Seventh son, he is a monster!


Seventh Young Master, who has done so many amazing feats, is still dissatisfied with his own strength?


I beg you, Seventh Young Master, to accept your supernatural powers!

How can you let us people live?

"General Zhang Han, clean up the scene first."

"After a while, we will send people around this environmental area to search every place within a radius of hundreds of miles, in order to search for the whereabouts and whereabouts of Sword Saint Genie."

"With his serious injuries, there is absolutely no way to escape."

"He can't escape Xianyang City!"

"While he is now seriously injured, it is the best time to send more people to chase him!"

Ying Changge's knowledge was domineering, and he casually swept the many shadow guard members around him.

A large number of Shadow Guard members were still lying on the edge of the corner of the dark street due to the injuries caused by Genie, one by one suffering from the pain of their injuries.

"Yes, Seventh Young Master."

After receiving Ying Changge's order, Zhang Han immediately gave orders to the twenty or so shadow guards' subordinates around him.


More than 20 members of the Shadow Guard quickly began to clean up the scene and transported all the seriously injured Shadow Guard members to the exclusive treatment area of ​​the Shadow Guard.

Ying Changge, Zhang Han and Meng Ying went all the way to the edge of the ruins formed by the final accumulation of broken walls.

Zhang Han looked through the ruins, and as expected, he found that the figure of Gai Nie had disappeared without a trace.

Everything is exactly as Ying Changge said!

Under the ruins in situ, only a bloodstain was left.

It was revealed that Genie, who had just stayed here, was seriously injured.

"It's exactly as you said, sir, Gai Nie did escape."

"Let him get away with a life."

After searching all the traces at the scene very quickly, Zhang Han returned to Ying Changge's side and told the truth with a look of admiration.

Seven sons...

As expected!

Next, Ying Changge, Zhang Han and others continued to stay here for a while.

Less than half an hour before and after.

An elite group of shadow guards came to the scene, the number of which was about a hundred people.

All of them followed Zhang Han's instructions, and immediately carried out a rigorous and carpet-like search operation around the area with a radius of hundreds of miles in this area.

"With Gai Nie's injury, he must not be able to escape too far."

"He, after all, suffered such a terrible blow from you, Seventh Young Master!"

"As long as the area is strictly surrounded and searched within a radius of 20 miles in this area, you will surely be able to find the whereabouts and whereabouts of Gai Nie."

Zhang Han said with confidence.

"hope so."

Ying Changge was thoughtful.

Is it really that simple?

I'm afraid...

This search operation will never be too smooth.

as predicted!

Just as Ying Changge predicted.

After half an hour.

The shadow guard's team returned the same way, returned to Zhang Han, and reported respectfully and truthfully: "General Qi, we haven't found any whereabouts or whereabouts of Sword Saint Gai Nie."

Hearing this, Zhang Han raised his brows and said in a bad tone: "Are you sure, you have searched carefully around a radius of dozens of miles?"

He always thought.

Genie, who was seriously injured, couldn't escape too far.

But never thought.

Shadow Secret Guard, even failed to find the whereabouts of Genie!

This was beyond Zhang Han's original expectations.

"The general, the subordinates and the others did a carpet search according to your intention. But apart from a few bloodstains on some streets, no trace of Genie was found at all."

"His whole person seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

The captain of the shadow guard lowered his head and told the truth with a nervous expression.


"Keep looking!"

"If you can't find it, don't come back and report to me!"

Zhang Han angrily continued to order.

"Yes, General."

Hundreds of shadow guards quickly left, spread the members again, and repeated a meticulous search of this area.

"Sir, I made you laugh."

Zhang Han looked ashamed.

"It's okay, it's forgivable if you can't find it."

"After all, how could the dignified swordsman Genie have no means and cards?"

"Don't be too angry with these subordinates."

Ying Changge waved his hand.

For all this, he had expected it.

"Young master, don't worry, if you can't find Ga Nie's whereabouts and whereabouts tonight. Then tomorrow, I will immediately inform His Majesty the First Emperor."

"Let Your Majesty personally order that a large-scale carpet search operation will be launched against the entire Xianyang City."

"Furthermore, it is also possible to issue a wanted order about the Sword Saint Gai Nie, and announce it to the world, so that all the people of Dawn in the entire Xianyang City will all be involved in the search operation."


"Gai Nie can't fly even with wings!"

"No matter how deep he hides, as long as he is in Xianyang City for one day, he will definitely reveal his whereabouts!"

Genie said with a serious face.

In this regard, he has full confidence!

As long as Gai Nie still dares to stay in Xianyang City, he will definitely be caught by him!

"You can make up your own mind about these matters, General Zhang Han, and it is inconvenient for me to participate too much."

"It's getting late now."

"General Zhang Han, it is inconvenient for me to accompany you to continue to search for the whereabouts of Ga Nie here."

"If you find any information about Gai Nie's whereabouts and clues, please also ask General Zhang Han to send someone to inform me as soon as possible."

Ying Changge prepares to leave.

The matter of dealing with Genie this time has come to an end.

The swordsman Genie was seriously injured and finally tried everything to escape the scene.


If the next step is to carry out a city-wide search operation against Gai Nie as Zhang Han said, then sooner or later, Gai Nie's whereabouts and whereabouts will be found out.

"Seventh Young Master, please rest assured. In dealing with the matter of Gai Nie today, the humble post will definitely remain intact and pass it on to His Majesty the First Emperor."

"In this case against Gai Nie, the Seventh Young Master has done a lot of credit, and he dares not be greedy in his humble position."

Zhang Han lowered his head and told the truth in his heart.


After thinking for a while, Ying Changge nodded.

With its current strength, it is indeed difficult to hide it any longer.

No need to hide anymore!

When it's time to be loud, be loud!

Chat with Zhang Han for a moment.

Ying Changge announced his departure.

With Meng Ying, the two walked farther and farther, and gradually left this spacious street.

And just when Ying Changge left the street and was preparing to return to the Qing Summer Palace on the same road.

in vain!

The system's beep sounded out of his head without warning.

【Ding! 】

[Detected that the host changed the original world trajectory by 3%...]

[Template fusion degree +3%]

[Current template fusion rate: 16%]

"Template fusion has improved again!"

Ying Changge's footsteps paused for a moment.

He was surprised!

It looks like...

This time, Gai Nie has been hit hard, and he can indeed get a lot of template fusion!

"The degree of integration that has been improved this time is not too small."

"The target is still the last 4%!"

"I can get my wish, let me unlock the next new ability again!"

"This day will not be too far away."

Ying Changge was deeply looking forward to it.

Will it be Gravity Fruit?

Or the powerful swordsmanship of the blind swordsman?

Or a hidden overlord color?

In this regard, Ying Changge expressed great curiosity.

Depressing many thoughts and thoughts in my head.

Taking Meng Ying and Ying Changge back home.

Today, I came here specially to deal with Sword Saint Genie, and I didn't get anything for nothing!

At least.

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