
Just when she left Xianyang Palace and returned to the Yinyang family's residence, she happened to meet Gai Nie, who was seriously injured.


The Moon God and Genie were far apart, but she could still clearly see the blood stains on Genie's body, revealing the serious injury.

"Very serious…"

"Already on the brink of death."

"Genie, the dignified generation of swordsman, actually had such an embarrassing moment."

"It's really unimaginable."

Luna's beautiful eyes were dignified, and she took a deep breath under the shock in her heart.

Even she can't guarantee that she will be able to deal with the sword sage Genie in his heyday!

She is equally strong.

Otherwise, you will not be able to serve as the right protector of the Yin-Yang family!

However, Genie's strength is stronger!

The name of the No. 1 Sword Saint in the world is by no means a false name.

But it is such a powerful swordsman, Genie, that the Moon God can't imagine, how could the other party suffer such a heavy injury? How about dying?

"Are you going to take him down?"

Luna fell into contemplation.


Now is definitely the best time to take action against Genie!

A generation of Juggernaut has fallen into a weak stage of serious injury and dying, and his strength is absolutely inexhaustible.

If you make a move at this moment, you can basically be sure that you are stable!

"I'm more curious about..."

"Who is the one who severely injured Sword Saint Genie?"

"Who can have such terrifying strength?"

"From the injury on Genie's body, it can be seen that he was not surrounded and killed by the army of the empire. Therefore, the person who caused Genie's serious injury must be a strong man!"

"An extremely terrifying existence! Relying on his own strength, he has severely damaged the contemporary swordsman Genie!"

Thinking of this, Luna's pretty face was full of heart palpitations and heaviness.

Can he relied on his own strength to inflict heavy damage on Sword Saint Genie?

Who is this person?

Too scary!

Although it's just a guess, it's enough to make the Moon God stand guard.

at the same time.

When the Moon God noticed Genie, the latter naturally also inevitably noticed the Moon God.

"The right protector of the Yin-Yang family, the Moon God?"

"A strange woman who is extremely proficient in onmyoji!"

"One of the most powerful guardians of the Yin-Yang family!"

"It's the imperial national teacher trusted by the first emperor!"

Genie's heart sank.

Of course, he would not be unfamiliar with the Moon God, the right protector of the Yin and Yang family.

He had been with the first emperor Ying Zheng for many years. As the first assassin of the Qin Empire, he had also had a lot of dealings with Luna, who was the national teacher of the empire.

His understanding of the Moon God is limited to...

This is a mysterious woman who is extremely proficient in astrology, and her strength is quite terrifying.

The realm of the Moon God is also a martial arts master!

Above innate perfection!

If it was at his peak, Genie would naturally not be afraid of the Moon God.

But now it's different.

He is at the weakest stage, and the severe injuries to his body have not yet healed. Instead, he continues to aggravate the injuries of his body, and his condition is getting worse and worse.

In this case, let alone a master of martial arts in his heyday, it would be as difficult to deal with a congenital consummation or an ordinary congenital realm.

"Do you really want to stay in Xianyang City forever today, Gai?"

With a heavy heart, Gai Nie stepped up, trying to escape from Luna's field of vision.

The two were separated by thousands of meters, and their eyes looked at each other!

Genie's eyes were heavy.

And Luna, those beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent veil, showed a bit of curiosity, a bit of surprise, and a bit of caution.

As the distance got farther and farther, when he noticed that the Moon God was not chasing after him, Genie raised his brows, and he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

"what happened?"

"Didn't catch up?"

"It's impossible for her not to notice that I am now seriously injured."


"She's still indifferent."

"Why is this?"

"What is her plan?"

As for the Moon God's understanding, Genie's understanding is not too deep.

After dealing with it several times, he could only understand.

Mystery of the Moon God!

A very mysterious woman!

Even in the Yin-Yang family, he is a Dharma protector with countless secrets.

Compared with the star soul, who is also the protector, Genie felt that the Moon God was obviously more mysterious and unfathomable.

Holding the countless incomprehensible thoughts in his head, Gai Nie didn't stay too long, and quickly walked away from the scene with light effort, further and further away from Luna.

Although he didn't know the other party's purpose, Genie only knew a little.

His current goal...

It is to try to escape from this dangerous area and avoid subsequent searches by members of the shadow guards.

This is the most important thing.

As for Luna's plans and plans?

This has nothing to do with Genie.

Now that he is already incapable of protecting himself, why does he need to think about so many things?

In the blink of an eye.

Genie left.

The Moon God, who watched Gai Nie leave, stayed where he was, as always, without any movement from beginning to end, and did not choose to take down the seriously injured Gai Nie.


The Moon God slowly retracted his gaze, and his pretty face had a sense of mystery.

It was obviously the best time to take down Genie, and it was almost certain.

However, she voluntarily gave up this opportunity.

As for what reason?

That's just because...

If you take down Genie, it will do more harm than good to her.

And for her, it doesn't help the entire Yin-Yang family!

It is true that Gai Nie is a fugitive of the empire, but he is not the enemy of their Yin and Yang family!

Although he is the national teacher of the empire, it does not mean that Luna is concerned about the development of the empire and is loyal to the empire.

In fact.

The Moon God is loyal to the Yin Yang family!

As for the empire?

It is purely a channel used by Luna to develop the Yin-Yang family.

Want to make the Yin Yang family loyal to the empire?

When you think about it, it's impossible.

Whether it was the Moon God or the Yunzhong Jun Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, although they helped the First Emperor Ying Zheng, they were actually just taking what they needed.

only because…

It is easy to enjoy the shade against the big tree of the empire, which is the main reason why the Yin Yang family is currently cooperating with the empire.

"You can go check it out."

"Dangtang's contemporary swordsman Genie, why is he so embarrassed and seriously injured?"

"Who is the one who severely injured Genie?"

"Xianyang City, when did such a terrifying powerhouse emerge?"

Luna felt a little uneasy in his heart.

She has always liked to keep everything firmly in the palm of her hand.

And now.

The fact that such a powerful being appeared in Xianyang City naturally made her a little uneasy.

The main thing is…

She didn't even know who this person was.

With such thoughts in mind, Moon God Lotus moved slightly, taking light steps towards the direction where Genie escaped, approaching step by step.

Her graceful and tall figure is like a ghost.

It seems to be changing positions all the time...

Step out.

Suddenly appeared ten feet away.

Her figure was floating, and her figure in a long sky blue dress was also looming like a ghost, as if she had escaped into the dark night.

Under the soft white moonlight, the figure of the Moon God looked even more eerie.

"If it was the dignified swordsman Genie, he would have been severely injured by one person..."

"Then this person is too scary!"

"The true identity of this person must be found out!"

"The strength of a strong person who can seriously injure Sword Saint Genie is too terrifying. If such a person stays in Xianyang City, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of waves and disturbances."

"You must prepare early!"

The Moon God's pretty face was solemn, and he walked all the way to the opposite direction of Genie's escape.

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