Got a lot of integration improvements!

For Ying Changge, this has already satisfied him.

As long as the fusion degree can be improved, he will not return empty-handed.

For the current results, it is still within the acceptable range.

in situ.

All the way, I watched Ying Changge and Meng Ying leave.

Zhang Han's eyes were full of amazement, admiration and admiration.

He couldn't take his eyes back for a long time.

And standing beside him, there are several elite shadow guards.

These shadow guards are naturally all witnesses who witnessed this battle from beginning to end just now.

"General, Seventh Young Master is truly a world-shattering evildoer!"

"The sword sage Genie, who has made countless martial arts practitioners in Jianghu all hear the fear. But in the hands of Seventh Young Master, he was tragically wounded by a single blow."

"Too miserable! This is most likely the Sword Saint Genie, who has suffered the most tragic defeat in his life!"

"I was severely injured by the seventh son, who has crossed a full four or five realms with a powerful spike!"

"Among them, the most terrifying thing is..."

"The sword sage Gai Nie holds is derived from the ultimate high-voltage box-bottom of the Guigu lineage of vertical swordsmanship. According to rumors, the hundred-step flying sword that can kill with one sword was unexpectedly blocked by Seventh Young Master's bare fists. It's gone!"

"This is a flying sword with bare hands!"

"If I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes, my subordinates would never have believed such a shocking move."


Several shadow guards still had lingering fears, and the shock in their hearts could not dissipate for a long time.

Hearing this, Zhang Han deeply recognized: "Seven young masters, as a once-in-a-millennium evildoer, are naturally not something that ordinary people can compare with!"

The seventh son is not only a monster!

Still a complete and unparalleled monster!




Genie constantly adjusted his breathing.

Feeling the stinging pain from his body all the time, the cold sweat on his forehead was hurricane again and again, slowly flowing down from both sides of his cheeks.

Under the soft white moonlight.

Gai Nie's pale, bloodless face was revealed.

His injury is too serious!

The astonishing speed of the short burst just now allowed him to escape the battlefield.

But when the time for the secret technique to be performed has passed, he will suffer a more serious backlash, which will cause his already heavy injuries to become more serious.

Look back.

Gai Nie looked at the rear with lingering fears, watching the battlefield dozens of miles away.

up until now.

The sense of fear in Genie's heart still hasn't completely dissipated.


"A terrifying monster was born!"

"Seventh son, he is undoubtedly a peerless evildoer!"

"Just relying on the cultivation base and realm in the middle of the congenital stage, Gai felt a strong threat to his life. Given time, how powerful will the seventh son be?"

"It's unimaginable!"

Thinking of this, Gai Nie only felt his heart skip a beat.

The most incredible thing for him is that...

He was most proud of his unique skill, the Hundred-Step Flying Sword, which was the supreme swordsmanship of the Guigu lineage of vertical swordsmanship.

This was the main reason why Genie couldn't help but doubt his life.

Whenever he recalled that scene, he shuddered from the bottom of his heart.

"It's really scary!"

"The Seventh Young Master is unfathomable!"

Holding many heavy thoughts in his heart, Gai Nie turned his head, endured the tingling sensation in his body and endured the heavy injury of his body, and once again stepped lightly and quickly escaped from here.

But in the process of escaping.

Genie, who was seriously injured, met an unexpected guest very unexpectedly!

The night in Xianyang City is very quiet.



The icy breeze blew gently from afar, filling the air with piercing coldness.

The curved crescent moon hangs on the edge of the sky.

A soft white halo slowly sprinkled down from the horizon.

I see.

It was a tall and slender woman wearing a gorgeous sky-blue dress with a moon-shaped decoration behind her.

Take a closer look.

She has smooth purple hair, long purple silky hair that falls straight down to her shawl.

She is graceful and wears a translucent eye veil that half-obscures a pair of beautiful eyes.

Even though the veil covers her beautiful eyes, her delicate face cannot be concealed at all, and it is full of mysterious charm.




The scent is also very unique!

The breath emanating from her body is particularly terrifying and deep, like a pool of turbid lake water, giving people a sense of unfathomable vastness.

no doubt!

This is a top powerhouse with extremely terrifying strength!

And her identity is...

One of the two guardians of the Yin-Yang family, the right guardian Moon God!


"he is……"

"Imperial fugitive swordsman Genie?"

Luna, who happened to pass by this place, noticed Genie who was seriously injured.

Her beautiful pupils, which were hidden under the veil, shrank slightly, and she was shocked: "Injured? Very serious injury! The dignified number one Sword Saint Genie in the world!"

"An extremely powerful martial arts master could be so seriously injured?"

"how can that be?!"

"Who is the holy man who severely injured the Sword Saint?!".

Chapter 76 An extremely terrifying existence! Shocking law enforcement! 【1/7 ask for custom】

Moon God was stunned.

Her pair of beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent veil, with a strong sense of shock, stared at the embarrassed figure thousands of meters away.

The world's No. 1 Sword Saint Genie?

real or fake?

To be so seriously injured!

This is a true martial arts master!

A famous and famous top powerhouse!

It is recognized as the most powerful swordsman by countless martial arts practitioners!


Will the other party be seriously injured?

What exactly happened?

Who can hurt the swordsman Genie?

He even seriously injured the Sword Saint Genie~!

this moment.

Luna's subconscious choice ignored why, as a fugitive from the empire, Gai Nie dared to blatantly appear in Xianyang City.

She just knows.

Juggernaut is now seriously injured, in imminent danger, and on the verge of death!

All this made Luna express disbelief.

Such a powerful world's No. 1 Sword Saint, who can hurt him? Or hit him again!

"The swordsman Genie's..."

"Where is the holy place?!"

Luna's beautiful eyes were a bit shocked and solemn.

She didn't expect it either.

Passing by this place by chance, I happened to meet the seriously injured Sword Saint Genie.

I have to say, this is indeed a great coincidence!

It's late at night now.

On the other hand, she had just left the Xianyang Palace and was on her way back to the Yinyang family's residence in Xianyang City.

As for why she just left Xianyang Palace?

Of course, she would personally enter the palace to perform astrology for His Majesty the First Emperor Ying Zheng!

As the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, and as the national teacher of the Daqin Empire, the Moon God was highly valued by the First Emperor.

Therefore, the weight of Luna in the empire is also very light.

Compared with the left guardian Xinghun, who is also the guardian of the Yin and Yang family, Luna obviously has to suppress the Xinghun strongly in every aspect.

In many cases, the first emperor Ying Zheng would have ordered the moon **** to carry out astrological predictions about the future of the empire.

It is for this reason.

Tonight, the Moon God carried the emperor's life in his body. After entering the palace, he performed astrology in front of the first emperor, Ying Zheng. The astrology was as usual and there was no confusion.

After performing astrology, Luna left Xianyang Palace.

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