By now, he already knew.

This battle is inevitable!

"If that's the case, then Gai will have to offend him!"

Genie also slowly took out his saber.

Famous Jian Yuanhong!

in the moonlight.

Yuan Hong's sharp blade flashed an unusually dazzling cold light, and the temperature of the surrounding air seemed to plummet a little.

A terrifying and fierce aura spread out from Genie's body.


A sharp edge shot into the sky in an instant!

Stand out!

A monstrous edge was revealed, wrapping around Genie's body.


Fierce and unparalleled!

This edge is unmatched in the world!

Domineering makes people dare not look directly at its brilliance.

This is the vigor of the Juggernaut!

this moment.

Gai Nie, who radiated incomparably sharp edges all over his body, held Yuan Hong, like a sword immortal descending into the mortal world, and the aura emanating from his body was particularly terrifying.

So oppressive!

Even Zhang Han, whose cultivation base has reached the Innate Perfection Realm, could not help feeling the strong sense of oppression coming from Gai Nie's body.

"So strong!"

"Still as strong as before!"

"Juggernaut, as expected of a swordsman!"

"It can be called the number one in the world, and naturally it cannot be an ordinary person."

Zhang Han clenched his saber in his right hand, and his expression was very solemn and serious.

Gai Nie is undoubtedly the most famous top powerhouse in the world!

these years.

Zhang Han had never heard of Gai Niehe's defeat.

Juggernaut is undefeated!

Zhang Han knew this.

"The sense of oppression of a martial arts master is really terrifying!"


"Gei Nie in front of me is not just as simple as reaching the realm of a martial arts master. His swordsmanship has already reached its peak!"

"Facing such a powerful enemy is really stressful."

Zhang Han exhaled softly and eased his extremely stressful mood a little.

Dealing with Genie is naturally impossible!


Zhang Han only has the realm of congenital perfection, which is too far from the master of martial arts!


Zhang Han is impossible to retreat!

The emperor's life is in his body, how can he retreat?

Even if you are facing the number one juggernaut in the world, you must face it!

Today, isn't he here for this?

"Listen to my orders..."


A loud drink.

Swish swish!

Hundreds of shadow guard lurkers quickly emerged from the dimly lit corners around.

In the blink of an eye.

The surrounding streets were filled with a shadow guard member dressed in dark red, all wearing bronze helmets, obscuring their faces.

Every member of the shadow guard is in the realm of third-rate warriors!

There are hundreds of shadow guards!

All are composed of third-rate warriors!

Among them, there are very few second-rate warriors!

This is the foundation and strength of Shadow Secret Guard.

There are not many shadow guards, but everyone is the elite of the elite.

It is the formation formed by the elite of these elites that will endow the top powerhouses of the Innate Realm with a huge threat.

Then Zhang Han personally controls the operation of the formation.

With this, let's face the world's number one swordsman, Genie!

in all directions……

Hundreds of members of the shadow guard almost completely blocked the entire street.

"Is the shadow guard's formation?"

Gai Nie's eyebrows were slightly solemn.

He didn't dare to be slack and careless. Even if he was very strong, he would still pose a huge threat to him when faced with a formation formed by hundreds of elite shadow guards.

"General Zhang Han, really can't let Gai leave just like that?"

"Gai really doesn't want to kill someone."

"Come to Xianyang, just to find someone!"

"Why do you have to work hard?"

Genie persuaded again.

"No need to say more."

"Today, I will let you stay in Xianyang City forever!"

Zhang Han snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand, all the members of the Shadow Guard responded accordingly.

The chains were held tightly in the hands of the members of the Shadow Guard, and they quickly formed a formation that surrounded Gai Nie in the center of the street.

This is the exclusive formation of Shadow Guard!

The members of the shadow guards who want to look at it join forces!

Even the top powerhouses of the Innate Realm...

Hundreds of them have been killed!


With the formation of a group of third-rate warriors and second-rate warriors, he has killed the top powerhouses in the innate realm countless times.


With the central axis of Zhang Han's main control formation, the overall power of the formation will naturally be brought into full play.

In Zhang Han's view.

If you want to use this to grind to death the world's number one swordsman, Genie, there is a great possibility!


Zhang Han stood in front of Gai Nie, holding a sharp sword, exuding a surging innate energy from his body, wrapped around his body.


The terrifying innate qi burst out rapidly, making Zhang Han's figure even more shocking at this moment.

A wisp of innate ingenuity finally lingered around the saber held by Zhang Han's right hand.

The sharp edges emanating from his body were like waves from a storm, surging and rushing towards all directions, covering the audience.

Although this edge is not comparable to Genie, it is definitely not to be underestimated.


Zhang Han took the lead.


He bent his knees slightly, kicked his feet, and suddenly burst forward with a terrifying force.


The air seemed to be torn apart.

He was holding a sharp saber in his right hand, with strands of red sword energy wrapped around the blade, which contained extremely terrifying lethal power, and slashed it down at Gai Nie.

at the same time.

Hundreds of shadow guards all around were dispatched one after another, throwing chains at the place where Genie was, as if to trap Genie's body in the central area.

Facing the collective attack of shadow guards.

Gai Nie didn't change his expression much, as always, he was calm and composed, and he was not shocked.

He stepped lightly and jumped up.

First, he avoided the shadow guard's iron chain, and then grabbed the famous sword Yuanhong with his right hand, blocking the sword that hit Zhang Han in front of him.


Zhang Han slashed down with a sword and was blocked by Yuan Hong of Gai Nie.

The collision of the two famous swords erupted into an extremely surging and terrifying air wave.

The two terrifying internal forces collided with each other, showing the collision of internal forces of different colors, as if two aura fields were formed where the two were.



The bursting terrifying air wave turned into a shock wave, crushing the soil floor tiles in this area in all directions.

A burst of crisp and melodious cracking sounds spread further afield.

A surging air wave swept the distance, and the dust that rolled on the ground flew into the air wantonly, and the dust danced gracefully, as if to cover the environment here.


Many objects scattered all over the four directions seemed to be affected by the air waves that erupted from the collision between the two people, so they continued to tremble violently, and bursts of messy sounds came out.

The war is over!

Hundreds of shadow guards headed by Zhang Han joined forces to attack Gai Nie!

On the other hand, Gai Nie was alone, relying on one person and one sword to forcibly fight the entire shadow guard group!

"Juggernaut, it's really strong!"

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