Zhang Han felt the pressure.

Even if hundreds of shadow guards attacked and killed together, it was still difficult to take down Genie.

This discovery made Zhang Han feel heavy.

As expected of the number one swordsman in the world!

too strong!

If it wasn't for the thought that there was still a hidden seventh young master who was able to kill the innate perfection in seconds, I'm afraid Zhang Han couldn't help but retire in his heart.

Maybe Ying Changge didn't even think of it.

Inexplicably, he actually became Zhang Han's biggest trump card against Sword Saint Genie!

"General Zhang Han, Gai does not want to start a massacre."

While coping with the joint attack of the shadow guards, Genie was still calmly persuading him.

He didn't want to go to war.


Now Zhang Han's situation will be even more severe!

The difference in strength between the two sides is so obvious!


Zhang Han didn't say much.

He led the shadow guards to launch a combined formation.

With himself as the core, hundreds of elite shadow guards are supplemented!

at the same time.

Not far from the street corner.

Ying Changge and Meng Ying stood outside the battlefield and watched the movement and development of the battle.

"This, is this the number one Sword Saint in the world?"

Meng Ying was shocked.

With his own strength, he forcibly blocked the attack of hundreds of shadow guards? !

Plus a general Zhang Han who has reached the innate perfection realm!

The World's No. 1 Juggernaut 4.9, is it really so terrifying?

"Gai Nie, it's really strong!"

Meng Ying could not perceive the specific trend of the war situation, but she could not escape Ying Changge's perfect-level insightful and domineering insight.


Ying Changge can clearly understand.

Even though Gai Nie faced the besieging and killing of hundreds of shadow guards led by Zhang Han, he still seemed calm and unhurried, as if he was completely indifferent and acted with ease.

"Really looking forward to..."

"The moment you fight with Sword Saint Gai Nie!"

Ying Changge is looking forward to it.

do not know…

With his own perfection-level armament, can he destroy the famous sword Yuanhong in the hands of Gai Nie?

Think carefully.

Ying Changge thinks.

It must be beyond doubt!

Any magic weapon can't escape the domineering destruction of his perfect weapon!

Ying Changge has always believed in this point.

after all.

The domineering armament of the perfect grade is really too terrifying!

The so-called magic weapon, in front of the armed arrogance, will instantly become a fragile piece of scrap metal.


The water-breaking sword, one of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue, is the same!

in the battlefield.

Guy Nie is putting on a solo show!

He is so strong!

As a Juggernaut, Genie was invincible after his strength exploded.

Relying on his own strength, he was able to forcefully defeat Zhang Han and the elite oppression of hundreds of shadow guards!

This is the Juggernaut!

The number one swordsman in the world!

The might of the Sword Saint is extremely terrifying!

Genie really did it.

for what…

Overwhelm the audience with one's own power!

One person and one sword, hundreds of shadow guards plus one Zhang Han, were unilaterally suppressed by Gai Nie!

What an astonishing battle situation is this?

Because the strength of the Sword Saint Gai Nie was too terrifying, the formation formed by hundreds of shadow guards headed by Zhang Han briefly fell into a chaotic situation.

Zhang Han held the sharp saber in his hand and forcibly started a head-to-head confrontation with Genie.



The collision of the blade and the blade continued to burst into a dazzling fire that flickered wildly.

The confrontation of two terrifying internal forces exploded and swept through waves of surging air waves.

The battle broke out extremely fiercely!

On the other hand, Gai Nie has maintained an unbeatable position from beginning to end!

Even in the face of being surrounded by hundreds of elite shadow guards, Genie still did not fall into a disadvantage or disadvantage.

Chapter 68: Han's Defeat! Juggernaut wants to go? Did you ask me? 【1/8 ask for custom】

"Sir, Genie is so strong!"

"General Zhang Han, they are not good!"

Meng Ying witnessed the changes in the battle situation and couldn't help whispering to Ying Changge beside her.

"felt it."

Ying Changge nodded.

Under the coverage of his perfection-level arrogance and domineering, he can clearly see how much power Genie has exerted at this moment.

Zhang Han, who was opposite Gai Nie, and the hundreds of shadow guards led by Zhang Han were obviously already in full swing.


Gai Nie is indeed not going all out!


If Zhang Han learned about this discovery, he would be deeply disappointed.

after all.

Gai Nie has not gone all out, it is enough to suppress the combined formation of hundreds of their shadow guards.

"The disparity in strength is huge."

"Even under the siege of hundreds of members of the Shadow Guard, Gai Nie is still calm, and his swordsmanship is smooth and smooth throughout the whole process, without any pressure."

"On the other hand, General Zhang Han on the opposite side, and the members of the shadow guards he led, have already fallen nearly dozens of people."

"General Zhang Han's formation was almost completely defeated by Gai Nie!"

"Juggernaut is worthy of being a swordsman!"

"Strong enough to be outrageous!"

Ying Changge's tone was filled with emotion.

If it weren't for his terrifying arrogance, he wouldn't be able to see the astonishing fact that Ge Nie didn't go all out.

At this moment, Zhang Han and the others obviously thought that they were already on an equal footing with Genie.

But in fact, they don't know.

Genie was just playing with them.

The current Genie, at best, can only be regarded as a warm-up state.

As for Zhang Han and the others, they had already gone all out to show their full strength.

In this case.

Gai Nie can still easily suppress Zhang Han and his hundreds of shadow guards.

As you can imagine.

The battle situation was very unfavorable for Zhang Han and others.

simply put.

Once Gai Nie broke out with all his strength, Zhang Han and the others would definitely be defeated like a mountain!

"The defeat is set."

The corners of Ying Changge's mouth moved slightly, and she whispered to herself.

"Juggernaut is too strong!"

"Young master, don't act rashly."

"Gai Nie's strength is beyond imagination. Even if you kill the Six Swordsmen in seconds, facing a strong man like Gai Nie will still be in great danger."

Meng Ying was worried that Ying Changge was impulsive, and could not help but hurriedly persuade him to stop it.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Should you start by yourself?

Genie is really strong!

However, he is not weak!

At least.

With his current strength, he must be above Zhang Han!

It shouldn't be a problem to play against Gai Nie, right?

Even if he can't defeat Gai Nie, he can still figure out what Gai Nie is.


Lay a certain foundation for the future duel against Gai Nie.

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