increased by a wisp.

A wisp of internal force, not much, these days, there are only a few wisps of internal force, not enough for actual combat.

It is said that a hundred strands of internal force is equivalent to a wisp of internal force, and a hundred wisps of internal force can successfully break through to the realm of internal force.

Although his current progress is relatively slow, compared to ordinary immortal cultivators, his talent is very good, and his internal strength increases much faster than mana.

Key internal forces are even more difficult to cultivate than mana.

Huo Tianci took a deep breath, cultivating until midnight, mentally tired, and had time to cultivate the idea of barbaric view.

He had only recently discovered that cultivating the idea of the Barbarian View could improve his spiritual power.

Mental power can relieve tiredness, and even mental power may be enough, and there is no need to rest.

Just like those cultivators, a retreat is for months, or even years, and powerful cultivators may be in retreat for thousands of years.

Therefore, Huo Tianci quickly decided to reduce the time he slept at night in the future, and used it to cultivate the idea of barbarism and improve his spiritual power.

The role of spiritual power is very good, it can give birth to divine consciousness, divine consciousness is very important, and sponsorship helps a lot.

For example, if you want to sneak up on him, it is absolutely impossible.

Huo Tianci closed his eyes and quickly began to visualize the barbaric behemoth in his mind.

A phantom barbaric behemoth floated in his mind, constantly tempering Huo Tianci’s spiritual power.

I don’t know how long it took, Huo Tianci suddenly felt that his consciousness space seemed to explode, and his spiritual power continued to increase.

Originally, there was only more than one meter of divine consciousness, slowly began to increase, from the original radius of one meter, to the later radius of five meters, which could cover the entire room.

Huo Tianci opened his eyes, observed the surroundings, closed his eyes again, and carefully sensed the surroundings.

Sure enough, the divine consciousness increased again, and the idea of barbarism must have also transformed and reached another stage.

Wild view idea: 7% of the 2nd order

The level of the 2nd order barbaric view idea is not particularly high, so the range of divine consciousness is not high, and if it can continue to increase, it will be better.

“Continue next.”

Huo Tianci closed his eyes, after the Barbarian Concept thought broke through, his spiritual power increased significantly, and he could continue to cultivate.

If he is allowed to sleep now, he really can’t sleep, his spiritual power is too abundant, maybe in the future, Huo Tianci’s spiritual power will cover the entire earth, and he may not need to sleep for ten years.

Just as Huo Tianci was meditating, on the other side, Yizhuang, Qiusheng, and Wen Cai had already fallen asleep.

Qiu Sheng also slept in Yizhuang for some special reasons.

As for what the reason is, of course, he was entangled by a female ghost, and he was dashing for a few days, consuming a lot of yang qi.

At first, Ninth Uncle didn’t find out, but today he found out that Qiu Sheng consumed a lot of Yang Qi and looked very weak, so he left Qiu Sheng behind.

Ninth Uncle sat next to Qiu Sheng, looking at Qiu Sheng who was sleeping, and he didn’t know what to say.

He has to deal with ghosts here, and Qiu Sheng’s smelly boy is still sleeping, and the key is sleeping soundly and snoring.

Thinking that he had suffered such a sin, Qiu Sheng enjoyed it very much, and maybe even hooked up with a female ghost, and Ninth Uncle felt even less in his heart.

Be sure to teach Qiu Sheng a lesson.

Ninth Uncle scolded two words in his heart, picked up the heavy rattan, and thought about whether to smoke twice, and if he didn’t smoke twice, he was unhappy.

Forget it, don’t smoke, Ninth Uncle tangled for a long time and put the rattan down.

Tonight, I want to focus on solving that female ghost, tired of living, daring to hook up with his apprentice, and consuming so much Yang Qi.

Dong Xiaoyu flew over from outside, staring at Ninth Uncle’s room with a murderous look in his eyes.

Ninth Uncle was in the house, feeling the ghost aura outside, and quickly hid behind Qiu Sheng, ready to take advantage of the situation to sneak attack.

He is not stupid, rushing out and going head-to-head with the ghost, if the ghost is very strong, wouldn’t it be a waste of energy.

It’s better to secretly engage in sneak attacks.

Dong Xiaoyu rushed into the house, and when he saw Qiu Sheng first, his eyes flickered, and he struggled for a while.

She is purely coveting Qiusheng’s beauty, no, she should repay Qiusheng, by the way, relieve the loneliness in her heart, and she likes Qiusheng very much in her heart.

“I still want to resist.”

The white-haired old man could feel Dong Xiaoyu’s struggle, strengthen his mana, and soon control Dong Xiaoyu again.

Dong Xiaoyu was unable to get rid of control, and the murderous aura in his eyes spread, staring at Qiu Sheng, and hurt the killer.

After all, he is not the protagonist, and he cannot be the same as the protagonist, who breaks out of love at the critical moment and gets rid of the control of the white-haired old man.

“Not good.”

Ninth Uncle could feel Dong Xiaoyu’s murderous aura, although he didn’t understand why Dong Xiaoyu wanted to kill Qiu Sheng, he couldn’t care so much.

After all, Qiu Sheng was his apprentice, and he couldn’t watch his apprentice being killed.

He was still curious in his heart, didn’t Dong Xiaoyu come over to hook up with his apprentice? Why kill his apprentice.

Could it be that Qiu Sheng can’t satisfy Dong Xiaoyu, so Dong Xiaoyu wants to kill the killer, or Qiu Sheng becomes a scumbag.

Whatever the reason, save your apprentice first.

“Demon, stop for me.”

Ninth Uncle picked up the peach wood sword, with a charm tied to it, and slashed at Dong Xiaoyu.

He did not use the Black Steel Treasure Knife, after all, Dong Xiaoyu was just a ghost, without flesh, even if he used the Black Steel Treasure Knife, it was useless.

Dong Xiaoyu roared, raised the pitch-black ghost claw, and grabbed it hard at the ninth uncle, and the ghost claw flashed with a ghostly light.

The gloomy ghost qi kept coming out, surrounding Dong Xiaoyu.

Ninth Uncle’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t believe that there was such a powerful fierce ghost.

How did such a powerful ghost hook up with Qiu Sheng, or is it said that the ghost that Qiu Sheng hooked up with has another ghost.

No, it’s already troublesome enough to meet one ghost, and actually hook up with another ghost.


Ninth Uncle’s peach wood sword slashed head-on on Dong Xiaoyu’s ghost claw.

The spell on the peach wood sword burst out instantly, and the invisible force expelled Dong Xiaoyu’s ghost qi.

Part of the ghost qi was quickly expelled, as if it had been vaporized.


Dong Xiaoyu let out a harsh roar, the voice was very miserable, and Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai woke up at the same time.

“Xiaoyu, why are you here?”

Qiu Sheng woke up in a panic, and then found Dong Xiaoyu next to him, and was surprised why Dong Xiaoyu was here.

He also plans to go to Dong Xiaoyu tomorrow night, after all, Dong Xiaoyu is really run, he is already in love with Dong Xiaoyu, and he wants to go to Huangquan with Dong Xiaoyu.

No, it should be heaven together.

But why is Dong Xiaoyu here.

(50 monthly pass plus one change.) )

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